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Nebula 04-06-2002 10:00 PM

phpBB2 Importer
Heya everyone. This is a beta release of my importer that converts phpBB2 (RC4 or greater) into vBulletin. It should convert into vBulletin 2.2.0 or greater.

To install the script:[list=1][*]Download bbimport_phpbb2.php from this post (You can only download it if you have entered your username in the vBulletin Members Area, DO NOT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ASKING ME TO SEND IT TO YOU!!)[*]Open your FTP program of choice, and upload it to the /importers directory in your vBulletin folder (You may need to create this folder if you have never run an importer before)[*]Log into your vBulletin Control Panel[*]On the left navigation pane, find the 'Import & Maintenance' section, and click on 'BB Import Systems'[*]In the page that loads, select 'phpBB2 RC4+', and click 'Begin Import'[*]Follow the instructions from there[/list=1]
Post your results here! Let me know anything that goes wrong, or your success story ;)

Current Version:

Admin 04-08-2002 12:48 PM

Good job! Always good to have more importers, especially for phpBB2. :)

Nebula 04-08-2002 06:30 PM

no problemo. I need it tested though. Can you remove the '(BETA)' part in the thread name though? I can only edit the post subject. And, since it's in the beta forum, it goes without saying ;)

Steve Machol 04-08-2002 06:57 PM

Done! :)

Nebula 04-08-2002 07:00 PM

Ah, thank you ;)

BTW...sweet avatar smachol!

Steve Machol 04-08-2002 07:01 PM


Nebula 04-08-2002 07:49 PM

Version 0.6 is out. vBulletin was being picky with reuploading a new file with the same name, so it's now zipped. Here's a changelog:
  • Fixed theme prefixing not working
  • Added option to skip import of SubSilver Theme
  • Added option for admin to choose what style users see on their first visit
  • Table Prefixing now works correctly
  • Gallery Avatars can now be imported

Enjoy ;)

Admin 04-09-2002 10:51 AM

Is there a stable vB to phpBB importer? Maybe I can test this script using that.

MrBojangle1 04-09-2002 07:21 PM

ya at http://www.phpbb.com/downloads.php at the bottem its stable, of couse it doesnt do the attachments, yet to look into it,

DemiNeo0101 04-09-2002 09:54 PM

Nice job man. I'm going to try this on cheatlist right now :)

Nebula 04-10-2002 06:44 PM

hehe, lemme know how it works out ;)

plauderer 04-10-2002 06:51 PM

I use phpBB2.0 Gold and I have this error:

Script That Crashed: phpBB2 Importer
Script Returned: Bad SQL Syntax: SELECT * FROM themes ORDER BY themes_id ASC LIMIT 0,10
mySQL Said: Table 'db34382616 .themes' doesn't exist (Error Number 1146)
Date of Error: April 10th, 2002 at 9:47 PM
URL of Script: /importers/bbimport_phpbb2.php
Referring Page:

Table Prefix are _phpBB and I type this in the importer script! Now I see db34382616... it´s the name of the database ???



Nebula 04-10-2002 07:15 PM

Hmm, lemme get this straight:

Your table prefix is: '_phpBB'

okie, I understand that much. It looks like there's a trailing space at the end of the database name, you may want to check that. Or, it could be how vBulletin saved the data :p

::skimms through code::

ah, found the problem. Expect a new version in a few minutes...sorry about this...

Nebula 04-10-2002 07:29 PM

Here's Version 0.6.3. What's changed:
  • Table Prefixing should now work
  • Added version indicator at top of every page
  • Fixed Minor HTML Bugs
  • Optimizations here and there

Lemme know if this version works ;) ;)

BTW...FireFly, there's a bug in the re-uploading thing. You try to select data from the 'attachmentid' table. I think you went to fast while coding that :-P

rochen 04-12-2002 10:26 PM

I just tried this and when it comes to the styles import section I get this error

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.5:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO style (styleid,replacementsetid,templatesetid,title,user select,importstyleid) VALUES (null,19,1,'phpBB2 - subSilver
mysql error:

mysql error number: 0

This is on version 2.2.5.

Even if I opt to not import the styles it still gives me this error. Any ideas?

Nebula 04-12-2002 11:10 PM

Ugh, put a comma instead of a period when executing the query ;)

Expect a new version soon (one that imports polls and (hopefully) announcements, whee! ;)).

Nebula 04-13-2002 01:56 AM

Version 0.7.1 is released! Here's a more-or-less complete changelog (forgot to keep track):
  • Topic Polls now import
  • Forum Announcements now import
  • Started work on not importing users if their username is already in the database
  • BUG FIX: Bad Style Import query
  • BUG FIX: Would not skip subSilver even if requested

That's it. Download it ;)

Timmmmmy 04-16-2002 06:54 PM

I tried to use this import script but i get this error


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.5:

Invalid SQL: SELECT title,styleid FROM style ORDER BY title
mysql error: Table 'ama_phpbb2.style' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Tuesday 16th of April 2002 03:03:38 PM
Script: http://www.allmadden.hwgn.net/forums...iprefix=phpbb_
Referer: http://www.allmadden.hwgn.net/forums/admin/?

It gets to step step three then right below it says the error above....i can take a screen shot if need be

Im using phpbb2 gold (final release)

Ive also tried it with RC4

the phpbb forums are located at:

VBB 2.2.5
VBB 2.2.5

Nebula 04-16-2002 07:03 PM

I think you messed something up. (Or, I'm not feeling well, read note#1)

In vBulletin's config file, it should point to your vBulletin database. From what it looks like, the vBulletin DBwrapper is giving you an error, and you're trying to access a database labeled 'ama_phpbb2'. That's the only thing I can think of. Make sure in your vBulletin config file, that you enter the correct settings for your vBulletin database, not your phpBB database.

You enter your phpBB details when you run the importer.

NOTE: I'm not feeling well (I have some form of heat stroke), it's really hot here in Michigan!

NOTE #2: A new version is on the way. Everything is perfect, and ready to be released, except the BBcode routines. I'm having lots of fun with converting size tags. phpBB measures font size in pixels, and vBulletin measures in points, or something other then pixles. Maybe a new version will be out tonight or tomorrow.

Timmmmmy 04-16-2002 07:19 PM

I can assure you the problem isnt with me, ive dont this about 15 times or so. The MySQL error im getting is whats throwing me off. Its looking for

mysql error: Table 'ama_phpbb2.style' doesn't exist

now im not sure, if thats in the vb db or the phpbb db? does that makes sense?

I think ill try to create a ama_phpbb.style in the vb forums, otherwise ill just wait until your final release....anyways hope you feel better, and thanks for the quick reply!

I used to have access to my db, thru phpmyadmin, but i lost the URL my host gave me. Im waiting on a email back from them.

I created the style ama_phpbb2 and it didnt work

I know it was a crazy idea lol

I then selected to quit at the top right hand corner and i get these errors...


Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site50/web/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 195

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site50/web/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 154

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/sites/site50/web/forums/admin/db_mysql.php:195) in /home/sites/site50/web/forums/importers/bbimport_phpbb2.php on line 167

Since my host is getting ready to move servers its all just playing ground for me right now anway...so any help today would be cool if not ill just wait

Database info is

usr: allmadden
db name: ama_phpbb2

I have to change them to lower case for both the db and bb from what the control panel gives me, because its not right. if that makes sense

Nebula 04-16-2002 07:30 PM


All I can think of is that you entered your phpBB details inside the vBulletin database. That's the ONLY way you could be getting errors about a phpBB database through the vBulletin wrapper.

If you want to give me FTP access, I can check it out. Email me the details if you want, don't post them here, for obvious reasons.

Timmmmmy 04-16-2002 07:53 PM

you can have all the access you want lol i can change the pwd when your done do you have icq?

Timmmmmy 04-16-2002 07:59 PM

i added you to my icq or at least requested that you let me lol..i also sent you an email with the info you requested......just let me know what else you need...if you need access to the board i can do that too...whatever you need let me know thanks again

James5mith 04-16-2002 09:01 PM

I'm trying to convert my phpBB2 forums over to vB.

I don't care about styles.
I don't care about smileys.

All I want is my user information and threads transferred over.

I cannot get that far though, because the converter keeps erroring out on trying to transfer over the styles, and then the smileys.

I have set the converter script to:

Do Not import subsilver
Do Not import smileys
# of styles to Import: 0

It's still giving me errors.

Any suggestions?


I'm at step 3.

Should I skip users who's username is already in the database? (Not Complete)

Would you like me to import avatars?

What style should the users have by defualt?
(There is no option to chose at this point, is this the problem?)

Then I get two error windows below, and cannot proceed:


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.5:

Invalid SQL: SELECT title,styleid FROM style ORDER BY title
mysql error: Table 'sbf.style' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Tuesday 16th of April 2002 03:04:55 PM
Script: http://www.spaghettibasgetti.net/vb2...f&iprefix=sbf_


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.5:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1018991095,location='' WHERE sessionhash='f84f112c57569ed34494c5bff4bd8d1e'
mysql error: Table 'sbf.session' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Tuesday 16th of April 2002 03:04:55 PM
Script: http://www.spaghettibasgetti.net/vb2...f&iprefix=sbf_

Timmmmmy 04-16-2002 09:05 PM

Well im not an expert, nor do i have your answer but those that can help, would probably like to know what errors your getting. Its like going to get your car fixed and saying its broken lol....sorry...kinda frustrated myself...im probably getting the same errors as you lol...i try no to everything, i just want my forums as far as the layout with categories and forums...the posts and the users not to much to ask lol i did talk to Nebula i gave him some info so hopefully he can fix it :)

James5mith 04-16-2002 09:14 PM

^^ ;)

After going through it about 5 more times, that same error keeps appearing. At every step.

Even though the import script will continue past the first two steps, at the bottom of each page is a window with pretty much that exact error.

DemiNeo0101 04-17-2002 11:13 AM

time to give this script the stress test. I got a phpbb with a 150 meg DB that need to merge with me vbb. :) I'll tell you all how it comes out.


Nebula 04-18-2002 12:51 AM

ugh, sorry for not replying for a while.

Due to current complications in my already busy live with my brain running at 1000% normal capacity, I don't think I'm going to have time for this for a little bit. I'm going to work on it this weekend, someone email me so I don't forget, LOL ;)

James5Smith: I don't know what's wrong, I'll look into it this weekend.

Timmmmmy: My brain's running fast enough already, I'm planning on working on your DB this weekend.

Timmmmmy 04-18-2002 07:53 PM

Hey dont worry about it man, i went on without it.....i manually registered people LOL I only have arround 30 members, i just did a copy and paste job, and told them if there are any posts they want saved to copy them over....thanks though

Nebula 04-21-2002 08:45 PM

Version 0.9.1 is out!! Here's a changelog:
  • BUG FIX: Options would not take effect until you entered the config page in the vB Control Panel, and saved configuration.
  • Added option to skip importing a user if their username is already in the database
  • Removed duplicate moderator detector, because vBulletin's import routine has it built in (doh :p)
  • Special Forums now import
  • BUG FIX: Script would not pause while smilies were imported
  • Added links during pause so that you could modify individual items (links only appear if you elect to pause)
  • BUG FIX: Would import thread subscriptions even if asked not to

Go download it. The script looks pretty much complete. I want to rewrite some of the parts the user sees, but I think all the bugs are gone. Please help test this almost complete version!! ;)

Nebula 04-26-2002 10:41 AM

Version 0.9.3 is out, here's a changelog:
  • BUG FIX: Invalid function 'iff', should have been 'iif' during style import
  • BUG FIX: Configuration Import would crash if you hadn't banned any users

Go download it. This is one step closer to a final release.

erdem 04-26-2002 06:19 PM

uhm it gives me errors!

mysql error: Table 'erdem_trojan.session' doesn't exist

where erdem_trojan is my db name

Nebula 04-26-2002 06:26 PM

could you provide more information?? Like what step are you on???

erdem 04-26-2002 06:46 PM

uhmmm i find the solution!!!
tnx nebula!
i backup my old forum and import into same db as vb2.. it works now..

and some offtopic que but i hope u can answer it:
i download silverstyle.. it includes images and style.php howto install this?

and tnx for importer! it rocks!

Nebula 04-27-2002 12:08 AM

Hmm, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying about the silverstyle. Is it for phpBB??

fury 04-28-2002 09:57 PM

To get this to work, I had to have phpBB2 and vBulletin in the same database.

Because when I tried to do the import with the following configuration

phpBB2 database: conversion_phpbb2
phpBB2 prefixes: phpbb_
vBulletin database: conversion_vbulletin

It tried to access vBulletin tables from the phpBB2 database (e.g. "smilies", "session", etc.) and I couldn't get anywhere.

Also, it didn't convert closed threads properly, and it stuck a thread that I didn't have stuck in the phpBB2 test forum. Just thought I'd let you know.

Pretty good effort, man. Thanks for this contribution to the vBulletin hacking community :)

Sketch 04-29-2002 07:34 PM

I'm now a subscriber! Whoo! :D

So, I'm going to try to upgrade my phpbb2 Final bulletin board to vB 2.2.5....wish me luck. :D


Sketch 04-30-2002 12:07 AM

Okay, found a bug and I emphasize A bug...just one. Everything was hitcless! Very very good.

The one bug I found was when trying to import Arty O'Connell in as a user. Not sure if it was the space or the ' that did it, but I just changed his name in phpbb to arty did the import, changed it back in phpbb and then changed it in vB, but I imagine if I had thousands of users that might constitute a problem.

Thanks again.


Nebula 04-30-2002 12:33 AM

Fury: This seems to be something wrong with certain versions of PHP or what not. It works fine for me, I don't know what to say, other then to merge the two DBs, which you seem to have already done ;) Also, to say the least, phpBB works very...odd...to say the least. I don't know why closed and stuck threads aren't working well, could you send me your DB?

Sketch: I can't imagine why that username messed up the script, it the vBulletin library SHOULD addslashes as necessary. Mind sending me your DB? :speechless:

LOL, sorry I can't be of any help, you guys stumped me :rolleyes: :hurt:

Sketch 04-30-2002 12:39 AM

Nebula, no big deal, man. Addslashes will kill everyone and I wish the whole concept would be killed, but we are stuck with it and it has its uses. I imported no problem other than that one hiccup. Thanks.


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