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dymo 04-22-2002 10:00 PM

IRC Java addition (bocazas irc)
Simple IRC addon for Vbulletin using bocazas Java IRC, its free no ads or anything, its included in the zip with all the instructions and so on.

PHP Code:

This is a fairly simple Hack if you can even call it that

after looking around 
and really now finding a iRC interface that i liked i accidently stubled across this from one of my admin's.

I have included the java files from bocazas i just removed there examples to avoid confusion.
look thru there read me to get a better feel for the options you have to customize this with.

//////Install Guide/////////
Step 1.
Upload the following to the forums root directory

Upload bocazas.cab
upload bocazas.jar
upload chat.php

Step 2.
Create a new template called chat
and copy the text out of chat.template
or use the template backup system from Firefly
[url]https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33072&perpage=15&highlight=template[/url] backup&display=&pagenumber=1
and import the chat.template

//////////////////////chat.template contents/////////////////////////////
<title>$bbtitle - IRC Chat</title>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="{contenttablewidth}" {tableinvisibleextra} align="center">
        <td width="100%"><img src="{imagesfolder}/vb_bullet.gif" alt="" border="0" align="absmiddle">
        <normalfont><b><a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">$bbtitle</a> &gt;
<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" {tableouterextra} width="70%" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" width="100%">
    <td colspan="5" bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}"><normalfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><center><b>$storename</b></cebter></normalfont></td>
<div align="center"><applet archive="bocazas.jar" code=bocazas.class width=620 height=450>
    <param name="CABBASE" value="bocazas.cab">
    <param name="nickname" value=$username>
    <param name="fullname" value=$email>
    <param name="channel1" value="#d2network">
    <param name="language1" value="english">
    <param name="server1" value="www.d2network.com">
    <param name="files" value="false">
    <param name="autoentry" value="true">
  </applet> </div>
///////////////////////end chat.template contents////////////////////////////////

Step 3.
open the chat template
thru the admin panel  Templates > Modify and select Chat(edit)
    <param name="channel1" value="#d2network">
and edit to match your irc channel name

    <param name="server1" value="irc.d2network.com">
edit to match you irc server name

Optional Steps
read the bocazas-readme.txt and customize the rest fo the <param name" to suit your sites needs if any.

thats its all done


and a screenshot for those who care.


including the zip with bocazas seperately its a 190k too large to attach here sorry

[hhhh] 04-23-2002 01:31 PM


Corbu 04-23-2002 01:57 PM

Thanks a lot !

I'm going to test it now !

chazman 04-23-2002 03:07 PM

is there a way to use this type of addon/hack as an instant messenger. So that it opens up into a private channel essentially. You would have to incorporate some sort of popup for the person that you were wanting to chat with. Similiar to the PM popup on a new message. I think this would be a great addition.


dymo 04-23-2002 03:47 PM

its an idea not sure how it would implemented, the only way i can think it would be possible would be to mimic the pm popup which means the other user would have to refresh to get it, and I am not 100% sure if the pm 's are checked on every page or only on the index, i think for an instant messenger style of hack it would be easy and better to rely on a web based icq hack instead

chazman 04-23-2002 04:49 PM

either way I think it would be very handy. Since the Who's Online feature is there, it is very tempting to want to hold a quick chat with folks online. PM's are like waiting for email to show up.


dymo 04-23-2002 08:17 PM

give me a few days to work on that, its gonna be a major amount of work to get it working in that way

Kumaro 04-23-2002 08:21 PM

Thank you! somebody finally made an IRC chat hack that is free... Wohoo!!!

Just one thing...it uses the same username, as your vb one, but IRC servers don't allow nicknames that start with numbers...soo...is there a way to automatically change the persons nickname? cuz many people don't know the IRC command to change a nickname....
If this is not possible...doesn't matter...stil an amazing hack
Thanks a Mil!

dymo 04-23-2002 08:32 PM

open your chat template and find

PHP Code:

<div align="center"><applet archive="bocazas.jar" code=bocazas.class width=620 height=450>
param name="CABBASE" value="bocazas.cab">
param name="nickname" value=$username>
param name="fullname" value=$email>
param name="channel1" value="#d2network">
param name="language1" value="english">
param name="server1" value="www.d2network.com">
param name="files" value="false">
param name="autoentry" value="true">
applet> </div

<param name="nickname" value=$username>


<param name="nickname" value="NickName">

and change
<param name="autoentry" value="true">


<param name="autoentry" value="false">

this will cause the irc window to pause and allow the user to change his or her nick, it also will no longer auto join IRC.

the rest of the Param you can edit are listed in the readme-bocazas.txt


GOD-Dblade 04-23-2002 08:55 PM

nice hack dymo....nice to see you on these boards to :)

Kumaro 04-23-2002 08:57 PM

great, thanks a million...
one more thing:

How in the world did you change the header image of the applet...mine uses the bocazas one...I replaced the image with the one I wanted to use in .jar, but it won't let me replace it in the .cab...

how did ya change tha image...and the link of the image too?

dymo 04-23-2002 09:01 PM

er i didnt change the image on it, its a black image with a red logo, i just happen to have a black background on my site so it blends prefectly


Kumaro 04-24-2002 10:14 AM


ariaforums 04-26-2002 10:35 AM

Anyway to add multiple server choices?

ta :)

dymo 04-26-2002 12:17 PM

server3 - Defines all the servers you want to show in the list
etc of the configuration menu. By default the first one will
be selected.
You can especify a different port for each server following
the format:


Ex: <param name="Server1" value="irc.bocazas.com:6667,6668">

If not irc port is given, 6667 is the default.

lifesourcerec 04-26-2002 02:40 PM

Works like a charm. :)

lifesourcerec 04-26-2002 04:19 PM


Originally posted by chazman
either way I think it would be very handy. Since the Who's Online feature is there, it is very tempting to want to hold a quick chat with folks online. PM's are like waiting for email to show up.


I wish their was a who's online addon to this :)

dymo 04-26-2002 04:49 PM

i honestly dont know the pm system well enough to write another popup for irc chats, and I still dont know if the popup is based on the index only or if it pops up with pm notices if you browsing the forums, but i will take a peak at it this weekend.


dymo 04-29-2002 04:53 PM

FYI this isnt dead were close to finishing this private chat request addon

chazman 04-30-2002 03:49 PM

AWESOME!!! Thanks Dymo!!!!

Any timeline? I bet with this addon this Hack will go to the top of the charts in no time!


dymo 04-30-2002 05:52 PM

theres a few minor problems with it still, but i should have a release in a day or two

pjgoncalves 05-04-2002 03:29 AM

tks! gonna try for sure :)

Renegade 05-04-2002 03:33 PM

Seems to keep defaulting to irc.bocazos.com instead of my edited chat template??

anyone have an idea why?

dymo 05-04-2002 04:55 PM

post the param code your using then i might be able to help more

chazman 05-05-2002 01:56 PM

howz the instant message mod coming?


ling_thing 05-24-2002 06:35 PM

cheers for this
works a treat

Jawelin 05-27-2002 11:27 AM


Originally posted by dymo
server3 - Defines all the servers you want to show in the list
etc [...]
If not irc port is given, 6667 is the default.

Very very nice hack.
It could be possible, instead specifying different servers, to have (and make selectable) different #channels ?

Thank you very much.

Duke Of Lion 07-07-2002 11:10 AM

THANK YOU, working great, but my name has spaces in it, so how do I connect to it, with only duke like on vbulletin, or can't I do it without being on a server which doesn't allow my nick?

lifesourcerec 07-07-2002 03:49 PM


Originally posted by dymo
<param name="nickname" value=$username>


<param name="nickname" value="NickName">

and change
<param name="autoentry" value="true">


<param name="autoentry" value="false">

this will cause the irc window to pause and allow the user to change his or her nick, it also will no longer auto join IRC.

the rest of the Param you can edit are listed in the readme-bocazas.txt

dymo [/B]
Either that or just change to something like <param name="nickname" value="abc_$username"> and let them change their name when they get on IRC

bonnmac 07-07-2002 05:14 PM

Works great! Thanks :)

Duke Of Lion 07-08-2002 10:51 AM


i honestly dont know the pm system well enough to write another popup for irc chats, and I still dont know if the popup is based on the index only or if it pops up with pm notices if you browsing the forums, but i will take a peak at it this weekend.

Originally posted by dymo
FYI this isnt dead were close to finishing this private chat request addon
Any progress in this?


in the vbulletin.org chat it is the case that when i log on i don't have to type anything.....
It changes my nick from duke of lion to duke, because spaces are not allowed, is that available for this hack too?


TalkHardRandy 07-10-2002 02:46 PM

I've been running with this for a while & it works great... however, I was wanting to know how to restrict certain groups of users from accessing chat. We have users that we don't want to have access to the chat room & short of banning them there is nothing else we can do.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Duke Of Lion 07-11-2002 02:12 PM

Works fine now, but how can I let unregisterd users come in my chat? They get the loggin form of vBulletin? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Duke Of Lion 07-11-2002 02:19 PM


Originally posted by TalkHardRandy
I've been running with this for a while & it works great... however, I was wanting to know how to restrict certain groups of users from accessing chat. We have users that we don't want to have access to the chat room & short of banning them there is nothing else we can do.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I think it can be done by adding a style which you use in only one (members) forum. You can download styles at www.yaxay.com and here in vBulletin.org. Then look in your admin panel and set the usernames in the chat template (OF YOUR MEMBERS STYLE) to $username and $email or something. Of course somebody can log onto your channel using another IRC client, unless you have a private channel of course..... Anyone know where to get them btw?

Still new to this but I think it should work.

Duke Of Lion 07-12-2002 10:51 AM


Originally posted by Duke Of Lion
Works fine now, but how can I let unregisterd users come in my chat? They get the loggin form of vBulletin? Any help is greatly appreciated.
So which string says users should log in?

Duke Of Lion 07-12-2002 12:28 PM

Has to do with this part in chat.php right? What should it be?

// Hack Made By dymo
if(!$bbuserinfo[userid]) {

Neo 07-12-2002 03:28 PM

*cough* How would I go about getting my own IRC channel... I am stupid and dont know.

Velocd 07-12-2002 04:12 PM


Originally posted by neo
*cough* How would I go about getting my own IRC channel... I am stupid and dont know.

Velocd 07-12-2002 11:38 PM

This is a very nice hack, although I'm having some troubles myself getting my channel to pick up. I'm sure this has been questioned, but any thought on maybe a "who's chatting" type of thing for the homepage? How does Vbulletin.org do it? Firefly needs to share that secret :(

I've got a question and a thing to add. How can I specify who is the OP when entering my channel? It always selects the first person inside to be an OP. Can this be done with the <param tag, to only allow the person with userid=1 or admin usergroup to be the OP?

Also, I've noticed some of the other chat hacks simply use

<parame name="usrename" value="$bbuserinfo[username]
Instead of calling a query getting the username in chat.php, but I suppose 1 query doesn't make a difference.

UltimaKing 07-13-2002 03:03 PM

Umm, I must be doing something wrong. It just says "Load Class bocaza not found"

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