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Wolf42 01-29-2002 10:00 PM

Update 03/26/2002: Changed one DB_site->quere in usergroup.php to make it fit to vB 2.2.4. If the hack is still running no update is needed.

Update v. 26.03.2002: Habe eine kleine ?nderung in einer DB_site-quere der usergroup.php gemacht, die sich im vB 2.2.4 ge?ndert hat. Sollte der Hack nach wie vor funktionieren ist kein Update notwendig.

This is not a new hack only a modification for tubedogg's Stars v0.2.3 to run on vB 2.2.1.

I got it run on my board, but most of the Users with this version got troubles.

I did the mods on the original vb-scripts, if you have any hacks installed (who not :D) be carefull!

Das ist kein "neuer" Hack sondern nur eine Modifikation von tubedogg's Stars v0.2.3 Version damit er auf einem vB 2.2.1 l?uft.

Bei mir funzt er ganz gut, aber sichtlich hatten einige Benutzer Probleme ihn auf dieser Version zum laufen zu bringen.

Bei den ?nderungen beziehe ich mich immer auf die Originalscripte, solltet ihr diese schon ver?ndert habe heisst es: Schau genau!!

There is a german and an (I hope) english instruction.

Es gibt eine deutsch und eine (hoffentlich) englische Anleitung.

vertex 01-30-2002 12:54 PM

demo please?

TheComputerGuy 01-30-2002 01:02 PM

<a href="http://www.bacaon.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=78" target="_blank">http://www.bacaon.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=78</a>

Wolf42 01-30-2002 01:26 PM



Dolamite 01-30-2002 03:47 PM

can someone verify 2.2.2 ?

that would be great!!


sezmar 01-31-2002 04:09 AM

mmm, for some reason it isn't shoing the stars,
double checked the hacked files, but everything is in place.

i also updated the counters,
weird part about it is that also the new post indictors have stopped working

Wolf42 01-31-2002 05:03 AM

Version ? It is running von my 2.2.1.

Did you upload the stars.php? Did you run the mysql.php?

i don't know, didn't upgrade to 2.2.2.

Wolf42 01-31-2002 06:35 AM

Did you updated "Usertitles and Stars" too?? AFTER configure the stars!!

sezmar 01-31-2002 06:32 PM

im running version 2.2.1

and i did all the steps in the install instructions, updated everything

Psychdrone 01-31-2002 10:26 PM

what a joke, the old one dose work for version 2.2.1,

This is a silly silly thread

black 02-01-2002 12:23 AM


Originally posted by Psychdrone
what a joke, the old one dose work for version 2.2.1,

This is a silly silly thread

Youll just have to read the last few post to get the registration working and thats it basicly to make it work for 2.2.1

Wolf42 02-01-2002 05:19 AM


Originally posted by Psychdrone
what a joke, the old one dose work for version 2.2.1,

This is a silly silly thread

Erstens: Definiere "Silly Thread"
Zweitens: Wenn die alte Version problemlos auf 2.2.1 laufen w?rde, warum haben immer wieder welche nach einer Version f?r 2.2.1 gefragt? Wenn Du die alte Version 1:1 ?bernimmst hast Du ein Problem.

Und .....

Du musst das hier nicht lesen!

@Any Moderator!

Please close AND DELETE(!!!) this thread!

Thank you


Thomas P 02-02-2002 10:05 AM


There are problems using the original stars hack unmodified

Psycho: nomen est omen, or what? ;)

Thanks Wolfgang,

Thomas P 02-02-2002 10:27 AM

I have checked my own modified files with Wolf's Rehack - good job!

I did a small mistake though being careful, Wolf did everything correct imo.


Rapclick 02-04-2002 09:35 PM

im having a small problem with this hack, when a new user register's i get a database error


Database error in vBulletin 2.2.1:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO userfield (userid,field1,field2,field3,field4) VALUES (,'','IL','','')
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ''','IL','','')' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 04th of February 2002 06:34:34 PM
Script: http://forums.rapclick.com/register.php
Referer: http://forums.rapclick.com/register.php
:confused: help me? i have no idea what i coulda done wrong, stars works great other than this

Wolf42 02-05-2002 07:06 AM

It seems you have a problem with custom userfields. This hack dosn't change anything on the custum user fields. :confused:

This is my DB_quere for this fields:
PHP Code:

 // insert custom user fields
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO userfield $userfieldsnames VALUES ($userid$userfields)"); 

Rapclick 02-07-2002 12:28 AM

hmm thats the exact code i have.....i have no idea what the problem could be, Wolf if you have Aol/Aim please contact me

AIM = StonedUser420 or Rapclick

sezmar 02-07-2002 03:20 AM

problem with registrations are fixed now, but still the stars aren't showing.

i have been looking in all my files and checked them 3 times, but i have hacked them right.

Wolf42 02-07-2002 12:18 PM


Originally posted by sezmar
problem with registrations are fixed now, but still the stars aren't showing.

i have been looking in all my files and checked them 3 times, but i have hacked them right.

Where have you added the $post[stars] in the postbit template??

It could look like this (the part with the starts):

        <normalfont><b>$post[profile]</b></normalfont> [$post[search]]<br>
        Registriert seit: $post[joindate]<br>
        Wohnort: $post[field2]<br>
        Beitr?ge: $post[posts]<br>

sezmar 02-12-2002 09:13 AM

yep, thats exactly how i did it,

the weird part is, in normal posts the stars aren't showing,
but in announcements they are visible!?!?!

how can that be?

Wolf42 02-12-2002 09:48 AM

PHP Code:

****In admin/functions.php**** 


if ($post['receivepm'] and $enablepms==1) {
"\$post[pmlink] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_sendpm")."\";");
        } else {
$post[pmlink] = "";

After this insert

    while (
$sli $post[starlevel]) {
$post[stars] .= "<img src=\"images/stars/$post[starimg].gif\" border=\"0\">";

It seems this part of the instruction is not working on your board. :(

Can you please post your postbit-template?

sezmar 02-12-2002 10:06 AM

ok, this is my postbit template:

PHP Code:

<table bgcolor="{pagebgcolor}" width="{tablewidth}" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="10"><img width="10" height="1" src="{imagesfolder}/space.gif" alt=""></td><td width="100%"><!-- spacer -->

table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" {tableouterextrawidth="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr><td>
table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" border="0" {tableinnerextrawidth="100%">
td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]width="175" valign="top" nowrap>
a name="post$post[postid]"></a>
a href="moderator.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=points&userid=$userinfo[userid]target=_blank>Status:</a$post[field5]<br></smallfont></td>
td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]width="100%" valign="top">
smallfont>$post[icon] <b>$post[title]</b></smallfont>
p align="right"><smallfont><a href="report.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$post[postid]">Report this post to a moderator</a> | $post[iplogged]</smallfont></p>
td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]width="175" height="16" nowrap><smallfont>$post[foldericon]
$post[postdate] <font color="{timecolor}">$post[posttime]</font></smallfont></td>
td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]width="100%" valign="middle" height="16">
table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
tr valign="bottom">
            <!-- $ 
post[icqicon] --> <!-- $ post[aimicon] --> <!-- $ post[yahooicon] --> 
td align="right" nowrap><smallfont>
a href="editpost.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=editpost&postid=$post[postid]"><img src="{imagesfolder}/edit.gif" border="0" alt="Edit/Delete Message"></a>
a href="newreply.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=newreply&postid=$post[postid]"><img src="{imagesfolder}/quote.gif" border="0" alt="Reply w/Quote"></a>

spacer --></td><td width="10"><img width="10" height="1" src="{imagesfolder}/space.gif" alt=""></td></tr></table

Wolf42 02-12-2002 10:18 AM

Ok, the template is correct. Is your board online? On "your" homepage is running a UBB and not a vB.

sezmar 02-12-2002 01:19 PM

yep. its online.

the ubb is an old one.

could it be that there is something missing in the instructions?
cause all other hacks are working

sezmar 02-12-2002 01:22 PM

hey i just noticed that the online /offline function stopped working too

Rapclick 02-12-2002 11:39 PM

hmmm i have now upgraded to 2.2.2 and im just wondering how different 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 actually are enough were i could not succesfully install this hack...? i know there is no support for any other versions i am just wondering........ :D

Radon3k 02-13-2002 12:44 AM

Doesn't make sense....Where do you find "Stars" in the admin CP? I ran the script, and it just had me log in, then said "go to ur admin CP and follow stars.txt from there".....Where in the admin CP is "Stars" that you modify?

sezmar 02-13-2002 03:40 AM


Originally posted by Radon3k
Doesn't make sense....Where do you find "Stars" in the admin CP? I ran the script, and it just had me log in, then said "go to ur admin CP and follow stars.txt from there".....Where in the admin CP is "Stars" that you modify?
after running that script, you must follow the instruction
in the text file that was in the zip you downloaded.

after you've done that, the parts that can be modified will appear in your cp

Wolf42 02-13-2002 09:23 AM


Originally posted by sezmar
could it be that there is something missing in the instructions?
cause all other hacks are working

No, the instruction is complete.

I just made a new clean install of a vB 2.2.2 on my testserver.

Then build in the star-hack (english version, the most of you are running an english board).

And it is working.

Friends, I don't know what you are doing. But it seems you are doing something wrong. :confused:

This stars.txt is starhack221_english.txt or starhack221_deutsch.txt. This is the instruction (like sezmar said). The MYSQL.PHP is only creating and altering tabels.

What is your adminpanel showing when clicking on Stars -> Modify? In the attachement is mine.

sezmar 02-13-2002 04:25 PM

mine shows the same thing!
look at the attachment

Radon3k 02-13-2002 07:07 PM

Ok I uploaded the "stars.php" and "mysql.php" into my admin folder....I ran the script, same thing...It's not doing anything still...

Rapclick 02-14-2002 02:25 AM

i just succesfully installed stars on my vb2.2.2 :)
everything works fine exept for a small error in the control panel, users that register after this hack was installed do not show up when i search for users... its as if thier not there...or not in the database......

Wolf42 02-14-2002 04:58 AM

Did you changed the PHP-Files too?

I just registered on your board. Try if you find me. The nick is same like in this board. ;)

Radon3k 02-14-2002 07:38 PM

Ok...The good news is that it's successfully working on my test forums, yay! :) Bad news, I can't figure out how to assign stars to admins and mods, any help Wolf? Thanks! :)

Edit: Forgot to mention that I went into "modify user groups" and for Administrators and Moderators, but I don't see where you add it...Nothing in there has changed...So how do I give them their own stars and stuff if in the user groups there is no place to add it? Thanks! :)

Rapclick 02-14-2002 09:01 PM

no it said it couldnt find you, and also i have about 80 members now and this count stopped at 40 in the admin cp when the stars was installed...

Rapclick 02-14-2002 10:33 PM

also there seems to be that problem with new registration...did you get that too? :confused:

Radon3k 02-14-2002 11:15 PM

No problems with registration as of yet....Just problems with giving admins and mods their own stars....Did you get this to work?

Rapclick 02-15-2002 01:32 AM

yes mine works fine, jus in your admin cp click modify usergroups, and there is a new field thier for the stars... mine worked great... hey are u running 2.2.2? or 2.2.1?

Wolf42 02-15-2002 06:48 AM


Originally posted by Radon3k
Ok...The good news is that it's successfully working on my test forums, yay! :) Bad news, I can't figure out how to assign stars to admins and mods, any help Wolf? Thanks! :)

Edit: Forgot to mention that I went into "modify user groups" and for Administrators and Moderators, but I don't see where you add it...Nothing in there has changed...So how do I give them their own stars and stuff if in the user groups there is no place to add it? Thanks! :)

Got to your admin/usergroup.php. It has to look like this:
PHP Code:

// ###################### Start add #######################
if ($action=="add") {

maketableheader("Add new usergroup");

makeinputcode("User Status<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of user status titles","usertitle");
makeinputcode("Stars shown<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of stars","starlevel");
makeinputcode("Star image shown<br>Give this group a unique star image - do not add the .gif after the image name!","starimg");
makeyesnocode("Viewable on <a href=\"../showgroups.php?s=$session[sessionhash]\" target=\"_blank\">Show Groups</a>?","showgroup",1); 

PHP Code:

// ###################### Start edit #######################
if ($action=="edit") {

$usergroup=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid=$usergroupid");

maketableheader("Edit usergroup: </b>$usergroup[title]<b>","",0);

makeinputcode("User Status<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of user status titles","usertitle",$usergroup[usertitle]);
makeinputcode("Stars shown<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of stars","starlevel",$usergroup[starlevel]);
makeinputcode("Star image shown<br>Give this group a unique star image - do not add the .gif after the image name!","starimg",$usergroup[starimg]); 

Your AdminCP (Modify Usergroups) must look like the Attachement. If you want to assign other stars to your Admins/Mods just upload a different star-image (ie admin.gif or mod.gif) in your images/stars-folder.

Wolf42 02-15-2002 07:12 AM


Originally posted by Rapclick
no it said it couldnt find you, and also i have about 80 members now and this count stopped at 40 in the admin cp when the stars was installed...

I am there! :D

Got to your AdminCP and run

This should show all user.

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