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el3m3nt 04-04-2002 10:00 PM

Latest Version: 1.3

This hack is not very special for me. I just wanted to create a mainpage on which you can see.. (as a member) everything what u like to see. The idea of the script is similar to the vbHome of nakkid and also a little bit to the vBPortal. I tested all of them.. but i was looking for something better :D. so i decided to write such a script myself...

  • Active threads & newest posts
  • News & Polls (read from a newsforum and a pollforum)
  • Quick CP Links on the index-site
  • Buddies on the index-site
  • Very easy to customize. Just edit the templates!
  • Available in english and german!
Summary: On this index-site you can see everything what you as a member would like to see :).

Demo-Sites:Screenshot 1: http://partylife.ch/misc/vbindex1.jpg // the original version and arrangement of the tables.
Screenshot 2: http://partylife.ch/misc/vbindex2.jpg // the nav on the right side.
Screenshot 3: http://partylife.ch/misc/vbindex3.jpg // or if u like 2 navs, left & right
Screenshot 4: http://partylife.ch/misc/vbindex4.jpg // another screen
Screenshot 5: http://partylife.ch/misc/vbindex5.jpg // buddies etc.

All instructions can you find in the readme.english/german.txt

vBindex 1.3: http://partylife.ch/misc/vBindex1.3.zip
vBindex with Link-DB Script (Link-Script by The_Sisko; Integration of the Link-Script in vBindex by KarateKid): http://www.kampfkunst-board.de/sonst...tabasehack.rar

Newscode part from vBHome by nakkid.
Onlinetodaycode part from Online Today Hack by Mystics.
Pollcode part from vBPortal by wajones.

I'd really like to get every feedback you guys can give me. Also post bugreports and suggestions to improve this script. If you have installed this hack, pls click on the install button to receive updates thru email. Thank you :).

Lee Botley 04-05-2002 03:50 PM

Hi el3m3nt,

I say you release it as a hack, it looks like just what I'm looking for, is it what you you on your website homepage at: http://partylife.ch/?

John 04-05-2002 03:52 PM

Release it - and quickly!!!!

el3m3nt 04-05-2002 03:54 PM

Hi Lee Botley,

Nope, its not the same script.. well.. the current one on partylife.ch is my first try. but i wasnt satisfied with it.. so i rewrote it. basically its the same. i just added the newsfeature. and the another tabledesign too.

and thats the result :).

hmm.. i'd like to get some more feedback, pls :bunny:.

el3m3nt 04-05-2002 03:57 PM


Originally posted by JohnWarwick
Release it - and quickly!!!!
ehm.. Aye Aye, Sir :p :D.

well.. probably.. im going to write.. the installation instructions.. tonight.. (thats utc (gmt) +1 ;))

Lee Botley 04-05-2002 04:05 PM

Thanks el3m3nt I look forward to installing it!

MrLister 04-05-2002 04:17 PM

el3m3nt: Thanks, I'm glad to see you're releasing it. It seems quite useful. Btw keep in ming vBhacker. It's text file generator instructions are quite good.

el3m3nt 04-05-2002 04:27 PM


Originally posted by MrLister
el3m3nt: Thanks, I'm glad to see you're releasing it. It seems quite useful. Btw keep in ming vBhacker. It's text file generator instructions are quite good.
ouh.. jep.. i'll use vbhacker.

thank u. if u didn't say it, i would have forgotten it (is this tense grammatically correct? ;), sorry english isnt my mother tongue.. i always give my best :))

NTLDR 04-05-2002 04:30 PM

Thats grammatically correct if you ask me! I wouldn't have even know english wasn't your frist language.

Admin 04-05-2002 04:50 PM

If we're getting all picky about language ;), shouldn't that be:
"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgetten about it?"
But English isn't my first language either, so... :)

John 04-05-2002 04:53 PM


Originally posted by FireFly
I would have forgetten about it?"

Ah hem, ? and the " are the wrong way round! :D

[high]* JohnWarwick runs

Oh, by the way - is there a hack that turns "/me" into the name of the user as in IRC?

NTLDR 04-05-2002 04:54 PM


Originally posted by FireFly
"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgetten about it?"

Yes that is another way of putting it :laugh:

wooolF[RM] 04-05-2002 05:39 PM

]nice hack... :) allready use vBHome tho'... but your hack is good too! More of these things on the board to let users to choose from :)

el3m3nt 04-05-2002 05:51 PM

yeah .. i said, its similar to vbhome.. i tested vbhome. it works fine.. but i wanted more ;)... more features.. and more functionality for the members.

NTLDR 04-05-2002 05:55 PM

Installing now el3m3nt, I'll let you know how it goes...

el3m3nt 04-05-2002 06:03 PM

ouh im tensely how it works.. do u install online? if yes, send me the url per pm.

thank you very much for ur effort :).

NTLDR 04-05-2002 06:17 PM

Hi el3m3nt,

Sent you a pm with the url for the install I did, feel free to take a look.

Glad I could help you out, this is a great hack and is just what I've been looking for, many thanks.

If you need any more help just let me know.

TECK 04-06-2002 05:30 AM

i dont want to be rude... but i think your hack is [high]almost[/high] identical to mine's (code variables, queries, structure). also i saw that your extra code is basically (not sure 100%) copied from vBulletin code. this infringes the jelsoft copyright.
el3m3nt, please let me know what do you think about it.

all the best,

Neo 04-06-2002 05:48 AM

*just looked at code* I agree with you nakkid....

Floris 04-06-2002 08:15 AM


TECK 04-06-2002 08:17 AM

xiphoid?? what happened to your sig? and template hacks???

KarateKid 04-06-2002 08:27 AM

quiet nice hack. Similar to vbhome but more features. I love you guys :)

Bring out more of these modified, improved vbhome hacks!! :D

freeshares1 04-06-2002 09:48 AM


I was wondering if you could help out a beginner, I would really like to implent the index hack but i am having a couple of problems.

I have uploded the index file but i just get a blank screen ( I assume this is because of the templates) but where do i install the templetes through the VB control panel or upload then in to directory? If it's through the vb control panel do i need to change any of the exsiting ones or just create new ones?

Sorry for asking what are probably such dum questions.


el3m3nt 04-06-2002 10:08 AM

hi freeshares,

you have to create new templates (= custom templates).
in the text-files u can find the content for these templates u need to create. the text-files u dont have to upload. just open and copy & paste into the new templates.

further questions? :) just ask.

stupid questions doesnt exist, only stupid answers :).

freeshares1 04-06-2002 11:51 AM

We i now have all my templates doen but i still get a blank screen when i try and goto my forum.

This is what my templates look like

Default [edit] [remove] [add template] [show all] [collapse groups]
Custom templates
home [edit] [remove]
home_footer [edit] [remove]
home_header [edit] [remove]
home_headinclude [edit] [remove]
home_left [edit] [remove]
home_login [edit] [remove]
home_logout [edit] [remove]
home_news [edit] [remove]
home_newsbit [edit] [remove]
home_nothreads [edit] [remove]
home_poll [edit] [remove]
home_pollresult [edit] [remove]
home_right [edit] [remove]
home_threadbit [edit] [remove]
home_threads [edit] [remove]
P_activetopics_sidebox [edit] [remove]
P_activetopic_centerbox [edit] [remove]
P_activetopic_centerboxbit [edit] [remove]
P_banners [edit] [remove]
P_breadcrumb [edit] [remove]
P_calendar [edit] [remove]
P_ForumLeftColumn [edit] [remove]
P_home [edit] [remove]
P_logincode [edit] [remove]
P_logoutcode [edit] [remove]
P_newsbits [edit] [remove]
P_newspastbit [edit] [remove]
P_newsselecttopic [edit] [remove]
P_newsselecttopic_list [edit] [remove]
P_newthreadheader [edit] [remove]
P_polloption [edit] [remove]
P_polloption_mult [edit] [remove]
P_pollresult [edit] [remove]
P_showarticle [edit] [remove]
P_showarticlebits [edit] [remove]
P_showarticle_commentbits [edit] [remove]
P_showarticle_commentbox [edit] [remove]
P_themecenterbox [edit] [remove]
P_themecentercolumn [edit] [remove]
P_themefooter [edit] [remove]
P_themeheader [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_downloads [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_faq [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_forum [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_homepage [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_undefined [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_weblinks [edit] [remove]
P_themerightcolumn [edit] [remove]
P_themesidebox_left [edit] [remove]
P_themesidebox_right [edit] [remove]
Default templates
activateform [change original]
activate_requestemail [change original]
aim [change original]
aimmessage [change original]
announcebit [change original]
announcement [change original]
avatar [change original]
avatarbit [change original]
avatars [change original]
bbcode [change original]
Calendar Templates [expand]
coppaform [change original]
editpoll [change original]
editpost [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
editpost_attachment [change original]
Email Subject Templates [expand]
Email Templates [expand]
Error Message Templates [expand]
FAQ Templates [expand]
footer [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
Forum Display Templates [expand]
Forum Home Page Templates [expand]
forumjump [change original]
forumjumpbit [change original]
forumrules [change original]
User Info Display Templates [expand]
gobutton [change original]
header [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
headinclude [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
head_newpm [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
icq [change original]
listbit [change original]
listedit [change original]
lostpw [change original]
mailform [change original]
Member List Templates [expand]
User Option Templates [expand]
navbar [change original]
nav_joiner [change original]
nav_linkoff [change original]
nav_linkon [change original]
New Posting Templates [expand]
Page Navigation Templates [expand]
phpinclude [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
Polling Templates [expand]
Postbit Templates [expand]
posticonbit [change original]
posticons [change original]
printthread [change original]
printthreadbit [change original]
Private Messaging Templates [expand]
quotereply [change original]
Redirection Message Templates [expand]
Registration Templates [expand]
reportbadpost [change original]
Search Templates [expand]
sendtofriend [change original]
Show Groups Templates [expand]
showpost [change original]
Show Thread Templates [expand]
signupadult [change original]
signupcoppa [change original]
signupverify [change original]
smiliebit [change original]
smilies [change original]
standarderror [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
standardredirect [change original]
Subscribed Thread Templates [expand]
threadreview [change original]
threadreviewbit [change original]
threadreviewbit_ignore [change original]
Thread Management Templates [expand]
timezone [change original]
User Control Panel Templates [expand]
username_loggedin [change original]
username_loggedout [change original]
vB Code Templates [expand]
whoposted [change original]
whopostedbit [change original]
Who's Online Templates [expand]
yahoo [change original]
That's all folks

I have also uploaded my index file, The golbal.php is in the same directory as the index file.

Any ideas would be most grateful


Phil the novice

el3m3nt 04-06-2002 12:09 PM

no php-error?

what is the source code of the blank screen u get? (turn the template options on to see which templates were used)

if your script is anywhere online, pls let me know the url.

well the templates seem to be okey, when there is any content in it (also the right content).
upload the new index file in the /forum directory, where the original index file is. then u dont have to move other files or to change paths.

KarateKid 04-06-2002 12:22 PM

el3m3nt, did you get my pn? :)

My vbindex -> http://www.kampfkunst-board.de/kampf...forum/home.php :laugh: ;)

el3m3nt 04-06-2002 12:34 PM

got it and answered :).

KarateKid 04-06-2002 12:36 PM

can you possibly implement the sessionlocation. That I get no "UNKNOWN LOCATION" Messages in the Online-List :)

el3m3nt 04-06-2002 12:48 PM

ehm.. well.. thats not really dificult. but it depends on how u rename the two index files.

u have to add 2 things in the online.php.. i'll post where and what. just a few moments pls :).

el3m3nt 04-06-2002 12:55 PM

In the online.php look for..

    case 'index':
      $userinfo[where] = "$bbtitle <a href='index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]'>Index</a>";

Add below another case..

    case 'home':
      $userinfo[where] = "$bbtitle <a href='home.php?s=$session[sessionhash]'>Home</a>";

if you name your index-file "home.php".

Look for..

  case 'index.php':
    $userinfo[activity] = 'index';

Add below..

  case 'home.php':
    $userinfo[activity] = 'home';

Just adapt ur code to the right names of ur files.

el3m3nt 04-06-2002 01:04 PM

i noticed a bug with the newsicons.. when there is no icon selected, the url to the pic is called { imagesfolder }/icons/icon0.gif. but icon0.gif doesnt normally exist.

soon i will release version 1.1 with the buddy-list feature (the user can see his/her buddies on the indexsite)

KarateKid 04-06-2002 01:06 PM

thankyou :)

Harryli 04-06-2002 01:47 PM

Aehm... very cool, but now I cant go the Forums, it always beams me back to the new index... whats the way to go from here to the forums???

KarateKid 04-06-2002 02:13 PM

rename before uploading the file to something like home.php oder index2.php, than you have also to modify some links in the templates but then you can use your old index file as normally :)

You can compare with my version where I did it also this way. I postet the link some posts above ;)

Harryli 04-06-2002 02:20 PM

THX a lot!

-=dm=- 04-06-2002 03:21 PM

damn! this looks great.
this is exact what I needed:D
thanx el3m3nt

Originally posted by el3m3nt
i noticed a bug with the newsicons.. when there is no icon selected, the url to the pic is called { imagesfolder }/icons/icon0.gif. but icon0.gif doesnt normally exist.

soon i will release version 1.1 with the buddy-list feature (the user can see his/her buddies on the indexsite)

when is the version 1.1 out maybe I should wait...

NTLDR 04-06-2002 04:10 PM


Originally posted by KarateKid
can you possibly implement the sessionlocation. That I get no "UNKNOWN LOCATION" Messages in the Online-List :)
The best way to do this is to intsall FireFly's "Add Who's Online locations from Admin CP" hack located in this thread then you can add other locations easily as well.

KarateKid 04-06-2002 07:25 PM

Hi NTLDR, element posted the solution above on top of site 2 ;)

NTLDR 04-06-2002 08:42 PM

Hi el3m3nt,

I think I may a found a very minor bug, that causes a script error, at least with Internetr Explorer 6, the page still displays correctly, but depending on peoples options many anoying error messages pop up, and I like to get rid of these errors :D

On line 371 and 373 or there abouts in the php file (mine differs as I've hacked it :p )

The following lines:

PHP Code:

$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{firstaltcolor}'; this.style.cursor='hand';\" onMouseOut=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{secondaltcolor}';\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"optionnumber[$option[number]]\" value=\"yes\"></td><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>"


PHP Code:

$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{firstaltcolor}'; this.style.cursor='hand';\" onMouseOut=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{secondaltcolor}';\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"optionnumber\" value=\"$option[number]\"></td><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>"

It doesn't seem to like the mouse roll over effects for the poll options that appear in the poll table (the onMouseOut & onMouseOver).

I removed these to lines and IE6 didn't report any script errors.

This may just be with mine! But I thought I'd let you know, other than that this hack works perfectly!

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