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-   -   Advance Image Verification Hack - Prevent Automated Registrations (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=48709)

Slynderdale 02-07-2003 10:00 PM

Advance Image Verification Hack - Prevent Automated Registrations
Its finally complete, the Advance Image Verification hack, I know some one released it already here:

But it doesn't work at all, this will stop automated registrations as much as not having it installed.

In that hack, it had the value of the image in the public HTML that can easily be leeched and the non-gd support of that hack is just plain text.

With this hack, all the data is stored in sessions on the mysql server.

This hack supports both GD and Non-GD for those who don't want to use GDP or don't have it. Both are real secure and leechers and bots cant tell the actual value of the image.

-Support for GDP 2.0 and greater versions.
(Image True Color)
-Support for True Type
(For using type type fonts and print text on the image)
-You can give the size of the font for True Type font.
-You can enable and disable Image Verification
-You can give the process in which it generates the text values
(There are two: Random Characters or randomly select a word from the Word List you can create)
-You can set he max digits used to create the random characters
-You can allow caching of GD images to cut down on the server load
-You can set the session time in seconds, if the user idles past that, the old session gets removed and a new one added
-You can specify the main image extension for the images, so if you use peg images it would be jog
-You can give the output type for the final GD image , it can be peg, ping and gift (if you have it supported)
-You can give the quality of peg images that GD outputs
-You can select the output type for the final image.
(There are three, two are for GD and one is non-gd, the non gd one uses multiple images and then output multiple images for each char, the other two uses multiple images and combine them as one image and the other uses one main background image and writes the text in the center)
-You can specify the color of the text for GD images
-You have an option to distort the final GD image
-You can control what characters are displayed in the random character images.

Screen Shots:
Heres a screen shot of the current admin settings.

Heres a screen shot of when you register this is using the background image with text in center option and the distort image option.

Heres a screen shot of the Non-GD support output, it uses multiple images, but it still uses session hashes so the user or bots cant tell what the value of the image is.

If you like this hack and use it on your forum, all I ask in return is for you to click Install, That's all, thank you.

Slynderdale 02-08-2003 09:05 PM

Heres a screen shot of the current admin options.

Slynderdale 02-08-2003 09:06 PM

Heres a screenshot of when you register this is using the background image with text in center option and the distort image option.

Velocd 02-08-2003 09:17 PM

Great job, when I have the time I'll defiantly consider using this on my forum.

[high]* Velocd clicks install ;)[/high]

Slynderdale 02-08-2003 09:27 PM

Heres a screenshot of the Non-GD support, this is using multiple images.

Note: The images in the zip are default ones, feel free to change them as you wish, also if some one is kind enough, make a image pack and post it as an attachment for others to use, thanks.

You can barly tell that this is using multiple images, also how I have the html, if you go to highlight the images, it hightlights them all at once like its just one image, instead of each seperatly.

I hope you like it.

ULTIMATESSJ 02-08-2003 09:31 PM

heh great, i'll probibly install this soon

/me clicks submit reply.....then once the page is back clicks install

Slynderdale 02-08-2003 09:34 PM

Also tell me what you think of the installer, I made it from scratch.

squawell 02-08-2003 11:59 PM

i have a setup problem...

when i use the install file it only show file and template which i

should edit .....not run the query.......so can u made the txt file

i can run it myself......thankz....

u can see the pic..

Ferny72 02-09-2003 02:14 AM

Also for some reason when i press agree and try to register it says invalid image code and what not yet it doesn't even go to the register page. Also there is no cache folder...

Yo. 02-09-2003 03:36 AM

I'm having the same problem as Ferny72, except I created the cache folder in the right place manually and CHMODed it. It still displays the invalid image code message after clicking Agree.

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 04:24 AM


Originally posted by Yo.
I'm having the same problem as Ferny72, except I created the cache folder in the right place manually and CHMODed it. It still displays the invalid image code message after clicking Agree.
Hmm, does the image get an error and not get displayed ot when you click register you get the error?

If its a error with register it could be that you entered the wrong vakue, the code is cap sensitive so Test isnt the same as test, if you have php try going to the verify table in the database and find your hash and copy and paste the value from it and see if that works, If not, ill see whats wrong.

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 04:26 AM


Originally posted by squawell
i have a setup problem...

when i use the install file it only show file and template which i

should edit .....not run the query.......so can u made the txt file

i can run it myself......thankz....

u can see the pic..

Hmm, ill make a install.txt later but for now, try changeing the url to nstall)verifyimage.php?action=install

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 05:04 AM

Ok, if your getting errors with this try downloading the zip again and follow the instructions in the Image verification.txt file, youll also will need to redo your settings afterwards though.

If you still get problems, post.

This works good on my board offline, the porblem here, is that I might of not made the installer clear enough to where to add the code.

Also remember that the image code text is case sensitive so Test isnt the same as test, to find out if its a case problem, if you have php my admin, go to the database where your forum is on and then fo to the table verifyregister and find your hash and then copy and paste the value into the register input box and see if that works.

Yo. 02-09-2003 05:23 AM

Slynderdale, when I installed it the first time the text to replace in register.php was present three times, and as I suspected this is where I messed up. I downloaded the updated text file, did the edits for register.php again and now it works flawlessly. Thanks!

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 05:30 AM


Originally posted by Yo.
Slynderdale, when I installed it the first time the text to replace in register.php was present three times, and as I suspected this is where I messed up. I downloaded the updated text file, did the edits for register.php again and now it works flawlessly. Thanks!
Alright, great to hear, thats what i thought was wrong with it.

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 05:31 AM

Hmm, oh yea, if any one installs this hack and is willing to post a link to there forum for a demo, ill be most grateful.

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 10:54 AM

I updated the zip file, i fixed the install_verifyimage.php and now it has more detailed install instructions like in the install.txt file so you wont place the code in the wrong place, also i fixed a slight bug in the text, the creator and the version was blank if you installed using the text.

Velocd 02-09-2003 06:35 PM

I've installed this, and you can see a working demo of the non-GD verification here.

The only problem I found is if you fill the GD-verification out correctly, but have forgot to fill in one of the other required fields (such as password), then when you refresh and go back, the image-verification is sorta screwed up (as in the images wont show). This may only be for the non-GD version though, since I don't have GD installed, but am planning to.

Good job once again Slynderdale ;)

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 06:59 PM


Originally posted by Velocd
I've installed this, and you can see a working demo of the non-GD verification here.

The only problem I found is if you fill the GD-verification out correctly, but have forgot to fill in one of the other required fields (such as password), then when you refresh and go back, the image-verification is sorta screwed up (as in the images wont show). This may only be for the non-GD version though, since I don't have GD installed, but am planning to.

Good job once again Slynderdale ;)

If the images dont appear the the session time limit expired most likly, you can add a small note in the template telling the user if the images dont appear, try refreshing.

And thanks.

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 07:06 PM

Oh yea, Velcod, you might want to place the varible in the register templates for the other styles as well, not just for revision 3.

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 07:11 PM

Also I have a request for those who are decent at graphics, If you have some free time could you make new images for the hack and post them here as a graphic pack? The demo images in the zip arent that good, I quickly made them, the only requirements are that they are readable by the human eye but arent readable by bots. So dont use common fonts and so on, also make sure the fonts you use have unique characters, for example, dont use a font where more then one character looks alie, like the number one, capital I and lowercase L, thank you in advance.

Velocd 02-09-2003 07:13 PM

Yeah, I thought of that, but most people register under Revision 3 (being default) so it doesn't matter too much. Most hacks I've been installing within the last 3 months have only had changes to my latest style, since I'm not really fond of the other styles anymore... not to mention they are rarely used.

Glock 02-09-2003 08:24 PM

I got it installed, yet it shows up as a broken image. it also says Also note that the text is "cao" sensitive.

Slynderdale 02-09-2003 09:04 PM


Originally posted by Glock
I got it installed, yet it shows up as a broken image. it also says Also note that the text is "cao" sensitive.
Its a typo, it should be "case", right click on the image and click properties and then copy and paste the full url into your browser and tell me what the error you get

drives fast 02-09-2003 11:32 PM

I installed this and I also get this error:

Invalid image code for verification, press back and please try again
I saw this posted:

Also for some reason when i press agree and try to register it says invalid image code and what not yet it doesn't even go to the register page. Also there is no cache folder...
and I also have no cache folder and I cannot find anywhere that is says where it is supposed to go....if it is supposed to go in the images/verify directory....why does the images and verify directories not have to be chmodded to 777 as well?

I saw this posted right after:

I'm having the same problem as Ferny72, except I created the cache folder in the right place manually and CHMODed it. It still displays the invalid image code message after clicking Agree
and this was the reply:

Hmm, does the image get an error and not get displayed ot when you click register you get the error?

If its a error with register it could be that you entered the wrong vakue, the code is cap sensitive so Test isnt the same as test, if you have php try going to the verify table in the database and find your hash and copy and paste the value from it and see if that works, If not, ill see whats wrong
this does not address the issue of the error mentioned at all nor where the cache folder is supposed to go.

then I saw this posted:

Slynderdale, when I installed it the first time the text to replace in register.php was present three times, and as I suspected this is where I messed up. I downloaded the updated text file, did the edits for register.php again and now it works flawlessly. Thanks!
I didn't see anything telling me to find something three times when I ran the installer

and the reply to that was:

Alright, great to hear, thats what i thought was wrong with it
where in the instructions does it say to find something three times?

my question is.....what do I do now.....I get the same error as a couple other people and I do not know what to do to solve it and I do not know where to create the cache folder since the instructions do not mention it other than what to chmod it to.

please help me

also...in the images...the upper case "O" is exactly the same as the zero...how will anyone know which one is there?

Dan_UPC 02-09-2003 11:53 PM

Does the name of the image file match the characters in the image? If it does, you may want to hash the file name.

Dribbles 02-10-2003 01:09 AM

Thinking about installing this, but just curious ... is there much of a problem with automated registerations on vB forums? Because I've never even heard of such a problem?

Velocd 02-10-2003 01:39 AM


Originally posted by Dribbles
Thinking about installing this, but just curious ... is there much of a problem with automated registerations on vB forums? Because I've never even heard of such a problem?
Answered within this post:

You might as well be safe then sorry.

Glock 02-10-2003 02:58 AM

Error: Failed to create a destination image.

Slynderdale 02-10-2003 09:44 AM


Originally posted by Dan_UPC
Does the name of the image file match the characters in the image? If it does, you may want to hash the file name.
Yes, the name of the image file does match the chracter in the image, but the url used to point to the imagegen.php file hashes both the user session and the image file session, so theres no need to hash the names of the image files.

Slynderdale 02-10-2003 09:57 AM


Originally posted by drives fast
I installed this and I also get this error:

I saw this posted:

and I also have no cache folder and I cannot find anywhere that is says where it is supposed to go....if it is supposed to go in the images/verify directory....why does the images and verify directories not have to be chmodded to 777 as well?

I saw this posted right after:

and this was the reply:

this does not address the issue of the error mentioned at all nor where the cache folder is supposed to go.

then I saw this posted:

I didn't see anything telling me to find something three times when I ran the installer

and the reply to that was:

where in the instructions does it say to find something three times?

my question is.....what do I do now.....I get the same error as a couple other people and I do not know what to do to solve it and I do not know where to create the cache folder since the instructions do not mention it other than what to chmod it to.

please help me

also...in the images...the upper case "O" is exactly the same as the zero...how will anyone know which one is there?

Try following the instructions in the Imgage Verification.txt file (without the install file at the top) and see if you installed it correctly, also you could of tooked to long registering, you could also try making the session limit higher.

Also for some reason the zip file didint include the cache folder, I'll fix the attachment in the foirst post right now and include it, sorry for that.

You dont find any thing three times, the installer php file wasnt clear enough and some poeple found things three times instead of one, I fixed the file.

Also as I stated in a previous post, these images arent that good, there demo images, If some ones willing to make new ones ill be most grateful.

Slynderdale 02-10-2003 10:01 AM


Originally posted by Glock
Error: Failed to create a destination image.
Try turning GD 2.0 support off if you have it on

PHP Code:

            if ($imageverification_gdsupport) {
//ImageCreateTrueColor requires GD 2.0 or higher
if (!$img = @ImageCreateTrueColor($create_width,$create_height))
DisplayError("Failed to create a destination image.");
            } else {
                if (!
$img = @ImageCreate($create_width,$create_height))
DisplayError("Failed to create a destination image.");

Thats where the file generates that error.

Glock 02-10-2003 03:02 PM

It works in non GD mode...but I spend an hour upgrading PHP and all so i could use GD...

Glock 02-10-2003 03:06 PM

Also, it doesn't seem to be random. I've cleared my cookies and all and it shows the same set everytime.

Velocd 02-10-2003 03:32 PM

It's not random when you clear your cache, what it does is for every registration session it will use the same random image code, until a new registration session occurs.

Basically meaning if you are on the register page and keep clearing your cache and refreshing the page, you'll see the same GD-image code everytime, until you actually register. Then when you go back to register yet another time, it will be a different code.

Velocd 02-10-2003 03:49 PM

I checked with my host and it appears my server does have GD2.0 support, yet even though I've choosen the option for GD2.0 support and enabled it via Admin Cp, I can't seem to get it to work on the registration page. All I am getting is the box with the red X to signify no image being found.... :ermm:

drives fast 02-10-2003 06:11 PM


Try following the instructions in the Imgage Verification.txt file (without the install file at the top) and see if you installed it correctly
I will try that...I noticed that a lot is different in the txt file compared to the instructions in the install.php file


also you could of tooked to long registering
what you are not understanding about what I and others said is that you don't even get to the registration page for it to timeout. Just clicking the "agree" button on the rules page and then that error happens.

I will try again with the other file and do it all manually


Slynderdale 02-10-2003 06:15 PM


Originally posted by Velocd
I checked with my host and it appears my server does have GD2.0 support, yet even though I've choosen the option for GD2.0 support and enabled it via Admin Cp, I can't seem to get it to work on the registration page. All I am getting is the box with the red X to signify no image being found.... :ermm:
Hmm, ill take a look at the code more, set that for no for now and see if it works, gd support 2.0 is to create true color images instead of a normal create image, I dot have gd 2.0 installed on my test server so I wasnt able to test the gd 2.0 support.

Also velcod create a pgp file with:

and tell me what it says about your GD version

Slynderdale 02-10-2003 06:20 PM


Originally posted by drives fast

I will try that...I noticed that a lot is different in the txt file compared to the instructions in the install.php file

what you are not understanding about what I and others said is that you don't even get to the registration page for it to timeout. Just clicking the "agree" button on the rules page and then that error happens.

I will try again with the other file and do it all manually


Yea, then you have the code in the wrong spot then, I updated both the install file and the install text with the right code before (I also would like to note, every time i update the zip, I delete it first then upload the new one, I find this help prevent the file from being called from the browser's cache and also a way for you to tell if I updated it)

If you follow the tet instructions and still get an error, tell me.

Slynderdale 02-10-2003 06:36 PM

Also for debugging purposes, I added error print out to the imagegen.php file, so if you happen to get a red x, right click on it and go to properties and then copy and paste the full url it gives you to your browser and then see what the error was, then copy and paste the error you get into a post or pm to me so I know where in the script your getting an error. For example, if th error says a file cant be found then you must of uploaded the images wrong and so on.

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