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-   -   THe PowerLevel modifiyer for.....The Ultimate stats hack----The Hp/Mp Hack----Yet ano (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=40880)

zajako 07-09-2002 10:00 PM

THe PowerLevel modifiyer for.....The Ultimate stats hack----The Hp/Mp Hack----Yet ano
THe PowerLevel modifiyer for.....The Ultimate stats hack----The Hp/Mp Hack----Yet another Stats/Level Hack

By a group effort
Original concept------------------------->Mystic Gohan
Idea to make it work with the levels ---->EmuMasta
Coding ---------------------------------->Zajako
another powerlevel creator--------->ULTIMATESSJ

This is a very very easy to install hack.

Note you must have one of the 3 above hacks installed for this to work.

every level you gain by those hacks you gain an amount of powerlevel.

Thanks for your time and I have given credit to where its due, if i have not please correct me.

EmuMasta 07-10-2002 12:13 AM

I hope you guys like it.

Well i would like to thank Zajako & the creator of the Powerlevel.
i dont need any recognition since i only gave the idea to Zajako.

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 01:40 AM

heh you've got to be kidding me ;\ i guess not :p if its just a one code addon thats what it is... not a hack :p

Anyways 'The Ultimate stats hack' sure don't seem it to me... sorry but this 'rpg' stuff is starting to get old when the same hack is made twenty times and with addons like this ;\

just an opinion from me though...


ZiRu$ 07-10-2002 01:51 AM

same here....it dont interest me but thanks

Heijin 07-10-2002 01:59 AM

If only there was only two diffferent stats hacks eh? wow. there's two. maybe a couple more sooooo many... I think it's fine, people get to choose which one they want. Plus this ones getting a whole battlesystem implimented into it.

Neo 07-10-2002 03:09 AM

what does it do?

Vivi Ornitier 07-10-2002 03:51 AM

quit working on these stats hack, sorry but it's too tedious to upgdate a current one. It may be good for new RPG forums starting off but i still think that we need to focus on a battle hack, that's what all the forums are missing right now, a quality battle hack.

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 04:49 AM

Vivi Ornitier you and your battle hack... ppl like you make me lose interest in making one ;\ (don't know which vivi... crono... mewtwo or whoever the heck you are) but you're the type of ppl that should get off your lazy ass and work on your own... sorry to be so impolite... but thats all you talk about... if i talked about the hack as much as you i'd be done ;\


zajako 07-10-2002 04:53 AM

this is just an integration, not an entire stat hack. all it does is use the dbz type level up system.


quit working on these stats hack, sorry but it's too tedious to upgdate a current one
Don't tell me what to work on. I made this as a request by my friend, and I release it becuase there may be other people that want it. If its too tedious to update, THEN DON'T. THis is an addon, for the three above, you do not have to use it, so don't tell me what to work on, and if you don't want it don't post saying so.


if its just a one code addon thats what it is... not a hack
Its a hack, read the def. for a hack here. It must have at least one file edit. This one particualy edits a pre-edited section. This is an option added for the three above stat hacks. If you don't think it should be here, then don't post a complaint here, report it if you deem nessisary. Because its pointless to waste my time, and the time of people reading this, because its a hack you don't want to use. Just don't use it.... This is why i would hate to be a mod here... I would not tolerate stupid replys starting fights...It seems the last past 4 posts of mine were some sort of stupid argument...

Thanks for your time, and If i get anymore complaints about my hacks that are not related to a bug of sorts, i may just stop releaseing them because its becoming more of a hassle to reply to stupid arguments.

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 04:59 AM

so zajako think about it ;p if i were to take your coding and throw a line of php in the coding i could release it as a hack? common sense... its a small addon to your other stats hack where you just simply placed in one coding... i could make a load of mods to any hacks and then just simply release them? no they're addons ;p but since you just seem to take it so personally then thats your fault...


zajako 07-10-2002 05:12 AM

Im not taking things personaly, Im talking about having to fight every last hack i make. The hotel hack which seems to be like, i had to fight into exsistance, same here, its about sharing my hacks. Also are you saying i should post this in 3 different places as modifications to 3 seperate hacks., I think not, this is a modifications to multiple hacks, as well as the fact that if you add inthe code to create the level, you don't even need the level hacks above, making this a standalone hack as well, infact here is the coding written originaly by knoman(which i did get permission to edit his hack) ***look at attached ment for the standalone version***

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 05:19 AM

its funny i look at the coding and i see three lines of coding by knoman... and one by you thats all... you just added one simple php code it just like expanding (adding on) to the hack... a mod not a full release ;\ btw earlier you blamed antian for ripping and you never gave knoman credit... btw i don't really care nonetheless... just sucky when im looking for a good hack and i see the same thing release fifty times same concept different variable thats all ;\


zajako 07-10-2002 05:29 AM

I have permission to use knomans lines, first off, 2nd, why is you are going around and commenting on things that are really none of your business, are you knoman, are you in any way related to this hack, if you don't want it don't comment on it!!!! Grow up, do i got to give you the whole, if you don't have anything nice lecture...
I did not ask you once to stick up for me, I also made this edit, for multiple hacks at one time, i did this as a hack to ghelp people find it not to get me credit, is it that important to me, to compete to share my work?? No. I do it for the people who pay for there boards, thus, i don't care about credit or the fact I have another hack count to me.

Heijin 07-10-2002 05:33 AM

So g-Force. Do you go and +++++ at everything that gets updated or added onto. Like the million add-ons to the Lesane Store hack. I'd imagine not So why don't you just get off his case. If u do. You have some terrible morals.

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 05:35 AM

i didn't say you did ;p you lose you control thats your fault... you take it personal thats your fault... grow up eh? seems like you have some issues... i never said the hack was bad and i never said that you didn't get permission... just said you could have included his name ;p im not the one who attached that file... and im not the one who blamed Antian for ripping so get your facts straight son... how is me commenting to your hack none of my business? i got the right to express my opinions... nice lecture eh? you just going off now son... im just stating my opinion thats all... you can't take the heat fine... thats your problem...


g-force2k2 07-10-2002 05:40 AM


Originally posted by Heijin
So ge-Force. Do you go and +++++ at everything that gets updated or added onto. Like the million add-ons to the Lesane Store hack. I'd imagine not So why don't you just get off his case. If u do. You have some terrible morals.
lmao listen up son... me and zajako are having a discussion... i ain't never said he can't release a hack... just saying he could do more then one code for a full release... so don't get involved if you don't know what you're talking about ;p if i get off his case i have terrible morals eh? comments like that are just dumb... and whats up with this +++++ you're just ticked because i tried helping you make your hack better eh? then you'd rather me not help? lol thats pretty sad Heijin... you take things waay out of proportion as well ;\


zajako 07-10-2002 05:43 AM

who said im angry or offened, Im annoyed, and you staing your opinions on a hack your not wanting to use, and when your comments regard calling me a rip off of sorts, or even pointing out anything about using code, is indeed none of your business. Not to mention i did point ou that the code was from knomans originaly, and might I add ther were only 4 simple lines there, that anyone could have made, because they are simple math formulas. I used them, with permission, and credited above the download. And did you not say you stuck up for me. All i did was quote you.
Stop being an ass, by arguig with me, about a hack you have stated you on't want posted. You are no mod or admin, arguing it will not make it be removed. So quit looking for an excuse to complain.

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 05:47 AM

;\ are you blind i never stated you ripped it son... if you call this arguing then whateva... im just discussing things with you... i respect your hacks and your opinions... when ever did i say any of them sucked? i just stated my opinion on this one and you took it out of propotion... you call this complaining eh... if you say so... im just wasting my time cause you don't seem like you want to even listen ;p


zajako 07-10-2002 06:02 AM


;\ are you blind i never stated you ripped it son...
I am an adult, and not your son in any way, please don't refer to me as such, because that is you expressing you as an elder or wiser person than me. If you want ot belive that thats fine, but you are no, and the makes its very disrespect full, hardly something that you would do if this was a discussion


when ever did i say any of them sucked?
really whats this?

just sucky when im looking for a good hack and i see the same thing release fifty times same concept different variable thats all ;\
I do belive thats you insinuating this is sucky.


i respect your hacks and your opinions...
hmm this sounds very respectful to my hacks


sorry but this 'rpg' stuff is starting to get old when the same hack is made twenty times and with addons like this ;\

heh you've got to be kidding me ;\ i guess not
Please respect my hack by not discussing it or anything else with me negativily. If you disagree with my hack then don't use it.

Vivi Ornitier 07-10-2002 06:07 AM

jeezes christ, i made a simple opinion and all i get is spaz from u guys. If it's THAT offensive then i'm sorry but chill gforce and Zajako. I don't give a danm how old both of u guys are but u guys are being pretty immature about it, i can guarantee u guys on that one.

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 06:10 AM

like i stated son you take things waaay out of proportion... you take a general scope of every rpg hack released and think im pointing the gun at you ;p i don't find it hard i'll respect your add on thats easy but you should learn to keep your cool... if you didn't want a discussion from the start then you should've just ignored my comment... i want to see what others are thinking... i want to help other hacks learn but if they think im just after saying that their stuff sucks... and they just explode off then show my comments even the slighest amount of respect... but you just go off and off ;) Enjoy yourself... like i said you can't discuss things fine just a waste of my time ;\


zajako 07-10-2002 06:11 AM

I m being imature, this thread was made by me to display a hack i made. He came complaining and im defending it.

g-force2k2 07-10-2002 06:13 AM

Vivi Ornitier i doubt your Crono or Mewtwo cause you don't seem like either... and i doubt you're mage... what are you Vivi from FFCrono? i can never figure which person you are ;) As for my comment in everythread i read you mention 'battle hack' even if it in no way has any meaning... like i said work on your own... its that simple :)


Heijin 07-10-2002 06:15 AM

the funniest thing is that you could all be doing something constructive rightnow but u all seem to have close watch on this thread.

zajako 07-10-2002 06:21 AM

Its called 20 windows i always have one of them the hack when i release a new hack

Heijin 07-10-2002 06:33 AM

Ofcourse I'd expect you to be here.

EmuMasta 07-10-2002 07:49 AM

Just as Heijin stated, why dont you go bother the creators of the addons that Lesanes Store hack has?
We aren't telling you install it, are we?
People might want to use it on their site.
If you dont want to use it, then dont be braggin
about how people that like RPG hacks are being too...
well i'll leave it here.
Install it if you want, If you dont want to, your are not
being forced to.

Thats all!


DestyNova 07-10-2002 03:24 PM

in hope of break up these comments...

good job zajako :thumb up:

I m going to use it =D


Floris 07-10-2002 09:08 PM

Anothing discussion about totally nothing.

Mystic Gohan 07-11-2002 02:38 AM

at least you didnt get the how smart am I today pic looks nice I might install later

Velocd 07-11-2002 07:21 AM


Originally posted by Mystic Gohan
at least you didnt get the how smart am I today pic looks nice I might install later
..nah, I don't feel like wasting my energy on this thread to put that up. The one in my last dbz post can stand for this one also. ;)

This thread is a prime example that VB.org needs more moderators. How come this hasn't been closed yet?

zajako 07-11-2002 08:02 PM

because this is a hack, not something to just be closed, would you like me to goto hacks you make and say why has this not been closed??..

Brainmaster 07-14-2002 11:39 AM

got a screenshot?

ULTIMATESSJ 08-07-2002 10:08 PM

For God Sake, why is this still going on, just in case you didn't know, the power level hack made by Mystic Gohan was a rip from my power level hack, as shown in my hacks page in the hacks database, it's getting tiring of ppl calling me a ripper when it was my work that got ripped, and not getting credit for something i made, on numerous occasions i have been called a ripper by ppl, and it's really starting to annoy me

[D]Vincent 08-08-2002 07:38 AM

SSJ, I doubt many people were jumping for joy when anyone released the hack in the first place, and I doubt many people care which one is the rip if they all are the same thing, so why don't you just get over it?

Zachery 08-13-2002 09:32 PM

there you go its from my forums from one of my dbz members

Buddha 08-14-2002 07:28 PM

this is ridiculous.
i'm going to be installing my vB when 2.2.7 comes out, and so i'm goin through the mods to see what i'll add, but i'm having to wade through childish crap like this.

aren't these forums moderated by anyone?

ULTIMATESSJ 08-15-2002 03:28 PM


Originally posted by [D]Vincent
SSJ, I doubt many people were jumping for joy when anyone released the hack in the first place, and I doubt many people care which one is the rip if they all are the same thing, so why don't you just get over it?
i had got over it, and i occasionally still talk to mystic gohan, but ppl still call me ripper and constantly annoy me with it, once ppl stop bringing it up i will stop

[D]Vincent 08-15-2002 05:45 PM

Just don't comment on the people whenever they say the powerlevel hack made by Mystic or whoever else ripped it. They don't really care who released it if it's basically the same code. But I can understand that you get made when someone calls you a ripper, I got a little annoyed when I saw a thread on FFR with Aerith_Freak saying that I ripped her code and got the level coding from Atian, which I didn't, I was the one that thought of that and since I didn't know much PHP I got him to verify it before I went messing up my board to test it. If my hack is a rip from anything it would be the Element hack by zajako but I asked for permission from him and he said it was okay. But like I said just don't bring it up... god damn I just contradicted(sp?) myself >_<

Emuman 10-08-2002 12:19 AM

thanx i love it

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