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-   -   should this hack be removed? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=37139)

heretic 04-07-2002 09:58 PM

should this hack be removed?
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&postid=238064#post238064" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...064#post238064</a>

I, among others, feel that hacks posted here should be free and open source, and that if the person wishes to charge for the hack, should not have it posted in a "Full Releases" forum.

Neo 04-08-2002 02:46 AM

Is there something on this site that says hacks have to be open source? I have never seen anything on this site say it is even open source, just hacks / addons and as long as if work with vb and works *which it does for me* it is a hack. so why dont you get a life.

Velocd 04-08-2002 03:26 AM

Maybe this forum needs a section for hacks that you can purchase?

Wayne2k1.com 04-08-2002 07:13 AM

Waiting for Mods or Admins to say something, I'll give you my 2 cents:

I think all the hacks in vbulletin.org should be FREE of any charge.

The "protection" of being registered as a regular customer @ vbulletin.com is enough...

Sincerely, I hope they'll remove that...and that no-one follows the example...

Good Day

merk 04-08-2002 11:10 AM

So your saying, if i spent 2 weeks devloping a hack (80 hours), which would, at the rate i charge($36/hour for simple stuff), cost me in lost work, $2880.

And that this hack, even if its the best quality, and has reasonable support(even if it doesnt) - but provides large level of functions, that it should be free?

Sorry - please go out into the real world, you dont get car modifications for free, even if you can prove you own the car.

Sparkz 04-08-2002 11:28 AM


Originally posted by merk
So your saying, if i spent 2 weeks devloping a hack (80 hours), which would, at the rate i charge($36/hour for simple stuff), cost me in lost work, $2880.

And that this hack, even if its the best quality, and has reasonable support(even if it doesnt) - but provides large level of functions, that it should be free?

Sorry - please go out into the real world, you dont get car modifications for free, even if you can prove you own the car.

For all I care, you could charge a million bucks for it... You just shouldn't post it here.
This should be the place for sharing hacks and knowledge with eachother, not making money.

Sparkz 04-08-2002 11:30 AM


Originally posted by neo
Is there something on this site that says hacks have to be open source? I have never seen anything on this site say it is even open source, just hacks / addons and as long as if work with vb and works *which it does for me* it is a hack. so why dont you get a life.
What's with the attitude of a lot of ppl here lately?
Have you considered maybe taking a break or something?

merk 04-08-2002 12:08 PM


Originally posted by Sparkz

For all I care, you could charge a million bucks for it... You just shouldn't post it here.
This should be the place for sharing hacks and knowledge with eachother, not making money.

Well, as i see it, for an upcoming hack ill be releasing(which ive been saying for 6 months ;)) - there are quite a few people who would wish to have such a hack.

I dont feel that these forums should be 100% opensource/free. For the work these people do to create hacks, they deserve more than a 'thats awsome, thanks!' - like the karma hack by overgrown(it even found its way into vB3).

I fail to see any real reason why hacks that cost money should be banned? Is it because it gets yours hopes up and your not willing to spend the money?

This community wasnt specifically designed to hold only opensource/free hacks...

merk 04-08-2002 12:09 PM


Originally posted by Sparkz

What's with the attitude of a lot of ppl here lately?
Have you considered maybe taking a break or something?

I have a feeling that neo was pushed over the edge - just because he wishes to charge for a hack doesnt give anyone the right to challenge his hack to be deleted from the 'releases' forum.

Wayne2k1.com 04-08-2002 12:14 PM


Originally posted by merk
Sorry - please go out into the real world, you dont get car modifications for free, even if you can prove you own the car.

I'll wait 'till FireFly charges you for advertising your own WORK on his site.

Oh...err...sorry I made you click on the "reply" button...how much is it? :)

merk 04-08-2002 12:18 PM

1) Firefly offers this site as a charity.
2) I would have no problem paying to advertise my hacks, but sadly i have no hacks that are worth it. How much do you want Firefly?
3) The reply button actually does cost money. I pay 13c($AUD) a megabyte. The button most probably transfered about 4k of information. That works out to be 0.051cents. Thats more than free!

I still see no valid reason why someone cant charge for a hack they spend their time making?

Sparkz 04-08-2002 12:22 PM

I never said they shouldn't be able to charge for hacks. I just stated my opinion about it being done on this site. I very much like the opensource idea myself, and I think it has been the general understanding, if you want, amongst most hackers and users of hacks that it was supposed to be like that.

And then you have the $$$'ers. Get them outta here, I say.
Like Nakkid, or what his nick is - I keep forgetting, who is making two versions of his hack. One light version for free, and one with more features for a charge. This is all well and good, but don't post the pay version here. Put a link in your readme file, on your site or whatever - but don't stuff it right in my face here.

It sucks seeing a thread about something that I think sounds interesting, just to find out three posts down that it costs money. If I had to pay for my bandwith, that would inadvertently cost ME money too...

Oh, and why don't use the quick reply box when you post. It'll save you some money ;)

Bah, enough ranting, you get my point... Back to work...

merk 04-08-2002 12:23 PM

It will only halve the cost :)

Now your just making me waste money! :dead:

Sparkz 04-08-2002 12:30 PM

Sorry, didn't mean to waste your money...
*sending a virtual chokolate chip cookie* Better? :P

merk 04-08-2002 12:33 PM

I partially agree with you, getting your hope up about a hack, only to find out its a pay hack is very annoying, especially if you cant afford it.

But if the hack is good enough that you think its worth money, then i cant see why the person cant 'release' the hack - just make sure its clearly labeled :)

merk 04-08-2002 12:35 PM

Whoa ! That will cost me too much to download?! Please dont! :D

Sparkz 04-08-2002 12:37 PM

Stop posting, please... You're costing me money now. I am at work, and all the time I use to reply here makes me do less work.

OMG! Imagine if you post enough to keep me from doing work at all! I'd be fired, and it'd be your fault! Could you afford to cope with that? ;)

Is it just me, or are we drifting away from the topic here? :)

merk 04-08-2002 12:41 PM

Good point, get back to work, youll need the money to pay for the bandwidth! :D

I have to get to bed anyway, early start, damn meetings :|

cditty 04-08-2002 12:47 PM

How about a forum where people can only list hacks they sell?

I see both sides and aggree with both sides. If I spend a lot of time working on something and want to charge, I should be able to. If I want to give it away free, I should be able to.

I think a new forum would be the best idea.


merk 04-08-2002 12:54 PM

I dont believe there are enough hacks around that charge to justify another forum to add to the confusion.

Maybe just make sure you label your hacks as a 'pay for code' arrangment :)

Wayne2k1.com 04-08-2002 12:58 PM


Originally posted by merk
Maybe just make sure you label your hacks as a 'pay for code' arrangment :)

heretic 04-08-2002 08:16 PM

I'm all for stating that a hack is not free.

Neo, you have a "holier than thou" attitude which makes you look like an ignorant prick.

merk- the real problem is releasing a hack, leting 40 people download it and install it, then say, "oops, by the way, you can't change ANYTHING on it"

That is arrogance.

Admin 04-09-2002 11:14 AM

Whether or not the hack should be removed is not your decision, but ours.

Sparkz 04-09-2002 01:10 PM

Very true, Chen.
But since this seems to be a rather hot potatoe right now, maybe you or someone else could give us your view on the topic? I will be happy to follow you guidelines - and right now I think we need some. What is acceptable, what is not. Give us this, and alot of bickering like this will end.

After all, in the end it is you, the admins of the board, that ultimately decide what is acceptable and what is not.
Let's bring closure to this issue. This community is suffering from a few bad apples right now. Sometimes the best thing to do is take a timeout and go have a look at this thing called 'out doors' - not quite sure what it is yet, tho ;).

Thank you for re-opening this thread again, btw.


Birdie501 04-09-2002 04:27 PM


all I can say is that the vbulletin community would never have become that popular, if all the hacks out there costs money!

If someone did a lot of work to code a hack, then he should advertise his work on his commercial homepage and not here!
Thats all i can say.


heretic 04-09-2002 07:43 PM


Originally posted by FireFly
Whether or not the hack should be removed is not your decision, but ours.

I'm not trying to decide for you, but rather seeing if I'm the only one that saw it as I did. The choice on what to do is up to you, as always is.

Scott MacVicar 04-09-2002 07:47 PM

If they wish to post they may, but why charge for a hack? Maybe he feels that he isn't being appreciated and would like some compensation to the time he has devoted to creating it?

If you are going to charge for a hack then people will expect some top class support. When you charge it leads to warez etc etc. Giving it away for free is the simpliest solution.

As Chen said its not your decision if it should be removed or not, its that of the staff here.

dadymac 04-09-2002 08:13 PM

just let them charge for it...and then everyone else will charge for theirs, then this place will be no more....

oh wait...thats a bad thing.

Neo 04-10-2002 03:41 AM

Well is thats a bad thing then I guess vbulletin should be free aswell. and Overgrow should be banned from the vb sites. I personally thought we had to pay to come here.. so thats makes us "clients" of vbulletin not some low life scum with we are thought of.. unless this isnt a vb related site then its ok... so I have read through the agreements of using vbulletin and now where in there does it say you cant make addons and sell them.. as does it not say any where on this site thats you cannot advertise your addons for sale. Sure you can find it to be bad but if its that bad then you dont have to buy it. But anyways the hack has been removed for other reasons not involving any of this.

heretic: Wow I feel so special, I not once insulted you but stated facts making you look wrong, so you insult me. Good job. And just because I didnt have time to make one for you and then later release the hack makes you cry doesnt it.

Dade 04-10-2002 05:39 AM

neo's been kind of edgy lately, I saw him [better wash my mouth][better wash my mouth][better wash my mouth][better wash my mouth][better wash my mouth] out another member yesterday. Anyways, I think there should be a forum for people to release charged hacks, the full release forum is not an advertising place, but I think there should be.

Dade 04-10-2002 05:42 AM

Nice censor.

Sparkz 04-10-2002 08:16 AM


Originally posted by neo
Well is thats a bad thing then I guess vbulletin should be free aswell. and Overgrow should be banned from the vb sites. I personally thought we had to pay to come here.. so thats makes us "clients" of vbulletin not some low life scum with we are thought of.. unless this isnt a vb related site then its ok... so I have read through the agreements of using vbulletin and now where in there does it say you cant make addons and sell them.. as does it not say any where on this site thats you cannot advertise your addons for sale. Sure you can find it to be bad but if its that bad then you dont have to buy it. But anyways the hack has been removed for other reasons not involving any of this.
Are you just really stubborn, or really, really dumb?
You still haven't gotten the point, have you?
The issue is not what is allowed or not allowed, the issue is what should be accepted here - what the maintainers and members of this community want to have here.

Another issue is that foul mouth of yours. Have you checked the mirror lately? Did someone tattoo 'I AM BETTER THAN THE REST OF THEM' on your forehead? No? I didn't think so. Isn't it time you took five minutes to catch your breath and have a realitycheck?

I think it is really sad that this community has come to this 'my penis is bigger than yours' stadium. But I guess it is inevitable...

mav 04-10-2002 12:37 PM

neo, you are just plain lame and immature.

heretic 04-10-2002 08:34 PM


Originally posted by neo

heretic: Wow I feel so special, I not once insulted you but stated facts making you look wrong, so you insult me. Good job. And just because I didnt have time to make one for you and then later release the hack makes you cry doesnt it.

what facts?

As to you amkign the hack, you weren't the only one that was considered, I could have cared less why you dropped out, or about why :)

grow up.

Sparkz 04-10-2002 08:49 PM

I tried to resist, but alas...


Originally posted by heretic, in reply to comment from neo
grow up.
Lol, is this what is called wishful thinking?

Wayne Luke 04-10-2002 08:57 PM

This thread here is exactly the reason I stopped developing hacks for vBulletin that could be used elsewhere.

Now if anyone wants something that I have done they can a) hire me to do it specifically or b) wait for someone else to reverse engineer it.

The fact that everyone wants stuff for free is pretty ridiculous when you consider that everyone has to eat and pay bills.

Steve Machol 04-10-2002 09:05 PM

Wayne's right. This kind of bickering and childish behavior has become a serious problem on these forums. Since people can't play together nicely, this would be a good time to close this thread.

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