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-   -   Add Who's Online locations from Admin CP (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=32849)

Admin 11-30-2001 10:00 PM

This hack was requested on vBulletin.com.

It lets you add possible locations to Who's Online, directly from the Admin CP.
This is good if you are using external hacks, that use vBulletin's system. You probably know that users browsing these external files have Unknown Location (or Main Index for non-admin viewers) next to them.

With this hack, you can easily add a new custom location with ease!
It's also designed in a way that won't let you overwrite existing locations. ('dummy protection' as I like to call it ;))

The locations you add are not stored in their own table, because I really felt that would be waste of space and resource.
Instead, I store the locations in the template table, in one special template dedicated to this data.
It was a lot harder to do it this way, btw. :)

Please let me know if you find any bugs, or if this script doesn't work with files in child folders (this is my main concern).
This can be easily remove (just undo changes to online.php), so please don't fear to try it out!

A nice screen shot is in my next post.

Admin 12-01-2001 07:56 AM

Top part is the Admin CP, bottom is Who's Online.

Crinos 12-01-2001 08:14 AM

Hmmm, trying it out, but I get a 404 when I submit a change ...

since the admin_online.php is in the admin folder, should this:

<form action="online.php"  name="name" method="post">
be like this:

<form action="../online.php"  name="name" method="post">
or something?

Admin 12-01-2001 08:22 AM

Sorry, that's my bad.
Download admin_online.php again and upload to your server.

I changed the file name in the last minute and forgot to update the <form> tags.

Crinos 12-01-2001 08:31 AM

Hmmm ... still says "online.php" in the form FF :(

Hooper 12-01-2001 11:52 AM

Thanks for seeing it Chen....
Going to install for testing....

Lesane 12-01-2001 12:18 PM

Sounds great, going 2 install it 2

Thanks Firefly

Hooper 12-01-2001 12:47 PM

Edit remove isn't working for me. Anyone tried to edit or remove?


makelinkcode("edit"," online.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=edit&locnum=$locnum").

paths to reflect where the online.php exists


Problems still with edit remove as mentioned by Crinos.

Added a total of 3 links. Last was lastposts.php for the Filename and Viewing Last 10 Posts! for the Description.

......Will wait now.

Admin 12-01-2001 01:54 PM

Ok, download admin_online.php once again and upload to your server.
Sorry again for all of this.

You see, originally the filename was just online.php, but to keep you from confusing it with the regular online.php (in the forums folder), I renamed it.

Hooper 12-01-2001 03:48 PM

No apologies necessary. That's why we're in the beta room :D . Appreciate the work.

I am still getting 404's. The edit and remove still don't work. At least on this end.

Anyone else testing this please post what you get.

SirSteve 12-01-2001 05:07 PM

I got this a few times:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.1:

Invalid SQL: SELECT user.username, session.location, session.lastactivity, user.userid, user.usergroupid, user.invisible, session.host, user.showemail, user.receivepm
FROM session
LEFT JOIN user USING (userid)
WHERE session.lastactivity >

ORDER BY user.username

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ORDER BY user.username
' at line 6

mysql error number: 1064

Hooper 12-01-2001 05:15 PM

Hi SirSteve,

I'm not sure why this would create a problem as such. You may want to upload the online.php and overwrite your hacked one. then see if you get the error. If you don't, then you probably copy and pasted a boo boo. ;)

Crinos 12-01-2001 07:10 PM

Hmmm, seems to be working fine now after I downloaded that new attachment a few moments ago ... I could add/edit/delete just fine, so far ... no bugs yet :)

Hey FF, if I wanted to include main sections within the site that are non VB-powered, should I just include the global.php and specify them in the admin_online script so that people see who are viewing these sections in who's online?

I got a quiz script in PHP and I kinda wanted to include it in who's online too, but it ain't VB-powered :)


Hooper 12-01-2001 07:40 PM

Hmmm. I used a new online.php and rehacked and still have the same problem.


The links are still pointing to /admin/online.php.

If I ../ before this It still doesn't work. The edit delete functions are still not correct for me.

See a problem...?

<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../cp.css">
<title>Who's Online - Location Manager</title></head>
<body leftmargin="10" topmargin="10" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10">
<form action=".php" name="name" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value=""><input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
<br><table cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' border='0' align='center' width='90%' class='tblborder'><tr><td>
<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>
<tr class='tblhead'>
<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Filename</span></b></p></td>
<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Description for it</span></b></p></td>
<td><p><b><span class='tblhead'>Options</span></b></p></td>

Crinos 12-01-2001 07:56 PM

fwiw, I was using a VB 2.0.3 online.php file (coz the 2.2.0 version was buggy back then), and that's what I modified for this hack. I didn't upgrade to 2.2.1 coz of the amount of hacks I installed on my forums, and it being a very minor release, I didn't need it (made lots of fixes to 2.2.0 via the Bug Section of vb.com) ...

And with the admin_online.php I downloaded just a couple of hours ago, it is now putting the correct filename on the form (admin_online.php instead of online.php) ... so I guess that fixed it :)

Hooper 12-01-2001 07:59 PM


Well, I have 2.2.1. I went ahead and uploaded a fresh online.php to work with since you posted that yours was working. Rehacked with the same results. Look at the above code. :stupid: :eek:

Crinos 12-01-2001 08:01 PM

Hey Hooper, I said "fwiw" because I don't think the version of online.php was important to the hack ... but anyway...

Look at the code just below what you posted ... it should have another set of form tags, which should look like this:


<form action="admin_online.php"  name="name" method="post">
Last night it was "online.php", and I think that was the only problem I had ... have you tried redownloading the attachment above?

Hooper 12-01-2001 08:03 PM

Yes sir,

I've downloaded the new attatchment 3 times today.
I had the online.php pretty hacked up before. That's why I used a fresh one this morning after seeing it posted that you had it working.

Nope. Here is the whole code I get.

<edited>by Hooper</edited>

Crinos 12-01-2001 08:09 PM

Hmmm, strange, well I can tell you that it does work pretty well ... I think it'll only give you a 404 if it's not pointing to the correct file in the form ...

I'm attaching the raw admin_online.php file that I am using, just to be sure ... if this is not allowed FF, feel free to delete it :)

Hooper 12-01-2001 08:12 PM


Why the heck am I getting the same file all day that I downloaded early this morning? I must be getting the old file over and over or something.

Go try a download. Rename your good one on the server and install what you download. Please try that.

Thanks. Your file worked.

Crinos 12-01-2001 08:18 PM

Kewl :) Must've been a caching problem with either the browser or maybe the attachment feature itself, I dunno ...

So far I'm not experiencing any bugs on this one, and works as advertised. Maybe it's safe to move it out of the Beta forum :)

btw, still interested in that non-VB/global.php question I had, if it's possible :D

Great hack!

Hooper 12-01-2001 08:21 PM

Yeah!!!! It works! :D

This is going to be nice!

I agree. I am getting ready to see if I can get my "outside non vb powered schtuff" to work. I have about 8 or 9 outside of vBull that need a linking!

Yeah. About ready for full release. Thanks Chen. Nice Hack.

Hooper 12-01-2001 08:29 PM

Am I missing something here or should the last10posts.php be a link to the file????

Crinos 12-01-2001 08:31 PM

You could use HTML to do a link tag on that location in the description:


Viewing <a href="last10posts.php">Last 10 Posts</a>
That's what I did with mine :)

Hooper 12-01-2001 08:32 PM

Geez... I guess I just want the hack to do everything now don't I... :p

Ok.. I'll do that.

Hooper 12-01-2001 08:36 PM

Works like a charm. This is a super improvement. Just think, If this can be (and hopefully will) added to a vBulletin release, it will make adding internal links for WOL so much easier. This is fine for me as is. Maybe we can get the outside linking to work with the non vBpowered. ;)

I had several hand coded links I installed into the online.php since Kevin showed me how to do it. This is a whole lot faster and easier.

Crinos 12-01-2001 08:45 PM

Might wanna include some instructions on how to include it in the VB admin control panel once it's released (although I think that's the plan when FF made it).

I already did by adding it into the admin/index.php :)

Hooper 12-01-2001 08:48 PM

Well let's here it....? :D You incorporated the new admin with the main admin? If so, spill the beans on the how.... :)

Crinos 12-01-2001 09:00 PM

Well, since it wasn't really a part of any general category in the admin panel, I just put it below the vBulletin Options (which I have renamed "General Options" in my own VB)

Anyway, in admin/index.php, find:


And right above it, add:


makenavoption("Who's Online Options","admin_online.php?t=0","<br>");
here is a screenshot of how it looks like in my admin control panel:

Hooper 12-01-2001 09:03 PM

Super.... Going to do it. Your admin panel looks as good as your site! ;)

Hooper 12-01-2001 09:10 PM


That is right where it should be. (left top is the link).

Crinos 12-01-2001 09:17 PM

Perfect :)

LuBi 12-02-2001 01:56 AM

So it works on 2.2.1 now? If so, what does it take to get the script running?

Hooper 12-02-2001 02:17 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LuBi
So it works on 2.2.1 now? If so, what does it take to get the script running?

Admin 12-02-2001 11:42 AM

I'm going to split all posts from Hooper and Crinos in a bit, I'm as well already confused. :)
Tell me if the title of the thread is not appropriate. :)

Does this work ok or not?
I want to release it as soon as possible, but I want to make sure it works perfect first! :D

Freddie Bingham 12-02-2001 02:19 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hooper
Works like a charm. This is a super improvement. Just think, If this can be (and hopefully will) added to a vBulletin release, it will make adding internal links for WOL so much easier. This is fine for me as is. Maybe we can get the outside linking to work with the non vBpowered. ;)

I had several hand coded links I installed into the online.php since Kevin showed me how to do it. This is a whole lot faster and easier.

Admin 12-02-2001 02:30 PM

I was thinking of doing that, since eventually the ideal thing would be removing all locations from online.php and putting them into the Admin CP.
Would also make it easier to translate these locations to other languages.

Freddie Bingham 12-02-2001 02:45 PM

Some of the locations wouldn't be so easy to move into this system. The ideal way would be to totally rethink the way the system works, which I may also end up doing.

DarkReaper 12-02-2001 02:48 PM

How can we include the session hash?

I tried this - Editing their <a href="sedit.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=show">signature</a>, and it didn't parse the hash...

Admin 12-02-2001 03:15 PM

Try this DarkReaper.

In online.php, (after installing this hack) find this:

          $userinfo[where] = $text;
and right below it add this:

          eval("\$userinfo[where] = \"".addslashes($userinfo[where])."\";");
Then you'll be able to use $variables in the descriptions (although only $session[sessionhash] will mean anything).

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