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-   -   Users in Chat -with eggdrop, works no matter what- (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=40855)

sas1911 07-08-2002 10:00 PM

Users in Chat -with eggdrop, works no matter what-
First and foremost, I would like to thank Sparkz for a little bit of TCL help. I had been playing with the idea for some time now of using an eggdrop bot and vBulletin to put current chatters on my forum home. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the perfect TCL to use. The current TCL is a mix between my own script, a script I found online and Sparkz script.


After seeing this hack on vbulleting.org, I wanted it for my site. Unfortunately, it was not being released, so I decided to make my own! Here it is, hopefully you can figure most of it out yourself.

What it does is uses an eggdrop bot (not going to explain what it is). The bot refreshes the userlist when a user leaves or enters the channel, this keeps the list up to date always. When you load index.php, the list is downloaded from the shell and read into a variable. This variable can be put on your forumhome template
and viewed by the user. This hack also gets the current channel topic and the current server that the chat is on.

* Works for any IRC method (jpilot, mirc, eirc, etc.)
* No page refreshing or database calls
* Is ALWAYS up-to-date

* Uses FTP and eggdrop

Support for this hack is limited due to the fact that I am a busy person.

I hope you enjoy this hack, it's my first.

- joey

Sparkz 07-09-2002 01:09 PM

Not everyone has PHP compiled with the ftp-extension. Could cause some problems. Also, this WILL slow down page loading, since it needs to connect to a remote host to grab the users every time the page is loaded. And if you have a busy site, you will also bog down the bot with a lot of traffic.

Just a couple of pointers you might want to consider for a future version :)

[D]Vincent 07-09-2002 01:10 PM

And where can I get the eggdrop bot? But I guess if guy says it will slow down loading then I'm not installing it XD

sas1911 07-09-2002 01:56 PM

It was the easiest method I could think of.

If I had a dedicated server, I'd stick the eggdrop right on the same server and eliminate some of the problem. (which you can do anyway).

If the bot load gets too high, you can remove the bind and put in a timer. (if you know tcl - which I am not really good with).

So, to completely optimize this script, get a dedicated server, run your eggdrop off of that and use a timer instead of bind. :)

Until then, feel free to play/optimize this hack.

jcroft 07-11-2002 06:00 PM

Hey there!

I've been looking for something like this. Having a bit of trouble with it, though.

I've changed the config vars in userschatting.tcl, and uploaded it. It loads fine with my eggdrop, and the userlist.txt is created. However, no user data is ever appended to the list. Do i have to do something to start the process?

sas1911 07-11-2002 07:20 PM

The userlist file is updated when a user joins the channel.

jcroft 07-11-2002 07:33 PM

I understand that's how it's supposed to work. However, it's not working. I've had users going in and out of my channel for two hours now, and I'm left with an empty file.

Any suggestions?

sas1911 07-12-2002 01:31 AM

Try this tcl. If this doesn't work, you installed it wrong, because this is the exact tcl that I'm using on my eggdrop and everything is working for me. What version of eggdrop do you have?

futureal 07-14-2002 06:10 AM

To speed this up, I would suggest having the eggdrop update a database table at regular intervals, and then have vBulletin pull that information straight from the database. That should fix any sort of major page load issues.

(I have not looked at the code or anything, so maybe that is how it already does it? I dunno... but that's how I would do it).

Martin64 07-14-2002 10:34 AM

Great idea! I read about this hack here and thought it seemed interesting, so I downloaded the attached file and had a look at it. I decided to have a go at it, so I spoke to one of the other server admins who is operating our IRC bots, and asked him if he could add the script to a bot. He thought it was a great idea as well, so he re-wrote the TLC script and the code implented to index.php and I did some simple template modifications. I turned out great and I love it :D. I made it look similar to the "Currently Active Users" box and put it right below it.

Users with @ in front of their nicks are Operators, with + in front of their nicks are voiced users and the others are regular users. "Most Users Ever Online in #Channel" will be worked on next. The list is updated whenever someone joins, parts, quits, get kicked or get banned.

The users are sorted by status (Op -> Voiced -> Reg. Members) and alphabetically as well. I would have to check with my fellow server admin if he wants to release it as a hack, but I don't think that would be a problem (if there's interest, that is), and if so, I'll release it as a separate hack since the code is completely different (although Major thanks to sas1911 for presenting this idea). Check out the attached screenshot and view it online at www.emutalk.net

jcroft 07-15-2002 02:04 AM

Would love to see your version Martin64, and I've still had no luck with the original! :D

Martin64 07-15-2002 11:43 PM

Okay, I will let you know as soon as it's ready for release :)

Velocd 07-17-2002 12:39 AM

Sounds good, I'm also interested in it. Although my only problem is I don't have a dedicated server so things might not run too smoothly...:(

zman 07-20-2002 01:09 AM

The original hack does not track people leaving the channel so it only updates on join.

jcroft 07-23-2002 02:53 AM


Originally posted by zman
The original hack does not track people leaving the channel so it only updates on join.
Right, and I modified the TCL script so that it SHOULD (I think) work on a number of events (join, part, sign off, topic change, etc.). However, it doesn't actually work. I don't know my TCL that well, so maybe someone can tell me where I'm going wrong? I've got the original hack working great, except that it doesn't update when someone leaves or signs off.


bind join - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind part - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind sign - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind topc - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind kick - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind nick - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind rejn - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make

Koj-Gysto 08-02-2002 05:42 PM


Originally posted by jcroft
Right, and I modified the TCL script so that it SHOULD (I think) work on a number of events (join, part, sign off, topic change, etc.). However, it doesn't actually work. I don't know my TCL that well, so maybe someone can tell me where I'm going wrong? I've got the original hack working great, except that it doesn't update when someone leaves or signs off.
It actually DOES work... However, the person who just parted or quitted will still be in the chan list...

From a tcl-commands.doc which was included in eggdrop:


chanlist <channel> [flags[&chanflags]]
Description: flags are any global flags; the '&' denotes to look for
channel specific flags. Examples:
n (Global Owner)
&n (Channel Owner)
o&m (Global Op, Channel Master)
Now you can use even more complex matching of flags, including +&- flags
and & or | (and or or) matching.
Returns: list of nicknames currently on the bot's channel that have all
of the flags specified;. If no flags are given, all of the nicknames
are returned. Please note that if you're executing chanlist after a
part or sign bind, the gone user will still be listed
, so you can
check for wasop, isop, etc.
So, if you have several quits in a row the number will get lower...

CJi 08-16-2002 01:21 PM

I just get left with an empty text file as well. :(

Would be interested in seeing the other hack mentioned here when it's ready.

Sc0rp 09-16-2002 09:53 AM

awesome hack! though little prob when replying and making a new thread :(

on the board it says this:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\www\apache\htdocs\forum\irc.php on line 24

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\www\apache\htdocs\forum\admin\functions.php on line 4667

and in irc it says this:

[12:46:41] <Bot> [12:46] Timeout/EOF ident connection
[12:49:59] <Bot> [12:50] @#chan (+trn) : [m/8 o/3 h/0 v/4 n/1 b/0 e/- I/-]

any ideas what im doing wrong?

garoboldy 09-16-2002 09:18 PM

ok i have a hosted server for my website which has a ton of space so thats no big deal. I dont thing eggdrop is on there but do I need to call my host and have them put it on or can I do it myself...sorry to bother. later

PBC 09-22-2002 07:32 PM


Originally posted by Martin64
Okay, I will let you know as soon as it's ready for release :)
Is the updated version of your hack available?


Martin64 11-02-2002 12:45 AM

Sorry for the delay but I haven't had internet access at home for a few months now, but finally I do. A few people have pm'd me, and some have mailed, so I better answer publically. :)

However, I have spoken to my co-admin and he is not interested in releasing the hack, so I am afraid I can't, at least not right now. Sorry guys. :(

Deathdealer 11-10-2002 12:42 AM

does anyone have this working on 2.28 ?

Freddie Bingham 11-10-2002 02:27 AM

The simplest thing to do is simply have the TCL script output the current list of chatters every X secs. Trying to track users as they come and go via join, kick, leave, netsplit is a novel idea but probably going to far. My TCL script has been outputting the current users every 1 min for over 2 years now on my site.

banjolawyer 11-11-2002 10:07 PM

freddie: Can you post your tcl file, stripped of any personal stuff?

My host has agreed to set up the eggdrop for me.

Now I am trying to understand what to do with the tcl file.


(1) Should I upload the tcl file to my site's root directory and have the eggdrop reference it there, or does the tcl file get loaded whereever the host puts the eggdrop?

(2) I see that the variables in the tcl file are
(a) the path to userlist.txt, and
(b) the channel name
My host does not have an IRC server at this time, so I am using an external IRC server. However, I don't see where to specify which IRC server to look for the channel. Can anyone tell me how that is accomplished? Is that done somewhere in the eggdrop's config. file or should another variable be added to this tcl file?

Axe 12-27-2002 06:39 AM

The .tcl file should go in your eggdrop directory, and you should have your eggy load it on startup (this is done via the .conf file).

You give the eggdrop a list of servers in its .conf file also.

Check http://www.egghelp.org, they've got some invaluable tips there (including how to compile your bot for long nicks (nicks over the 9 character standard - Dalnet, etc.)

If the IRC server you're using has "Thales" hooked up to it, see if they have web-based URLs to tie it in. Will be easier/quicker to just grab those n' parse them into your page than messing around setting up an eggdrop (although, you won't have the protection/toys in your channel that a bot is capable of offering).

Check http://www.blitzed.org. That's an IRC server with a web-interface. You can just request raw flat text files of channel info to have you script play with.

"Thales" is an IRC Server (at least as far as other servers are concerned) that writes out data real-time to a MySQL database (although this can cause a lot of headaches unless Thales & the MySQL server are both localhost to each other).

I've been playing around with a Bahamut/SIRV/Thales combo recently on our dedicated box to see how I can integrate it into intract with vB/vBHome, so it'll be interesting to see how it all eventually works out for us.

It's mainly so that channel registrants can do exactly this kind of thing without having to mess around.

It's working quite well so far, and as soon as the site goes live, I'll actually give you all the URL to have a play and see it for yourselves :)

Kars10 12-31-2002 02:28 PM

Works like a charm!!!
Thank you very much!

/me klicks install!

SaM please help 01-11-2003 11:30 PM


i´am not a newbie, but i don´t understand "eggdrop".
If it a Script ? - and when, where i can it download and in which direcory on my server i have the "eggdrop" to upload ?


Axe 01-12-2003 12:32 AM

Eggdrop is a standalone application.

It runs as an automated IRC client sitting in channel(s) on an IRC server.

It, if correctly configure, keeps order in a channel when there's no humans around. Enforces bans, prevents flooding, etc.

Where it resides is entirely up to you, but I wouldn't put it in a directory accessible from the web - it wouldn't be difficult to grab your eggdrop user file and brute-force the passwords (and seeing all the hostmasks for users in the file would also give a potential attacker clues on where to hunt for proxies to spoof & pose as a legitimate bot user).

You can get it from www.egghelp.org.

pjgoncalves 02-10-2003 07:46 AM


i'm getting this 2 errors when i do the rehash:


TCL error in script for 'timer11':
can't read "count": no such variable

any idea how to solve this? :)

Axe 02-10-2003 05:08 PM

It looks like the timer is still running after a .rehash

Try doing a .restart or a .reload instead.

Remember though, .restart will restart the whole bot, disconnecting it from the server and logging it back on.

If you do a .reload, anything that's presently stored in memory that hasn't been saved will be lost. So make sure you do a .save and a .chansave before you do the .reload.

How to fix the problem in the actual script so that it won't break on a .rehash... Well, I'll have to get back to you on that. It's been a couple of years since I did much TCL coding, although I have a script here somewhere, that I wrote a while ago, that grabs the IRC info, and writes it out to a MySQL database every minute or so - That requires the tcl-sql library to be installed (which I believe needs root access to the box), but at least it might give me more of a clue about this timer problem.


Originally posted by pjgoncalves

i'm getting this 2 errors when i do the rehash:

TCL error in script for 'timer11':
can't read "count": no such variable

Banana 02-15-2003 11:34 PM


Originally posted by pjgoncalves

i'm getting this 2 errors when i do the rehash:


TCL error in script for 'timer11':
can't read "count": no such variable

any idea how to solve this? :)

I get the same thing :(

Banana 02-16-2003 01:05 PM

OK got this working now. Trick is to use the userchatting.tcl from the second .zip file attached to this thread and make this change (also from elsewhere in the thread):


bind join - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind part - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make


bind sign - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind topc - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind kick - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind nick - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make
bind rejn - "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make

I installed eggdrop on my server and got it to dump the txt file of users in the forums directory so the changes to index.php are



        $openfile = fopen ("<homedir>/www/forums/chatuserlist.txt", "r");
        while (!feof($openfile))
                $chatters .= fgets($openfile, 4096);


In the forumhome template I simply added this

<b>Chatroom Users: $chatters</b>

Simple! Now I'm gonna try and remove the bot from my list of chatters.....

Twin-x 02-25-2003 10:04 AM

The above only is valid if yuo have your eggdrop running on the same server as you host the forum.

Axe 03-19-2003 10:30 PM

If you actually own the IRC server, or have access to add servers to the IRC network (as opposed to just having a channel on somebody's network), it might be worth looking into Thales.

I've been using it on our site for a couple of months now. It basically hooks up to the network, and for all intents & purposes, it's just another IRC server on the network, like Bahamut or IRC services.

The only difference is that it doesn't accept users. It stores live data regarding all the channels & users in a MySQL database, then you can just use standard queries to call the information.

If you don't have access to add servers, perhaps you could contact the people who do run the network and see if they want to install it and make some kind of web-based API so you can grab information and parse it out in your own scripts (something I've done with Thales so users who run channels on my server can call the live information regarding their channel and publish it on their own sites).

Here's a live example of it running.

http://chat.reptilerap.com <-- The URL of the main chat site, scripts directly querying the database.

ReptileRooms.com Chat Page <-- URL of an external site that has no access to the database, yet manages to show the channel information through the web-based API I wrote.

I can't remember the URL off-hand, but just go to google and search for "Thales IRC" and it'll come up on the first page of results :)

noppid 04-02-2003 06:33 PM

Nice hack! The TCL works great. We added a timer as well and the updates work great, thanks.

We do however have webspace on the same server we run our eggdrop bot and were able to avoid using the FTP method. The eggdrop bot server and the Forums Server are different locations though and we get to the file created by the eggdrop's userschatting.TCL script like this...

The TCL script is in /home/username/eggdrop/scripts
The web space is at /var/www/html/
We created /var/www/html/ircstats
then we linked to /home/username/eggdrop/scripts/userlist.txt

To link the files in linux(we did it as root)...
link /home/username/eggdrop/scripts/userlist.txt /var/www/html/ircstats/userlist.txt
The second file is created by the link command and should not exist.

Now whenever the bot updates the main file, the linked file will reflect the changes to be accessable to the web via HTTP.

This is the code we used in the index.php file to fetch the userslist.txt when a user accesses index.php, the forumhome.
PHP Code:

// Begin Joey irc hack ############################################################
$openfile = @fopen ("http://your.server.com/ircstats/userlist.txt""r");

    if (
$openfile ) {
        while (!
feof($openfile)) {
$buffer .= fgets($openfile4096);

$chatterson str_replace("%20"", "$buffer);
    else {
$chatterson "<center>Sorry, Statistis are offline, please logon for more information.
<br>Server: support.irclive.com | Port: 6667 | Channel: #vbcustom</center>"
// END Joey irc hack ################################################################## 

Hope it helps someone.

noppid 04-02-2003 10:46 PM

While reading the thread a few things came up that we would like to share. Here are our TCL modifications to Joey's great irc hack.

1) Putting the "No matter what" back in to the title, a Timer.
This method allows the script to wait for the user to exit before compiling the stats. No more two users have to exit to decrement the count. Plus since the userslist.txt is updated within 5 seconds of any bound event, there is no need for a constantly running timer. The file updates only when necessary.

2) Remove the bot from the list and the count.
Done! If that's what ya want, it's in here.

Thanks again to Joey for Excellent code to work with!

Although this is TCL, I'm gonna tag it php.

PHP Code:

# joey's irc hack userschatting.tcl
# modified to remove the bot's name and count.
# modified to Run "No matter what" and be up to
# date in 5 seconds of an event that is bound.

# Set the bots name here. (noppid) 
set i2h_botname "PitBoss"

set i2h_htmlfile "/home/username/eggdrop/scripts/userlist.txt" 
set i2h_chan "#vbcustom"
set i2h_text "#000000"

# all modified to i2h:make2, our new proc (noppid)
bind join "$i2h_chan %" i2h:make2
bind part 
"$i2h_chan %" i2h:make2
bind sign 
"$i2h_chan %" i2h:make2
bind topc 
"$i2h_chan %" i2h:make2
bind kick 
"$i2h_chan %" i2h:make2
bind nick 
"$i2h_chan %" i2h:make2
bind rejn 
"$i2h_chan %" i2h:make2

# set timer to wait 5 seconds before update on above events 
# This allows the exiting updates to be correct and not
# have to have a timer constantly running (noppid)
proc i2h:make2 {args} {
# set timer to wait 5 seconds before running the stats proc (noppid)
utimer 5 i2h:make
return 1

proc i2h:make {args} {
i2h_htmlfile i2h_chan i2h_text server i2h_botname
  set i2h_file 
[open $i2h_htmlfile w]
puts $i2h_file "<b>Topic</b>: $i2h_chan \[[lindex [getchanmode $i2h_chan] 0]\]: '[i2h:convert [topic $i2h_chan]]'<br>"
puts $i2h_file "<b>Server</b>: [string range $server 0 [expr [string last ":$server] - 1]]<br>\n"
set users ""
set online [chanlist $i2h_chan]
set count [llength $online]
set users [lindex $online 0]

  for {
set i 0} {$i $count} {incr i 1} {
set user [lindex $online $i]
set users "$users%20$user"
# decrement user count, don't count the bot (noppid)
set count [expr $count 1]
# Sometimes the names appear with %20, remove the bot name (noppid)
regsub -all "$i2h_botname%20" $users "" users 
# Sometimes the botname is in the array without a %20, remove those if present (noppid)
regsub -all $i2h_botname $users "" users    
# Simplified the user count to a singel var (noppid)
puts $i2h_file "<b>Users</b> \[$count\]: $users<br>\n"
close $i2h_file
return 1

proc i2h:convert {i2h_text} {
#Strip control codes.. sorta
regsub -all $i2h_text "" i2h_text
-all $i2h_text "" i2h_text
-all $i2h_text "" i2h_text
-all $i2h_text "" i2h_text
-all $i2h_text "" i2h_text
#Convert special chars
regsub -all $i2h_text "\\&amp;" i2h_text
-all \$i2h_text "\\&quot;" i2h_text
  regsub -all < 
$i2h_text "\\&lt;" i2h_text
  regsub -all > 
$i2h_text "\\&gt;" i2h_text
  regsub -all "  " 
$i2h_text " \\&nbsp;" i2h_text

set i2h_file [open 
$i2h_htmlfile w]
$i2h_file "<b>Topic</b>: $i2h_chan \[\]: ''<br>"
$i2h_file "<b>Server</b>: unknown<br>"
$i2h_file "<b>Users</b>: unknown<br>\n"

utimer 3 i2h:make

putlog "
SaS IRC nick list loaded.

Follow the homepage link in my profile to see it in action.


bloodcult 05-04-2003 02:50 PM

hi there,

i try all files and stuff in this Thread, but nothing would work....

ok, here is what i have, make and what comes out:

What i have:
eggdrop v1.6.13, on Linux 2.4.19-4GB

What i make:
put the tcl in scripts dir, bind it in config, make rehash/restart and it comes --->

with orginal script... the count problem, with modified orginalscript (like the postings here)

(17:38:04) (Bloodcult) [16:37] SaS IRC nick list loaded.
(17:38:04) (Bloodcult) [16:37] Userfile loaded, unpacking...
(17:38:15) (Bloodcult) [16:38] Tcl error in script for 'timer3':
(17:38:15) (Bloodcult) [16:38] wrong # args: should be "auth hand idx args"

with the tcl from noppid:

(17:33:13) (Bloodcult) [16:32] SaS IRC nick list loaded.
(17:33:13) (Bloodcult) [16:32] Userfile loaded, unpacking...
(17:33:14) (Bloodcult) [16:33] Tcl error in script for 'timer6':
(17:33:14) (Bloodcult) [16:33] wrong # args: should be "auth hand idx args"
(17:33:15) (Bloodcult) [16:33] Tcl error in script for 'timer7':
(17:33:15) (Bloodcult) [16:33] extra characters after close-quote

every time someone leaves or joins my channel it comes the same errors...

so what can i do?

thanks for answer

Bumpaneer 05-05-2003 12:55 PM

Is it possible to get the status characters in front of a username? (@, %, +) If so, is it also possible to get another? irc.resum.net allows admins (! char), can that be included?


Bumpaneer 05-05-2003 12:56 PM

Code I found if someone can modify it:
PHP Code:

# Location to save files 
set location "/home/ircadmin/MonkBOT/userlists/" 

# Channel to watch 
set chan "#unrealplayground" 

# How often to update file in minutes 
set updatetime 2 

# Check to see if the timer is running - only needed really during a .rehash 

putlog "users2list.tcl v1.0 has started" 

if {![info exists fileusers_running]} { 
timer $updatetime fileusers 
  set fileusers_running 1 

proc fileusers {} { 
updatetime chan file location 
if {![validchan $chan]} { 
putlog "ERROR - users2file.tcl - I am not on $chan, so I cannot output lists" 

set l1 [chanlist $chan
set l2 {} 
set l3 {} 
u $l1 
    if {[
isop $u $chan]} { 
lappend l3 "@" 
} elseif {[isvoice $u $chan]} { 
lappend l3 "+v" 
} else { 
lappend l3 "" 

lappend l3 $u 
    lappend l3 
[getchanidle $u $chan
lappend l3 "[getchanhost $u $chan]" 
lappend l2 [join $l3 {,}] 
set l3 {} 

#write the files 
set fp [open "${location}${chan}.users.txt" w
puts $fp [join $l1 {,}] 
close $fp 
  set fp 
[open "${location}${chan}.status.txt" w
puts $fp [join $l2 n
close $fp 

#restart the timer 
timer $updatetime fileusers 

noppid 05-05-2003 02:06 PM

Bloodcult, the code posted above has been running fine for us on
Eggdrop v1.6.12 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2002 Eggheads and RHL8.0.

I'm at a loss for suggestions other then check the path to the files and be sure they exist.

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X vBulletin 3.8.12 by vBS Debug Information
  • Page Generation 0.01483 seconds
  • Memory Usage 1,934KB
  • Queries Executed 10 (?)
More Information
Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
  • (1)ad_footer_start
  • (1)ad_header_end
  • (1)ad_header_logo
  • (1)ad_navbar_below
  • (8)bbcode_code_printable
  • (3)bbcode_php_printable
  • (7)bbcode_quote_printable
  • (1)footer
  • (1)gobutton
  • (1)header
  • (1)headinclude
  • (6)option
  • (1)pagenav
  • (1)pagenav_curpage
  • (1)pagenav_pagelink
  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete