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-   -   New Posting Features - Title Tag Grabber AND Video Embedding by MDawg for VB5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=325277)

mdawg 06-25-2017 09:00 PM

Title Tag Grabber AND Video Embedding by MDawg for VB5
1 Attachment(s)
All New Version 3.0.2

This mod can do two things:

1. It can automatically grab the title of a page you are linking to
2. It can embed video URLs automatically

For example it will turn:



vBulletin.org Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource!

This is working on both the simple and complex style URL BBcodes, and it will ignore existing links if you have specified a custom title.

It can also turn a link like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEPV4kolz0 into an embedded video without use of the [video] BB Code.

In addition there is an option to auto embed old links that were previously embedded by the AME 2.x mod for vBulletin 3.x. If you still have [AME] BB Codes in your posts this mod can do its best to embed them like they used to be with AME.

Video Embedding is currently working with Youtube (both short and original URLs) and Vimeo.com videos.

The Mod should auto install, upload files as instructed in Readme (everything goes in the usual place.) Clear the system cache to see the mod work on existing posts.

If you wanted to undo the changes made by this mod simply delete the files/remove the mod/ and clear the cache. This mod does not alter the original posts, only the cached copies.

This is an update by Rhodium for the mod created by BirdOPrey5 - thanks to both!

The mod now works without the bugs mentioned in the prior version.

Please "Mark as Installed" if you use this. :)
Donations Always Appreciated. :up:
Consider nominating for MOTM if you like it! ;)

mdawg 06-25-2017 10:46 PM


mdawg 06-25-2017 10:49 PM

Works with vb 5.3.1 without bugs, let us know please.

BirdOPrey5 06-26-2017 08:08 AM

Great, good luck with the mod. :)

May want to consider disabling auto-install, it causes problems for people who want to remove it.

For example- for people who need to remove my mod (if they had the old version installed) first log into the Admin CP of your forum, go to Admin CP -> Products & Hooks -> Manage Products. Leave this screen up and got to step 2.

Step 2 - Use FTP or your host's File Manager, or whatever other means you have for deleting the folder bop5titletags from the /core/packages/ folder on vbulletin.

Step 3, as quickly as possible after completing step 2 go back to Manage Products in your Admin CP and choose Uninstall from the drop down box for Title Tag Grabber and Video Embed by BOP5.

This will remove my mod. At this point, also in the Admin CP, you should go to Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Clear Cache. This will remove all titles and videos previously edited by the mod. Don't worry, after installing the new mod, clear cache again and they will be rebuilt first time they are loaded.

Best of luck.

shimei 06-26-2017 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2587810)
Great, good luck with the mod. :)

May want to consider disabling auto-install, it causes problems for people who want to remove it.

For example- for people who need to remove my mod (if they had the old version installed) first log into the Admin CP of your forum, go to Admin CP -> Products & Hooks -> Manage Products. Leave this screen up and got to step 2.

Step 2 - Use FTP or your host's File Manager, or whatever other means you have for deleting the folder bop5titletags from the /core/packages/ folder on vbulletin.

Step 3, as quickly as possible after completing step 2 go back to Manage Products in your Admin CP and choose Uninstall from the drop down box for Title Tag Grabber and Video Embed by BOP5.

This will remove my mod. At this point, also in the Admin CP, you should go to Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Clear Cache. This will remove all titles and videos previously edited by the mod. Don't worry, after installing the new mod, clear cache again and they will be rebuilt first time they are loaded.

Best of luck.

I dealt with this already. After having removed the mod and deleting the folder from packages it reappeared as an installed package in admincp.

That auto install works but can be a real hassle! Though I didn't have any problems that I specifically ran into with your mod I installed the new one and do not see any problems thus far with this one either.

People might want to remember to copy your "BBCode Ignore Regex Extension" list before uninstalling though. Luckily I remembered :D

Thanks fellas,

mdawg 06-26-2017 09:09 PM

We did eliminate auto re-install on this 3.0.2 version.

public $AutoInstall = 0;

mdawg 06-27-2017 08:10 PM

As far as the BBCode Ignore Regex Extension, I always just left mine as

maybe you could go over why you inputted so many exceptions, and what exactly they were. Thanks!

shimei 06-28-2017 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by mdawg (Post 2587846)
As far as the BBCode Ignore Regex Extension, I always just left mine as

maybe you could go over why you inputted so many exceptions, and what exactly they were. Thanks!

Take for example this iframe:

<iframe src="https://www.w3schools.com"></iframe>

You don't want the url to translate from the mod so you'd exclude the iframe tags in the bbcode ignore....


laebshade 11-10-2017 12:57 PM

I'm seeing the script running slow and ultimately causing HTTP 500 errors on certain pages. Excerpt from php5 fpm log:


[10-Nov-2017 14:49:52]  [pool www] pid 29142
script_filename = /var/www/html/index.php
[0x00007f0bcfc0f028] curl_exec() /var/www/html/core/vb/vurl/curl.php:342
[0x00007f0bcfc0ee98] execCurl() /var/www/html/core/vb/vurl/curl.php:279
[0x00007f0bcfc0ed38] exec() /var/www/html/core/vb/vurl.php:322
[0x00007f0bcfc0ebf8] exec2() /var/www/html/core/vb/vurl.php:236
[0x00007f0bcfc0eaa8] exec() /var/www/html/core/vb/api/content/link.php:91
[0x00007ffe30f2f200] parsePage() unknown:0
[0x00007f0bcfc0e8d8] call_user_func_array() /var/www/html/core/vb/api/wrapper.php:199
[0x00007ffe30f2f5b0] __call() unknown:0
[0x00007ffe30f2f8e0] parsePage() unknown:0
[0x00007f0bcfc0e710] call_user_func_array() /var/www/html/includes/api/interface/collapsed.php:91
[0x00007f0bcfc0e538] callApi() /var/www/html/core/packages/mdawgtitletagsvb5/api/content/text.php:174
[0x00007ffe30f2fe00] mdawg_title() unknown:0
[0x00007f0bcfc0e3e0] preg_replace_callback() /var/www/html/core/packages/mdawgtitletagsvb5/api/content/text.php:85
[0x00007f0bcfc0e2b8] mdawg_get_titles() /var/www/html/core/packages/mdawgtitletagsvb5/api/content/text.php:50
[0x00007ffe30f30670] getDataForParse() unknown:0
[0x00007f0bcfc0e0c0] call_user_func_array() /var/www/html/core/vb/api/wrapper.php:216
[0x00007ffe30f30a20] __call() unknown:0
[0x00007ffe30f30d50] getDataForParse() unknown:0
[0x00007f0bcfc0def8] call_user_func_array() /var/www/html/includes/api/interface/collapsed.php:91
[0x00007f0bcfc0dcc0] callApi() /var/www/html/includes/vb5/template/nodetext.php:560

The URL in question will not load with this mod enabled and triggers a MySQL "gone away" message email to be sent from vBulletin.

I disabled the script, and the page is able to load successfully.

mdawg 11-10-2017 04:57 PM

We haven't seen any such problems, with this or prior versions of this Mod.

MySQL gone away is typically a server error, often resolved with re-configuration and re-allocation of resources on the server. I myself have this Mod running on four different vb5 (currently 5.3.3) forums, one with heavy traffic, one with medium and two with low, and no problems.

When you say php5, does that mean you are running PhP5? I am running 7.1.11 at present on four of my forums, and 7.1 on the other.

mito22 02-05-2018 10:25 AM

Installed..... for the titles work well...

For the video....

Not.. when I put a video link of youtube.... I'll see the preview... but the video don't start...



Eventually can I disable the autoembed for youtube and hold the autorename for the links?

mdawg 02-08-2018 04:24 PM

Hi mito22, not sure why that is happening for you. YouTube videos are embedding and playing just fine in each of the four forums where I have this Mod installed.

Daryn 11-05-2019 05:49 PM

Any idea if the changes to vb 5.5.5 break this mod? I don't want to update and then have to revert.

In particular, I'm talking about the vb_Url changes.


mdawg 11-07-2019 02:17 PM

It does work on 5.5.5, we are doing some testing to see if it is grabbing internal forum titles from forum posts properly. It is definitely grabbing external (non forum URL) titles properly.

If you could test this at your end and report back would be great.

Daryn 11-07-2019 07:04 PM

Just tested out linking to internal topics.

Title grabbing on internal forum titles doesn't work. You just get the generic 'Link' title.

Is there a definition for Twitter embeds, btw?

ChristianAlfred 12-05-2019 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by mito22 (Post 2592699)
Installed..... for the titles work well...

For the video....

Not.. when I put a video link of youtube.... I'll see the preview... but the video don't start...



Eventually can I disable the autoembed for youtube and hold the autorename for the links?

I have the same problem at https://www.zoopet.com/forum

Example page: https://www.zoopet.com/forum/forum/-...ifogade-filmer

redragon29 12-21-2019 11:01 AM

hello, thank you for this mod!
is it working on vb 5.5?
It seems to work fine!

mdawg 12-22-2019 01:15 AM

Yes I continue to use it on vb 5.5.5 myself. Depending on your server you may need to tweak server settings to make this mod work, such as by activating PHP-FM.


Originally Posted by ChristianAlfred (Post 2601393)

I am not sure what you mean? I tested a youtube video just now at one of my vb 5.5.5 forums worked fine.

redragon29 12-22-2019 08:37 AM

Confirmation, it's working fine on vb 5.5.5
thx for this

clauz 03-26-2020 08:33 AM

on vBulletin 5.6.0 the title is not "grabbed".
Only video displayed without title.

Mr Peabody 03-30-2020 07:16 PM

Nice to see a new mod for VB 5. Will try this out later.

mdawg 05-03-2020 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by clauz (Post 2602385)
on vBulletin 5.6.0 the title is not "grabbed".
Only video displayed without title.

I'm doing some further testing on this. This might be a function of vb 5.6.x that what is embedded is just a sort of "thumbnail" of the video, and then when you click on it the video opens into a larger frame and in this larger frame appears the video, along with the title.

Does anyone have an older version of vb 5 running? If so, try embedding a youtube video with this Title Tag Grabber disabled, and see what happens.

This "issue" has to do with that in 5.6.x a "thumbnail" of the video is embedded in the post. Upon clicking the thumbnail, only then does the embedded video itself appears within the post, which then includes the video's title and description.

I made an improvement request, please vote for it:

mdawg 05-11-2020 04:49 PM

I tested it on a clean 5.5.4 site (no mods running), and then again on the same 5.5.4 site with this mod running, and in either case the title of the youtube video is not pulled. So, I am back to thinking that this seems to be a function of some recent change at youtube's end, and not to do with vbulletin 5.6.1

webspider 06-03-2020 05:17 PM

Does this embed videos to a player like youtube or pornhub?

rustyshack 06-07-2020 05:06 PM

Video embed seems to have stop working for youtube

mdawg 06-29-2020 04:10 AM

I just tested it on 5.6.2 and it works fine.

I tested it
via direct URL entering nothing more than the YouTube URL into the body of the post.

via the vbulletin Insert Video Clip function.

Both cases, identical results, the YouTube video is embedded (but, as noted above, in both cases without the title - this appears to be a function of the way YouTube now works, that the YouTube video title is no longer "grabbed.").

Mr Peabody 07-01-2020 08:45 PM

Thanks for this, hopefully it keeps working with VB updates.
Mods like this are sorely needed.

jamunkala1 02-25-2022 10:36 AM

Not working on 5.6.6
It turns urls inside bbcode into links
for eg if i am posting src="http://xyz.com" inside bbcode, it will automatically add src="Link

even while using inside bbcode i.e code /code

mdawg 03-14-2022 05:15 AM

Works fine in 5.6.6 for normal posting.

jamunkala1 04-19-2022 03:57 AM

update it for 5.6.7 as i wrote in post 28 that it have issues.

ss@solidsignal 07-12-2022 03:45 PM

Seems to stop working with 5.6.9

TheDigitalCouch 07-13-2022 10:46 PM

This is working flawlessly in 5.6.9 for me.

natasha78 08-31-2022 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by ss@solidsignal (Post 2608675)
Seems to stop working with 5.6.9

same, broke after update.

mdawg 09-02-2022 06:34 PM

What exact issues are you seeing because it works fine pulling external titles fine posting URLs with title fine in 5.7.0 for me.


natasha78 09-04-2022 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by mdawg (Post 2608803)
What exact issues are you seeing because it works fine pulling external titles fine posting URLs with title fine in 5.7.0 for me.


I'm pasting a link into the post box and hitting enter and it displays as:


full disclosure im on 5.6.9 and havent updated to 5.7.0 yet.

nothing useful in apache logs.

mdawg 09-07-2022 01:50 PM

What do you have set in settings under
Text For Pages With No Title
is that box blank or does the word Link appear in there?


Also, go ahead and try different URLs see if any of them will pull the external title.

mdawg 01-15-2023 04:55 PM

Working with vb 5.7.2 Mod overrides the new "URL Previews" preview, and displays external title links and embeds video same as always. This Mod also pulls titles from internal title links too, while fb's "URL Previews" does nothing with forum internal URLs.

Note: when it comes to internal title URLs, if the Mod creates a link that indicates a "404 error" you will need to take this up with your host it has something to do with PHP-FPM and its settings.

This Mod may also trigger Mod Security rules that you may need to whitelist to prevent being locked out of your own site.

I have not tested what happens to old URLs or videos if you toggle the Mod on and off, because the Mod works fine so why tamper with it.

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