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TECK 04-02-2002 02:56 AM

vbHacker - does it really help you?
I started this thread to see what people think about vbHacker. Please vote and tell us in your own words why you said YES or NO.

[high]UPDATE:[/high] I see alot of people viewing this thread, or posting comments but non of them [high]vote[/high]. The purpose of a poll is to get statistics. Please express your oppinion by voting above and remember that the purpose of this poll is to see who likes better: the text files, or the actual hack file.

TECK 04-02-2002 03:00 AM

NO. I want to learn PHP and get used more to VB because I want to make my own hacks or even better to help others with thier work.

E 04-02-2002 05:50 AM

No because it has no access to my php files anyway

TECK 04-02-2002 05:51 AM

can you be more specific?

E 04-02-2002 06:01 AM

Well it cant edit my php files.. so i have too do all php edits manualy anyway

TECK 04-02-2002 06:30 AM

hmm i see that alot of people view this thread, but nobody votes. why?

Recluse 04-02-2002 07:02 AM

depends on the hack, even when i do use it, i create the txt file and look over it anyway. to see how it all comes together. i know a little ( very little ) about php, so i do take the time to try and figure it out

cditty 04-02-2002 10:59 AM

No for me. I think it is a really good idea, but I still prefer to do it by hand and be more in control.


The Keeper 04-02-2002 11:04 AM

No because it broke my hack causing errors.

Lesane 04-02-2002 11:32 AM

Agree's with cditty. No for me because i want to see what's going on and what to do and having more control although it's a great concept for poeple without any php knowlegde and/or newbies. Although i still think its just normal to post a normal txt file aswell because we are forced now to install vbhacker to install the latest hacks by Firefly :(

cditty 04-02-2002 11:35 AM

Yup. I had/have thought about using it, but I want to touch my files. :) And the fact it doesn't work on php3 files.


Admin 04-02-2002 11:39 AM

Lesane, Chris - the script doesn't have to work for you, there is an option to generate a text file and then you will get instructions.

cditty 04-02-2002 12:14 PM

Oh???? Maybe I need to re-read the thread. Musta missed that one.


TECK 04-02-2002 02:07 PM


Originally posted by FireFly
Lesane, Chris - the script doesn't have to work for you, there is an option to generate a text file and then you will get instructions.
as i mentioned above, in the first post, vbHacker can generate text pages with instructions. however, i prefer the classic way of installations. what i see so far is the fact that [high]people are used to .txt files[/high] and they find difficult to upload a file just to transform it into a text file, then review it. let me know if i'm correct.

MrLister 04-02-2002 02:19 PM

Doesn't really help me out too much. Especially since it's highly modified not too many lines are the same and I still prefer the good old hard core way. I do like the generating text file feature but it still means I have to upload the file into there and launch another browser to read the text file.

Twig Deez 04-02-2002 07:08 PM


Originally posted by cditty
No for me. I think it is a really good idea, but I still prefer to do it by hand and be more in control.
agree. :ninja:

nafae 04-02-2002 11:11 PM

Originally I voted no, but I wish I could retract my vote to yes. Here's why: I probably won't use the install feature, just because I enjoy being able to a)monitor my hacks and b)comment them out accordingly (makes updating to a new version much easier) HOWEVER, the text file generation is helpful because it is uniform. So every hack released has the same style of text file, which is nice. So yes, it is helpful in a way.

TECK 04-02-2002 11:48 PM

any mods, can you please change the vote for nafae? thanks. ;)

TECK 04-03-2002 03:17 AM

it's gonna be tight.. ;)

YES(8) - NO(9)

Neo 04-03-2002 03:40 AM


TWTCommish 04-03-2002 03:46 AM

I think it's a wonderful tool. Even if you like to "be in control," you can still use it to easily and efficiently generate instruction files...which, for me, is always a pain anyway. And it's highly useful for some hacks (especially mid-sized ones) that you need done quickly. I give it 10 thumbs up. :D

Admin 04-03-2002 05:07 AM

(Dropped a vote from NO and added to YES - nafae)

Anyway, I didn't know people don't like it that much. I guess I'll post hack files and txt files when I release new hacks.

cditty 04-03-2002 10:58 AM

I am swaying to the maybe now. I did a hack last night and I must say, I like the standard format of the text file layout. Makes it easier to read.

It's still an amazing hack Chen. You did a GREAT job in creating it.


TWTCommish 04-03-2002 11:58 AM

Chen: I think some of the results have to do with what is, in my opinion, a poor description in the first post of this thread...with the YES/NO reasons. I don't agree...makes it sound like vBHacker is only for people who don't know PHP or don't care to. A little misleading, IMO.

TECK 04-03-2002 01:40 PM


Originally posted by FireFly
(Dropped a vote from NO and added to YES - nafae)

Anyway, I didn't know people don't like it that much. I guess I'll post hack files and txt files when I release new hacks.

that was the hole idea. to see who likes better the text files, or the actual hack. :)
keep on voting you do a great job.

The YES side is gaining terrain!! Keep on voting. Is important to see what people think.

TECK 04-03-2002 01:47 PM


Originally posted by TWTCommish
Chen: I think some of the results have to do with what is, in my opinion, a poor description in the first post of this thread...with the YES/NO reasons. I don't agree...makes it sound like vBHacker is only for people who don't know PHP or don't care to. A little misleading, IMO.
is not misleading, in my oppinion. is mentioned there that vbHacker can do several functions. the question is if people like better a simple plain text file without the hassle of uploading the hack, or just to upload the hack and install it. when you do this, there is no control over your work, the hack does everything for you.. and that's exacly where me, personally i'm not comfortable with it. ;)
let me know what you think please.

TWTCommish 04-03-2002 01:50 PM

It is most definitely misleading. Example:


NO. I want to learn PHP and get used more to VB because I want to make my own hacks or even better to help others with their work.
This implies that, if you want to learn PHP and get more used to vB, and make better hacks, and help others, you have to vote for NO, but I want to (and I do) all those things, and I voted YES. Or how about these two?


YES. I'm easy going. I don't care about forcing my brain to learn things.
YES. I prefer to let others do the work for me because I'm only here to download the coolest hacks.
Neither one of those applies to me. I'm not just here to download the coolest hacks, and I don't shy away from learning hard things (at least not always)...and yes these are the two reasons you give for voting YES. That's misleading. Why have explanations at all? Just let the poll speak for itself.

TECK 04-03-2002 01:57 PM

vbHacker was designed with ease of mind. for people that dont want to run complex mods etc. basically it makes your life easier while installing a hack. so what i said is true. people who use it, are easy going, in my oppinion. they prefer to simply run a file and is all done.

how can you learn PHP (even if you look at the text file after) if you didnt code it with your own hands?

TWTCommish 04-03-2002 02:04 PM

It's not true because the world is not black and white. Not everyone who likes to save time with vBHacker is someone who doesn't like to learn hard things. I love PHP-oriented challenges. They thrill me. That doesn't mean I ALWAYS have to do things the hard way, though. Some of these hacks are simple...I could do them myself. I won't learn anything from installing them by hand. So why should I?

Fact of the matter is that you're linking using vBHacker with not knowing PHP, or with not wanting to learn more of it, or with being lazy...and that's not true. It is a timesaver...for both beginners and experts. I know my way, basically, around vB...and I use it. Your four reasons (two for YES, and two for NO) therefore do not apply to me...which means they're not accurate. I'll bet there are others they don't apply to, too.

FireFly may know more about vB than any of us, and he uses it...and not just because he made it either, IMO.


how can you learn PHP (even if you look at the text file after) if you didnt code it with your own hands?
Two things:

1 - You can learn PHP without having to ALWAYS do everything the long way. I know PHP. But according to your voting guidelines, if I like to use vBHacker now and then, I don't really want to help people or learn more about vB.

2 - Not all hacks are something we can learn from. If anything, the experts are the ones who would use it more, because they're the ones who won't learn as much from installing them in the first place.

TECK 04-03-2002 03:11 PM

i personally think there is no long(or short) way in learning. but one more time, this is my oppinion. i will always code using the text file. no matter how long or short will be.

acording to my vote guidelines, if you say YES, you prefer to install, without seeing, a hack. you preffer not to bother analysing the code and understand the mechanism. no matter what you will do after, it will never be the same as you code it with your own hands. that's all.

any piece of php software was not written with aid, but with sweat and logic. that's why i preffer to use a text editor, my coffee and a good Dunhill to do things related to VB... ;)


PS. i removed the guidelines, to let people comment on it. ;)

TWTCommish 04-03-2002 03:16 PM

That's not true, though. Someone who uses vBHacker is not necessarily someone who doesn't want to bother with code. It's someone who doesn't ALWAYS want to bother with code. There are programmers here who know more than you do about PHP and vB who use vBHacker, I'd bet. That's my gripe...

..the implication is as clear as crystal in that post: people who know about vB, or want to, don't use it, and the rest do. Maybe you didn't mean to imply that, but you most definitely did. Hey, imply whatever you want. But don't expect me to agree with it. :)

TECK 04-03-2002 03:29 PM

you are right. that's why they dont care to learn. so they like to use vbHacker.
that's not the case for me. i'm a novice in PHP.
so i will never use vbHacker.

Wayne Luke 04-03-2002 03:35 PM

The script has its potential. However I will never use it in an online environment for two reasons...

1) it didn't verify that I was an admin when I just ran it for the first time ever and I haven't logged into the admin control panel during this browser session. If I didn't have .htaccess authorization in place this would be an even larger risk.

2) the fact that it requires you to chmod your files and directories for writing is the most known fact of something you should not do if you are at all interested in the security of your site.

I will use it on my own local machine to generate text files that can then be used by me to apply any hacks I choose. I doubt it would be able to apply hacks to my code any way.

Admin 04-03-2002 03:39 PM


Originally posted by Wayne Luke
1) it didn't verify that I was an admin when I just ran it for the first time ever and I haven't logged into the admin control panel during this browser session. If I didn't have .htaccess authorization in place this would be an even larger risk.
I really wonder why that would happen as that file acts like every other file in vB (requiring global.php and cpheader()). :confused:

danbc 04-03-2002 04:20 PM


Because of me being a total looser at PHP coding :)

Allthough I?m beginning to understand the basic structure of PHP and Vb, but still.

hypedave 04-03-2002 07:27 PM

yes, I have learned more about how php works by rewriting hacks on the board to work with the vbhacker.php file,

JulianD 04-05-2002 04:38 AM

Yes, becouse I have the option to display a text file with all the modifications required.. I am sure I will never let vbhacker to hack my board automatically.

NTLDR 04-05-2002 05:18 PM

I think yes and no. vbHacker is good if you need to install vb again, you can put the hacks into a file and apply the automatically, saves ou having to perform many hacks if you re-install your board or when upgrading it, also I think the uniform text file that it creates means that all hacks are layed out the same, this stops people from getting confused. Also makes it aalot quicker for performing very quick and small hacks.

I do also agree with nakkid that by manually applying the hacks you learn more about vb and PHP, I certainly have from all the hacks I have had to manually install.

Firefly did a great job in creating this hack and could be used for just applying template edits etc to your board, i'd say both yes and no to the poll.

filth 04-21-2002 09:24 PM

Yes it is an excellent hack as it can save a hell of a long time editing files by hand.

nuno 04-21-2002 10:17 PM

voted no
should have a dunno option
what's vBHacker anyways? :confused:

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