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scsa20 07-05-2002 10:00 PM

[vbhacker/manual]MSN Hack
hey all, I've looked for something like this but never found it..yeah, there's some out that lets you click on and start chaten, but can you add them?? with this hack, witch came from wBB by Manix, you can put in your e-mail address for MSN Messenger and you can click on the chat which you can talk to him or you can add him with one click, then by clicking Next>Next.

I've included a install.txt (in cause you want to install it on your own) and MSNHack.hack.php (if you want to do it the fast, simple way).

this hack took me awhile to convert and I'll understand if it doesn't work, so if it doesn't work, let me know so I can see if I could fix it.


This updated version addes the MSN thing in the mod section, and it also cleans up some confusion in the codes. No, there isn't any vbhacker file in this one... the reason for this is because it's the maker that messed up with the codes in the first place *kicks vbhackermaker*

and another thing, you don't need to add the stuff to the postbit or whoisonline or something if you don't want to use the images, and if you find it annoying that AIM (yes, I expremented with that happening) or MSN opening, just remove the code that's below the footer, it should get ride of that happening.

pattox2k1 07-06-2002 11:21 AM

u should have tested this first or put it in the beta forum then, i will try it anyways ;)

69-FLy-gUy 07-06-2002 12:14 PM

i had errors.. the query could not be run..

couldn't find the code in register.php, announcement.php

and it screwed up my functions.php

NTLDR 07-06-2002 05:41 PM

Have you got any screen shots? This looks like what I might want, so I may test it on my demo board.

scsa20 07-06-2002 06:21 PM

It works, it's just that the codes might be different in everyones PHP file and/or template files.

the SQL query sould be:

ALTER TABLE user ADD msn varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL

for some reason, vbhackmaker wanted to put \ in random spots, so you might have to edit it manually but it should work, all I did was copy the code for AIM and change it to MSN and such.

you can see it in action by going to by board (I'm the only one that's using it right now cuz no one on my board knows about it because they don't go there often), I also have some screen shots.

here's a screen shot of the postbit

scsa20 07-06-2002 06:22 PM

here's one of the user profile

Boofo 07-06-2002 07:23 PM

Have you got it where I can assign it to any image (button) without that chat part? I just want ot have it open up whatver and add that users name to the buddies list. I tried it with the VBScript, but I don't know VBScript enough to make it work. :)

BTW: What would happen if someone clicked on it and didn't have msn installed or use msn messeneger. Would it give them an error?


Originally posted by scsa20
hey all, I've looked for something like this but never found it..yeah, there's some out that lets you click on and start chaten, but can you add them?? with this hack, witch came from wBB by Manix, you can put in your e-mail address for MSN Messenger and you can click on the chat which you can talk to him or you can add him with one click, then by clicking Next>Next.

I've included a install.txt (in cause you want to install it on your own) and MSNHack.hack.php (if you want to do it the fast, simple way).

this hack took me awhile to convert and I'll understand if it doesn't work, so if it doesn't work, let me know so I can see if I could fix it.

scsa20 07-06-2002 07:35 PM


Originally posted by Boofo
Have you got it where I can assign it to any image (button) without that chat part? I just want ot have it open up whatver and add that users name to the buddies list. I tried it with the VBScript, but I don't know VBScript enough to make it work. :)

if you want to change the way the button is and such, just edit the msn template, that's where the buttons are. if all you want is the add user one, remove the first link from the msn template ;)


Originally posted by Boofo
BTW: What would happen if someone clicked on it and didn't have msn installed or use msn messeneger. Would it give them an error?

to my understanding, when I had my MSN Messenger loged off, it didn't do anything, so it should be the same if they didn't have it installed.

Boofo 07-06-2002 08:27 PM

Bingo! It works great! Is there any way to get it to do the same thing for Trillian? I use that and I know a lot of other people do too. Also, would there be a way to have it come up with some sort of error box to tell you that you need to have MSN installed and running? It opened up MSN Messeneger when I loaded the page. Is there any way to not have it open it up if it is not running? That might be kindof annoying. :)

scsa20 07-06-2002 08:34 PM

I do not know if you could do that, but I can take a look ;)

Boofo 07-06-2002 10:08 PM

Thanks! Is there any way to stop it from opening up messenger when you load the page, for now?

Since Trillian basically does the name additions the same way, it really shouldn't be a problem. I have that open most of the time so if that opened up when the showthread template was run, it wouldn't be quite as bad. If you can get it to not open anything if it is not already open (maybe have a box ask you if you want to open it up and add the buddy), that might work, too. :)


Originally posted by scsa20
I do not know if you could do that, but I can take a look ;)

scsa20 07-07-2002 12:00 AM

I'll see what I can do.

Enjoy Marcus 07-09-2002 08:44 PM

ok its great and all, but i got 1 tiny problem, when i add the msn email address it doesnt save the "om" part at the end of the ".com" address, any ideas why? except for that i got no probs!

Enjoy Marcus 07-09-2002 08:54 PM

no its not that actually, it limits the address to only 20 charachters, how can i change this? thanks.

Enjoy Marcus 07-09-2002 09:32 PM

i figured it out, its all in the query that has to be run;

ALTER TABLE user ADD msn varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;

change the 20 to whatever amount of charachters you want to let the people use in their email addresses, i put 150 just to be safe

scsa20 07-10-2002 05:47 AM

yeah, I noticed that, I've been mostly looking at what Yahoo, ICQ, and AIM was set on :rolleyes:

Boofo 07-10-2002 06:38 AM

Any luck yet on making it work with Trillian? :)


Originally posted by scsa20
I'll see what I can do.

scsa20 07-11-2002 05:46 AM

not yet :(


Dark Shogun 08-20-2002 05:28 AM

I can't find this ANYWHERE in admin/user.php

PHP Code:

In admin/user.phpreplace this code:                                                           |
$user=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid,usergroupid,username,password,email,parentemail,coppauser,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,adminemail,showemail,invisible,usertitle,customtitle,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,cookieuser,daysprune,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,posts,timezoneoffset,emailnotification,emailonpm,receivepm,ipaddress FROM user WHERE userid=$userid"); 

I am right in the middle of this hack. PLEASE HELP.

Dark Shogun

Linux 08-25-2002 04:18 AM

I think it is mod/user.php instead of admin/user.php

Nice hack I will install it :)

Esdee 11-02-2002 02:05 PM

Great hack. It took me a helluva time to install it, but it seems good.
It did have a lot of errors in it though, like that part in the user.php that isn't there (I just left it out) and, some things like a semi-colum missing, which screws up the whole thing :p

Hmm, I better try in the mod/user.php

Esdee 11-03-2002 08:29 AM


<b>Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/esdee/www/forums/announcement.php on line 4

Parse error: parse error in /home/esdee/www/forums/announcement.php on line 6</b>


belorofon 11-05-2002 09:49 PM

Its not working on 2.2.8. Since I try to install it on 2.2.8 the MSN Messenger starts automaticly when the vB opened.
How can I redo this?
Sorry about my bad english...


corsacrazy 11-11-2002 10:48 AM

im getting this error

Parse error: parse error in /home/virtual/site52/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/functions.php on line 254

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getuserinfo() in /home/virtual/site52/fst/var/www/html/forums/admin/sessions.php on line 111

HughJorgen 12-03-2002 11:21 AM

Well Feck... Have installed this and it just doesn't work... got errors throughout the install and almost crashed it but finally got it stable. Now all I get is 'error on page' from IE when I click on one of the icons.

Does it have to be in mod/user.php since that code doesn't exist in admin/user.php?

scsa20 12-28-2002 02:31 AM


Read the first post of what's happen, or just download the new version at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...&postid=269818

spbeck 01-20-2003 12:18 PM

i've installed this hack on my boards.. however no icons for msn are appearing..

all the files and templates are edited correctly, icq icon dosent appear either..

Anyone got any ideas vb version is 2.2.9

Boofo 01-20-2003 12:22 PM

Did you take the <!-- and --> out of the front and rear of the icons in your postbit? ;)

spbeck 01-20-2003 12:33 PM

hey thanks for that

what a dummy i am

thanks again :)

Tony DiMera 01-21-2003 03:10 PM

Cool hack

gopherhockey 01-22-2003 02:31 AM


Originally posted by spbeck
i've installed this hack on my boards.. however no icons for msn are appearing..

all the files and templates are edited correctly, icq icon dosent appear either..

Anyone got any ideas vb version is 2.2.9

I too am runing 2.2.9 and even with the uncommenting of the <!-- stuff in the postbit template, I do not see the msn icon.

I can see the aol and other ones just fine. The msn doesn't show up at all.

Anyone else have this problem? I have gone over and over the instructions and the files I have and there doesn't seem to be any problems. It seems that the showthreads file just isn't at all calling the msn template.


scsa20 01-29-2003 04:43 AM

well... this update was installed using a non-hacked copy of vB 2.2.9 so there shouldn't be any problems... make sure you uploaded msn_add.gif and msn_talk.gif to the folder of where the style is... like if you have different images folder for different styles of the forum, you'll have to put a copy in there also, unless you change the path of the template to have it pointing to one dir... and I re-looked over the dircetion, it is calling for it... so it could just be you haven't uploaded the pics. any more problems, don't be afread to ask, I'll help as best as I can.

spbeck 01-29-2003 07:27 AM

has something changed with the new msn client cos my users are reporting that the msn feature has stopped working

scsa20 01-30-2003 03:14 AM

I think it only works if you have messeger 4.x... I do not think it works with version 5 (I tried it myself, instead it just opened AIM?)

nnjj.net 01-31-2003 04:53 PM

thanx alooooooooooot
I was searching for that :)

007 02-09-2003 08:10 AM

wow, this hack took the better half of an hour to install. the whole time I was just hoping, this better work lol! imagine the lengthy troubleshooting that would have followd, or even worse, uninstalling it... worked immediataly though. thanks a lot! great hack. this really should have been included in the original download though, you know, straight from vbulletin.com. oh well, this hack is very professional. does the job very well.

hey is there a way to see what hacks we installed? i was just thinking i should probably go find all the hacks i installed and actually click "install" on them so if i ever upgrade and have to reinstall... is there a way i can see which ones i have installed though? thanks.

scsa20 02-11-2003 02:28 AM

not to my knowledge. the only way to know what you got installed is if the hacker profids the comments in the codes telling what the hack is and if you clicked the "Install" button for the threads....

Hazzz-E 02-18-2003 04:46 PM


it isn't working that good here with msn5 :'(

To bad, it's a great hack, really luv it, and my members 2

007 03-01-2003 08:17 AM

No, I remembered them but I wanted to find them here again. I found out how. Just go to the bottom of the first page in your usercp here, and where it says "Installed Hacks," click "The beginning" for the views. Then it lists them all. :)

Also, I have a question about this hack, you said this:


Originally posted by scsa20
I think it only works if you have messeger 4.x... I do not think it works with version 5 (I tried it myself, instead it just opened AIM?)
Well, I had installed this hack on the 10th, and I have never noticed the apparent "AIM Issue" with this, but I recently became aware that this was a problem on my board. AIM was loading ever time someone went to a thread and didn't already have AIM opened. I almsot always have it on so I never noticed until now.

I posted this and I am wondering if this is maybe the reason. I was going through all the hacks I installed and this one is the only one that seems like it would be causing this. THANKS. :)

scsa20 03-02-2003 02:04 PM

it's due to this hack, it was organlly so'pose to open MSN if you exit out of it (just like if you go to hotmail to check your e-mail and you see that MSN messenger open right up by your system clock) but since the release of MSN 5, I guess it went to the next best thing which was AIM :(

I'm still looking for a sloution for how to make it stop loading AIM and load MSN instead, so untell then, you can stop AIM/MSN from loading by removing the following the showthread template and from the getinfo template (yes, it's over there also ;)):


        <object classid="clsid:FB7199AB-79BF-11d2-8D94-0000F875C541" codeType="application/x-oleobject" id="MsgrApp" width="0" height="0"></object>
        <object classid="clsid:F3A614DC-ABE0-11d2-A441-00C04F795683" codetype="application/x-oleobject" id="MsgrObj" width="0" height="0" codebase="#Version=2,0,0,83"></object>

it should be after $footer

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