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-   -   Very special battle system... (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=39319)

Dean C 06-01-2002 08:07 PM

Very special battle system...
This is undoubtedly the best hack ive seen ... it makes the store hack look like a template mod...

If you goto:


then visit any thread... u will see that in the threads users have a win loss tally ...

then below that is a link to users standing (or sumthin along those lines)

if you go there u will see how fantastic this hack is... there is a league table with a rating... the amount of wins and losses... their rating etc...

personally if find this hack amazing

obviously this is another rap site... and the users write their raps and put them against the other persons raps... u can see now the need for this hack...

I would love this hack so much... i have talked to the admin and he's not willing to share the script so i was wondering if someone could make this...

Thanks in Advance...

Velocd 06-01-2002 08:14 PM

it has a few bugs in it, like when I tried to view the users battle stats it gave me a runtime error. How does this hack work though, I couldn't figure out how to battle with anybody

Dean C 06-01-2002 08:20 PM

i have no idea how it works... but i think u have to agree its dam near amazing...

i guess it cud be done thru only editable by admins user profile fields..... but if ure site was big enough then this would be time consuming...

Neo 06-02-2002 05:24 AM

Their logo is tight.

Dean C 06-02-2002 07:21 AM

yea... but its the battle system that i want lol!... is there any1 who is looking ino this??

Orlandu 06-02-2002 08:23 AM

Meh, I'm writing my own right now and I will be happy with it once it's finished. I don't need anything too fancy, just something that works well.

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 06-27-2002 05:58 PM

Looks nice - so whos gonna make it - and what all withit be compatable with ?

Dean C 06-27-2002 06:01 PM

yea im wondering if someone will make it :D

supersimon 08-19-2002 03:31 AM

lol that would be amazing if someone did that will be a definate top hack and i dont know if u guys ever seen teh system a battlerap.com they had teh most amazing systme were u could challenge a user thru teh pm system but ist customized and u accept it brings u to teh make a new thread in the battles forum and automaticcaly titles it ***USER***vs ***USER*** and then when ist done and all teh automated vote are tallied and these are votes were u click the number and it puts it into each members average and when the thread is closed it talis all his wins and losses under his avatar <<<no my fiends that is a hack>>> tha man who wrote it sells it for 400 hundread bucks and its only for UBB i tried to lean how to do this and iam stll learning but iam not quite good enough

g-force2k2 08-19-2002 04:00 AM

the things you mentioned supersimon shouldn't be that hards... i probably won't ever pay 400 hunderd... i'd much rather make my own ;p if i ever work/make my hack... it'll be much more advanced :)


supersimon 08-19-2002 04:33 PM

i dunno sound liek a bunch of hacks combined rating, wins/losses, alot of template editing i already rename al my pm sytem to battle challenges but now iam stuck lol

Dean C 08-19-2002 05:41 PM

it would be nice... still waiting for someone to make this :D

supersimon 08-24-2002 09:16 PM

umm iam willing to pay for it ?

g-force2k2 08-25-2002 05:14 AM


Originally posted by supersimon
umm iam willing to pay for it ?
i see... well in the near future i will be attempting more then one version of a battle hack... besides other comments i have none...


Rapdis 08-30-2002 12:16 PM

is there any news on this.... were still waiting...

Gohan 08-30-2002 04:12 PM

Error 404!?!?!?

Dean C 08-30-2002 05:34 PM

lyric olympics got sued by the olympic commiteee...

its not hiphopheads.com i think :s

- Mist

supersimon 09-15-2002 03:43 AM

yup it is

influence 09-21-2002 12:14 AM

umm lol mist u posted this. Well LO rating system is nice. im a good friend of stamina and he's willing to rent that hacking system to me but the problem is, he will be running it on his server witha scripts or whatever and I don't want that. I want it on my server because his server might go down or something might happen but anyways.

Im willing to pay whoever can come up with either Lyricolympics o r battlerap ranking system. I chat with lesane about this and he said he will do it for free because he love making hacks so he will do it for free but I haven't seen him on ICQ for over 3 weeks now so I gave up on that.

but if anyone is up for this then I will pay for it.


E 09-21-2002 12:20 AM

we are making this hack as ya'll speak

also we have a belt hack thats avaliable also, it puts the belts on the side, a thing in your admin cp to edit the belts and holders and adds the belts under the users name and stuff when they post.

The battle hack will be like this, almost finished:

The Battle Hack -
This Just lets u start battles on an automatic system if u choose too.. u still can do it the old way... but this feature includes:

New Button in Battle Board, Called New Battle, on click it takes u too a screen where u fill in ur rules

The Rules has the basics....that u MUST INCLUDE.. these are
Opponent.... put in the name of the opponent u wish to battle
First to # Votes.. can be watever u want.....
KO #-0.. or Turn Ko's off....
Posts to Vote... Make it so peoples votes that are under the amount u selected not count.... (0 of course allows all voters)
And Additional Rules, which is wat other rules like no dr's and watever.. altho it wont effect the auto system....

after u set the rules.. it sends ur opponent a pm.. and if they agree to the rules they click a link and that activates the battle

New Vote Button aswell as reply...in threads so users can choose to make a vote or spam.. lol...

Auto Vote Counter, and auto determining of winner

Daps automatically added depending on Normal Win or KO

Peoples Battle Records updated after every battle.....

WInner coloumn in forum display next to Thread Starter

Ranking Page, Which HAs full records of people and rankings determined by records

It will not be released, only sold

also there is the crew hack:

The Crew HAck -
This HAck is just an addon for crews..

Crew that u belong too in every post

New Crew Options:
Ranks: Set ranks for people, or set a sytem for auto ranks
Treasury: Like A bank for the crew daps .. yum (with donate feature)
Hierarchy: A List of all the members and ranks

Buy New Things with cRew Fund:
Banner: a picture displayed at the top of ur forum
watever else u can think of

Application Form for people trying to get in,
Also Ability to Kick People from crew

Again, none of these will be realeased, only sold.

influence 09-21-2002 06:03 PM

hay sounds interesting.

let me know when its done.

Colon33 09-22-2002 06:23 PM

there system is all done manually. The admin refs battles and chooses the outcome.. its not automated, from people i have asked

influence 09-25-2002 03:53 AM

ya I kinda figured that out too because hes doing it for only one forum. basicly what he did was create some battle record field I already did to my site but how he did his history page iswhat im trying to figure out but I reckon a battlerap.com battle system

Mental Stamina 09-27-2002 04:08 AM


Originally posted by E
we are making this hack as ya'll speak

also we have a belt hack thats avaliable also, it puts the belts on the side, a thing in your admin cp to edit the belts and holders and adds the belts under the users name and stuff when they post.

The battle hack will be like this, almost finished:

The Battle Hack -
This Just lets u start battles on an automatic system if u choose too.. u still can do it the old way... but this feature includes:

New Button in Battle Board, Called New Battle, on click it takes u too a screen where u fill in ur rules

The Rules has the basics....that u MUST INCLUDE.. these are
Opponent.... put in the name of the opponent u wish to battle
First to # Votes.. can be watever u want.....
KO #-0.. or Turn Ko's off....
Posts to Vote... Make it so peoples votes that are under the amount u selected not count.... (0 of course allows all voters)
And Additional Rules, which is wat other rules like no dr's and watever.. altho it wont effect the auto system....

after u set the rules.. it sends ur opponent a pm.. and if they agree to the rules they click a link and that activates the battle

New Vote Button aswell as reply...in threads so users can choose to make a vote or spam.. lol...

Auto Vote Counter, and auto determining of winner

Daps automatically added depending on Normal Win or KO

Peoples Battle Records updated after every battle.....

WInner coloumn in forum display next to Thread Starter

Ranking Page, Which HAs full records of people and rankings determined by records

It will not be released, only sold

also there is the crew hack:

The Crew HAck -
This HAck is just an addon for crews..

Crew that u belong too in every post

New Crew Options:
Ranks: Set ranks for people, or set a sytem for auto ranks
Treasury: Like A bank for the crew daps .. yum (with donate feature)
Hierarchy: A List of all the members and ranks

Buy New Things with cRew Fund:
Banner: a picture displayed at the top of ur forum
watever else u can think of

Application Form for people trying to get in,
Also Ability to Kick People from crew

Again, none of these will be realeased, only sold.

i did the same thing
but it has more features
the version on hiphopheads.com still has some bugs in it
cuz i never added the finished version
which i wrote up in like january
you're a smart man @ E if you can pull it off
but...it's love i probably won't add my full version til nov/dec
no time to work type and intergrate it with work & school

Mental Stamina 09-27-2002 04:11 AM

also E, if you sell it......most of the owners of rap sites know each other.......so if you sell one of them.............that's probably all you'll sell.........that's the main reason i haven't released mine, pirates would prevent profit....and it'd be a waste becuz you'd make more of a profit keeping it strictly at your site and attracting members that way.........but good luck

Dean C 09-27-2002 05:53 PM

exactly ^...

- miSt

influence 09-30-2002 11:00 PM

ya but it depends who he sell it to. I think if he make a agreement that will be good. Alot of reason why most people on vbulletin hate rap boards is because most of them are pirated and yes u right stamina, most the webmasters know each other but on a agreement standards, he should released it and if your agreement ended up being strickly violated then u can take actions such as sue or get that person website shut down. If E pull it off that be nice. Lesane promise to do a battle system for me but I guess he's kinda busy. His plan was to make it free so im thinking he might release it so its better if someone sell it and NOT release it free because releasing it free will make every rap site being the same and people with no vbulletin license will also have it.

Lesane 10-01-2002 07:04 AM

Yes, i am kinda busy lately. But also, i already started with the battle hack but then my computer had a virus and i lost all the files. It's difficult to start on the beginning again.

I'm very busy now with making a new (great ;) ) design for my forum and moving the forum to a new server with a new domain. This all is hopefully done next week, after next week i can start with the battle hack for you. I will not release it if you don't want to. No problem.

Dean C 10-01-2002 03:32 PM

yes dont release it... send it to me too...hehe ;)

- miSt

influence 10-02-2002 12:18 AM

Thank you lesane.
if you need anything with your site let me know as a return. You one of the best hacker and helper people around here. when I message you and ask you that im pay you for it, you told me you code for fun not looking for money, that was pretty nice of you saying that. truely appreciate you doing it for me and No dont release it then like someone stated, All rap sites going end up having it since most rap website webmasters are friends.

Also is there anyway your gambling hack will be worked on for vb 2.2.7 or 2.2.8? because I dont think I might upgrade to 3.0. Im not really feeling the way 3.0 look

Lesane 10-03-2002 01:53 PM

You're Welcome Influence. :)

If i release it, yes then it will work on 2.2.8.

Dean C 10-03-2002 03:36 PM

:).. cool lesane...

your never on ICQ and you still haven't got AIM *sighs* lol

- miSt

influence 10-07-2002 01:56 AM

Ok, im using 2.2.7 now and I might upgrade to 2.2.8.
if u going make the gambling hack for 2.2.7 then I wont upgrade then.. How long its going take for u to redo the gambling hack? I really want that on my site. my members dying for it

Preech 10-07-2002 02:26 AM

Personally, I'm offended by some of the comments made by members of Vbulletin.org. No, not all rap boards owners are not friends. Most of them will try to become friends on the fact that there site isn't as popular as the next. Mines...has about eighty members. I don't do any advertising. Members promote my site on there own free will.
I'm not going to lie, at first I was using a illegal board. Than I was like oh what's the use. I went on a got myself a license.
Some of us aren't good with Web Design's, and coming up with these add-on's for vb. The only reason I have my site is to help other inspiring young emcee's. I mentor. I battle. I give my view on things plain and simple. Site's like mines and other help the beginner emcee get a better look or understanding on of the finest parts to the music industry. I would like to see that hack released on the fact; 1. I would love to us it. Giving you full credit if anyone ask. 2. It would make setting up battles and running tournaments alot easier on my site. 3. I haven't quite made it to college to do this type of thing on my own yet. So I have no clue.

Sorry, hate to burden the eyes, but this is just my opinion.

influence 10-07-2002 08:34 PM

he is not going to release the battle system, he is only going to release the gambling hack after he redo it like he said.

Yes I was offended by vbulletin.org, vbulletin.com and yaxay.com members comments about hiphop/rap websites. just cause few ignorant kids did something to yall dont mean yall have to downsize all hiphop/rap website. Its really pitiful by the way most yall act. I was using another board. A asp board I recode to make it look like both UBB and Vbulletin and then I saw some hacks done by lesane and other people that I really want on my board but it was not possible for me to do them on my other board so I decided to get a vbulletin license. But seriously though, just cause few kids run around stealing yall styles, graphics, images and such and such dont mean yall have to go off at all hiphop/rap websites. I know lots of webmasters that dont own hiphop site but own graphic designers site and other websites and on their board they dont do none that herbiolic acts most yall be doing.

thats just that. If u hate hiphop or rap music thats on u, keep it to yourself, maybe u have a good reason to, just dont act ignorant about it.


eyecandy 12-29-2002 08:13 AM

saw this and couldn't help but say that it's nice.. i've been to rap olypics .. actually hiphopheads.com.. and it's outstanding.. i know the webmaster there.. i'm over on boxden.. and we have topsites for music downloads.. we are just getting part 3 of our board up as i speak. was looking for a better ranking ladder because the one i have now is crap. but when i speak about a good rankign system.. that's the one i always dream about.

eyecandy 12-29-2002 08:17 AM

and i just read ya views on vbulletin.. didn't know it was like that.. interesting..

we've reset our boards 3 times.. 1st go round was about 11000 members.. currenlty box 2 (the older forum is around 5000 members) and for two days now box 3 is up... we have about 200 members already.. hip hop boards are a big thing.. and we are consumers.. i don't see the big deal about hate and all.. on boxden.com things is pretty good and we praise vbulletin. why the hate and stuff?? just wondering..

noppid 05-14-2003 08:45 PM

We have a rap battle system available. PM for details. It's working on two busy production sites.

Royal 08-01-2003 05:19 PM

is there any news on this hack ? im also running an hiphop community i would love to see this hack in de vb.org dbase :)

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