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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - Disable BBCodes/Smilies Per Users/Usergroups (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=322301)

MarkFL 04-04-2016 09:00 PM

Disable BBCodes/Smilies Per Users/Usergroups
1 Attachment(s)

This product is in response to the request posted by The Mailman here:

Disable [img] bb code for specific user or usergroup?

This product allows you to designate a list of BBCodes and a list of Smilies that will be disabled for the users/usergroups you select. You may also restrict users individually, with their own separate lists of restrictions. The affected BBCodes/Smilies will be disabled only in the areas you select, and you can elect to have them disabled in signatures and previews (corresponding to the other areas selected) as well. You can disable only the display of restricted content, or you can choose to prevent restricted content from being saved to the database altogether.


Version 1.1:
  • Fixed HTML encoding issue.

Version 1.2:
  • Added option to disable smilies.
  • Added option to select usergroup membership type (primary only/secondary only/primary and secondary).
  • Added option for individual custom restrictions by username.
  • Replacement message can be set for BBcodes only, smilies only, both BBCodes and smilies, or turned off.
  • Quoted posts/PMs of restricted users now has BBCodes/smilies disabled.

Version 1.2.5:
  • Fixed bug with non-Latin characters.

Version 1.2.6:
  • Fixed reported issue with PMs.

Version 1.3:
  • Added the option to prevent restricted content from being saved to the database, and old restricted content to be removed.
  • Moved the code that parses content to an external script to avoid redundancy.

Version 1.3.1:
  • Fixed reported issue with Signatures.

Version 1.4:
  • Fixed multi-quote issue.


Tested and working on VB 4.2.x and may work on all 4.x versions of vBulletin.


This product does not alter your database on installation, however it is always good practice to make regular backups and you should make a backup before installing ANY new mod.

As always, products are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will provide support and do my best to help but no absolute guarantee is offered.

To Install:
  1. Download and extract the attached .zip file.
  2. Upload the contents of the "upload" folder to your server's root directory.
  3. Follow AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product.
  4. Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product .xml file that was packaged in the .zip file.
  5. Click "Import."
  6. You MUST enable the product in the settings before it will function.
  7. Configure the remaining settings to your liking. Each setting has a detailed explanation of its use.


Support for this product can be found here:

Rhodium 04-06-2016 04:04 PM

Any way to disable smileys too?


Alan_SP 04-06-2016 05:20 PM

Excellent. This is something I was waiting. Something similar Abe1 had made, but it had it's own problems why I didn't used it (mainly the way all new BBcodes were disabled by default for all usergroups, what was PITA to set up and maintain, especially if you have a lot of usergroups, and especially that disabled using BBcodes for users who are in multiple usergroups and one can use BBcode, and one (or more) can't).

Does this mod has the last problem, for users in multiple usergroups? For example, does it allows use of BBcode for someone who has more than one usergroup and one allows, and one disallows using BBcode? If not, please enable best case scenario for that usergroup, so user can use BBcode if at least one usergroup allows use of BBcode.

There's also one use I was planning to use such mod: Having special BBcodes for staff members, that regular users can use, but of course, can see their effect.

Also, is it possible if user who can't use BBcode, when quoting post with disabled BBcode don't see that BBcode at all (BBcode and content within it)? Just to see empty space (last option suggests something like that, but not sure at the moment if it works that way).

Also, is it possible to have separate mod, but with inverted function, that we enter BBcode list and usergroups and/or users who can use them, and that this two mods can work together? Or, having one mod that could have different rules for different BBcodes, e.g.:

img|+6,7 - This means BBcode img can use only usergroups 6 and 7
b|-3,2 - This means that BBcode b (bold) can't use usergroups 3 and 2

Or something similar?

Anyway, great mod.

I had idea about making some posts "official", i.e. only staff members could make them. And that posts would look differently from normal posts (different background image, color, font..., basically different CSS). So users would know it is not "normal" post from staff members, but "official". Now I could make something similar, using BBcode that moderators can use, but regular users, which could have similar effect.

Which also leads me to idea, if I use image for that BBcode, can that image be disabled for users who couldn't use that BBcode? So moderators can use it in easier manner?

MarkFL 04-06-2016 05:46 PM

This product uses the "is_member_of()" function when it comes to usergroups...and so no matter how many usergroups to which a user belongs, if he/she is a member of any usergroup which you select, then the BBCodes you set will be disabled for them. I don't see this as a "problem," because that's the way I intended this product to work. I can add the option to only have primary usergroups used though..

I will also look into allowing the specification of BBCodes that are by default disabled except for users/usergroups you set. :)

MarkFL 04-06-2016 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rhodium (Post 2568569)
Any way to disable smileys too?


I will see what I can do. :)

Alan_SP 04-07-2016 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2568577)
This product uses the "is_member_of()" function when it comes to usergroups...and so no matter how many usergroups to which a user belongs, if he/she is a member of any usergroup which you select, then the BBCodes you set will be disabled for them. I don't see this as a "problem," because that's the way I intended this product to work. I can add the option to only have primary usergroups used though..

I will also look into allowing the specification of BBCodes that are by default disabled except for users/usergroups you set. :)

Yes, I suspected something like this.

As I mentioned, I had that problem with Abe1's mod. But, if there would be mod that allows using BBcodes to only certain usergroups, then it would work as vBulletin permission system. Now it works as vBulletin permissions for banned usergroups.

I use multiple usergroups for many users and this system, for my intentions with it, would collide and break my system.

MarkFL 04-07-2016 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2568630)
Yes, I suspected something like this.

As I mentioned, I had that problem with Abe1's mod. But, if there would be mod that allows using BBcodes to only certain usergroups, then it would work as vBulletin permission system. Now it works as vBulletin permissions for banned usergroups.

I use multiple usergroups for many users and this system, for my intentions with it, would collide and break my system.

I have been working on this product, and so far I have included a setting for disabled smilies, and for the selection of usergroup type (primary only/secondary only/primary and secondary) and for replacement (None/BBcode Only/Smilie Only/BBcode And Smilie).

It was a massive rewrite. :eek:

I am going to figure a way to include BBCodes/Smilies that are restricted on an individual basis.

I have just come to realize that I need to account for other users who may quote the posts of restricted users.

So, it may be a while before an update is ready. :)

MarkFL 04-08-2016 01:45 PM

Update - Version 1.2:
  • Added option to disable smilies.
  • Added option to select usergroup membership type (primary only/secondary only/primary and secondary).
  • Added option for individual custom restrictions by username.
  • Replacement message can be set for BBcodes only, smilies only, both BBCodes and smilies, or turned off.
  • Quoted posts/PMs of restricted users now has BBCodes/smilies disabled.

Alan_SP 04-08-2016 02:46 PM

This sounds great. I can't like at the moment your posts, but you really improved your mod.

MarkFL 04-08-2016 05:16 PM

Update - Version 1.2.5:
  • Fixed bug with non-Latin characters.

(Thanks Stratis!)

Rhodium 04-08-2016 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2568659)
Update - Version 1.2:
  • Added option to disable smilies.
  • Added option to select usergroup membership type (primary only/secondary only/primary and secondary).
  • Added option for individual custom restrictions by username.
  • Replacement message can be set for BBcodes only, smilies only, both BBCodes and smilies, or turned off.
  • Quoted posts/PMs of restricted users now has BBCodes/smilies disabled.

I love you!!! :p

Rhodium 04-08-2016 08:57 PM

Hm, tested and working but breaks quotes in private messages and i need to input user name for make a reply :/

MarkFL 04-08-2016 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rhodium (Post 2568682)
Hm, tested and working but breaks quotes in private messages and i need to input user name for make a reply :/

I will look into this tonight...thanks for letting me know! :up:

MarkFL 04-08-2016 09:30 PM

Update - Version 1.2.6:
  • Fixed reported issue with PMs.

Rhodium 04-08-2016 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2568685)
Update - Version 1.2.6:
  • Fixed reported issue with PMs.


MarkFL 04-12-2016 05:16 PM

Update - Version 1.3:
  • Added the option to prevent restricted content from being saved to the database, and old restricted content to be removed.
  • Moved the code that parses content to an external script to avoid redundancy.

MarkFL 04-13-2016 04:40 AM

Update - Version 1.3.1:
  • Fixed reported issue with Signatures.

280ZX 07-03-2016 07:43 PM

Hi Mark,

I installed your Add-on, but unfortunately it suppresses the display of all threads.
Maybe I used the BBCode Tag Names wrong. Could you give me an example or do you have any other idea?

Thank you,

MarkFL 07-03-2016 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by 280ZX (Post 2572735)
Hi Mark,

I installed your Add-on, but unfortunately it suppresses the display of all threads.
Maybe I used the BBCode Tag Names wrong. Could you give me an example or do you have any other idea?

Thank you,

How do you have the settings configured?

280ZX 07-04-2016 07:03 AM

I used the following settings:

Usergroup: registered users
Usergroup Membership Type: Primary And Secondary Usergroups
Replace BBCodes/Smilies With Message? No
Active Areas: all
Suppression Type: display

For the BBCode Tag Names I tried different things: the complete BB code, BB code without [], ...
If I leave this field empty, everything is ok, so I guess, I'm doing something wrong with the name.

MarkFL 07-04-2016 12:43 PM

For the BBCodes, your enter them without brackets as a comma-delimited list. for example, if you want to disable the CODE, HTML and PHP BBCodes, you could enter:


280ZX 07-04-2016 05:11 PM

This is, what I have done. So, at least my settings seem to be right.
But nevertheless, if i turn on the script, no thread will be loaded. The only exception is, when I leave the field for BBCode Tag Names blank.

My vBulletin version is 4.2.2 Patch Level 5

MarkFL 07-04-2016 05:39 PM

When you installed the product, did you follow step 2? Which is:

Upload the contents of the "upload" folder to your server's root directory.

280ZX 07-04-2016 07:15 PM

Ok, we only uploaded the PHP to the root directory. Now we added the folder and everything is ok. So it was our fault...
Thank you for your help. :up:

MarkFL 07-04-2016 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by 280ZX (Post 2572776)
Ok, we only uploaded the PHP to the root directory. Now we added the folder and everything is ok. So it was our fault...
Thank you for your help. :up:

I'm glad it was something easy to fix! Thank you for your patience and for letting me know. :up:

280ZX 07-05-2016 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2572778)
Thank you for your patience and for letting me know. :up:

Thank you for all the effort! :up:

mx-5.de 08-01-2016 03:19 PM

Hi Mark,

there seems to be a problem with your Add-on V1.3.1 and VB Suite 4.2.3 PL1.

We have a strange behaviour with multiple quotes after upgrading.

VB before: 4.2.2 PL 5 Suite
PHP before: 5.3

VB after: 4.2.3 PL 1 Suite
PHP after: 5.6

Update went fine and all seems to work properly, except multiple quoting. When selecting some posts for multiple quotes, only the last posting ist quoted, but as often as posts are selected.
Post 1, Author 1
Post 2, Author 2
Post 3, Author 3

-> all three posts selected for quoting

In the text area:
"Quote from Author 1: Text from Post 3"
"Quote from Author 2: Text from Post 3"
"Quote from Author 3: Text from Post 3"

In other words: when selecting multiple posts for quote, the number of quotes is correct, the quoted authors, too. Quoted text is always the same in all quotes; it's the text from the last qoute.

I've disabled all plugins selectively, and the error occurs when your add-on is active; independent from other plugins. And it's reproducible: your add-on active -> error, your add-on inactive -> all ok.

I would be glad if you find a solution for that. If I might help you, let me know.


MarkFL 08-01-2016 04:30 PM

I am able to replicate this issue, and will find a solution as time permits. In the meantime, please download and mark as installed. :)

mx-5.de 08-01-2016 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2574211)
In the meantime, please download and mark as installed. :)

Done :)

MarkFL 08-03-2016 02:14 AM

Update - Version 1.4:
  • Fixed multi-quote issue.

mx-5.de 08-03-2016 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2574285)
Update - Version 1.4:

Thanks a lot! We installed the update and we even upgraded to 4.2.3 PL2. I'll let you know...

mx-5.de 08-04-2016 03:50 AM

Hi Mark,

seems to work fine again. Thanks a lot!

draco.mf 09-03-2016 03:57 PM

Hi Mark,

I encountered problem with this MOD.

Mod conflicts with vBulletin built-in double posts merge funtionality.

When Your mod is enabled and when any user use any BB code (even not restricted by this mod) - when user adds next post in sam thread, mod duplicates the post content after automatic double posts merging.

When Your mod is disabled it works correctly.

See attached screenshot to understand the problem:


Are You able to help?

MarkFL 09-03-2016 04:22 PM

I will look into this soon. Right now I have a lot going on, so it may be a while before I can get to it. :)

You may want to actually download it and mark it as installed in the meantime.

MarkFL 09-03-2016 05:10 PM

I just ran some tests, and I'm not able to duplicate the issue. You likely have another mod that is conflicting with this one.

draco.mf 09-03-2016 07:34 PM

It is weird because when i disable Your MOD everything working fine...

vBulletin 4.2.3 Patch Level 2

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a post
2. Add another post with BBCode
3. In result the latest post should be merged with another previous and content of merged post will be duplicated.

MarkFL 09-03-2016 09:14 PM

Since my mod works as it should for me, I am left to assume that you have some mod installed that I don't, which in combination with mine, produces the issue you reported.

TheLastSuperman 09-04-2016 12:51 AM

Mannnnnnnn I'mm'a just have to scroll your mods list on your profile one day for a good minute, how'd I miss this one? Useful which equates to being pretty nifty in my book! :cool:

draco.mf 09-04-2016 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2575516)
Since my mod works as it should for me, I am left to assume that you have some mod installed that I don't, which in combination with mine, produces the issue you reported.

OK. Thanks for You explanation.
In this case I need to uninstall it :(

MarkFL 09-04-2016 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by draco.mf (Post 2575525)
OK. Thanks for You explanation.
In this case I need to uninstall it :(

Or you could try turning off your other mods one at a time and see which has the conflict. Then you can let me know, and I will download it and install it on my dev site, and see if I can resolve the conflict.

I wish to get this working for you, but until I know which product is not playing well with mine, there's not much I can do. :D

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