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TECK 02-14-2002 06:18 AM

I WILL START WORKING AGAIN ON THE PROJECT... Below is the original start thread:
i love VB. it's so flexible. and that's why i want to have VB as main engine in administrating a website in general. this is not a hack. is ment to turn VB from simply a BB into a website. not a portal!!!! i hate portals, they are all so boring....

the way i plan to make it work this project is this:
01. everyone can make it look the way he(she) wants
02. flexible html code insertion for main page based on templates
03. news
04. stats
05. reviews and links
06. everything else what the user wants, because is based on his ideas, not some standard rules implemented by a portal design.

i have the full package prepared. i need beta testers who have php knowledge and can help me eradicate those bugs.
FireFly, you helped me all the time. i hope you will do it this time also. the installed is prepared. to run it and have it up and running it takes only 2 minutes, and you can start to evaluate the little errors i made.

the biggest issue that i have is with the Private Sections. this is where i want to focus my attention. please let me know here if there are any of you willing to help me test it and clear some of the bugs. i know the project is big. but once completed, alot of people will be gratefull. the same idea was discussed at VB.com about this project being optional for VB. i want it to make it come true. please spare some of your precious time and help me help others.

we are a community, and that's why i like this place because i always got help from all of you.

UPDATE (feb.14):
the sections are born. implemented the right permissions using the same user database, so people who sign in on the main page will not need to login into forums again.
the sections | the permissions

Current BUGS:
> group permissions are not set as Default like in Forums
> Private Sections cannot be enabled

UPDATE (feb.15):
group permissions fixed

UPDATE (feb.17):
install script finalised. all bugs related to installer fixed.
for a glance at the installer click here.

the script checks if the fields and tables are present in the database. it also give you an option do flush them and start a clean install.
database table and fields presence process can be viewed here. the vbHome options settings are here.

UPDATE (may.09):
Main news engine is now final and bug free.
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Dark_Wizard 02-14-2002 10:56 AM

I can spare some time on this, pm me with the details.

TECK 02-15-2002 03:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
the vbHome logo and administration page prototype screenshoot...

Lesane 02-15-2002 05:35 AM

looks great so far. I'm looking forward to this hack :up:

M.Smith 02-15-2002 07:16 AM

ill test it and see what it can handle!
ill also try doing some graphics for it if you want :stoned:

slideboxer 02-15-2002 01:56 PM

Quite promising. I look forward to see how this turns out.

BTW, thanks for being a part of the community :D

NYI Fan 02-15-2002 02:53 PM

This seems very interesting, and I am looking foward to seenig what youve done

I am not a PHP wiz (not even close ;) ) but if you want someone to test it for general usability. please let me know. I like tinkering and have learned everything I have about PHP & sql with the help of this awesome group of people, so you know I take instruction well LOL

Serioulsy, im not sure how I can help, but if you want me to try, say the word.

TECK 02-16-2002 04:50 AM

i have problems with the "private" code...
can anyone explain to me this part of code:
PHP Code:

  if ($perms[canview]==1) {
  } else {

in admin/forum.php. i can't seem to find the corespondence with it anywhere in functions.php or adminfunctions.php
the yesno code for private stays always set to NO, but the permissions are set correctly, only the admins and mods can view it. it's all related to oldprivate. can you tell me where i can find the function oldprivate? ty.

Dymension X 02-17-2002 04:52 AM

I will help beta test this. PM me with the details or something. :)

Wolf42 02-17-2002 11:29 AM

I am interested in your Home-Package, couse I will need a thing like this one. I have a portal, but it is not flexibe enough. Maybe I can help you make it better ;) and I can adapt it for my use :cool:

Just send a PM.

TECK 02-17-2002 01:30 PM

ty all for your offers. the installer is available now only to people who made their name here as solid hackers (ex firefly, tubedogg, PPN, etc.)

is amasing how many junior members with 2-3 posts pm me to send them the script. anyway, the script is almost done. patience. i should release it in 4-5 days. ;)

TECK 02-17-2002 04:11 PM

ok... i have a little problem on showing the indexes for "settinggroup". can anyone help me to do a function that let me check what is the highest Cardinality value in "settinggroupid" field?

what i want to do is this:
make the installer script check what is the highest cardinality value in settinggroup and warn the user that this value is taken if selected as default by the script.

example of query:
PHP Code:

$settinggroupid "32";

$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO settinggroup VALUES ($settinggroupid,'Home Page Options',$settinggroupid)");

$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'News forum ID','newsforumid','15','The specified forum will contain threads viewed on the main page only.','',0)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Order of news posts','newsorder','1','The standard (recommended) way to display news is chronologically from latest post to the newest one. You can reverse this, if you prefer.','Newest first<input type=\\\\\"radio\\\\\" name=\\\\\"setting[\$setting[settingid]]\\\\\"  \".iif(\$setting[value]==1,\"checked\",\"\").\" value=\\\\\"1\\\\\"> Oldest first <input type=\\\\\"radio\\\\\" name=\\\\\"setting[\$setting[settingid]]\\\\\" \".iif(\$setting[value]==0,\"checked\",\"\").\" value=\\\\\"0\\\\\">',1)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Order of comment posts','commentsorder','0','The standard (recommended) way to display comments is chronologically from original comment to the latest one. You can reverse this, if you prefer.','Newest first<input type=\\\\\"radio\\\\\" name=\\\\\"setting[\$setting[settingid]]\\\\\"  \".iif(\$setting[value]==1,\"checked\",\"\").\" value=\\\\\"1\\\\\"> Oldest first <input type=\\\\\"radio\\\\\" name=\\\\\"setting[\$setting[settingid]]\\\\\" \".iif(\$setting[value]==0,\"checked\",\"\").\" value=\\\\\"0\\\\\">',2)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Maximum number of news to display.','maxnews','10','','',3)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Maximum number of headlines to display.','maxheadlines','15','','',4)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'News pages to show in nav bar','newsnavpages','3','In the list of links of pages in the current thread (or current forum), this option selects how many pages either side of the current page are shown. Set this to 0 to display all pages.','',6)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Number of characters before wrapping','newswordwrap','50','If you want posts to automatically insert spaces into long words to make them wrap after a certain number of characters, set the number of characters in the box above. If you do not want this to occur, enter 0.','',7)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Maximum Characters per news post','newspostmaxchars','10000','The maximum number of characters that you want to allow per news post. Set this to 0 to disable it.','',8)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Show default news icon','newsshowdeficon','0','Show a default news icon if a journalist doesn\'t choose a news icon or is unable to choose one based on forum settings? {imagesfolder}/newsicons/icon1.gif will be used.','yesno',9)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,$settinggroupid,'Stop \'Shouting\' in news titles','newsstopshouting','1','Prevent your users \'shouting\' in their news thread titles by changing all-uppercase titles to capitalization only on the first letters of some words. Disable this for some international boards with different character sets, as this may cause problems.','yesno','10')");

"<p>Adding <font color='#006699'>setting</font> data... Done.<br>\n" 

i would like to be able to make the script check what is the last ID in settinggroup and if > then 31 to make a input code:
PHP Code:

makeinputcode("Settinggroup ID","value"

where the user can select a higher value instead of the default one.

what i try to avoid is that the user must edit the hbhome.php installer file. i could do a check link to setting.php, let the user check manually what is the last id, edit the vbhome.php file and reload the specified step... but that is cheap in my eyes ;)

anyway, let me know if you can point me in any direction. ty

TECK 02-17-2002 04:26 PM

hmmm.. i still cant find a way.. grrr

TECK 02-17-2002 10:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i found by myself the solution to the problem above.
in the same time... i want to tease you all with an installer screenshot... ;)
i tried to make it as complicated as posible... all you have to do is click on Continue > :D
let me know what you think. thanks. i would love to hear few words from the 'big guns' also... :p

TECK 02-17-2002 10:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
the script checks if the fields and tables are present in the database. it also give you an option do flush them and start a clean install.

TECK 02-17-2002 10:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
glance at the settings step...

Scott MacVicar 02-17-2002 11:32 PM

I've done a full integration with my forums already, I integrated databases, not the coding to do this. I'll take a few screenshots of this if you want.

It even has a nice japanese name as its an anime site.

If you need any testing or help with the code then just give me a pm or send an email I'll gladly help.


TECK 02-18-2002 01:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
great stuff PPN.. as usual.. ;) i would like to show you what i did so far. i worked hard on the installer. if you want i can give you a copy. is fully customizable so you can adapt it to any script.. not that you need it, because i'm sure you can do something better then me. :D

here it is the way it looks my admin page (the so called sections, rings a bell? identical to yours ;))...

TECK 02-18-2002 04:47 AM

ok PPN... i email you the installer script. look at step 6. i still have a bug in there.. grrrr..
also, there are not alot of people like us that can run their own server... most of hosted accounts offer only one database/account... unfortunatelly. your solution is the best because is nothing easier to configure 2 databases with the same usergroups.

anyway... when you have time, look at the script. i'm sure i missed something in stepping, the code should be ok. ty

nitro 02-21-2002 05:05 AM

this sounds pretty cool
just wondering wen uploading the files
i guess the overall question im askin is will u be able to run all 3 on your site vbhome vbportal and vbulletin

TECK 02-21-2002 06:49 AM

yes you can. but why you want to run vbPortal in the same time? vbHome will let you design any aspect of your site the way you want it... is integrated in vBulletin so you have one admin panel to build(edit) all your site.

nitro 02-21-2002 07:53 AM

sorry pretty new to php but i guess iv just got used to ne member being able to submit news which can then be displayed on the portal pages and also the download management is pretty good in the portal with shackrats addon so i guess im just looking at your addon to build web pages to me i can see a use for all 3 but then i havent seen wat i can do with your addon and i probly dont know anywhere near enuff php to develop a vbhome that i may like to have, still im here to learn
definately looking forward to its release tho:up:

i am in agreeance with a portal is a bit plain as know ne1 can have it

Ian Cunningham 02-21-2002 10:36 AM

How long do you think it will be before its released? I'm not trying to sound impatient, but it sounds like such a good addition!

TECK 02-21-2002 11:20 PM

read the topic starter. ty.

TheComputerGuy 02-25-2002 01:47 PM

That really sucks a duck right there, I was looking forward to using this killer hack

Sorry, I think your hacks are pretty killer and I can understand, everyone hates to be put down specially after all the hard work you put into things.

christina 02-27-2002 02:22 AM

Wow, quite sad to see this project closed. :( I'm getting to the point where I'll soon have almost all my site using templates and vB stuff instead of the vBPortal, too. Best of luck, but not all of us are brats who call others lamers.

Soma 02-27-2002 03:17 AM

sad sad sad this project isnt being released. Oh well I wish a mod would delete this thread it is such a teaser. :)

TECK 03-04-2002 12:02 AM

project reopen.

TECK 03-04-2002 12:04 AM


Originally posted by Soma
sad sad sad this project isnt being released. Oh well I wish a mod would delete this thread it is such a teaser. :)
do you really think is up to you to decide how and when i publish my hacks, or anyone else? consider yourself lucky that we have a great hacker community who are willing to share their knowledge.

because people like you many hackers dont post their work.


Andy Z 03-04-2002 12:07 AM

Woohoo!! Thanks for reconsidering nakkid. I'll be looking forward to this. Take your time, as I'm sure it will be an awesome hack, and great for a project I'm starting. :D Cheers! Once again, thanks.

NYI Fan 03-04-2002 12:13 AM


Originally posted by nakkid
project reopen.
did you say RE OPENED????

Thats great news Nakkid! Thank you, and I once again look forward to it's release!!

TECK 03-04-2002 12:23 AM

i realised that there are still alot of good people here. ;)


christina 03-04-2002 01:06 AM

Thank you for reopening the project, Nakkid. :)


Originally posted by nakkid
i realised that there are still alot of good people here. ;)


wooolF[RM] 03-04-2002 06:41 AM

]Looking forward to this great project! Sounds promising :)
By the way, this hack shoul be ready and available to the public now ;) (as u wrote it yourself in 4-5 days ;) )

Have a nice day.

TECK 03-04-2002 07:49 AM


Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
By the way, this hack shoul be ready and available to the public now ;) (as u wrote it yourself in 4-5 days ;) )
Have a nice day.

i'll release it when i want it and how i want it. if you are not happy, make your own hacks. or if you cannot code php, hire a programmer and ask him(her) to fulfill all your needs.

TECK 03-04-2002 07:51 AM


Originally posted by christina
Thank you for reopening the project, Nakkid. :)
you are more then welcome christina. i want to apologise one more time for the icons story.. on your site.

wooolF[RM] 03-04-2002 10:40 AM


Originally posted by nakkid
i'll release it when i want it and how i want it. if you are not happy, make your own hacks. or if you cannot code php, hire a programmer and ask him(her) to fulfill all your needs.
that is more then an unfriendly answer... :(
Of course u are free to do what u want and how u want it and when u want it...
If u answered other people in the same manner, I understand why they "forced" u to stop hacking... Don't think u're the one who make things coming to live. U're not...

I was just happy that u are back and made a lil joke that u have not understood... Too bad Mr.Perfect... :down:

Sorry for wishing you a nice day, I made a big mistake...

No regards wooolF[RM]

christina 03-04-2002 12:21 PM

Good lord, almost the minute he reopens the hack, arguments ensue. Let me just use the cliche'd Rodney King phrase and ask, "Can't we all just get a long." THere is so much sarcasm here at times, and Nakkid has been treated poorly before, I don't blame him for his reaction.

Anyway, lets get on topic to the code, etc...

wooolF[RM] 03-04-2002 12:46 PM

well... I'm just too sad if people goes amok if u sad a joke to them (with two smilies in it) and wished them a nice day...
Maybe it's something with me...

christina 03-04-2002 07:38 PM

No problem. :) Oh, I'll be moving my beta site to production soon, and then I can re-use the beta site to try out vbHome and other drastic changes... ;) Hopefully after this coming Friday.


Originally posted by nakkid
you are more then welcome christina. i want to apologise one more time for the icons story.. on your site.

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