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Scheccia 03-22-2002 10:00 PM

Avatar As Link2
This hack display avatar through link... and not stored avatar in your database or server.

This hack is completely various from the first version , now it is integrated with the function avatar of vbulletin.

To integrate with welcome pannel
in index.php
if ($bbuserinfo[userid]!=0) {
if ($avatarurl=='') {
$avatarimage='<a href="member.php?s='.$session[sessionhash].'&action=editavatar"><img src="'.$avatarurl.'" border="0">';
} else {
$avatarimage='<a href="register.php?s='.$session[sessionhash].'&action=signup"><img src="images/avatars/guestavatar.gif" border="0"></a>';


if ($bbuserinfo[userid]!=0) {

if ($avatarurl=='') {
$avatarlink=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT avatar2 FROM avatarlink WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
if ($avatar2=='') {
$avatarimage='<a href="member.php?s='.$session[sessionhash].'&action=editavatar"><img src="'.$avatarurl.'" border="0">';
} else {
$avatarimage='<a href="register.php?s='.$session[sessionhash].'&action=signup"><img src="images/guestavatar.gif" border="0"></a>';

Scheccia 03-23-2002 11:25 AM

Screen shoot
in admin --> option

Scheccia 03-23-2002 11:27 AM

screen shoot in admin--> edit user

Scheccia 03-23-2002 11:28 AM

screen shoot
in user cp --> modify avatar

ZiRu$ 03-23-2002 08:22 PM

I'll do it! thanks

wooolF[RM] 03-24-2002 01:38 PM

]Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/wooolf/WWW/forum/member.php on line 1048

on line 1048: I could see }ELSE{
I have changed it to } else {

next step:
Parse error: parse error in /home/wooolf/WWW/forum/member.php on line 1199

on line 1199: }
nothing more...

  $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET avatarid='".addslashes($avatarid)."',usergroupid='$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");



// ############################### start get info ###############################
if ($action=="getinfo") {
  $templatesused = "getinfo_sendpm,aol,icq,yahoo,getinfo_birthday,getinfo_customfields,getinfo";

I think u forgot { or } somewhere... :(

The Keeper 03-24-2002 07:31 PM

Does the script allow people to post giant avatars? Or can a dimension restriction be imposed?

wooolF[RM] 03-24-2002 08:12 PM

U restrict your dimenions under ADMIN CP

Scheccia 03-24-2002 08:38 PM

what kind of installation you make?
control the edited file

wooolF[RM] 03-25-2002 01:02 AM

have controlled twice + made compared two files with one programm to make sure I have edited file right.

wooolF[RM] 03-25-2002 10:17 AM

]I f I remove that } on line 1199 I'm getting error on anotehr line and so on... :(

Scheccia 03-25-2002 12:21 PM

you can send me your index or tell me the hack that you have installed.

Psychdrone 03-26-2002 03:48 AM

I am having trouble with your hack!

ok I thin there is a problem with this step!

if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="updateavatar") {
$templatesused = "error_avatarmoreposts,error_avatarbadurl,error_av ataruploaderror,error_avatarbaddimensions,error_av atarnotimage,error_avatartoobig,error_avatarmorepo sts,redirect_updatethanks";

After this insert:
##### Avatar As Link2 #####
if ($avatar2!="") {
// check valid image
if ($imginfo=@getimagesize($avatar2)) {
if ($imginfo[0]>$avatarmaxdimension or $imginfo2[1]>$avatarmaxdimension) {
eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_avatarb addimensions")."\");");
if ($imginfo[2]!=1 and $imginfo[2]!=2) {
eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_avatarn otimage")."\");");
} else {
if (!$allowimgsizefailure) {
eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_avatarn otimage")."\");");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM customavatar WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

$avatarlink=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT avatar2 FROM avatarlink WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
if (!$avatarlink[avatar2] and $avatar2!="") {
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO avatarlink (userid, avatar2) VALUES ($bbuserinfo[userid],'$avatar2')");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE avatarlink SET avatar2='".$avatar2."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
##### Avatar As Link2 #####

cause I get an error that reads
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/******/public_html/forum/member.php on line 992

and line 992 reads

$avatarlink=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT avatar2 FROM avatarlink WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
wich is in the code above, that you are supposed to insert

whats wrong can you please fix this man!


wooolF[RM] 03-26-2002 01:00 PM

]yep, I'm getting same error... actually very nice hack... too bad it's not bugfree :(

wooolF[RM] 03-26-2002 01:08 PM


Originally posted by Scheccia
you can send me your index or tell me the hack that you have installed.
send to where? I can't see your e-mail anywhere...

Scheccia 03-26-2002 08:19 PM

ops... my error
you must delete the red } of the script that you have posted.

After this insert:
##### Avatar As Link2 #####
if ($avatar2!="") {
// check valid image
if ($imginfo=@getimagesize($avatar2)) {
if ($imginfo[0]>$avatarmaxdimension or $imginfo2[1]>$avatarmaxdimension) {
eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_avatarb addimensions")."\");");
if ($imginfo[2]!=1 and $imginfo[2]!=2) {
eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_avatarn otimage")."\");");
} else {
if (!$allowimgsizefailure) {
eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_avatarn otimage")."\");");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM customavatar WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

} <--delete this
$avatarlink=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT avatar2 FROM avatarlink WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
if (!$avatarlink[avatar2] and $avatar2!="") {
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO avatarlink (userid, avatar2) VALUES ($bbuserinfo[userid],'$avatar2')");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE avatarlink SET avatar2='".$avatar2."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
##### Avatar As Link2 #####

make this change and tell me if it's all ok...

wooolF[RM] 03-26-2002 10:18 PM

]mine looks like this now:

##### Avatar As Link2 #####
if ($avatar2!="") {
        // check valid image
        if ($imginfo=@getimagesize($avatar2)) {
          if ($imginfo[0]>$avatarmaxdimension or $imginfo2[1]>$avatarmaxdimension) {
          if ($imginfo[2]!=1 and $imginfo[2]!=2) {
        } else {
          if (!$allowimgsizefailure) {
      $DB_site->query("DELETE FROM customavatar WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

$avatarlink=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT avatar2 FROM avatarlink WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
if (!$avatarlink[avatar2] and $avatar2!="") {
        $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO avatarlink (userid, avatar2) VALUES ($bbuserinfo[userid],'$avatar2')");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE avatarlink SET avatar2='".$avatar2."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
##### Avatar As Link2 #####

then I'm getting error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/wooolf/WWW/forum/member.php on line 1048

line 1048: $avatarlink=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT avatar2 FROM avatarlink WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

I have checked database and everything is ok (tables and rows)...


wooolF[RM] 03-26-2002 10:39 PM

]I'm still using old member.php but all other files (3) that u have said we should update with new codes are uploaded to the server... So I'm running with 3/4 of your hack... And I need last 25% to get it work fully... :(

Scheccia 03-26-2002 11:35 PM

ok.. i receive email...
I test it and it'snt ok.
But when delete from member.php the user rate hack... it is ok.

Now I install user rate hack in my test board and check it...
but tomorrow now for me is 2:04 AM ;)
good night hehe

wooolF[RM] 03-27-2002 12:35 AM

]great man! Thanx a lot for helping! :)
if u need more files, let me know it :)

Thanx again :)

Psychdrone 03-27-2002 03:26 AM

alright I did what you said and got this

Parse error: parse error in /home/ochroma/public_html/rpg/member.php on line 1433

Which is the closing of the php

Line 1433: ?>

I guess I will send you my member.php file?

thanks for the support, hope we get it to work!

Scheccia 03-27-2002 01:22 PM

I send you the file...

wooolF[RM] 03-27-2002 02:04 PM

]great man! checking! :D

xug 03-27-2002 11:07 PM

Could a similar hack be done with sig banners ?

People on my board love to have an sig images but I don't want them on my server ! any ideas ??

Scheccia 03-27-2002 11:23 PM

for sign...
they must use the tag [.img] [./img] in their signature

Psychdrone 03-28-2002 01:10 AM

Hey sheccia you gonna help me out here buddy??

xug 03-28-2002 09:04 AM


Originally posted by Scheccia
for sign...
they must use the tag [.img] [./img] in their signature

But then it still can be anywhere and I don't want the sigs on my server!

Scheccia 03-28-2002 10:37 AM

X xug
yes... the immage can be anywhere not on your server.

tel me your installed hack

Psychdrone 03-29-2002 01:03 AM

Hey what do you mean......I have installed a lot of hacks.. but it says there is an error within your code that you have me put

Can I please send you my file like the guy above
I really like your hack, just want to make sure it works:)

Scheccia 03-29-2002 02:39 PM

.... but if I don't know the hack that you have installed ... how can help you?

wooolF[RM] 03-29-2002 05:01 PM

]Thanx Scheccia ! Everything works just like a dream! :D Thanx very much :D

Psychdrone 03-30-2002 12:51 AM

I installed your hack Thats why I am posting in this thread:P

so can I send you my file? Could I get your email??

Storm 03-30-2002 10:17 PM

I installed your hack, and everything works great! But there is one thing that is not right - when I view another member's profile (using getinfo) my avatar shows up instead of the member's avatar, can you fix this? Thanks in advance. :)

Scheccia 03-31-2002 12:45 AM

yes... ok thanx...
I fix it... :)

in member find


##### Avatar As Link2 #####
$avatarlink=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT avatar2 FROM avatarlink WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

replace red word with:

Storm 03-31-2002 08:11 PM

OK, I changed that one thing there, uploaded, but it didn't fix that problem...

I got a different problem that I just found out about: if a user tries to their avatar in the user control panel, they get this message even if the file exists, even if it's a valid gif/jpeg:

'The uploaded file is not a valid GIF or JPG file. Please ensure that it is and try again.'

I can add avatars through the admin w/o any problems, so what do you think could be causing it?

Scheccia 03-31-2002 09:15 PM

I think that you have edited wrong the member file.
I register in your forum and I can't go to edit option.

Storm 03-31-2002 09:47 PM

OK, fixed that, that works perfect now, What do I do about the other problem?

Users can't link to their avatar w/o getting that error...

'Image is not a valid gif or jpeg, please check and try agian'

Scheccia 03-31-2002 11:46 PM

able it from admin in this way I can test

Storm 04-01-2002 12:10 AM

Avatars are enabled... you should be able to test it now, you don't need any posts to do it either.

Storm 04-04-2002 11:47 PM

Ok, you can now go into the admin and test the hack from there, test whatever you want to test, just let me know (please) what I need to change to make it work correctly for the users in the user control panel -> edit avatar screen. Thanks.

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