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-   -   Mini Mods - Restrict Posting By Forum (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=320912)

MarkFL 11-26-2015 10:00 PM

Restrict Posting By Forum
1 Attachment(s)
The add-on is in response to a request posted by Stratis in this thread:

Deny more than x posts in a specific forum

Stratis has been instrumental in the testing and development of this add-on. :up:


This product allows you to select forums in which posting is restricted to a maximum number of posts, which you decide. Restrictions can be for all new posts including new threads, or new posts excluding new threads, or to posting within the threads of others only or posting new threads only. You may exclude selected usergroups from the restriction. Users who attempt to circumvent the product by manually entering URLs in their browsers will be shown the no permission message. You may decide to only count posts within the last x days to determine whether a user may post or not.


Version 1.1:
  • Added a setting whereby individual users may be excluded from the posting restriction regardless of usergroup.

Version 1.2:
  • Added informative message to users for who posting is restricted.
  • All posting links are now hidden by setting appropriate variables used in template conditionals rather than simply hiding them using CSS.

Version 1.3:
  • Bug fixed where users were told they have no permission to post.

Version 1.4:
  • Exempt userlist trimmed for greater compatibility across platforms.

Version 1.4.1:
  • Made $threadinfo global for wider compatibility.

Version 1.5:
  • Added setting which allows only posts made within the last x days to be counted for the restriction.

Version 1.6:
  • Added setting which allows users to be restricted from posting new threads.
  • Added setting which allows a choice of time unit for counting posts/threads.

Version 1.7:
  • Post counts calculated immediately prior to posting new threads/replies so that posting from tab with no restriction by opening new tab with posting link is no longer possible.

Version 1.8:
  • Added setting to allow control over whether child forums are included in the slected restricted forums.
  • Added setting to allow all restricted forums to be treated as a group, or to be treated separately.

Version 1.9:
  • Added setting to allow for individually defined post limits for the restricted forums.

Version 1.9.5:
  • Restricted posting message on both the "forum display" and "show thread" pages now displayed both above and below threads/posts.

Version 1.9.6:
  • Fixed bug where only last individual forum|restriction was recognized on some servers.


Tested and working on VB 4.2.x and should work on all 4.x versions of vBulletin.


This product does not alter your database, however it is always good practice to make regular backups and you should make a backup before installing ANY new mod.

As always, products are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will provide support and do my best to help but no absolute guarantee is offered.

To Install:
  1. Download and extract the attached .zip file.
  2. Follow AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product.
  3. Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product .xml file that was packaged in the .zip file.
  4. Click "Import."
  5. You MUST enable the product in the settings before it will function.
  6. Configure the remaining settings to your liking. Each setting has a detailed explanation of its use.


Support for this product can be found here:

akz645 11-27-2015 03:49 PM

1) If person A was in usergroup X and lets say usergroup X had a 'post limit' of 5.
Lets say person A posted 4 times.
Now person B is also in usergroup X and posted 3 times.
Is this possible?
So basically, I want to know if it restricts the entire usergroup to 5 posts or just a single user in that usergroup to 5 posts.

2) What if I wanted different 'post limit' on different forums?

3) What if I wanted different 'Nature of restriction' on different forums?

MarkFL 11-27-2015 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2559418)
1) If person A was in usergroup X and lets say usergroup X had a 'post limit' of 5.
Lets say person A posted 4 times.
Now person B is also in usergroup X and posted 3 times.
Is this possible?
So basically, I want to know if it restricts the entire usergroup to 5 posts or just a single user in that usergroup to 5 posts.

The restriction does not apply for each usergroup as a whole, but for each individual.


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2559418)
2) What if I wanted different 'post limit' on different forums?

3) What if I wanted different 'Nature of restriction' on different forums?

At this time, both the post limit and the nature of the restriction apply to all restricted forums. I may look into allowing defining separate restrictions for each forum. :)

MarkFL 11-28-2015 07:17 PM

Update Version 1.1:
  • Added a setting whereby individual users may be excluded from the posting restriction regardless of usergroup.

Stratis 11-28-2015 07:38 PM

New future tested, excellent, works like a charm and very useful. :up:

MarkFL 11-29-2015 03:15 AM

Update Version 1.2:
  • Added informative message to users for who posting is restricted.
  • All posting links are now hidden by setting appropriate variables used in template conditionals rather than simply hiding them using CSS.

MarkFL 12-04-2015 08:58 AM

Update Version 1.4:
  • Exempt userlist trimmed for greater compatibility across platforms.

Stratis 12-04-2015 03:47 PM

Great success to all. Thanks Mark for another time :up:

socialteenz 12-10-2015 06:37 PM

Great work Mark.

Thank you.

jagtpf 12-14-2015 02:42 PM

Would it be possible to extend this to limit new threads in a 24 hour period, by Forum and Usergroup, whilst allowing unlimited posts?

We use good will to limit one Usergroup to 2 New, another Usergroup to 3 New - whilst posting is unlimited. It mostly works except for excitable newbies and the occasional mis-counter :D

MarkFL 12-14-2015 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by jagtpf (Post 2560391)
Would it be possible to extend this to limit new threads in a 24 hour period, by Forum and Usergroup, whilst allowing unlimited posts?

We use good will to limit one Usergroup to 2 New, another Usergroup to 3 New - whilst posting is unlimited. It mostly works except for excitable newbies and the occasional mis-counter :D

Yes, I think this would be easy to do, and I will update this product to allow the nature of the restriction to either be based on totals or based on posts/threads created within the last x days. :)

jagtpf 12-14-2015 04:08 PM

Thanks Mark ....

MarkFL 12-14-2015 04:36 PM

Update version 1.5:
  • Added setting which allows only posts made within the last x days to be counted for the restriction.

akz645 12-15-2015 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560402)
Update version 1.5:

- If a User's Primary usergroup is [X] and Secondary is [Y]. If usergroup [X] is restricted but usergroup [Y] isn't, the user will not be restricted. Right?

Screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/Z2NIDv2.png + http://i.imgur.com/9sgXF6v.png + http://i.imgur.com/WdYgHYb.png + http://i.imgur.com/l0VStRm.png

That mod (works on vB 4.2.3) allows on a per forum & usergroup basis OR just on a usergroup basis (usergroup manger).
It also allows us to restrict in minutes, which is better than days IMO (more choice).

Features I'd like which are in your (MarkFL) mod, but not in the other one:
- Exclude users. (Although it would be better if we could also exclude based on each individual setting, and not just globally.)
- Posting in threads begun by other users only.
Note: If added into the other mod/this mod, it should be on a per forum & usergroup basis.

Feature I would like which are in neither Mods at the moment:
- Posting in threads begun by own users only. (The other Mod combines posts in own threads and others threads together.)
A) Floodcheck: Limit in seconds.
So basically, another option for everything, but this time allowing us to also limit in seconds.
Example: Usergroup [Y] is limited to [2] posts every [30] seconds & is also limited to [5] posts every [10] mins - both in [X] forum.
B) If possible, allow us to keep on adding as many conditions as we want (this would be more useful than option A).
Example: Usergroup [Z] is limited to [1] post every [10] seconds, [2] posts every [25] seconds, [3] posts every [60] seconds ... in [X] forum.
Seconds can be converted into minutes and be used multiple times, so having minutes in this case would no longer be unnecessary.
31557600 seconds/year -> Should still be possible. So still allowing the numbers to reach as high as possible, as long as there isn't any major drawbacks.

Note: If added into the other mod/this mod, it should be on a per forum & usergroup basis.

If you could make this happen, I'd be ever so grateful. :up:

Additional feature:
- The error message the user receives, the admin via adminCP should be able to write out (hyperlinking texts should be allowed).
Example: "Sorry, you must wait longer to begin posting again. Please read this thread to understand why."
^ Perhaps you can make it so, admins can set different messages on a per usergroup & forum basis.

MarkFL 12-15-2015 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560502)
- If a User's Primary usergroup is [X] and Secondary is [Y]. If usergroup [X] is restricted but usergroup [Y] isn't, the user will not be restricted. Right?

If you exclude a certain usergroup, then anyone who is a member of that usergroup, whether primary or secondary, will be excluded.


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560502)
...That mod (works on vB 4.2.3) allows on a per forum & usergroup basis OR just on a usergroup basis (usergroup manger).

You can set this product to restrict all forums to have the restriction be based on usergroup/username.


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560502)
Feature I would like which are in neither Mods at the moment:
- Posting in threads begun by own users only. (The other Mod combines posts in own threads and others threads together.)
A) Floodcheck: Limit in seconds.
So basically, another option for everything, but this time allowing us to also limit in seconds.
Example: Usergroup [Y] is limited to [2] posts every [30] seconds & is also limited to [5] posts every [10] mins - both in [X] forum.
B) If possible, allow us to keep on adding as many conditions as we want (this would be more useful than option A).
Example: Usergroup [Z] is limited to [1] post every [10] seconds, [2] posts every [25] seconds, [3] posts every [60] seconds ... in [X] forum.
Seconds can be converted into minutes and be used multiple times, so having minutes in this case would no longer be unnecessary.
31557600 seconds/year -> Should still be possible. So still allowing the numbers to reach as high as possible, as long as there isn't any major drawbacks.

Note: If added into the other mod/this mod, it should be on a per forum & usergroup basis.

If you could make this happen, I'd be ever so grateful. :up:

I will take all of this into consideration. :)

jagtpf 12-16-2015 02:40 PM

Downloaded to have a looksee - and it looks as impressive as expected. Hopefully you'll be able to pull off the restriction on new threads.

One thought; perhaps minutes rather than days for the time limit?

Thank you Sir ...

MarkFL 12-16-2015 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by jagtpf (Post 2560593)
Hopefully you'll be able to pull off the restriction on new threads.

Do you mean a restriction on creating new threads only, while allowing posting to existing threads unrestricted?

I will soon add a setting whereby the admin can choose the unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours and days) for the restriction. :)

MarkFL 12-16-2015 06:18 PM

Update version 1.6:
  • Added setting which allows users to be restricted from posting new threads.
  • Added setting which allows a choice of time unit for counting posts/threads.

akz645 12-16-2015 07:06 PM

- Posting in threads begun by other users only.
Is that settings for both existing & new threads?

If so, you could add in 2 additional features.
- Posting in existing & new threads begun by other users only - which you already have called: "Posting in threads begun by other users only".
- Posting in existing threads begun by other users only.
- Posting in new threads begun by other users only.
I think it would be less confusing/better, if the last two options were swapped around.
So to look like this instead:

Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560611)
[*]Added setting which allows a choice of time unit for counting posts/threads.

I can't believe I never even thought about that before. Great job :up:

MarkFL 12-16-2015 08:03 PM

Here's how the "Nature Of Restriction" setting works:
  • New Threads And Posting In All Existing Threads - A user's posts in all threads in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from posting new threads and replying to all existing threads.
  • Posting In All Existing Threads Only - A user's posts in all threads in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from replying to all existing threads, but may start new threads.
  • Posting In Threads Begun By Other Users Only - A user's posts in all threads they didn't start in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from replying to all threads they didn't start, but may start new threads..
  • New Threads Only - A user's threads in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from posting new threads but may reply to all existing threads.

akz645 12-16-2015 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560502)
- If a User's Primary usergroup is [X] and Secondary is [Y]. If usergroup [X] is restricted but usergroup [Y] isn't, the user will not be restricted. Right?


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560519)
If you exclude a certain usergroup, then anyone who is a member of that usergroup, whether primary or secondary, will be excluded.

Answer: Yes.
I just tested myself, to make sure there were no bugs.
We just used different terminology, as I don't think Mark felt comfortable answering my Yes/No question, with the terminology I used.

Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560613)
- Posting in threads begun by other users only.
Is that settings for both existing & new threads?


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560618)
Here's how the "Nature Of Restriction" setting works:

Thanks for that. But you don't actually answer my question.

So, I'll try and do a quick test now to see.
Then I can explain the question to you further with screenshots and whatnot (real/a more specific example).

Edit: My post below should also be helpful to those who can't specifically discern what the functionality of this mod does (assuming your explanation isn't enough).

akz645 12-16-2015 09:38 PM

AdminCP settings: http://i.imgur.com/51fEQ4Q.png
Users profile settings: http://i.imgur.com/SYRwzpt.png

This is what happens if you try and go beyond the restriction:
http://tinyurl.com/z57568k OR http://tinyurl.com/oj7pegs
Note: Once you're going to hit the limit, this is what appears: http://i.imgur.com/OucPmeE.png
Basically, you must refresh the page if you want to continue to the post.


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560618)
  • New Threads And Posting In All Existing Threads - A user's posts in all threads in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from posting new threads and replying to all existing threads.

  • My test results:
  • [2] posts at maximum. You can not do the following after the limit (for [2 mins]):
    A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
    B) Replying in existing threads created by others.
    C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
    D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
    E) Replying in new threads created by others.

Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560618)
  • Posting In All Existing Threads Only - A user's posts in all threads in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from replying to all existing threads, but may start new threads.

  • My test results:
  • [2] posts at maximum. You can not do the following after the limit (for [2 mins]):
    A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
    B) Replying in existing threads created by others.
    D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
    E) Replying in new threads created by others.

    What you can do the following after the limit (for [2 mins]):
    C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.

Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560618)
  • Posting In Threads Begun By Other Users Only - A user's posts in all threads they didn't start in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from replying to all threads they didn't start, but may start new threads..

  • My test results:
  • [2] posts at maximum. You can not do the following after the limit (for [2 mins]):
    A) Replying in existing threads created by others.
    E) Replying in new threads created by others.

    What you can do the following after the limit (for [2 mins]):
    B) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
    C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
    D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.

Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560618)
  • New Threads Only - A user's threads in the subforum are counted. If this count is equal to or greater than the maximum allowed, then they will be prevented from posting new threads but may reply to all existing threads.

  • My test results:
  • [2] posts at maximum. You can not do the following after the limit (for [2 mins]):
    C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.

    What you can do the following after the limit (for [2 mins]):
    A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
    B) Replying in existing threads created by others.
    C) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
    E) Replying in new threads created by others.

What about not being able to do:
A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
B) Replying in existing threads created by others.

But still can do:
C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
E) Replying in new threads created by others.

What about not being able to do:
C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
E) Replying in new threads created by others.

But still can do:
A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
B) Replying in existing threads created by others.

^ That's basically the two I was referring to in my question above.
Although now that I've formatted it this way, I realise there are far more variations that can be done than I initially expected.

MarkFL 12-16-2015 10:27 PM

Did you find the product did not behave as I stated? If so, where?

I tested it, and everything seemed to work, but at present I would like to know if there is anything you find not working as I stated. Once I know no one is finding any unexpected behavior (you know, bugs), then I will consider adding other features. But for right now, I have several other things I want to get done first.

akz645 12-16-2015 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560626)
Did you find the product did not behave as I stated? If so, where?


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560613)
- Posting in threads begun by other users only.
Is that settings for both existing & new threads?

Direct answer to my question:
- Yes, but for replies only.
The term "posting" is too general and therefore can lead to confusion.

These are the 5 conditions:
A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
B) Replying in existing threads created by others.
C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
E) Replying in new threads created by others.

Your explanation doesn't specify between all the terms (which my post above should help users with).
Specifically, you don't distinguish between posts as replies or posts as threads.
- Replying in [own/others] [existing/new] thread OR when creating [own thread] (still increases post count).


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560613)
If so, you could add in 2 additional features.
- Posting in existing & new threads begun by other users only - which you already have called: "Posting in threads begun by other users only".
[1]- Posting in existing threads begun by other users only.
[2]- Posting in new threads begun by other users only.


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560624)
What about not being able to do:
A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
B) Replying in existing threads created by others.

But still can do:
C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
E) Replying in new threads created by others.

What about not being able to do:
C) Creating new threads. Note: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
D) Replying in new threads created by yourself.
E) Replying in new threads created by others.

But still can do:
A) Replying in existing threads created by yourself.
B) Replying in existing threads created by others.

^ That's basically the two I was referring to in my question above.
Although now that I've formatted it this way, I realise there are far more variations that can be done than I initially expected.


New Suggestion:

Instead of radio buttons, have each condition as a standalone setting, where users can decide what specifically they want to limit (if any). Example:
- Replying in a existing thread created by yourself? [Enter Post Count Number],[Enter Time Duration Number]
Note: Leave Post Count Number blank to leave it as unlimited/the vBulletin default. Set it to 0 if you want to stop them from posting altogether.
Note 2: Leave Time Duration Number blank to as unlimited/the vBulletin default. Setting to 0 means you don't want any positing restrictions to apply.

- Replying in existing threads created by others? [Enter Post Count Number],[Enter Time Duration Number]
- Creating new threads. [Enter Post Count Number],[Enter Time Duration Number]
Note 3: Creating a thread, increases your post count by 1.
- Replying in new threads created by yourself. [Enter Post Count Number],[Enter Time Duration Number]
- Replying in new threads created by others. [Enter Post Count Number],[Enter Time Duration Number]

Other (3) Suggestions (ignore previous post suggestions):


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560502)
- Exclude Users &/or Usergroups. (Although it would be better if we could also exclude based on each individual setting, and not just globally.)
Note: If added into the other mod/this mod, it should be on a per forum & usergroup basis.

Feature I would like which are in neither Mods at the moment:
B) If possible, allow us to keep on adding as many conditions as we want.
Example: Usergroup [Z] is limited to [1] post every [10] seconds, [2] posts every [25] seconds, [3] posts every [60] seconds ... in [X] forum.
Note: If added into the other mod/this mod, it should be on a per forum & usergroup basis.

Additional feature:
- The error message the user receives, the admin via adminCP should be able to write out (hyperlink, bold, italics & underlining texts should all be allowed).
Example: "Sorry, you must wait longer to begin posting again. Please read this thread to understand why."
^ Perhaps you can make it so, admins can set different messages on a per usergroup & forum basis.

akz645 12-16-2015 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560626)
I tested it, and everything seemed to work, but at present I would like to know if there is anything you find not working as I stated. Once I know no one is finding any unexpected behavior (you know, bugs), then I will consider adding other features. But for right now, I have several other things I want to get done first.

I just discovered a bug right now:

- If you press the backspace/have another tab where you aren't restricted, you can still actually reply/create a new thread.

To prevent this, shouldn't you create your mod like the other mod, so an error appears immediately even if the user hasn't refreshed the page?
Example of a method (which you'd need to code in) when replying in a thread that should solve this bug:
Example of a method (which you'd need to code in) when creating a thread that should solve this bug:

My post here is long, because it's mostly to help avoid confusion.
Not just for you to understand me, but for others to understand all your settings better.

jagtpf 12-19-2015 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560598)
Do you mean a restriction on creating new threads only, while allowing posting to existing threads unrestricted?

I will soon add a setting whereby the admin can choose the unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours and days) for the restriction. :)

My apologies for missing this - all vbulletin.org notifications were flying into our spam box!

Yes. The restriction on creating New Threads - whilst leaving posts/replies as unlimited.

jagtpf 12-19-2015 02:52 PM

I'll download and have a look at this Mark - many thanks for all your work.

One issue I can see is that the restriction can only be set for 1 usergroup? (unless I've read incorrectly).
In other words would it be possible for usergroup A to be restricted to 2 new threads, whilst usergroup X is restricted to 3 .... still allowing no restriction for Staff etc...

Brilliant work, though. Again many thanks.

MarkFL 12-19-2015 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by jagtpf (Post 2560807)
I'll download and have a look at this Mark - many thanks for all your work.

One issue I can see is that the restriction can only be set for 1 usergroup? (unless I've read incorrectly).
In other words would it be possible for usergroup A to be restricted to 2 new threads, whilst usergroup X is restricted to 3 .... still allowing no restriction for Staff etc...

Brilliant work, though. Again many thanks.

As of now, the restriction is the same number of posts for all usergroups included in the restriction. :)

akz645 12-19-2015 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2560626)
Did you find the product did not behave as I stated? If so, where?

I tested it, and everything seemed to work, but at present I would like to know if there is anything you find not working as I stated. Once I know no one is finding any unexpected behavior (you know, bugs),


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560630)
I just discovered a bug right now:

- If you press the backspace/have another tab where you aren't restricted, you can still actually reply/create a new thread.

What about that Bug.

You never replied back to me, or checked my PM...


MarkFL 12-19-2015 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2560814)
What about that Bug.

You never replied back to me, or checked my PM...


I do plan to investigate this soon...however, I have been receiving many PMs from users for help with their sites (on which I place a high priority) and working on other projects too.

I appreciate your feedback, and I apologize for not responding to your PM to at least let you know I will do my best to address the issue you found with this product. I also plan to allow for more extensive definitions of restrictions, on a per forum/per usergroup/per user basis. :)

MarkFL 12-19-2015 06:24 PM

Update version 1.7:
  • Post counts calculated immediately prior to posting new threads/replies so that posting from tab with no restriction by opening new tab with posting link is no longer possible.

Stratis 12-20-2015 03:46 PM

Thanks for the updates, makes your work better and double better for us :up:

Something else.
In previous versions you had the phrase:
"You have made the maximum number of posts in this forum and cannot post any further."
After that I see:
"You are restricted from posting in this thread."

I have translated this to my needs and in Greek language. Some users ask my team members
why they are restricted and some of them don't know that they have reached the maximum number of posts.

Perhaps it would be better if they know to how many post they are restricted?
So in the phrase if its possible to include the code {1} or what else to show how many post is the restriction. sorry for my bad English :p

Thanks for all stuff and help you give us :)

P.S. If its possible and if others here likes it? when ever make an update again include this...

Alan_SP 12-28-2015 03:11 PM

I take a look at the code and see it wouldn't be very easy to change this mod in restricting posting in certain threads. But, if you found time and will to make it, it would be great if only certain threads can be restricted.

On my site is popular for people to ask questions, but some really ask too many questions. I don't want to block them from writing at all in certain forums, but if certain threads would be only for asking questions, this would control them.

tanzeelniazi 01-07-2016 03:10 AM

can you please add
Posting Limit in Different forums
Threads Limit in different forum
Usergroup Posting limit in different forum
Please add more tabs to select posting limit by usegroup for different forums/Sections

jagtpf 01-24-2016 08:54 AM

Thanks for this Mark.

jagtpf 01-26-2016 08:09 AM

Confusingly 20 odd Forums are under restriction for "Members" -
the limit for New Threads -
within 1440 minutes,
and yet a newbie posted 4 within 28 minutes.

That suggests to me that the restriction is limiting 2 in each of these Forums - not across the whole of the 20+.

jagtpf 01-26-2016 01:32 PM

I had the checks along side each Child Forum as appropriate.

I stripped out the settings and, instead, checked by Forum instead of Child-Forum - but the result is the same.

I guess that's how the mod was designed?

MarkFL 01-26-2016 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by jagtpf (Post 2563437)
Confusingly 20 odd Forums are under restriction for "Members" -
the limit for New Threads -
within 1440 minutes,
and yet a newbie posted 4 within 28 minutes.

That suggests to me that the restriction is limiting 2 in each of these Forums - not across the whole of the 20+.

Yes, if you have several forums restricted, users will be able to post up to the limit in each of the restricted forums. Suppose you have the restriction set to a maximum of 5 posts, then they can post up to 5 times in each restricted forum, not a total of 5 posts over all of the restricted forums.

Would you like a setting that will allow the restriction to be totaled over all restricted forums?


Originally Posted by jagtpf (Post 2563451)
I had the checks along side each Child Forum as appropriate.

I stripped out the settings and, instead, checked by Forum instead of Child-Forum - but the result is the same.

I guess that's how the mod was designed?

Yes, child forums are included in the restriction by design. I should have made a note of that in the setting description, but didn't.

Would you prefer a setting to let you decide whether child forums are included?

jagtpf 01-26-2016 03:29 PM

Hi Mark - It was hoped that the restriction would affect all Forums as if they were grouped. As you rightly say, 20+ Child-Forums, restricted to 2, would equal 40+ new threads whereas the hope was those 20+ Child-Forums would be restricted enmass to 2 new threads.

Using Forums, rather than Child-Forums; would that be an easier way to go about it? Those 20+ Children are over 3 Forums.

MarkFL 01-26-2016 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by jagtpf (Post 2563463)
Hi Mark - It was hoped that the restriction would affect all Forums as if they were grouped. As you rightly say, 20+ Child-Forums, restricted to 2, would equal 40+ new threads whereas the hope was those 20+ Child-Forums would be restricted enmass to 2.

Okay, I will add a setting that lets you decide whether each restricted forum is restricted separately or all restricted forums are restricted as a group. :)


Originally Posted by jagtpf (Post 2563463)
Using Forums, rather than Child-Forums; would that be an easier way to go about it? Those 20+ Children are over 3 Forums.

I initially felt that including child forums would make things easier. I will include a setting that allows you to decide whether child forums are included or not, to give you more precise control.

Look for this update to come within a couple of days. :)

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