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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - Yilmaz - Thread Starter vB5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=328492)

yilmaz 01-06-2021 10:00 PM

Yilmaz - Thread Starter vB5
1 Attachment(s)
This addon will add an indicator on the thread starters replies in their own thread. This can help identify the person who started the thread easily.

Download the product product_yilmazthreadauthor.xmland import it through the 'Manage Products' page in the AdminCP.

that's all it.

Version 1.0.1 has been improved
If you installed this mod and/or you want get support, please "Mark as Installed".
How to uninstall:
Go to "Manage Products" in the admincp and delete the product named "Yilmaz - Thread Starter vB5"

ywwz 01-07-2021 09:12 AM

Great mod for 5.6.4, thank you very much. Mark as installed.

Chicoynano 01-07-2021 12:07 PM

Excellent product thank you very much .Installed

USC 01-07-2021 11:21 PM

brilliant mod lots of thanks bro :) installed

megabink 01-08-2021 04:25 PM

Nice one Yilmaz thanks.
Btw how do you get the blue and the brown ribbon...i do not see any settings for this?

Oh i see now it does not work in custom styles.

Mr Peabody 01-08-2021 09:35 PM


milforum 01-09-2021 10:01 AM

Installation/import went well, and I can see it in AdminCP->Manage Products, but nothing happens in the forum itself. Any clues to what might be wrong?

yilmaz 01-09-2021 08:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by milforum (Post 2605668)
Installation/import went well, and I can see it in AdminCP->Manage Products, but nothing happens in the forum itself. Any clues to what might be wrong?

Can you update this again, will the result change.

milforum 01-09-2021 10:15 PM

I tried just now with your new version. Sorry, no change. It seems to install OK, and I get no error message.

yilmaz 01-10-2021 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by milforum (Post 2605683)
I tried just now with your new version. Sorry, no change. It seems to install OK, and I get no error message.

This plug affects the conversation_userinfo template.
There are 2 hooks in this template.
1. hook this {vb:hook 'conversation_above_usertitle'}
2. hook this {vb:hook 'conversation_userstats'}
Pulg's task is to introduce the template I have set on one of these hooks.

I thought it might be the cause of the problem.
Do you have these two hooks in the plug conversation_userinfo template?

You should check whether the templates have two hooks at the top.

milforum 01-10-2021 11:10 AM

I'm no big expert on this, but what I find by searching in templates is that conversation_userinfo hasn't been changed in any of the styles. So it's default, which is like this:

{vb:set schemaAuthor.itemprop, author}
{vb:set schemaAuthor.itemscope, 1}
{vb:set schemaAuthor.itemtype, http://schema.org/Person}

<div class="userinfo b-userinfo b-post__hide-when-deleted" {vb:schema {vb:raw schemaAuthor}}>
<vb:if condition="$user['showavatars']">
{vb:set avatarbase, ''}
<vb:if condition="empty($conversation['avatar']['isfullurl'])">
{vb:set avatarbase, {vb:raw baseurl_corecdn}}
{vb:strcat {vb:raw avatarbase}, "/"}

<vb:if condition="!$conversation['userid'] AND $conversation['avatar']['avatarpath'] AND $conversation['avatar']['hascustom']">
<span class="b-avatar b-avatar--m b-avatar--thread h-margin-bottom-l"><img src="{vb:raw avatarbase}{vb:raw conversation.avatar.avatarpath}" alt="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" title="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" /></span>
<vb:elseif condition="!$conversation['userid']" />
<span class="b-avatar b-avatar--m b-avatar--thread h-margin-bottom-l"><img src="{vb:raw avatarbase}images/default/default_avatar_medium.png" width="64" height="64" alt="{vb:phrase guest_avatar}" title="{vb:phrase guest_avatar}" /></span>
<vb:elseif condition="!empty($conversation['senderAvatar']) AND !empty($conversation['senderAvatar']['avatarpath']) AND !empty($conversation['senderAvatar']['hascustom'])" />
<a href="{vb:url 'profile', {vb:raw conversation}}" class="b-avatar b-avatar--m b-avatar--thread h-margin-bottom-l"><img src="{vb:raw avatarbase}{vb:raw conversation.senderAvatar.avatarpath}" alt="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" title="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" /></a>
<vb:elseif condition="$conversation['avatar'] AND $conversation['avatar']['avatarpath'] AND $conversation['avatar']['hascustom']" />
<a href="{vb:url 'profile', {vb:raw conversation}}" class="b-avatar b-avatar--m b-avatar--thread h-margin-bottom-l"><img src="{vb:raw avatarbase}{vb:raw conversation.avatar.avatarpath}" alt="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" title="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" /></a>
<vb:else />
<a href="{vb:url 'profile', {vb:raw conversation}}" class="b-avatar b-avatar--m b-avatar--thread h-margin-bottom-l"><img src="{vb:raw avatarbase}images/default/default_avatar_medium.png" width="64" height="64" alt="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" title="{vb:raw conversation.authorname}" /></a>
<!-- responsive alteration: Added userinfo-details wrapper in order to
support left floated avatar with all other information on the right. -->
{vb:set userInfo, {vb:raw conversation.userinfo}}
<div class="b-userinfo__details">
{vb:set schemaAuthor.itemprop, name}
<div class="author h-text-size--14">
<strong><vb:if condition="$conversation['userid'] > 0"><a href="{vb:url 'profile', {vb:raw conversation}}" {vb:schema schemaAuthor}></vb:if><vb:if condition="isset($conversation['musername'])">{vb:raw conversation.musername}<vb:elseif condition="isset($conversation['authorname'])" />{vb:raw conversation.authorname}<vb:else />{vb:phrase guest}</vb:if><vb:if condition="$conversation['userid'] > 0"></a></vb:if></strong>
{vb:template pmchat_userinfo_link, conversation={vb:raw conversation}}
{vb:hook 'conversation_above_usertitle'}
<vb:if condition="!empty($userInfo['usertitle'])">
<vb:comment>usertitle is already html escaped in the userInfo array, if it's required</vb:comment>
<div class="usertitle">{vb:raw userInfo.usertitle}</div>
{vb:set reputationimglevel {vb:raw conversation.reputationimg.level}}

<div class="b-meter h-margin-top-m {vb:raw conversation.reputationimg.type}" title="{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw reputationimglevel}}">
{vb:set counter, {vb:php range, 1,5}}
<vb:each from="counter" value="nr">
<div class="b-meter__bar<vb:if condition="$conversation['reputationimg']['bars'] >= $nr"> b-meter__bar--selected</vb:if>"></div>
<div class="b-meter__bar<vb:if condition="$conversation['reputationimg']['bars'] >= $nr"> b-meter__bar--selected</vb:if>"></div>

<div class="b-userinfo__rank h-margin-top-s{vb:if "empty($userInfo['rank'])", ' h-hide'}">{vb:raw userInfo.rank}</div>

<ul class="b-userinfo__additional-info-block h-margin-top-xl">
<vb:if condition="$conversation['userid'] > 0">
<li class="b-userinfo__additional-info"><label>{vb:phrase join_date}:</label> <span>{vb:date {vb:raw userInfo.joindate}, 'registered'}</span></li>
<li class="b-userinfo__additional-info"><label>{vb:phrase posts}:</label> <span>{vb:raw userInfo.posts}</span></li>
<vb:if condition="isset($conversation['postelements']) AND $conversation['postelements'] == 4">
<li class="b-userinfo__additional-info"><label>{vb:phrase infractions}:</phrase><span>{vb:raw conversation.warnings}/{vb:raw conversation.infractions} ({vb:raw conversation.ipoints})</span></li>
<vb:each from="userInfo.userfield" key="categoryname" value="category">
<vb:each from="category" key="fieldname" value="field">
<vb:if condition="$field['showonpost']">
<li class="b-userinfo__additional-info"><label>{vb:phrase {vb:raw fieldname}}:</label> <span>{vb:raw field.val}</span></li>
{vb:hook 'conversation_userstats'}
<ul class="b-userinfo__icons h-margin-none">
<vb:if condition="$conversation['online'] == 'online'">
{vb:set olstatus, ' online'}
<vb:else />
{vb:set olstatus, ' offline'}
<li class="b-userinfo__icon h-left" title="<vb:if condition="$olstatus == ' online'">{vb:rawphrase x_is_online_now, {vb:raw conversation.authorname}}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase x_is_offline, {vb:raw conversation.authorname}}</vb:if>"><span class="b-icon b-icon__status--<vb:if condition="$conversation['online']=='online'">green<vb:else />gray</vb:if>"></span></li>

{vb:template conversation_signature, type=collapsed, conversation={vb:raw conversation}, collapsedClass="b-userinfo__icon h-left"}

milforum 01-10-2021 11:13 AM

Furthermore, when looking into Products & hooks in AdminCP, I find your module listed as active with hook location ---conversation_userstats and hook arguments: conversation=conversation .

I'm not sure if this helps.

yilmaz 01-10-2021 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by milforum (Post 2605688)
Furthermore, when looking into Products & hooks in AdminCP, I find your module listed as active with hook location ---conversation_userstats and hook arguments: conversation=conversation .

I'm not sure if this helps.


Enable Hook System "Yes"?
Are plugs from config.php disabled?

Argument "conversation" is required to define the users ID

You must have a template called "yilmazthreadauthor"

milforum 01-10-2021 04:39 PM

I feel bad about stealing time from you, @yilmaz, but I'm not very skilled in the inner workings of vBulletin.

However, I found that Hook System is enabled.

config.php (residing in /core/includes) was updated when I updated to 5.6.4 in November 2020. As far as I can see, the only changes I've made is to set username/password etc for the database. Specifically, there is a line in the default setup for disabling hooks, but that's commented out: // define("DISABLE_HOOKS", true);

And, lastly, I find the module template yilmazthreadauthor in all styles.

yilmaz 01-10-2021 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by milforum (Post 2605696)
I feel bad about stealing time from you, @yilmaz, but I'm not very skilled in the inner workings of vBulletin.

However, I found that Hook System is enabled.

config.php (residing in /core/includes) was updated when I updated to 5.6.4 in November 2020. As far as I can see, the only changes I've made is to set username/password etc for the database. Specifically, there is a line in the default setup for disabling hooks, but that's commented out: // define("DISABLE_HOOKS", true);

And, lastly, I find the module template yilmazthreadauthor in all styles.

Then let's do it manual.
Conversation_userinfo template should be on line 5
Search for this in templates

<div class="userinfo b-userinfo b-post__hide-when-deleted" {vb:schema {vb:raw schemaAuthor}}>

and add this code right above
HTML Code:

<vb:if condition="$conversation['userid'] == $conversation['starteruserid']">
{vb:cssExtra yilmazthreadauthor.css}
<div class="baslatan">{vb:phrase yilmaz_thread_author}</div>

Note: The new editors are very sensitive, you should be careful that they affect unwanted places when copying / pasting.

milforum 01-10-2021 06:52 PM

There! Works like a charm! Thanks a lot for your help. Donations will be coming your way. :)

DamasGate 01-31-2021 06:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you brother Yilmaz,

It need fix to support RTL style.

I am not expert enough to modify css template

Any help please ?

Thank you again.

DamasGate 01-31-2021 08:46 PM

Working now.

In yilmazthreadauthor.css



left: -10px;



{vb:stylevar left}: -10px;

Thank you very much.

yilmaz 02-01-2021 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by DamasGate (Post 2606047)
Working now.
In yilmazthreadauthor.css

left: -10px;

{vb:stylevar left}: -10px;
Thank you very much.

Great, I will always consider it from now on.
It will work very well.
Thanks @DamasGate :up:

yilmaz 02-18-2021 11:07 PM

Version 1.0.1 has been improved

bollettino 07-23-2022 07:14 AM

Hello, I have found a little problem that happens when I mark a message as answer, by clicking ?Set as answer? at the bottom of the message (VBulletin 5.6.9): in this case, vBulletin creates a copy of the message and puts it directly below the initial post. This copy of the message has a line on top, where it is written ?Answer selected by...?. The problem is that, if the answer was selected by the topic starter, the tag ?Thread starter? overlaps the text ?Answer selected by...?


bollettino 07-23-2022 07:20 AM

At the moment I solved the problem by editing the phrase and putting some characters before the word “Answer”.

TheDigitalCouch 07-27-2022 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by bollettino (Post 2608709)
At the moment I solved the problem by editing the phrase and putting some characters before the word ?Answer?.

You should be able to change the margin.

bollettino 07-27-2022 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheDigitalCouch (Post 2608714)
You should be able to change the margin.

Thank you for the answer, but I can?t work out how.

puertoblack2003 11-08-2023 02:23 AM

confirms working on 6.0.1

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  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
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Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
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