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paradoxG(r)eek 04-04-2017 09:00 PM

Video Club (YouTUBE, Vimeo, DailyMotion etc)
Since 2006 I was serving community members with my Free Mods
But as this site will starts operating by the company,
I'm no willing to support them

** File Removed **

Video Club

Fetch Videos from many Providers with URL
since ver. 1.2.0 you can also embed any valid video code

Things to know !!!
  • If your site is SSL and you try to show a video from a non SSL site, video should not works.
  • If you can't show YouTUBE videos, most probably your API key is wrong. Be sure that you've setup correct the API key and it is ver. 3. Here is a good tutorial.
  • If you see strange characters in the text, the problem is character encoding. Even in English, if you're using iso-8859-1 but the video provider uses UTF-8 should have some problems. But you can edit the text, so not so important issue.

Demo Installation
demouser1 / demopass1
demouser2 / demopass2
demouser3 / demopass3
PS: In my demo I've setup Disqus as commenting system. But it's up to you to setup Threads instead.

1.- What's this?

Video Club is a Video Gallery mod for your community. It's easy to use and has a nice interface. User just needs to enter a link to the video and set a category. All others done automatically. For comments supports Thread per video but also the well known Disqus external commenting system. I strongly recommend you to use Disqus as it's very social and soon you'll see an increment amount of pageviews.

2.- Video Providers (Websites)
  • 5min.com
  • Blip.tv
  • Break.com
  • Collegehumor.com
  • Dailymotion.com
  • Funnyordie.com
  • Gametrailers.com
  • Hulu.com
  • Justin.tv
  • Metacafe.com
  • MySpace.com
  • Ustream.tv
  • Veoh.com
  • Vimeo.com
  • Screen.Yahoo.com
  • YouTUBE.com
  • ver. 1.2.0 NEW!! Now you can add manual any video code your want
3.- Comments

Not only one but 3 types for comments (plus an option to not use comments)
  • Thread
  • Disqus
  • Ajax comments
4. Installation
  1. Upload all files from upload folder to the folder where your vBulletin 4.2 is installed
  2. CMOD 777 the directories
    1. videoclub/thumbs
    2. videoclub/thumbs/tmp
  3. Login to your admincp and import the file product-videoclub.xml
  4. Set Usergroup permissions
  5. Set General Options according to your needs
    2. Get a YouTUBE API key from https://console.developers.google.co...is/credentials
    3. Decide if you'll use Threads for comments or Disqus. If you'll use Disqus set your site at: https://disqus.com/admin/create/
    4. Set Server Path to Uploads !!!
  6. If you want modify PM templates but don't touch anything between {}
  7. Set the Categories
5.- PRO Version

After many years I decided to use PRO version not as a way not to earn money (I don't expect to have more than 10 sales), but rather to find a way to pay for some commercial scripts that I want to use in the PRO version (Distribution License). The follow features will be in the PRO version:
  • Extra Providers
    • Facebook
    • LiveLeak.com
    • OpenLoadMovies.com
  • Videoplayer with support for prevideo ads
  • Better carousel for latest videos at top
  • Video search in multiple providers
  • Many notifications
  • Brand free

elsa23 04-06-2017 03:36 AM

Is it possible to add custom video like this site ? personal site with jwplayer

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 04:59 AM


There was a database error in view video page coming from the old commenting system code.
Please download ver. 1.0.1 and just upload video.php

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by elsa23 (Post 2584811)
Is it possible to add custom video like this site ? personal site with jwplayer

As long as it gives embed code technically it can be done. Just need code addition like I'll do for Facebook and some other sites.

Another possibility is to add video manually. In this case you'll add all data (Title, Description etc) on your own. Same for thumbnail.

Maybe I'll add this feature in the PRO version along with the possibility to upload videos.

mitch84 04-06-2017 09:27 AM

hi, everytimes I want add 1 link I have this:

Photo Upload Error
my chmod are ok but i use ispconfig 3.1, so I think it's a problem with my path from root, who is like that

and if i use

same message, and i don't know how fixed that, thx

lillylissy 04-06-2017 09:37 AM

I get the same error. I think chmod and path is correct.

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2584833)
hi, everytimes I want add 1 link I have this:

my chmod are ok but i use ispconfig 3.1, so I think it's a problem with my path from root, who is like that
and if i use same message, and i don't know how fixed that, thx

Upload the attached file to your /thumbs/ directory and then access it from your browser. It will shows the path.
eg try my path by accessing the link below.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584835)
Upload the attached file to your /thumbs/ directory and then access it from your browser. It will shows the path.
eg try my path by accessing the link below.

Thank you!
Unfortunately the entered path is correct. I do not have an idea.:confused:

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 09:56 AM

  1. Be sure that there is no ending slash in your settings path
  2. If not tonight, tomorrow morning I'll release an update allowing the user to upload it's own thumbnail, even if it will not solves the problem.
  3. But even without thumbnail the video is saving. Right?

lillylissy 04-06-2017 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584841)
  1. Be sure that there is no ending slash in your settings path
  2. If not tonight, tomorrow morning I'll release an update allowing the user to upload it's own thumbnail, even if it will not solves the problem.
  3. But even without thumbnail the video is saving. Right?

No, the video ist NOT saving!

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 09:59 AM

allow_url_fopen is ON?

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 10:02 AM

Also, can you post the error message that you're getting?

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:06 AM

I check "allow_url_fopen".

Error message at attachments below.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:10 AM

Yes, according to php info, "allow_url_fopen" is on.

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584845)
I check "allow_url_fopen".

Error message at attachments below.

This has nothing todo with the copy thumbnail proccess. One of the follow happen (most probably the second):
  1. URL left empty
  2. Video provider is not supported or video is private or video does not exists.
First I thougt that you were getting errors when you were trying to save the video. But have been mistaken. The error is before seeing the data on the screen.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:15 AM

I have check the same video-url on your site Christos. It works perfect!

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 10:17 AM

Can you give a try in my demo https://www.cmsbulletin.com/demo/vb42/video.php
demouser1 / demopass1

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 10:18 AM

...lol..... We wrote at the same time :)
Then please give me the video link, to see what can be wrong.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:19 AM

<a href="https://www.cmsbulletin.com/demo/vb42/video.php?do=viewvideo&id=13" target="_blank">https://www.cmsbulletin.com/demo/vb4...iewvideo&id=13</a>

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 10:21 AM

As I can see is YouTUBE. Have you set correctly the YouTUBE API3 key?

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:22 AM

In vBulletin-AdminCP? Yes I think so.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:24 AM

Probably the problem does not come from your Addon. Strangely. Perhaps another Addon of my page transmits between them?

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584854)
Probably the problem does not come from your Addon. Strangely. Perhaps another Addon of my page transmits between them?

...hmm....... Have no idea..... But is possible a conflist especially if you've lots of plugins. If you can turn them temporary off and try again.

But to be honest, I think that most probably comes from YouTUBE API key. Have seen so many settings at Google console. Finally I had to remove all restrictions to be sure that it will works.

Try with another provider (eg Vimeo). If it works then is YouTUBE API problem. If it does not works then most probably is a conflist with another plugin.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:29 AM

Ok, thank you Christos!

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:31 AM

You are right! Vimeo runs! :)

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584857)
You are right! Vimeo runs! :)

Then check the API. Common mistakes:
  • Mistype
  • Use the same key in multiple domains while you've restrict it to one domain
  • Mistype domain name in Google console
Greetings to Stuttgart :) Nice city (at least the period 1980-1985 when I was visiting it).

lillylissy 04-06-2017 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584858)
Greetings to Stuttgart :) Nice city (at least the period 1980-1985 when I was visiting it).


mitch84 04-06-2017 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584836)
Thank you!
Unfortunately the entered path is correct. I do not have an idea.:confused:


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584842)
No, the video ist NOT saving!


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584846)
Yes, according to php info, "allow_url_fopen" is on.

exactly same problem for me, and my path is correct too, thx

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2584873)
exactly same problem for me, and my path is correct too, thx

Yes, but as you maybe read, the reason in that case was error (mistype or misconfigured) YouTUBE API key. While the Vimeo test worked means that the script works and there is no conflist with any other mod.

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 02:04 PM

Your error is that:
  1. Does not fetches the Video data (getting error) ....or.......
  2. Displays the data but don't saves them?

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 02:13 PM

Downloaded with thanks for testing .. :)

Couldn't get the other add-on mod vBTube working as it doesn't support HTTPS sites...

Will let you know how this one works with our v4.13 version of vBulletin...


paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584878)
Will let you know how this one works with our v4.13 version of vBulletin...

Hello Doug,

If I remember well vB supports Navigation Manager from 4.1.7 and then. So if you're running 4.1.3 you must add the menu on your own. Please note that you must set restrictions:
videoclub_access for main menu tab, and videoclub_post for access to "My Videos" menu.

Don't worry for https. If you see my demo runs in ssl. There is a setting that you must turn on (Video Club-> Options): Site SSL


BadgerDog 04-06-2017 02:51 PM

Well, for those that often find add-ons that are marked for 4.2 actually work fine in 4.1, especially when they're not indicated that way here as a possibility, once you download and see the readme.txt file... it says:

2.2 vBulletin version 4.2 (minimum)

So, it might be a good idea for the developer to put that on this page and save some people a lot of time.... ;)

Uninstalled with thanks...


BadgerDog 04-06-2017 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584879)
Hello Doug,

If I remember well vB supports Navigation Manager from 4.1.7 and then. So if you're running 4.1.3 you must add the menu on your own. Please note that you must set restrictions:
videoclub_access for main menu tab, and videoclub_post for access to "My Videos" menu.

Don't worry for https. If you see my demo runs in ssl. There is a setting that you must turn on (Video Club-> Options): Site SSL


Chris.... you are correct and I knew that ... thanks .. :)

I was just going to manually add my own TAB, but because your dependencies in your XML file block importing it at all, it's an academic exercise .. ;)

Also, your text encoding is a strange format and my Western text edit attempt to change that so I could alter the dependency wouldn't work either. It kept trying to reformat the encoding on "save" and I end up with an HTML error on line 9 importing after changing it to 4.1.3.

Thanks anyway ... I was hoping to get this working, then go to PRO version, as I thought my retired veterans site would enjoy it...


paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 03:03 PM

Try with this file. I've removed the <navigation> sections and as long I'm not using vB editor I can set minimum version 4.1.

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584882)
Try with this file. I've removed the <navigation> sections and as long I'm not using vB editor I can set minimum version 4.1.

Will do... thanks .. :)

I have to re-install all the files again, so I'll try to do that this afternoon, test and get back to you ..

Appreciate your efforts .. :up:


paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584881)
Also, your text encoding is a strange format and my Western text edit attempt to change that so I could alter the dependency wouldn't work either. It kept trying to reformat the encoding on "save" and I end up with an HTML error on line 9 importing after changing it to 4.1.3.


Text encoding is not an issue of my mod (or any mod) but rather is a problem of Video providers. I had the standard ISO-8859-1 that comes with vB for English but as some YouTUBE videos were showing strange characters I changed vB Language Settings for English to UTF-8. Now it works fine.

But in the next update (maybe tomorrow), I'll go one step ahead and I'll give to users the ability to change the auto fetched data with their own. Also they can change the thumbnail.

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 03:20 PM


I have it running by using https://xxx.com/video.php, although I haven't tried to add a video yet.

You have a spelling mistake in usergroups.. "videow"... (see attached)

I assume the YouTube code you want put in looks something like this?



Edit: Ok, tried a YouTube video and get a photo upload error with this link..

Second Edit: Checked path using your forumpath.php check program and it's correct .. also tried a Vimeo vidoe and same "Photo Upload Error" ..

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 03:35 PM

You add the FULL url and not just id. eg:

Then click "Fetch Video". If in the next page you'll get the correct data then click Save.

If you get error please check the same link in my demo. This way I can debug it easier.

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584890)
You add the FULL url and not just id. eg:

Then click "Fetch Video". If in the next page you'll get the correct data then click Save.

If you get error please check the same link in my demo. This way I can debug it easier.

Here's the full link for the original video example I used..



Edit: See attached pic which shows the error when I paste any YouTube or Vimeo link into the field and click submit ..

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