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[D]Vincent 07-31-2002 10:00 PM

RPG Class Hack v2.0
Vincent]Here's my second version of my hack. I made the code shorter and I added on a little stats thing. Anyways here is the new stuff added.

--- Much shorter code.
--- Stats added on.
--- That stupid Dark Knight image is fixed so it doesn't have that weird orange glow to it.
--- And those that had a problem with it not leveling you up when you got enough posts is fixed.
--- Update version of the installation and first time installation instructions are included. (Update comes after the regular so scroll down for it)
--- How to make a class for admins only added in.

For a demo go to http://www.fflounge.com/board

Needed things:
Yet another stats/level hack - By Knoman

File Edits:
First time - PHP Edits: 2 | Template Edits: 2 | Queries to run: 1
Update - PHP Edits: 2 | Template Edits: 2

If you have any problems with it I will do my best to figure it out.
Any credit given will be in the Readme.



I updated the zip, any bugs in the code before was taken off and more add-ons were added.

Add-ons that were added:
--- How to display the RPG Class Hack in User Info
--- Make each class have unique stats by SeVen and modified version by me.
--- Limit Breaks for each class by SeVen. My modification for it may come later ^^

Once again, enjoy

*********Update 2
Please go here for the newest version

FFMania 08-01-2002 09:12 AM

Looks Nice Dude...I am gonna install it :D

proxyMX 08-01-2002 12:14 PM

what does this do? Is it a jobs hack or a power hack?

ULTIMATESSJ 08-01-2002 03:23 PM

looks nice, but takes up a lot of postbit space, still rather nice, the last one i installed my members thought i added an RPG Battle System and they went crazy lol

DestyNova 08-01-2002 03:34 PM

Good job :thumb up:

shovel 08-01-2002 03:36 PM

    Hey [D], um, I've been told by a few people that this hack was a rip off of some other past hacks. I, myself, am not stating this but to protect the innocent I'm stating it for them. You mind explaining.

Aerith_Freak 08-01-2002 03:39 PM

Umm found a nice lil bug in your install code. You might wanna fix it:

PHP Code:

$rpgclass2 '<img src="images/elements/'.$rpgclass1.'.gif" border="0" alt="'.$rpgclass1.'" align="left"><b>$rpgclass1</b>'

The elements bit should be:

PHP Code:

$rpgclass2 '<img src="images/classes/'.$rpgclass1.'.gif" border="0" alt="'.$rpgclass1.'" align="left"><b>$rpgclass1</b>'

Ok? :)

shovel 08-01-2002 03:41 PM

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exactly my point.

proxyMX 08-01-2002 04:03 PM

Ill wait for the RPG Battle hack comming from Zajako

proxyMX 08-01-2002 04:05 PM

Sorry for double post :P Crater, whens the new itemshop and store hack comming out ? Id like to know some features, because if its out soon i may refrain from installing itemshop. And is there any way to integrate the itemshop with lesanes store hack point system?

shovel 08-01-2002 04:15 PM


Sorry for double post :P Crater, whens the new itemshop and store hack comming out ? Id like to know some features, because if its out soon i may refrain from installing itemshop. And is there any way to integrate the itemshop with lesanes store hack point system?
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm currently working on the new version of the Lesane Store Hack and Itemshop v5.5 is almost done. Merging, is a bit difficult but I can manage. *Takes Note* I've been sick lately so I haven't been able to complete what I wanted on time. I'm sorry about that. Expect to see either one of these out in the next two weeks. Thanks.

proxyMX 08-01-2002 05:12 PM

God id love to see it in action, im way excited, Im keeping my Pre-Forums users on edge and by the time you release the shops my forums should be opening :)

Link14716 08-02-2002 01:31 AM

actually, merging isn't too hard, at least with the current versions ;)

Skip the newthread.php and newreply.php code for the itemshop and install, change all instances of userfield to user in itemshop.php, and change the points field to storep and your done :D

_SeVeN137_ 08-02-2002 03:22 AM

I made a simple add-on to this hack that will change your stats according to class. Knights have higher phys damage and phys armor, mages have higher magic damage and less armor, ninjas have more speed, etc etc. My first attempt at anything related to vbb hacking :P

Enjoy :banana:

[edit] and no, everything isn't perfectly balanced :P

proxyMX 08-02-2002 04:52 AM

nice, ive yet to try to hack, scares me

[D]Vincent 08-02-2002 08:19 AM

>_< As I said in the readme I used some more code from the element hack, I just forgot to remove the elements thnig and replace it with classes >_< I'll update the zip soon.

lol damn you SeVen I was planning on including that in my next version >_<

... extreme >_<

ExAvIoUr 08-02-2002 01:35 PM

i installed it but i have 2 problems. one is the i get nothing for the Magic Defense. and the other instead of my class name i get this $rpgclass1.

can u tell my what i did wrong.

_SeVeN137_ 08-02-2002 04:27 PM

lol vincent I saved ya some time then :P

Feel free to use it in the next version anyway

I'm working on a way to get limit breaks to be class specific too, but still change with levels :P

joeboo 08-02-2002 05:38 PM

Hmm, how would u go about in adding just the stats in the profile, cause its too cluttered and looks terrible on the postbit, i just want the class to appear on the postbit and the stats to appear on the profile, any help?

Aerith_Freak 08-02-2002 06:19 PM

Joeboo to do that you need to add all the code that is added to admin/functions.php into member.php, then add Knomen's Stats hack to member.php but change an $bbuserinfo[posts] to $userinfo[posts].

Then simply use the same variables that are used in the postbit template in the getinfo template, and voila the stats should show on the member profile :)

joeboo 08-02-2002 08:32 PM

Thanks a lot Aerith! btw, i love how Spira Online looks :)

shidobu 08-05-2002 07:31 AM


Originally posted by ExAvIoUr
instead of my class name i get this $rpgclass1.
you need to change

$rpgclass2 = '<img src="images/classes/'.$rpgclass1.'.gif" border="0" alt="'.$rpgclass1.'" align="left"><b>$rpgclass1</b>';


$rpgclass2 = '<img src="images/classes/'.$rpgclass1.'.gif" border="0" alt="'.$rpgclass1.'" align="left"><b>'.$rpgclass1.'</b>';
the single quote was basically making it output $rpgclass1 instead of the actual variable

ExAvIoUr 08-05-2002 02:41 PM

hey shidobu, thanx a lot. it worked.

[D]Vincent 08-05-2002 02:53 PM

Well I started working on my next version which I will try and include to be able to add/edit classes from Admin CP. I already started working on it but I should hvae it done by the end of the week ^^

mediafuzion 08-08-2002 11:06 PM

i cant get magic defense to work!

[D]Vincent 08-09-2002 09:21 AM

That was my mistake open the template postbit and replace Magic Defense: $rpgmagdef with Magic Defense: $rpgmagicdef

BTW I updated the hack. See the first post for more details.

And the admin cp thing I decided not to do because I'm only a beginner and I think I'll mess up my own board if I even try testing it out lol. Maybe later though :P

ExAvIoUr 08-09-2002 09:51 PM

u got an error or whatever u call it.

replace this in admin/function.php

PHP Code:

$rpgclass3 '<img src=\"={ imagesfolder }/classes/'.$rpgclass1.'.gif\" align=\"left\"><b>'.$rpgclass2.'</b>'

with this

PHP Code:

$rpgclass3 '<img src="{ imagesfolder }/classes/'.$rpgclass1.'.gif" align=\"left\"><b>'.$rpgclass2.'</b>'

that will fix the picture. take out the spaces in imagesfolder.

ExAvIoUr 08-09-2002 11:03 PM

also the admin add-on doesn't work. i tried a lot of stuff. but no results

[D]Vincent 08-10-2002 04:16 AM

x_x don't I feel stupid. I'll update it and fix that stuff in a feel minutes.

[D]Vincent 08-10-2002 04:21 AM

Updated the thing, I'm not sure why the admin only class doesn't work though... maybe it should be $post[groupid] instead of $bbuserinfo[groupid]. I'll look into it.

ExAvIoUr 08-10-2002 08:38 PM

i was thinking should it be usergroupid instead of groupid?

[D]Vincent 08-10-2002 10:45 PM

Possibly.... wait yeah that is it >_< because I use that in my phpinclude to make the Register button replace the User CP button if you're not registered/not logged in. I'll edit that.

[D]Vincent 08-10-2002 10:51 PM

Okay edited that.

BTW something that I can do is make the stats for the classes work with the Itemshop, I can't limit each class to certain weapons like I originally planned. I'm almost finished with working on it, after I'm finished I just have to test it out and ask Vivi if it's okay to release it.

ExAvIoUr 08-10-2002 11:01 PM

ok cool. can't wait. i will try to make the admin addon work.

squid93087 08-11-2002 01:45 AM

hrm EX where do i know you from? anyways great hack there vincent

xxskullxx 08-12-2002 03:36 PM

Great hack, [D]Vincent. I upgraded from the older version without any problems except one snag. In the "UPDATE INSTALL" section, you have an extra option for 'priest' when you edit the functions.php section. It should be
PHP Code:

if ($post[rpgclass] == "0") {
$rpgclass1 "none";
$rpgclass2 "None";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "1") {
$rpgclass1 "bodyguard";
$rpgclass2 "Bodyguard";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "2") {
$rpgclass1 "assassin";
$rpgclass2 "Assassin";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "3") {
$rpgclass1 "blackmage";
$rpgclass2 "Black Mage";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "4") {
$rpgclass1 "dragoon";
$rpgclass2 "Dragoon";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "5") {
$rpgclass1 "geomancer";
$rpgclass2 "Geomancer";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "6") {
$rpgclass1 "summoner";
$rpgclass2 "Summoner";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "7") {
$rpgclass1 "soldier";
$rpgclass2 "Soldier";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "8") {
$rpgclass1 "mercenary";
$rpgclass2 "Mecrenary";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "9") {
$rpgclass1 "knight";
$rpgclass2 "Knight";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "10") {
$rpgclass1 "monk";
$rpgclass2 "Monk";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "11") {
$rpgclass1 "holyknight";
$rpgclass2 "Holy Knight";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "12") {
$rpgclass1 "thief";
$rpgclass2 "Thief";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "13") {
$rpgclass1 "darkknight";
$rpgclass2 "Dark Knight";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "14") {
$rpgclass1 "redmage";
$rpgclass2 "Red Mage";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "15") {
$rpgclass1 "timemage";
$rpgclass2 "Time Mage";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "16") {
$rpgclass1 "ninja";
$rpgclass2 "Ninja";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "17") {
$rpgclass1 "samurai";
$rpgclass2 "Samurai";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "18") {
$rpgclass1 "whitemage";
$rpgclass2 "White Mage";
        } elseif (
$post[rpgclass] == "19") {
$rpgclass1 "archer";
$rpgclass2 "Archer";

Other than that, this is a geat hack!

Good work!

[D]Vincent 08-13-2002 06:49 AM

Thanks, I always forget something >_<

[D]Vincent 08-13-2002 06:51 AM

Fixed and updated zip.

Colon33 08-15-2002 08:14 AM

I just tried installing this hack and everything works fine but the images are all broken. I look at the paths for them and the say

/=images/classes/none.gif - for example

It puts a = before my images folder. Whats up and how can i fix this? Broken images are not cool. lol :)

[D]Vincent 08-15-2002 10:32 AM

Once again I prove my ignorance >_< I'll check it out in just a second.

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