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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - CoinImp Integration Cryptocurrency Miner (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=325930)

TheInsaneManiac 12-26-2017 10:00 PM

CoinImp Integration Cryptocurrency Miner
1 Attachment(s)

CoinImp is now detectable by Google and Antivirus. They remove this script now. Until CoinImp comes up with a solution I will not longer be providing updates to this modification.

AdBlockers got you down? Tired of lost revenue?

CoinImp Integration will allow you to earn Cryptocurrency (XMR) (Monero) for using some of your users resources. Currently CoinImp is the only JavaScript Miner that AdBlockers can not detect. If the internet wants to cheat the system with AdBlockers. We will cheat them right back.

CPU Usage
Post Only On/Off
Customize Message

Install the plugin

Register on MyMonero.com and get your wallet code for payout. Set up your Wallet.

Input your ID in the AdminCP

To get your ID Register on CoinImp.

Then click Get Code on the Dashboard below "Pending Balance".
Example: e86d72c656ae7ac84b564e92684947d2b0e5aca21c32389378 fde3ad622f7373

Added option in AdminCP to edit alert message
Updated integration to latest version to further prevent detection

Bug Fixes


Donate Version Features
Mining Notification On/Off
Mobile On/Off
Mobile CPU Usage
Usergroup Permissions
Guest Only On/Off
All Future Updates!

Check out my Product & Services page to learn more.

TheInsaneManiac 12-27-2017 09:31 AM

<u>Upcoming Updates</u>
Notification set only once using cookies

If anyone has suggestions, please let me know. I want to make this even better.

Brandon Sheley 12-30-2017 11:20 PM



final kaoss 12-31-2017 02:23 AM

I don't think I agree with this especially without the members agreeing to it or knowing what's happening. Also, are the users informed about this with the mod installed?

Brandon Sheley 12-31-2017 02:25 AM

I agree, I would never add this to one of my sites.
Using your guest CPU with out their knowledge is shady af.. but that's up to the owner, I do appreciate the op for sharing if anything to get discussion going.

IggyP 12-31-2017 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by final kaoss (Post 2591964)
I don't think I agree with this as it's borderline malware. Also, are the users informed about this with the mod installed?

they are when their antivirus flags and removes it ;P

did a test with norton yanked it right out immediately on page land...

seems like it can be useful somehow, just didnt see it fully quite yet....mining spiders on test sites? lol.....something idk...

In Omnibus 12-31-2017 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by final kaoss (Post 2591964)
I don't think I agree with this especially without the members agreeing to it or knowing what's happening. Also, are the users informed about this with the mod installed?

It's illegal in the United States to mine data without the consent of the end user. There has to be disclosure as to what data is mined, by whom, for what purpose, who receives the data, how it will be used, and how it is encrypted. Privacy is a serious concern. Identity theft is a serious concern.

TheInsaneManiac 12-31-2017 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by final kaoss (Post 2591964)
I don't think I agree with this especially without the members agreeing to it or knowing what's happening. Also, are the users informed about this with the mod installed?

A toast notification is displayed when mining starts. I don't personally use the product, but I have had requests for it. Also in the next update I'll add a enable/disable option for mobile users, and a separate Mobile CPU Usage option.


Originally Posted by In Omnibus (Post 2591967)
It's illegal in the United States to mine data without the consent of the end user. There has to be disclosure as to what data is mined, by whom, for what purpose, who receives the data, how it will be used, and how it is encrypted. Privacy is a serious concern. Identity theft is a serious concern.

I've not heard of it being illegal, do you have a source for this? I'd like to include it for reference. I'm also not sure how this would be a risk for identity theft. I also plan on adding JSE integration into this plugin for those that want to go a more publicized option.

Also I'm running Norton as well, and do not get a notification for this. Can anyone else replicate this?

TheLastSuperman 01-03-2018 12:12 AM

I've removed the affiliate link from the modification and replaced w/ a standard registration link.

*Using Avast here, all good under my hood vroom vroom.

davidg 01-04-2018 12:20 PM

Any chance that u release the vb3 version ?
Thank You

TheInsaneManiac 01-21-2018 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by davidg (Post 2592067)
Any chance that u release the vb3 version ?
Thank You

Sure thing, no problem. Here you go. :)

louva-a-Deus 01-21-2018 11:48 AM

Hi TheInsaneManiac,

I uninstalled the old version and installed the new version, but the settings did not update.

TheInsaneManiac 01-21-2018 05:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by louva-a-Deus (Post 2592363)
Hi TheInsaneManiac,

I uninstalled the old version and installed the new version, but the settings did not update.

You're settings should look like this, do they not?

louva-a-Deus 01-22-2018 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 2592366)
You're settings should look like this, do they not?

Oops! Now that I realized it's the Pro version. I bought it.

TheInsaneManiac 01-23-2018 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by louva-a-Deus (Post 2592373)
Oops! Now that I realized it's the Pro version. I bought it.

I appreciate the support. I do want to make note to everyone that CoinImp keeps changing their init scripting. I'll keep everything up to date as long as I can, but I'm in a battle with CoinImp support right now. They keep changing the init script to be from a different location which breaks the scripting, unless I submit updates every time they change it (I don't want to annoy everyone). I plan on adding a field to which you can enter the url, but then you have to keep up with CoinImp to see if your hash count stops. CoinImp insists it should remain working, but every time they update it, my hash count stops, so I know this is not the case. I'm trying to get them to realize this so they can come up with a solution, I understand they need to do it to stay on top of AV and AdBlocker detection methods, but they need to email their users when they update.

Keyser Soze 01-29-2018 12:27 PM

The CPU percentage setting should be an user setting. So why not add a dropdownbox (or slide control) in the alert message where the user can choose himself how many percent of his CPU he wants to offer?

TheInsaneManiac 01-29-2018 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Keyser Soze (Post 2592485)
The CPU percentage setting should be an user setting. So why not add a dropdownbox (or slide control) in the alert message where the user can choose himself how many percent of his CPU he wants to offer?

I could see about integrating this, but this sounds more like you want JSE Coin, this option is built in, I was planning on adding integration for it as well in the near future.

Keyser Soze 01-29-2018 01:47 PM

Another idea: Offer a third option to not load the script automatically but offering a flexible button that turns the mining on and off on click and shows the current status (on/off). If admins would be able to place that button anywhere in a template of their choice (for example in the header), I would seriously think about buying your script. But I certainly don't want all users to see the mining notification by default (and I also dont want to run this script in stealth mode). It should also be possible to use this addon as an opt-in-solution, not only as an opt-out-solution.

final kaoss 01-31-2018 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Keyser Soze (Post 2592487)
Another idea: Offer a third option to not load the script automatically but offering a flexible button that turns the mining on and off on click and shows the current status (on/off). If admins would be able to place that button anywhere in a template of their choice (for example in the header), I would seriously think about buying your script. But I certainly don't want all users to see the mining notification by default (and I also dont want to run this script in stealth mode). It should also be possible to use this addon as an opt-in-solution, not only as an opt-out-solution.

Ok explain to me how it makes sense to not show the notification and still show a slider for cpu percentage? If the slider is going to be there, the notification might as well still be there so they know what the slider is for.

"So why not add a dropdownbox (or slide control) in the alert message where the user can choose himself how many percent of his CPU he wants to offer?

scottkoz20 01-31-2018 12:30 AM

Ok - because I'm not overly familiar with bitcoin/crypto-currencies, etc, how does this mod benefit the site AND will take away from the overall user experience?

Not trying to be obtuse, i'm just not seeing how mining my members data is smart and/or beneficial

TheInsaneManiac 01-31-2018 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Keyser Soze (Post 2592487)
Another idea: Offer a third option to not load the script automatically but offering a flexible button that turns the mining on and off on click and shows the current status (on/off). If admins would be able to place that button anywhere in a template of their choice (for example in the header), I would seriously think about buying your script. But I certainly don't want all users to see the mining notification by default (and I also dont want to run this script in stealth mode). It should also be possible to use this addon as an opt-in-solution, not only as an opt-out-solution.

This is also something similar to JSE coin. I can definitely implement this, but I minds well implement JSE coin as well. This way everyone can experiment with what produces the most coin at the highest rate per coin.


Originally Posted by final kaoss (Post 2592523)
Ok explain to me how it makes sense to not show the notification and still show a slider for cpu percentage? If the slider is going to be there, the notification might as well still be there so they know what the slider is for.

"So why not add a dropdownbox (or slide control) in the alert message where the user can choose himself how many percent of his CPU he wants to offer?

I could set it up so if you disable the notification then it uses the default setting, this way you still have stealth mode, but if the notification is enabled then it will show a slider to adjust along with the notification.


Originally Posted by scottkoz20 (Post 2592525)
Ok - because I'm not overly familiar with bitcoin/crypto-currencies, etc, how does this mod benefit the site AND will take away from the overall user experience?

Not trying to be obtuse, i'm just not seeing how mining my members data is smart and/or beneficial

You earn XMR by using your visitors/members computer cpu power to mine xmr. If you don't set the cpu usage too high, then it will not impact your users browsing experience (unless they are on Windows 95 lol)

Mobile users I have noticed older phones or cheap phones do not handle the mining very well, if at all. (My girlfriend's J7 literally froze when loading my website on 20% CPU, she had to do a battery pull)

I wish there was an all in one way to detect the processor of mobile phones to see if they would be compatible for mining. I thought about checking for Android version using user agent, but the J7 had the latest version of Android and she gets Facebook updates before my S8 does.

In all honesty mobile is not the best means to mine, I have more mobile users to my website than I do desktop and I have 7 million desktop hashes vs 22 thousand mobile hashes. Desktop is more efficient and less of an impact on users unless they live in the stone ages. Of course it all will depend on how high you set the CPU power. I recommend testing the waters. Enable both and see which you get more hashing power from, then disable the other. If users complain turn the cpu usage down, and if that doesn't work disable for the platform with the complaints. This is to say if you have an active forum. Let them know this could be a replacement for advertisements, and that you want to experiment. Just keep in mind even though this prevents adblockers from blocking the miner, they can still disable JavaScript and not get mined.

final kaoss 01-31-2018 03:23 PM

Honestly, I've been thinking about it and I think a better way to go about this would be, to have a notification telling them about the new user setting & linking to relevant User Control Panel section.

Let the user turn it on/off via their User Control Panel (have it off by default). Next, just have a box that says, "would you like to contribute cpu while you browse [forum name]?", with a yes/no option.

Then they can select how much to contribute via a dropdown box with increments of 10.

TheInsaneManiac 01-31-2018 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by final kaoss (Post 2592540)
Honestly, I've been thinking about it and I think a better way to go about this would be, to have a notification telling them about the new user setting & linking to relevant User Control Panel section.

Let the user turn it on/off via their User Control Panel (have it off by default). Next, just have a box that says, "would you like to contribute cpu while you browse [forum name]?", with a yes/no option.

Then they can select how much to contribute via a dropdown box with increments of 10.

I've considered a UserCP option as well, maybe opt everyone in automatically and then they can opt out, but trust me, 99% of the people would opt out. This is why adblockers were invented. I feel like leaving it up to the users would defeat the purpose of this plugin. This is how the JSE Coin works, and it's not very successful.

It would be nice if more adblock users used Adnauseam, because we would at least keep a steady ad revenue.

Keyser Soze 01-31-2018 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 2592556)
maybe opt everyone in automatically and then they can opt out [...] I feel like leaving it up to the users would defeat the purpose of this plugin

Ok I'm out and unsubscribed from this thread... If you think that doing this to your forum users without their consent, then good look with watching your community implode as soon as the first thread arises in your forum from users complaining about secretly stealing their CPU load and energy consumption.

final kaoss 02-01-2018 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 2592556)
I've considered a UserCP option as well, maybe opt everyone in automatically and then they can opt out, but trust me, 99% of the people would opt out. This is why adblockers were invented. I feel like leaving it up to the users would defeat the purpose of this plugin. .

I believe that if you give users an incentive to use it, such as earning vbshop credits for using it would entice them to use it.

I know that if there is a leaderboard introduced (which I think vbactivity offers), that some users will get caught up in it... always trying to maintain that top rank.

Otherwise, you would probably have regulars enable it & those who complain about it can be told "well just don't turn it on, if you don't like it /thread".

Trying to around the community's back & not even telling them about it though. No. That's not the way you want to go about handling a modification such as this.

TheInsaneManiac 02-02-2018 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Keyser Soze (Post 2592559)
Ok I'm out and unsubscribed from this thread... If you think that doing this to your forum users without their consent, then good look with watching your community implode as soon as the first thread arises in your forum from users complaining about secretly stealing their CPU load and energy consumption.

Please don't take this the wrong way, I just want to clear the air to you as well as anyone else who may come across your message.

From your reply you state that I do not notify my users as to them being mined. I don't know how you got that from my reply, as I never stated this, but I apologize for the misunderstanding, maybe I worded something wrong or maybe I didn't add enough details, but what I was stating was that leaving the applications disablement up to the users should not be up to them in my opinion, because the purpose of this modification was to prevent lost revenue from them using adblockers. It was their choice to disable ads on your website through an adblocker, what makes you think they won't make the same choice with the miner? You mentioned consent of your users as well. I'd just like to point out what ads do everyday... They are there without the users consent and eat away at users data without their consent. I'll add a UserCP option in the next update, but how others who download this modification use it is out of my control. I'm making this modification for everyone and I'm trying to figure out what others would want to use and making it an option to disable or enable those options so that everyone is happy. I may use the modification how you like with notifying my users, but you shouldn't judge others on how they use the modification, everyone is different.

Also just so you know, I notify my users with a sweet alert one time using cookies. I also have information about it in my terms of service. This was something if others are interested in seeing would be added into the plugin instead of a recurring popup that keeps reminding users of their resources being used. Tell them once so they aren't upset later or being constantly bothered by a reminder of what they agreed to.

Also you got me thinking about something else. Maybe this could be used to (I hate to use this word) punish those using adblock. I could merge my adblock detector in with this mod so that if someone is detected using adblock then they would be alerted to being mined. Then users who support your website through ads would not be mined. It might even convince adblock users to whitelist you.

Maybe others would want to chime in on this if they think it's a good idea?


Originally Posted by final kaoss (Post 2592581)
I believe that if you give users an incentive to use it, such as earning vbshop credits for using it would entice them to use it.

I know that if there is a leaderboard introduced (which I think vbactivity offers), that some users will get caught up in it... always trying to maintain that top rank.

Otherwise, you would probably have regulars enable it & those who complain about it can be told "well just don't turn it on, if you don't like it /thread".

Trying to around the community's back & not even telling them about it though. No. That's not the way you want to go about handling a modification such as this.

I was talking about leaving it up to the users to enable or disable the mining, as the purpose of the modification is to recoup from lost ad revenue with adblockers. I'm not sure how everyone is getting that I said "Don't tell your users" from what I have said. I apologize if the way I said it led everyone to that conclusion.

Also in regards to your suggestion, CoinImp does not have an api or a way to track the usage of one specific user, so there would be no way to reward users for their usage. The script itself provides hash count, but it can be easily manipulated by the user. I could implement a reward/leaderboard system, but counts could be easily modified by the user.

linuxvorpal 02-03-2018 07:43 PM

No matter what you decide, the following statement (minimum) is going to eventually bring trouble.

1. If the internet wants to cheat the system with AdBlockers. We will cheat them right back.

You are creating a negative perspective immediately with that statement. Most of the service providers are not interested in cheating their own communities in any way and I am not saying that is what your intention is. But it does create the sense of "us vs them" when a community is all "Us".

It would go better to change that statement and consider what final_kaoss last suggested:


Originally Posted by final_kaoss
I believe that if you give users an incentive to use it, such as earning vbshop credits for using it would entice them to use it.

I know that if there is a leaderboard introduced (which I think vbactivity offers), that some users will get caught up in it... always trying to maintain that top rank.

Otherwise, you would probably have regulars enable it & those who complain about it can be told "well just don't turn it on, if you don't like it /thread".

Trying to around the community's back & not even telling them about it though. No. That's not the way you want to go about handling a modification such as this.

Just my 2c.

TheInsaneManiac 02-04-2018 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by emptyconnection (Post 2592677)
No matter what you decide, the following statement (minimum) is going to eventually bring trouble.

1. If the internet wants to cheat the system with AdBlockers. We will cheat them right back.

You are creating a negative perspective immediately with that statement. Most of the service providers are not interested in cheating their own communities in any way and I am not saying that is what your intention is. But it does create the sense of "us vs them" when a community is all "Us".

It would go better to change that statement and consider what final_kaoss last suggested:

Just my 2c.

When it comes to turning a profit, it is an us vs them situation. I have to fight to keep my site alive to pay the server bills and for my users to continue to enjoy. I don't have a community myself, I just enjoy bringing modifications to vB. I use this on my toplist site, they choose to block adblockers, so I came up with a solution to something to which the adblockers do not block. If they do not like it then they don't have to use my site. This is how I choose to use it, however anyone can choose to use it how they want. As I stated in a previous statement, let your community know what you are doing and take a vote, I don't have a community, so I can not do this. I've modified the way it works on my site now so that if they use an adblocker, I inform them that we rely on it to keep the website running. If they continue to use the adblocker, then I alert them to mining, and if they disable their adblocking software then they will revert back to ads with no miner. So they have to choose the lesser of the two evils. I hate advertising as much as the next guy, but it's what keeps websites running. If I'm not turning a profit, I'm not going to pay the server bill, and won't keep the website running. My tactics seem to work just fine, as my analytics reflect a 5% increase over the last couple weeks. I just now integrated the adblock detection, so we will see in a week if the miner detours my users back to Adsense.

As I said previously, it would be possible to give an option for a leaderboard, but because CoinImp uses JavaScript, the user could easily manipulate the data to be on top without ever even contributing.

Anyway, this is how I use the modification, there are other users of the modification who have messaged me that don't even notify their users. This modification was made for everyone in mind on how they want to use it. I will no longer be discussing the way I use the modification, as the amount of prejudiced towards my usage is deterring me from wanting to share or support this modification any longer. I don't build modifications because I have a forum (because I haven't had a vB forum in years), I build them because I like to help those that don't have the time or patience to do it themselves.

My responses will be limited to support, suggestions, or problems from now on. Thank you.

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