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dabean 01-08-2002 10:00 PM

This hack adds expansion and contraction support to the forum home page (index.php). The current version of this hack has been tested on vBulletin 2.3.2

Only supported browsers gain the ability to expand and collapse forum groups, non supported browsers do not gain anything, but no errors will be displayed.
Each users preference is saved to the database, additionally admins can select which forums are to be collapsed by default.

  • Browsers supported
  • Netscape6+/Mozilla0.6+
  • MS IE5+
  • Konqueror
  • Opera 7 support is included
  • Browsers unsupported
  • MS IE4 or earlier
  • Netscape 4 or earlier
  • Opera (version 6 and earlier)

Note: PHP 4.1.x or 4.2.x is required, PHP 4.0.x is now unsupported.

Instructions inside attachment.
Updated 4:18 PM 1/12/2002
- Packaged Post, Thread template Addon

Updated 7:53 PM 1/11/2002
- corrected installer

Updated 4:23 PM 1/11/2002
- Added DB support
- Added Per forum Collapsed Pref to admin cp

Updated 01/10/02 01:39am.
- Fixed missing line.

Updated 04/06/02 01:30am.
- Version 1.2
- PHP 4.1.x, 4.2.x support with or without register globals off.
- Performance tweeked javascript

Updated 06/06/02 11:20pm.
- Corrected templatecache bug

Updated 06/25/02
- Corrected formatting errors in readme

Updated 09/01/02
- vB 2.2.7 compatiblity statement, updated readme.

Updated 30/08/03
- vB 2.2.x and 2.3.x compatiblity statement, added new automatic testing script.

Q: what exactly is Template_Option.txt?
A: Basically that exention was provided as a request to cover sites with the template modification that adds a "header" to each grouping.

Q: How do I show a forum depth greater than 2?
A: Open vB Admin cp set forum depth to your required level. Then create the additional templates. For template examples see https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...465#post250465

Q: Can sub-forums be collapsed?
A: Yes. See the above answer for example templates.

Q: XYZ doesn't work help.
A: Check that all the template changes required have been made, 99% of problems are due to incorrect template alteration. Also use the cx_test.php to automatically check your installation!

MarkB 01-09-2002 09:52 PM

Do you have a demo?:)

TaP 01-09-2002 10:01 PM

Sounds cool, but demo would be cool..

defnot 01-09-2002 10:04 PM

i take this pic on the zip files..


dabean 01-09-2002 10:20 PM

No demo online, but a screenshot is included and the attached offline demo illustrates the hack.

StarBuG 01-09-2002 10:37 PM


This is great but doesn´t work!!
I have windows XP and the newest IE 6.0.2600
I have done all the steps in your installguide and I checked it THREE times!
But it still doesn´t work!
I have implemented the collabsable posts hack and this one works fine!
Maybe you forgott something??

Can u implemet a DB support for this hack so that it remebers the usersettings of each user and save it in the DB?

This would be verry usefull!



dabean 01-09-2002 11:44 PM


Originally posted by StarBuG

This is great but doesn?t work!!
I have windows XP and the newest IE 6.0.2600
I have done all the steps in your installguide and I checked it THREE times!
But it still doesn?t work!
I have implemented the collabsable posts hack and this one works fine!
Maybe you forgott something??

Can u implemet a DB support for this hack so that it remebers the usersettings of each user and save it in the DB?

This would be verry usefull!



Orginal release was missing 3 lines redownload and skip down to "Amendment from version 1.0" in the readme you just need to make that change to fix it. Also the method used to collapse the groups used is 99% different to the collapse post hack.

q2: Yes db support could be done, but adding it would make the hack more complex than I want to code/release.

Hmm changed my mind I might add this, it appears to be simpler than I first relised.

VirtueTech 01-09-2002 11:48 PM

:) I was just working on this one myself. :)

StarBuG 01-09-2002 11:51 PM


Now it works!!

Thank you so much!!

But without DB support it isn?t very usefull cause after entering one forum and then come back to the index all forums are expand again!

Is there someone who can do the rest to make it REAL PERFEKT???




Martz 01-09-2002 11:52 PM

I've also followed this to the last detail documented. 1 small fix, the name of the getbrowser.php file is getBrowser.php in the zip archive. On unix systems it can't find the file. Rename getBrowser.php to getbrowser.php and it gets further.

Tested on WinXP I.E 6.0.2600
and Win ME I.E 5.5

Very nice hack indeed, I hope the problems can be ironed out. :) Good work.

Edit just noticed update... :)

TaP 01-10-2002 02:20 AM

DB support would be great :) Firefly and Bira where u at! :)

dabean 01-10-2002 02:25 AM

DB is coming, just wait a few hours :). I just have to test it under IE5 and package the changes. Oh I want to get some production testing done before release.

SirSteve 01-10-2002 04:57 AM

I too would love to have this for the forum home page as it works like Biras collapse/expand thread hack.

StarBuG 01-10-2002 07:33 AM

dabean you are my man!!

I can?t wait to have the DB Support! :D

THX for all your hard work!!


Martz 01-10-2002 08:06 AM

OK, I have this installed and working now, thanks for the update. Works great!

Lucky 01-10-2002 09:03 AM

I will install this, but I think I will wait for DB support before doing so.

Great concept though.

Mark Hewitt 01-10-2002 11:50 AM

What I would like to be able to do is with forums that have subforums to be able to put an x box beside them (and only them) which when clicked will display the sub forum too. If you see what I mean?

Inzagi 01-10-2002 12:17 PM

Hi debean,

great hack but does this hack only work on "forum home" or also on normal forums (forumdisplay) ?

SirSteve 01-10-2002 02:30 PM


Originally posted by Inzagi
Hi debean,

great hack but does this hack only work on "forum home" or also on normal forums (forumdisplay) ?

There is a hack out there by Bira that does the normal forums very well.

StarBuG 01-10-2002 07:16 PM


Originally posted by Mark Hewitt
What I would like to be able to do is with forums that have subforums to be able to put an x box beside them (and only them) which when clicked will display the sub forum too. If you see what I mean?
There is already a subforums hack!
Not a shrink one but also very nice!

Have a look at:




dabean 01-11-2002 02:28 PM

Preference is saved to the database, admins can select which forums are to be collapsed by default.

Redo the whole hack to upgrade new changes are marked new! and alterations from the previous version are in red.

Tarion 01-11-2002 02:32 PM

thx for your great work i love this hack i will install it tonight :)

big thx

StarBuG 01-11-2002 05:33 PM




One little thing:

If you start: cx_install.php

you get this error:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `','' or `';'' in c:\foxserv\www\board\admin\cx_install.php on line 127

Just want you to know :D

Greetings and thx for your very good work!


dabean 01-11-2002 05:54 PM

Installer fixed, doh.

Martz 01-11-2002 06:51 PM


Originally posted by dabean
Preference is saved to the database, admins can select which forums are to be collapsed by default.

Redo the whole hack to upgrade new changes are marked new! and alterations from the previous version are in red.

Has the readme been updated? i redownloaded and it looks like the first version of it, the ammendment is missing also! :confused:

Thanks for any help, this is a great hack :)

dabean 01-11-2002 07:05 PM


Originally posted by Martz

Has the readme been updated? i redownloaded and it looks like the first version of it, the ammendment is missing also! :confused:

Thanks for any help, this is a great hack :)

I downloaded the attachment it does have the changes so i presume your browser still has cached the old version.

StarBuG 01-11-2002 07:37 PM

Also Netscape (the newest) don´t save the settings correctly
I have checked it with my Database!
For me the Forum always makes an entry when I collabs a categorie, but it doesn´t remove it when I expand!
I have checked it with 2 other PC´s from friends of mine and the Problem is the same!
It always remembers wich one is closed but doesn´t remove it from the db if u expand it
I don´t know why!
Maybe you forgott in the code that when you expand that the kategorie ID is removed from the DB?????
I have tried it over and over!

What do u think??



jminiman 01-11-2002 09:50 PM

Okay, I followed the instructions exactly, and forums home never changed. I selected one of my forums to be collapsed by default, and that didn't change anything.

Outside of what the readme prescribes, what else must I do to enable this to work? Where in admin CP do I turn it on globally? I just went into Forums--Edit to turn on collapsing for one forum.

SirSteve 01-11-2002 10:20 PM

I get this error when trying to load the cx_install.php in the admin dir via the web browser:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `','' or `';'' in [removed]/forums/admin/cx_install.php on line 127

I did it manually though. Just thought you should know.

I am running IE 6 on Win XP.

StarBuG 01-11-2002 10:35 PM

I mentioned this error befor and dabean has correct it! :D



SirSteve 01-11-2002 10:37 PM

It's working great! BUT, I have a popular template hack, the Forum Posts Threads Last Post Moderator repeats per forum (look here: http://www.sirstevesguide.com/vbportal/forums ) and it would be nice if it also cleared that table row when collapsed. My other hangup is the expand/collapse gif is smack agains the forum name, where is this bit so I can add a space after it so it looks nicer?

StarBuG 01-11-2002 10:48 PM

forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost is the template! :D

change it to:
<td colspan="6">$expandcontract& bsp;<a href="forumdisplay.php?s=$session[s

(without the space between & b ;))

and u have a space ;)

By the way: Your Forum doesn?t remember my settings also!

(You can delete my account! Just want to test it! ;))



SirSteve 01-11-2002 10:52 PM


Originally posted by StarBuG
forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost is the template! :D

change it to:
<td colspan="6$expandcontract">& bsp;<a href="forumdisplay.php?s=$session[s
(without the space betweeb & and b)

By the way: Your Forum doesn?t remember my settings also!

(You can delete my account! Just want to test it! ;))

and u have a space ;)



Thanks. I tried it but no go so I had to add a non-breaking space (&nbsp;) and it worked. :)

Now, about that other issue... ;)

It remembered my setting... ??

StarBuG 01-11-2002 10:58 PM

First you read my post during I was editing it cause I made a typo! hehe

2nd: Try this:
close all categories
open one
refresh and look if it is still open!

I tried it and it was closed again! ;)



SirSteve 01-11-2002 11:08 PM

hmm... you are correct. Like 1 out of 10 times it works...

StarBuG 01-11-2002 11:15 PM

Can u please try it with netscape to?
For me it was the same problem!



ps: I would change the graphics!
I have made my own ones and if anyone wants them I have attached them here! ;)

dabean 01-11-2002 11:20 PM


Originally posted by jminiman
Okay, I followed the instructions exactly, and forums home never changed. I selected one of my forums to be collapsed by default, and that didn't change anything.

Outside of what the readme prescribes, what else must I do to enable this to work? Where in admin CP do I turn it on globally? I just went into Forums--Edit to turn on collapsing for one forum.

You need to have a forum depth set to at least 2.
This hack can only collapse forums that would normally appear on the forum home page.

SirSteve: I don't have that hack installed I will look it over and produce a extension to add collapse support for it, when I have time.

All: rapidly expanding/contracting groups will cause it to forget the setting because IE/Netscape queue HTTP requests wait for the background load to happen (notice that collapsing/expanding causes your progress bar to start loading something), Netscape 6 takes slightly longer than IE.. but settings are saved. One extension I would love to provide is a status icon to show the settings being saved but IE lacks support for assigning the onload event dynamically :(.

StarBuG 01-11-2002 11:26 PM

If I understand u right dabean I have to wait longer so the changes can take effect!

If I collabs forums I can do it as fast as I can and a fast refresh doesn´t matter! It remembers the settings!
But the expand setting isn´t saved (I waited 30 seconds and the loadind was done long befor the refresh!)

Can u plz recheck your code or maybe recode the expand script so that it remembers it correctly!
I don´t think that this is a browser Problem:
a) netscape has the same problem
b) the collabs is working without any problems!



Martz 01-11-2002 11:33 PM

I have reinstalled this hack from scratch and it doesn't remember any of my settings. :(

Any advice? I'm sure tje zipfile in your first post is outdated, I can't see any differences between it and the one without saved settings.

StarBuG 01-11-2002 11:37 PM

IF u find red code in your readme you have the right file!

But if not I have attached the right one!



[Attachment removed - read dabeans reply!]

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