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CloudBurst 01-13-2002 05:00 PM

I havent got a VB yet, but i want to get one for my site, but I'm not sure I can afford it (bandwidth wize).

So whats the avarge size / members / bandwidth taken? :)

Php_Masta 01-13-2002 05:14 PM

Cloudburst, please go to this page and enter your username, to show you are licensed. (you will need to use your customer number and password to access that page)
Thank you.

lol thats the answer ur gonna get.

CloudBurst 01-13-2002 06:08 PM


Originally posted by Php_Masta
Cloudburst, please go to this page and enter your username, to show you are licensed.
There is no link. And I don't own one. Thats the whole point of this post, to see if I can afford to get one bandwidth wize... ?! :(
Thats really anoying. Oh, well. I can see the point (cracking down on illigal VB, a read a post about that somewhere).

Thanks anyway.

Php_Masta 01-13-2002 06:11 PM

i know i was being sarcastic. I was saying that is the only answer u will get in these forums

CloudBurst 01-13-2002 06:22 PM

riiiiteeee. ok
*wanders away*

Steve Machol 01-13-2002 06:25 PM

Ignore him. It was clear to us that you were just getting information prior to ordering vB.

My Board has about 1400 members and 25k posts. The size of the database is just under 40Mb and I use about 1.6Gb bandwidth per month.

Moonwolf 01-13-2002 06:31 PM

One of the ones we're set up is 1,800 members, 49,500 posts, and uses 150 MB file space.


eva2000 01-13-2002 06:51 PM

4,800+ members
546,000+ posts

Steve Machol 01-13-2002 09:56 PM

Does anyone else feel slightly weird when we start comparing size? :rolleyes:

nafae 01-13-2002 11:40 PM

54 members, 61 threads :( Boy do I feel deprived ;) :eek:

Dalius 01-14-2002 01:22 AM

107 Members
568 Posts

Err, How do i check how big the database file is?

So far this month, ive used 17 megs of bandwidth

*feels small*

eva2000 01-14-2002 06:51 AM


Originally posted by smachol
Does anyone else feel slightly weird when we start comparing size? :rolleyes:
nah it's a natural socially conditioned trait :D

Martz 01-14-2002 12:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Members: 700 and something
Posts: 250,000 +
Threads: 10,000 +

Bandwidth: I hit 9.8 GB of traffic at the end of November, which was the largest amount transfered so far in a single month. These are my stats for the month so far:


Day Hits Files Pages Visits KBytes
1 187221 44454 26012 790 268315
2 227644 59707 28884 897 326211
3 148364 40258 20794 665 230458
4 207570 58384 27156 833 285053
5 178011 51062 23385 886 245490
6 207087 54054 28585 964 299223
7 252846 69863 34128 1011 399770
8 216895 62033 29660 1026 344828
9 198294 59508 26917 969 355433
10 251944 62032 30861 966 402017
11 226891 60149 30273 1001 369315
12 172491 48597 24466 907 277489
13 177018 57880 31423 915 410697

Hope this gives you a general idea! I'm paying ?20 per month for my host (a really good 1 off special deal). But I am going to start breaking my allocations.

Once you get these things going they seem to snowball. GL.

CloudBurst 01-14-2002 06:01 PM

wow, thanks loads :D
any more would be really aperciated!

OK: Well, I'm aming at at board (built up over 5/6 months) of about Members: 300, Threads: 1000, Posts: 9000.
I gather that I'll be using about 2/3 gig of bandwidth a month and that will fill about 20 meg.
^ Is that *roughly* right, because from the above posts, it's hard to gauge!

:D - CB

bitbender 01-14-2002 08:14 PM

Bitbenderforums has been about since Summer 2001, is self hosted on a DSL 384/384 IP subnet of it's own, and:

Registered Members: 126
Total Threads: 2056 | Total Posts: 18812 | New Threads Today: 99

Now, I run the usenet news server hack, and a lot of the others too :)

The usenet hack rakes in alot of the new posts (mostly trash) each day, but does bring in some gold mines from time to time.

Current Database is about 180 meg

Steve Machol 01-14-2002 09:55 PM


Originally posted by CloudBurst

I gather that I'll be using about 2/3 gig of bandwidth a month and that will fill about 20 meg.
^ Is that *roughly* right, because from the above posts, it's hard to gauge! :D - CB

You're right, it is hard to gauge. If you allow file uploads and expect this to be used extensively, then your estimate will need to be higher, perhaps considerably. If you don't allow files to be uploaded and/or you don't expect this to be used much, then this estimate is probably correct.

bitbender 01-14-2002 11:17 PM

Did I mention these folks are Great at helping a fella out with the tech aspects of this board? Well, in my experience, they do !!!

File Uploads..yes, that's the majority of the space in my DB, because we do alot of PC pix shots, and the like...As smachol said, plan accordingly....

I allocated 120GB of HDD to the Server(AMD 1.2Ghz/KT7A/1.256GB PC150 memory) I built to house the forum, and one of the few benefits of business DSL accounts, is that there is no limits on 'how' much is transacted each month, just that 'sizeable' payment....

But that all depends on your cost models, and support requirements for your forum. Since I tend to spend every waking moment with mainframes or PC's, this works fo me.

Mark Hensler 01-15-2002 02:59 AM

I didn't know RAM came in PC150. I'm looking at a ComputerEdge magazine right now, and I can't find any at that speed. Closest I can find is PC133 SDRAM or 266MHz DDR RAM. :confused:

Anyway, 1.256GB is quite a bit. :D

Hoffi 01-15-2002 05:19 AM


1300 Members
56000 Posts in 6800 Threads
about 100 Megs on the HDD and 11GB Traffic/Month!

bitbender 01-15-2002 11:16 AM


Originally posted by Mark Hensler
I didn't know RAM came in PC150. I'm looking at a ComputerEdge magazine right now, and I can't find any at that speed. Closest I can find is PC133 SDRAM or 266MHz DDR RAM. :confused:

Anyway, 1.256GB is quite a bit. :D

Yup, PC150 SDRAM, I've the receipt about here somewhere, pretty sure it's kingston. I would like to move it to one of my machines that has DDR memory, but I just hate fooling with things that are working already.

As for the 1Gb+ of memory, that's what a lot of folks told me that I would need, so when I built the forum server, I just went ahead, and planned for it then...My credit cards knew...:(

As for the sea of HDD space, I just figured more is always better than less, or at least it works that way in the mainframes...

I've included a small gif (52k) that shows where I shop for stuff, www.pricewatch.com . They have a summary of all suppliers across america, and yes, with some, one must be careful of, but it's a quick, easy way to see what stuff is selling for...any computer hardware, and a number of other tings, as well...Enjoy :cool:


Omero 02-06-2002 02:47 PM

About 5200 members, 800.000 posts in 57971 threads.

Around 3 gigs of InnoDB format DB ;)

itstd 02-06-2002 03:22 PM

Members: 2,565, Threads: 3,351, Posts: 19,357
Number of Active Users Today: 529
Most users ever online on a day was 711 on 02-02-2002.

Only using 45 MB disk on server and bandwidth has yet to be an issue for us.

Michelle69 02-07-2002 05:08 AM


Does anyone else feel slightly weird when we start comparing size?
Can I play? :p

2 separate sites, 2 separate VB's:

Commercial Site: Members: 3,166, Threads: 10,453, Posts: 52,932
Not entirely sure of the stats yet because it's only been up a couple weeks.

Personal Site: Members: 113, Threads: 3,646, Posts: 24,320
January BW about 4GIGs

And I'll 2nd bitbender on the tech support. These guys know their stuff.

Just do it :D

RoC-RTCWCentral 02-07-2002 06:11 AM

Members: 1,033
Threads: 1,365
Posts: 9,121

Sorry, I couldn't get the BW or size because I don't have that access at this time.


ladyfyre 02-07-2002 06:45 AM

pruned twice this month, we are at:

Members: 8,592, Threads: 24,558, Posts: 121,835

We are on a colo machine, dual PIII 933 w/ 1GB of PC133

Bandwidth is more of an issue than server speed, we average 30% idle on each proc, but are currently maxing out our 1 MBPS line over 40% of the day.

Attachments are disabled, and board image files have been custom constructed to allow an average of 500-600 bytes per image.

See Eva's info on limiting bandwidth.....you will more than likely run into big $$ there before you run into server slow downs.

rinkrat 02-07-2002 07:13 AM

I prune back to three days every day or two

Members: 2,432,
Threads: 946,
Posts: 6,795

My board is so active that it chews up over 2 GIGS of bandwidth a DAY. Takes up 27 megs of hd space.

I've been running VB for about a week and like it a lot!

newvbuser 02-09-2002 02:51 AM

Where is eva2000's article on limiting bandwidth?

mondaynightmike 02-09-2002 11:25 AM

19 members, 51 threads, 448 threads, last month i used about 100mb bandwidth. I am allowed 600mb altogether.
Very small forums :( i know, only been up for a month.

dark_kirby 02-09-2002 06:31 PM

I also don't have a vbulletin, can't afford it. when I get a job I might consider them though, since they are coool

ladyfyre 02-10-2002 11:36 PM

do a search for any post by eva2000 and you will see lots of stuff in his signature worth reading :)

Eva is my hero *grinz*

Well...he is my third favorite hero. PPN is my favorite hero, because he does awesome work for me from time to time (When he isn't too busy that is, hence me having to find someone else for the big stuff!!!) FireFly is my second, cause he writes the majority of the hacks I find useful.

Alanis is my fifth, because she makes such incredible music, and after that, it all gets fuzzy....but surely Steven King, Anne Rice, and Dean Koontz belong somewhere in the mix.....who knows?


NYI Fan 02-14-2002 10:22 PM


Originally posted by smachol
My Board has about 1400 members and 25k posts. The size of the database is just under 40Mb and I use about 1.6Gb bandwidth per month.
I envy you!

My board:
Members: 258, Threads: 28,309, Posts: 59,336
Disk Usage 26.22 MB
Bandwidth Usage 5038.04 MB (SO FAR THIS MONTH)
last month was almost 11 gig month end, the month before was 10+ as well..... (I have people who hang on my board ALL DAY...)

Steve Machol 02-15-2002 01:33 AM

NYI Fan,

Do you have a lot of images and file attachments on your forums? Mine ghave very few compared to some boards I've seen.

NYI Fan 02-15-2002 02:40 AM

Nah my members are pretty good about cleaning them up - that was the deal we made when i enabled images....

they post them, and delete them within a week or so of posting

I do have alot of animated smilies though and they LOVE using them! That could be part of my problem.... My plan alots me 12 gig transfer/mo though so for now all is good

LouChipher 04-03-2002 11:29 AM

aktive members (login under 60 days): 2,096 (registrations since may 2000: 12,997)
threads: 26,247
posting: 165,561
~ 25 gig transfer/month
db: ~ 80 mb for posts, ~ 170 mb search index

Okiewan 04-03-2002 04:32 PM

<a href="http://dirtrider.net/forums3/index.php" target="_blank">http://dirtrider.net/forums3/index.php</a>
13,512 Members
26,460 Threads
203,462 Posts

Most online at one time: 247
Most onnline in a day 1,638

Average 900 post per day
Average 175 new members per week

Zzed 04-04-2002 06:21 AM

<a href="http://www.ls1.com/forums/index.php" target="_blank">http://www.ls1.com/forums/index.php</a>

28533 members
522149 posts
69915 threads

MrLister 04-04-2002 01:39 PM

3,284 members
438,325 posts

829MB Space
17GB Bandwidth

Recluse 04-04-2002 03:50 PM

213 Members
13,198 Post

110MB space
13GB in bandwith last month

elin 04-08-2002 07:22 PM

Members: 1,674, Threads: 3,864, Posts: 21,014

2 GB consumed last month and I'm quite surprised that it wasn't more.

Gutspiller 04-09-2002 04:42 AM

Why don't you compare ACTIVE users, you dumb nuts. :p

Anybody can have a high registered amount, is what counts is active users, and any user can spam your forum up. From the beginning of this thread you should of asked for the top users online at once, that would be a better "judgement" for the boards.

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