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MarkFL 07-16-2016 09:00 PM

Thread Notes
1 Attachment(s)

This product is designed to allow you to select usergroups/users who can make notes concerning threads which only they can see, providing a means for your staff to privately discuss a thread within the thread itself. Users who have access to the system may add notes, and edit/delete their own notes, while those you add as managers can edit/delete everyone's notes (as well as add their own).


A navtab or Quick Links item is added for those who have access to the system to allow for the review and management of all thread notes.


In the forum and search results displays, an icon is added to show which threads have thread notes, and the tooltip for the icon tells how many notes there are.


Upon installation a new table is added to your database to store the thread notes data, and a new column is added to your thread table to store the number of notes each thread has (this allows unnecessary queries to be avoided). This product is fully phrased, and CSS can be customized for each style via stylevars. Any CSS entered into the product settings will be inline and will therefore take precedence.

From the product settings, you may enable/disable the product, select the forums in which the system is active, select usergroups who have access to the system, select system managers who will be allowed to edit/delete all thread notes, set whether all actions are recorded in the moderator log, define CSS for the entire thread notes block, define CSS for the element containing the thread notes (which excludes the header), define the maximum height of the element containing existing thread notes, define the maximum height of the element on the custom page that contnais the thread notes blocks, set whether the thread notes block displays above or below the posts on the showthread page, and set whether the "All Thread Notes" link is a Navtab or in the Quick Links menu.



Version 1.1:
  • Fixed issue with thread notes displayed below posts for non-moderator users.

Version 1.2:
  • Fixed issue with collapse button.

Version 1.3:
  • Fixed issue with Navtab permission.
  • Custom page now shows "No Permission" if URL to custom page manually entered into browser.

Version 1.4:
  • Phrased the new notes placeholder.
  • Added phrased alert when attempting to save blank note.
  • Added redirection messages.

Version 1.4.1:
  • Fixed PHP warnings.

Version 1.5:
  • Added code to delete thread notes associated with hard-deleted threads.
  • Added code to update threadids of notes associated with a threads merged into other threads.


Tested and working on VB 4.2.x and may work on all 4.x versions of vBulletin.


This product does alter your database, however it is always good practice to make regular backups and you should make a backup before installing ANY new mod.

As always, products are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will provide support and do my best to help but no absolute guarantee is offered.

To Install:
  1. Download and extract the attached .zip file.
  2. Upload the files from the "upload" folder to your root folder on your server.
  3. Follow AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product.
  4. Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product .xml file that was packaged in the .zip file.
  5. Click "Import."
  6. You MUST enable the product in the settings before it will function.
  7. Configure the remaining settings to your liking. Each setting has a detailed explanation of its use.

Special acknowledgement goes to the administrators of Christianity Haven for the general idea of this product and for their feedback and testing through all phases of development. :up:

Support for this product can be found here:

blind-eddie 07-17-2016 07:19 PM

Very nice, this is like Zoints Private Thread Comments for Staff for vb3 but without notification.

Alan_SP 07-19-2016 07:08 PM

Nice idea.

Only small thing, in description you say it doesn't alter DB, but you say that it actually does alter it (new table for notes and new column for number of notes in thread).

RichieBoy67 07-19-2016 08:46 PM

Great idea Mark! Glad to see you still making Vb4 better!

Stratis 07-21-2016 03:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Very nice, some thing like this i ask here in vborg to have it for personal use to write notes for modules we test...

Mark i have one issue, maybe this is only to me. Only me as admin i see button reply OK
Attachment 155213

Even Moderator who are mods on there section they see OK the button reply.
Attachment 155214

it seems that if moderation button is missing than there is a problem to me in all skins.
Attachment 155212

MarkFL 07-21-2016 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2573514)
Very nice, some thing like this i ask here in vborg to have it for personal use to write notes for modules we test...

Mark i have one issue, maybe this is only to me. Only me as admin i see button reply OK
Attachment 155213

Even Moderator who are mods on there section they see OK the button reply.
Attachment 155214

it seems that if moderation button is missing than there is a problem to me in all skins.
Attachment 155212

Good catch, Stratis! I have updated the product to resolve this issue...

Update - Version 1.1:
  • Fixed issue with thread notes displayed below posts for non-moderator users.

Stratis 07-21-2016 05:38 AM

Yes it is ok now, thanks for the quick fix.

Some thing that i forgot to write before, but it is not a big deal, expand button does not work at least to me in all browsers.

MarkFL 07-21-2016 06:00 AM

What expand button?

Stratis 07-21-2016 06:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 155221

MarkFL 07-21-2016 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2573525)

Thanks! A late change I made rendered that non-functioning, but it's working now. :)

Update - Version 1.2:
  • Fixed issue with collapse button.

MarkFL 07-21-2016 06:56 AM

Version 1.3:
  • Fixed issue with Navtab permission.
  • Custom page now shows "No Permission" if URL to custom page manually entered into browser.

MarkFL 07-22-2016 03:29 AM

Update - Version 1.4:
  • Phrased the new notes placeholder.
  • Added phrased alert when attempting to save blank note.
  • Added redirection messages.

babyv0x 07-25-2016 04:10 AM

When i view all thread notes (threadnotes.php)

i get :
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in D:\xampp\htdocs\agribank1\threadnotes_functions.ph p on line 6

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in D:\xampp\htdocs\agribank1\threadnotes_functions.ph p on line 205

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in D:\xampp\htdocs\agribank1\threadnotes_functions.ph p on line 205

VBB 4.2.2 PL4

Stratis 07-25-2016 04:19 AM

Mark, following issues:
a) With IE11 cannot edit notes, with 1.2 version i did not have this problem.
b) When deleting a note i get two phrases same time.
(1 selected thread note(s) have been deleted. 1 edited notes have been saved to the database. )

c) Visitors cannot see the notes, but Navtab is visible and clickable. (redirects them to threadnotes.php of cource not able to see notes)

Thank you

MarkFL 07-25-2016 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by babyv0x (Post 2573879)
When i view all thread notes (threadnotes.php)

i get :
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in D:\xampp\htdocs\agribank1\threadnotes_functions.ph p on line 6

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in D:\xampp\htdocs\agribank1\threadnotes_functions.ph p on line 205

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in D:\xampp\htdocs\agribank1\threadnotes_functions.ph p on line 205

VBB 4.2.2 PL4

Update - Version 1.4.1:
  • Fixed PHP warnings.

MarkFL 07-25-2016 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2573880)
Mark, following issues:
a) With IE11 cannot edit notes, with 1.2 version i did not have this problem.

Sorry, I don't support IE...I only support modern standards compliant browsers. :)


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2573880)
b) When deleting a note i get two phrases same time.
(1 selected thread note(s) have been deleted. 1 edited notes have been saved to the database. )

Is this also using IE? If I only select a thread for deletion without having double-clicked a note to edit it, it shows in the redirect message 1 note deleted, 0 notes edited. If you double-click a note to edit it, but don't make any changes, this still counts as an edit.


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2573880)
c) Visitors cannot see the notes, but Navtab is visible and clickable. (redirects them to threadnotes.php of cource not able to see notes)

How are you testing to see if visitors can see the Navtab? Do you log out and the click the "Forum" tab, or do you simply log out and see the tab still there?

Stratis 07-25-2016 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2573882)
Sorry, I don't support IE...I only support modern standards compliant browsers. :)

No comment, thank you.


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2573882)
Is this also using IE? If I only select a thread for deletion without having double-clicked a note to edit it, it shows in the redirect message 1 note deleted, 0 notes edited. If you double-click a note to edit it, but don't make any changes, this still counts as an edit.

No i do not double click for edit, tested again.


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2573882)
How are you testing to see if visitors can see the Navtab? Do you log out and the click the "Forum" tab, or do you simply log out and see the tab still there?

i am not even logged in, i test this with browser EDGE, tested just right now with all other browsers. (logged out, refresh forum and still see the tab)

Thank you for your patient

MarkFL 07-25-2016 04:54 AM

Try testing with Firefox or Chrome...;)

MarkFL 07-25-2016 05:02 AM

I just tested in IE 11, and it doesn't display the placeholder in the new note textarea, and won't even recognize when text has been entered there. It did somehow manage to delete a note and give the correct redirect message though.

Stratis 07-25-2016 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2573884)
Try testing with Firefox or Chrome...;)

I mention above that i tested in all browsers, i will find a way to work as it is.
IE is not my option, but user and mod-smods use him rather than FF that closes every time, this is other discuss

Thank you very much

MarkFL 07-25-2016 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2573887)
I mention above that i tested in all browsers, i will find a way to work as it is.
IE is not my option, but user and mod-smods use him rather than FF that closes every time, this is other discuss

Thank you very much

Let's try to address the issue of visitors seeing the link to all thread notes. Please go to the product's plugin titled "Set Permissions". It is hooked at "global_bootstrap_init_complete". Click the "Edit" link for that plugin...do you see the correct "Hook Location?"

Stratis 07-25-2016 02:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
That's ok and active


MarkFL 07-25-2016 02:43 PM

Well, that's for another product, but at least I know now that your older vB version does have that PHP plugin hook.

Go to the Navigation Manager and check what permissions are given for the link and the tab. :)

Stratis 07-25-2016 02:54 PM

Yes I was rushed, here it is

PHP Code:

global $vbulletin$show['threadnotes'] = false$show['threadnotes2'] = false; if ($vbulletin->options['markfl_tn_active'] AND (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfoexplode(','$vbulletin->options['markfl_tn_groups'])) OR in_array(strtolower($vbulletin->userinfo['username']), array_map('trim'array_map('strtolower'explode(PHP_EOL$vbulletin->options['markfl_tn_managers'])))))) {     if ($vbulletin->options['markfl_tn_link'] == 'tab')     {         $show['threadnotes'] = true;     }     elseif ($vbulletin->options['markfl_tn_link'] == 'menu')     {         $show['threadnotes2'] = true;     } } 

Target URL: threadnotes.php
Show Permission Name: threadnotes
Tab Script(s): threadnotes

MarkFL 07-25-2016 02:57 PM

What do you have set for "All Thread Notes Link Placement" in the settings?

Stratis 07-25-2016 03:08 PM

Sorry I do not understand the answer, but please I made a change to my .htaccess
I delete all the commands and now I don't see as visitor the tab. Can this be possible?
Thank you

MarkFL 07-25-2016 03:11 PM

I have no idea how .htaccess would affect permissions like that.

Stratis 07-25-2016 03:36 PM

I put again the EXPIRES CACHING commands but until now visitors don't see the tab, as supposed to be. If you remember I had sent you by p.m the live link of my forum. I don't know what is happening because I test with all browsers and from different PC.

Sorry for the fuss, but it made me crazy..
Thank you for big patient of you.

MarkFL 07-25-2016 03:46 PM

I've never had any need to use any rewrite rules, so I simply have no idea how these caching commands would affect my plugin setting certain elements of the $show array to be used as permissions for navbar elements as intended.

I get so many PMs and so many links to sites with associated login credentials, I have to ask people to send them at the time an issue is being explored, so I don't have to keep track of a long list. :D

MarkFL 08-02-2016 02:21 AM

Update - Version 1.5:
  • Added code to delete thread notes associated with hard-deleted threads.
  • Added code to update threadids of notes associated with a threads merged into other threads.

migratoria 08-02-2016 10:14 AM

I have this problem when I write:
You could not process your command because a security token was missing.

The display permits are incorrect
Can you help me?

MarkFL 08-02-2016 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2574244)
I have this problem when I write:
You could not process your command because a security token was missing.

The display permits are incorrect
Can you help me?

Do you mean you get this error when you try to add a thread note? What version of vB are you using?

Paul M 08-02-2016 02:59 PM

Out of interest, will this work on vB3 at all ?

MarkFL 08-02-2016 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2574257)
Out of interest, will this work on vB3 at all ?

It would need to be ported; off the top of my head, the templates would need to be changed and perhaps some other minor changes. I will look into porting this to vB 3.8.x very soon. :)

migratoria 08-03-2016 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2574254)
Do you mean you get this error when you try to add a thread note? What version of vB are you using?


I using last reelease of vb (4.2.3 pl2)
The write permissions are not set properly for the various groups

MarkFL 08-03-2016 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2574292)

I using last reelease of vb (4.2.3 pl2)
The write permissions are not set properly for the various groups

I would have to come to your site to troubleshoot, and try to figure out why this is happening on your site. I have installed this on 3 vBulletin 4.2.x installations to date without issue.

Please set up a temporary admin account, and send the login credentials to me by PM. :)

migratoria 08-04-2016 10:08 AM

I'm sorry I can not provide login credentials forum.

The plugin allows you to write to all groups and denies to those selected eg Administrator or Moderator. And as if the permits were reversed

MarkFL 08-04-2016 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2574336)
I'm sorry I can not provide login credentials forum.

The plugin allows you to write to all groups and denies to those selected eg Administrator or Moderator. And as if the permits were reversed

Without being able to investigate it firsthand to attempt to determine why your installation has this issue, I'm afraid there's not much I can do. :(

Snowhog 02-03-2017 08:01 PM

Downloaded, installed, tested, and rated 5 Stars. Nice addition to our Forum.

Paul M 02-04-2017 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2574258)
I will look into porting this to vB 3.8.x very soon. :)


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