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-   -   vB Easy Archive FINAL - Search Engine Spiderable Hack! Get your posts listed @ google (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=47087)

SkuZZy 12-28-2002 10:00 PM

vB Easy Archive FINAL - Search Engine Spiderable Hack! Get your posts listed @ google
-- If you've installed this hack, please click here! -- If you want to upgrade to vBulletin 3, look here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=65703

[high]HOW GOOD DOES THIS HACK WORK??? >>> [/high]Over 29,000 pages spidered since January 1st!!!!!!! Visit http://www3.google.com/search?hl=en&...e+SkuZZy+Xenon to see all the pages this script has helped get spidered into google!

Sub-Forums have been added!

Final Version Released - February 10th

I added sub-forums in this final version, one of the most requested features to be added... but, sad to say... this will be the final version. I never got a chance to add some of the cool features I said, but I feel this archive has served it's purpose and hopefully will continue to do so for all the die hard users who stick with vb 2.2.9. I decided to make this the final version because vb3 is coming out soon and I think this archive is the best archive currently out. Sure, there are more flashy ones, but this one gets the job done and gets results. Hopefully this hack will live on for a while.
Edit by Xenon: Whenever there is a problem, i'll take a look at it, and perhaps add a feature or two :)

About this hack

This hack will help get all your threads listed in google and other search engines and get your threads easily spidered! It works by creating an archive and turning all your posts into .html format. It doesn't actually create the .html files though, but google thinks they are real! It uses mod_Rewrite. If you don't have mod_Rewrite, you can't use the scripts (sorry).

What does it do?

The purpose of this hack are to get your keywords from your forums listed in google and get people visiting them! Since these are all pure text and don't use tables or excess font tags, they are very friendly on bandwidth! This will display all your files in a nice text format that google will absolutely love! Visit the online demo below to see it in action!

Online Demos

To view a demo of this script, visit some of the "live" demos at the following sites:



vBulletin 2.x
mod_mime installed
5 minutes of your time...

Known Problems/Confusion

Mod_mime - You will NEED mod_mime to run these scripts. Mod_mime is a free module which enables a directive called "ForceType". This allows you to use the .htaccess file included to force your files into php mode, which allows simple URL's, without .php in them. If you can see the front page of your archive, but get an error page when you click on any links then this is your problem. To fix it, you will need to install mod_mime, or ask your host to do it. It's a FREE module. For more information, visit http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_mime.html

Private forums - Private forums are NOT shown and they will NOT be spidered. Some people say the private forums show up, that is because you are logged in as the admin and the archive uses permissions. So anyone who has permission to view the private forums on your forums, will beable to view them on the archives also. But if you log out of your account OR log into an account that doesn't have access to them, then you won't beable to view them :)


Biggest credit goes to Xenon who originally coded the scripts. He is the man! Also thanks to everyone who tested it out for me and kept bugging me about releasing it (when I was too lazy to).


By using these scripts & installing them, you agree to leave the small (virtually unnoticable) copyright text and links at the bottom of all pages. You also agree to leave jelsoft's copyright there as well. You can modify the scripts much as you want, but this portion must remain intact (links must stay) and visible. This is all we ask :D

Download Final

To install, just download the file below and open the "_readme.txt" file. All is explained there. Installation should only take a couple of minutes. If you have problems with this script, post them in this thread and I will try and get around to answering them.

pekay 12-29-2002 02:11 AM

Haha i was looking for something like this...and here you post here.. thanks :D

will install it tomorrow, 5 am.. :)

DrkFusion 12-29-2002 02:51 AM

What would be the best solution for people who do not have mod_rewriting capabilities, like ensim users, and other users.

I know some people here do not have the luxury of mod_rewriting :p like me and Chris, and I think Teck too.

I have done something similar, but I am not satisified by the method I used, I am looking for a more organized way. I am open to your or anyone elses suggestions.

(I have done massive editing to achieve the effect, and I added some extra stuff to mimic vB3 archive, but I am willing to give this ALL UP, for something that will do the same thing as mod rewrite)

I personally detest ensim, but I am stuck on it for awhile, and ensim does not allow mod_rewriting, there are always errors, like forbidden, and internal server errors. I either have to bug my host to add it, and even then its a pain.

Great job, and please suggest sume stuff :)

SoloX 12-29-2002 03:02 AM

just one lil glitch .. it does not browse sub forums ..

SkuZZy 12-29-2002 03:28 AM


Originally posted by DrkFusion
What would be the best solution for people who do not have mod_rewriting capabilities, like ensim users, and other users.

I know some people here do not have the luxury of mod_rewriting :p like me and Chris, and I think Teck too.

I have done something similar, but I am not satisified by the method I used, I am looking for a more organized way. I am open to your or anyone elses suggestions.

(I have done massive editing to achieve the effect, and I added some extra stuff to mimic vB3 archive, but I am willing to give this ALL UP, for something that will do the same thing as mod rewrite)

I personally detest ensim, but I am stuck on it for awhile, and ensim does not allow mod_rewriting, there are always errors, like forbidden, and internal server errors. I either have to bug my host to add it, and even then its a pain.

Great job, and please suggest sume stuff :)

I will probably release a version that doesn't require mod_rewrite. I wouldn't beable to add the .html extensions to the pages though. However, it would be possible to remove the .php from the file names without using mod_rewrite (using .htaccess instead). So the URL's would look like http://www.battleforums.com/archive/topic/400 instead of http://www.battleforums.com/archive/topic/400.html ... not alot of difference, but google DOES like .html better I think. They suspicious when a site has thousands of different directories ;)

Sebastian 12-29-2002 03:44 AM

most hosts nowadays will load up any module/plugin/etc.. that you want, not all do, but the majority will do it at the request of the customer. unless you're on some $2.95 plan then they might not. If you pay good money for hosting then either make them do it or threaten that you will get a host that will :)

ask and see, if they say no then get a host that will. my host will install a virus if i tell them to, ;)

DrkFusion 12-29-2002 03:45 AM

The way I have done it is, through htaccess, and htaccess only, and I was able to also acheive the .html effect, maybe if you are going to release one that uses a different method (and i think I know which) maybe we can work together to do that part.

MrLister 12-29-2002 04:10 AM

Doesn't google already crawl query files unless you send it into a loop?

DWZ 12-29-2002 11:48 AM

I can't get it to work :(

It just brings up a blank page.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>

I have mod_rewrite and I have triple checked the config file.

zachb 12-29-2002 12:49 PM

I get same as DWZ. :(

Chris M 12-29-2002 01:06 PM

I would love to see a way to use this without having mod_rewrite;)


DrkFusion 12-29-2002 05:34 PM

Chris, the way I have done it, does not requre mod_rewriting.

DWZ, and Zach_b, check the absolute path.

Travis641 12-29-2002 05:36 PM


Originally posted by zachb
I get same as DWZ. :(
Same here... =( and I've checked all the paths, and they are correct.

Chris M 12-29-2002 06:26 PM

Ah Ok Arunan:)


SkuZZy 12-29-2002 06:32 PM

I'll be releasing a version TODAY that doesn't require mod_rewrite and will have all the same features. It will be version 2.0! ;)

It does however require .htaccess. But....... good news. Tommorow, I will be releasing a version that doesn't require mod_rewrite OR .htaccess ;)

The downside to that version will be that URL.s will look like http://www.whatever.com/archive/topic.php/400.html instead of just "topic/400.html". But it still works ;)

DWZ 12-29-2002 08:08 PM


Originally posted by DrkFusion
DWZ, and Zach_b, check the absolute path.
It's perfect.

I did a PWD in SSH, it's the right path - I'm sure of it.

Travis641 12-29-2002 08:58 PM

Installed your latest update - still getting a white page =\

Although the source of the blank page says:


<!--//--><script>var PrxLC=new Date(0);var PrxModAtr=0;var PrxInst; if(!PrxInst++)
 PrxRealOpen=window.open;function PrxOMUp(){
PrxLC=new Date();}function PrxNW(){return(this.window);} function PrxOpen(url,nam,atr){ if(PrxLC){ 
var cdt=new Date();  cdt.setTime(cdt.getTime()-PrxLC.getTime());  if(cdt.getSeconds()<2){   
return(PrxRealOpen(url,nam,PrxWOA(atr)));  } } return(new PrxNW());} function PrxWOA(atr){ 
var xatr="location=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes";  if(!PrxModAtr)
return(atr);  if(atr){ var hm;    hm=atr.match(/height=[0-9]+/i);   
if(hm) xatr+="," + hm;    hm=atr.match(/width=[0-9]+/i); 
 if(hm) xatr+="," + hm; 
}  return(xatr);}window.open=PrxOpen;</script>
<!--//--><script> function NoError(){return(true);} onerror=NoError; </script>
<!--//--><script> function moveTo(){return true;}function resizeTo(){return true;}</script>

zachb 12-29-2002 09:29 PM

Yep, my absolute path is right also, and all I get is the blank page.

subduck 12-29-2002 10:02 PM

This is how you find your absolute path:

Upload this PHP script:




subduck 12-29-2002 10:26 PM

I'm getting a blank screen as well :(

NTLDR 12-29-2002 10:36 PM

I've had the same problems, my work around:

in config.php use chdir(); for the path and then just plain require("./global.php");

In topic and forum remove chdir("..");

Is working fine now for me :)

subduck 12-29-2002 10:58 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR
I've had the same problems, my work around:

in config.php use chdir(); for the path and then just plain require("./global.php");

In topic and forum remove chdir("..");

Is working fine now for me :)

Still doesn't work.

tpearl5 12-29-2002 11:43 PM

Working good for me :) Thanks!! I was looking for something new so google could respider everything on my site.


Travis641 12-29-2002 11:43 PM

Me neither =\

tpearl5 12-29-2002 11:52 PM

If you are using fastforwards hack (spider friendly URL's) and you want the links in this hack to display the friendly URL's in the topic views:

In the topic file around line 58 change:
PHP Code:


PHP Code:


SkuZZy 12-29-2002 11:53 PM

I don't get why it's working for some people and not for others. For some of you, it might just be that your path is wrong. So here is how to find out your absolute path (the easiest way I know). Just download this file (path.php) and [/b]upload it to the same directory as your global.php file[/b].

Now, open up path.php in your browser and it will look like this at http://www.battleforums.com/path.php


Parse error: parse error in /home/hsphere/local/home/battle/battleforums.com/path.php on line 5
Now, just copy the path and replace "path.php" with "global.php" and put that in the config.php file for the scripts. So my path would be:


... it's pretty simple.


DrkFusion 12-30-2002 12:14 AM

Hehe the above way is a very smart way ;)

PHP Code:

<?php phpinfo(32); ?>

^^ that should work

X-Fan 12-30-2002 12:19 AM

Just installed this, and it works great! However, it's including private forums and the threads therein, and I'd prefer they not be archived. Is there any way to prevent this?

Also, how is it possible to have the archive pages display the standard site header and footer?

Velocd 12-30-2002 12:23 AM

For those of you having chdir() problems, the only code you should need inside the chdir() is the following:

PHP Code:


Given that your config.php is located in your public_html folder in a new directory (as the instructions say), but above your forums directory.

If you have the new directory located inside your forums directory, use this:

PHP Code:


SkuZZy 12-30-2002 12:31 AM


Originally posted by Velocd
For those of you having chdir() problems, the only code you should need inside the chdir() is the following:

PHP Code:


Given that your config.php is located in your public_html folder in a new directory (as the instructions say), but above your forums directory.

If you have the new directory located inside your forums directory, use this:

PHP Code:


Smart post. I have a feeling the problems are all related to the chdir ......

Velocd 12-30-2002 12:35 AM

Heh, do as NTLDR said above also, removing chdir(".."); in topic and forum, since both files are located in the same directory anyway where config.php exists (meaning there shouldn't be a reason to switch directories). This will give you a blank page if not fixed..

SkuZZy 12-30-2002 12:40 AM


Originally posted by X-Fan
Just installed this, and it works great! However, it's including private forums and the threads therein, and I'd prefer they not be archived. Is there any way to prevent this?

Also, how is it possible to have the archive pages display the standard site header and footer?

Private forums are only shown to people who have access to view them. Try logging out of your account on the forums and then see if the private forums show up. The archive uses the same permissions system as your forums. As far as your header/footers, there isn't really a simple 1 click way to do your headers/footers the same as your forums. Just go to your forums source and copy the header/footer directory from the source of your forums. But I wouldn't make the archive too intensive. Part of the good thing about the archive is, it takes not alot of bandwidth. If you add images and alot of hits come in from google, then your bandwidth will go way up!

SkuZZy 12-30-2002 12:49 AM


Originally posted by Velocd
Heh, do as NTLDR said above also, removing chdir(".."); in topic and forum, since both files are located in the same directory anyway where config.php exists (meaning there shouldn't be a reason to switch directories). This will give you a blank page if not fixed..
I released a 2.1 that fixes this small problems. The chdir is unneeded, as long as all files are put into the same directory. For those having the blank pages problem, download the newest version (2.1) updated in thread

Travis641 12-30-2002 12:58 AM

Works now! =) Good work.

X-Fan 12-30-2002 01:08 AM


Originally posted by SkuZZy
Private forums are only shown to people who have access to view them.
Will they be spidered?

And will Google spider the archive page, or the original thread? Preferred they archive the original thread as my site is primarily a news and reviews site.

SkuZZy 12-30-2002 01:12 AM


Originally posted by X-Fan

Will they be spidered?

And will Google spider the archive page, or the original thread? Preferred they archive the original thread as my site is primarily a news and reviews site.

Google will spider the archive page, but NOT the private forums. They will get an error saying they don't have access. As far as them spidering the original thread, there is no way to get them to spider the original thread unless you use a hack like fastforward's hack of filburt's hack, but they can be a bit messy. This one is good, because there is a link provided at the top of all pages "Click here to view the original thread" and people can click on it.

SkuZZy 12-30-2002 01:21 AM

If anyone installs this hack successfully, please post your URL here so I can add it to the demo's list. Of course if you don't want it added to the demos list, that's ok ;)

w596 12-30-2002 01:42 AM


Originally posted by SkuZZy
If anyone installs this hack successfully, please post your URL here so I can add it to the demo's list. Of course if you don't want it added to the demos list, that's ok ;)
Here's one for ya. ;)


X-Fan 12-30-2002 01:48 AM


Originally posted by SkuZZy
Google will spider the archive page, but NOT the private forums. They will get an error saying they don't have access.
Will it spider the titles of the threads? If so, I'd rather the archive hack didn't touch private forums at all.


As far as them spidering the original thread, there is no way to get them to spider the original thread unless you use a hack like fastforward's hack of filburt's hack, but they can be a bit messy.
Messy is fine so long as it successfully spiders the original thread.


This one is good, because there is a link provided at the top of all pages "Click here to view the original thread" and people can click on it.
Yes, but experience has taught me that people online are inherently lazy, and 9 times out of 10 won't click the link. Is there any way for the archive hack to at least display any html code in the threads its archiving so that images will show up (in their correct places in the thread) as it's a security concern for me to have URLs displayed as text instead of as the links they're meant to be.

X-Fan 12-30-2002 01:51 AM


Originally posted by w596
Here's one for ya. ;)


Hey cool - how'd you get it formatted like that?

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