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MarkFL 09-02-2015 09:00 PM

Profile Reporter
1 Attachment(s)

This product is designed to allow your users to easily report various aspects of the profiles of other users. In the product settings, you can set which aspects of user profiles are shown on the report form (you can select from a list of pre-defined reasons and then add your own custom reasons), define a list of usernames which are not allowed to report profiles, prevent entire usergroups from reporting profiles and set the destination forum for the generated reports (the default is the same destination forum for reported posts). This product is compatible with my "Report Thread Prefix Management" product as well.

Upon installation a column is added to your "user" table that stores the threadid of the report thread so that all reporting of a particular user's profile will all go to the same thread. After activating and configuring the product, users will see a new link on the profile pages of users (and the report icon) which they can use to report that profile.


If a user has previously reported a certain user's profile, then the icon button changes to red and there is a tooltip advising the user they have already reported that user's profile, and in case that is missed, an alert is shown if the "Report "Profile" link is click advising the user and giving them the opportunity to cancel the operation.


By default, a user may report the profile of another user from their profile page, however there is a product setting which allows you to give your users the ability to report profile from thread postbits.


When filling out the form, if a user clicks "Submit Report" without checking any of the checkboxes, then they will be alerted that a reason must be given for reporting the profile. If the user checks the "Other" checkbox, but does not enter any text into the text box meant for giving the reason (or any other additional comments), then they are alerted that a reason must be given when selecting the "Other" option.


Then, when the form is submitted, a redirect message thanks the user for reporting the profile and advises them that the staff will deal with the issue as soon as possible. They are then returned to the profile they reported.

The details of the report are then posted to a thread in the forum you have set as the destination forum for the reports.


All users who can view the destination forum for the generated reports will also see an icon to the right of the "Report Profile" link for profiles that have previously been reported that links to the report thread, and if you are using my "Report Thread Prefix Management" product, the status of the report is included in the tooltip for that icon.


Note: If you choose a destination forum other than the default for reported posts, and you are using my "Report Thread Prefix Management" product, then you will need to use the "Forum Manager" to allow the prefix set defined by that product to be used there.


Version 1.1
  • Additional CSS added for sites with dark styles.

A special word of thanks goes to Dave who noticed an SQL injection vulnerability and discretely called this to my attention, and offered advice on how to eliminate it.

Version 1.2
  • Data used in db queries is sanitized to prevent SQL injection.

Version 1.3
  • Removed unnecessary db query since needed data was already present.

Version 1.4
  • Added the option to exclude usergroups from having their profiles reported.

Version 1.4.5
  • Added the option to set a minimum post count before users may report profiles.

Version 1.4.6
  • Fixed minor error for online location reporting.

Version 1.5
  • Removed some CSS for colors so the StyleVars can take effect.

Version 1.6
  • Fixed bug where null thread was created when a report is posted to an existing thread.

Version 2.0
  • Fully phrased.
  • Added option to allow users to report profiles from within the postbits.
  • Link on profile done via custom template hook rather than javascript.
  • Borders on form styled with form border stylevar.
  • Settings check more efficient.

Note: Unlike in previous versions, where you selected the pre-defined reasons your users can choose from on the report form (and could add additional reasons), in version 2.0 you simply edit the product's phrase which contains a comma-delimited list of reasons. This allows you to completely customize as well as translate your reasons list.

Version 2.1:
  • Phrased all text in generated report.
  • Fixed issue where checked reasons weren't shown in the report.
  • Fixed issue with postbit icon not displaying.

Version 2.2:
  • Phrased page title.
  • Added setting choice of icon location.

Note: A special thanks goes to Stratis for reporting these issues. :up:


Tested and working on VB 4.2.x and should work on all 4.x versions of vBulletin.


This product alters your database, however it is always good practice to keep regular backups and you should backup before installing ANY new product.

To Install:
  1. Download and extract the attached .zip file.
  2. Upload the files from the "upload" folder to your root folder on your server.
  3. Follow AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product.
  4. Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product .xml file that was packaged in the .zip file.
  5. Click "Import."
  6. You MUST enable the product in the settings before it will function.
  7. Configure the remaining settings to your liking. Each setting has a detailed explanation of its use.


Support for this product can be found here:

ocidas 09-03-2015 04:33 AM

Very good Mod, Ty!

MarkFL 09-03-2015 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by ocidas (Post 2554168)
Very good Mod, Ty!

I found a small bug (wouldn't you know it?) and so I apologize, but please download it again. All you need to do is replace the .php files in your root directory. :)

z3r0 09-03-2015 05:30 AM

Thanks, I've wanted this functionality for so long.

My Hattiesburg 09-03-2015 08:47 PM

There you go picking on Cletus. :)

MarkFL 09-05-2015 11:54 PM

Update: version 1.1
  • Additional CSS added for sites with dark styles.

mapleleaffans 09-06-2015 01:06 AM

Another great mod! Thank you Mark! :)

MarkFL 09-14-2015 05:37 PM

A special word of thanks goes to Dave who noticed an SQL injection vulnerability and discretely called this to my attention, and offered advice on how to eliminate it.

Update: version 1.2
  • Data used in db queries is sanitized to prevent SQL injection.

mapleleaffans 09-14-2015 11:01 PM

Thank you for the update, Mark!

zorcocuq 09-26-2015 11:15 PM

Thanks for sharing.

MarkFL 09-27-2015 02:57 AM

Update: version 1.3
  • Removed unnecessary db query since needed data was already present.

mapleleaffans 09-30-2015 10:57 PM

Updated! Thanks again, Mark!

friendlymela 10-01-2015 02:57 AM

nice .. this is good move

BrettC Frontier 10-29-2015 03:01 PM

Small request on this addon (de ja vu?!), could an additional select box be added in to protect particular user groups from getting reported? :)

MarkFL 10-29-2015 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by BrettC Frontier (Post 2557829)
Small request on this addon (de ja vu?!), could an additional select box be added in to protect particular user groups from getting reported? :)

Thank you for your request...I would "like" your post, but I have to like others first. :)

Yes, that should be easy to add and I will do so soon. :up:

MarkFL 10-29-2015 04:27 PM

Update: version 1.4
  • Added the option to exclude usergroups from having their profiles reported.

Stratis 12-26-2015 02:28 PM

Very nice Mod Mark.

Problem to non English forums. There is no phrases to change. :D

* And If it had an option to have x post(global) to be able to report.
* If its easy to get code to show in postbit, under avatar or else in that section?


MarkFL 12-26-2015 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2561178)
Very nice Mod Mark.

Thank you! :)


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2561178)
Problem to non English forums. There is no phrases to change. :D

Yes, I have neglected to use phrasing in virtually all of my products, and I plan to fix that soon.


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2561178)
* And If it had an option to have x post(global) to be able to report.

I'm not sure what you mean...vBulletin already has a post reporting system.


Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2561178)
* If its easy to get code to show in postbit, under avatar or else in that section?

What do you want to show in the postbit?

akz645 12-26-2015 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2561180)

Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2561178)
* If its easy to get code to show in postbit, under avatar or else in that section?

What do you want to show in the postbit?

I think he means 'Report Profile' in the postbit section.

Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2561180)

Originally Posted by Stratis (Post 2561178)
* And If it had an option to have x post(global) to be able to report.

I'm not sure what you mean...vBulletin already has a post reporting system.

I think he means have an additional option in the adminCP, for admins to specify a single thread ID for where all profile reports will go into.
Edit: He meant creating a X post count requirement option to be able to report a profile.

My suggestion:
- Only certain usergroups/users picked will have their profile reports go into X thread ID.
Example: [ThreadID|UsergroupIDs; ThreadID|UsergroupIDs etc...] I.E: [4|2; 8|6,4,3;]
AND [ThreadID|UserIDs; ThreadID|UserIDs etc...] I.E: [12|56; 13|62,14,23;]

- - Should a report be created in other places too? [Yes or No]
Note: If No selected, other report thread/posts will not be created. The reports from those usergroups/users will only be created inside the thread ID the admin chose above.

Stratis 12-26-2015 09:27 PM

Yes for the postbit section as akz645 explained better.
How many user go to others profiles?... except user profile image all options we can see them
in the postbit section. All user read threads - posts, less go to profile. That's why I asked if can include this in two places :)

For this "option to have x post(global) to be able to report"
I mean that if a user has X posts than only be able to make a report.
Hope I give better explanation, sorry for my bad English :D

Thanks both of you :up:

MarkFL 12-27-2015 01:10 AM

Personally, I prefer having a separate thread for each profile that has been reported...this way it can be marked as resolved. This is neat and simple.

I will consider adding a "Report Profile" icon in the "postlinking" element, down where the IP and "Report Post" icons are. :)

Stratis 12-27-2015 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2561197)
Personally, I prefer having a separate thread for each profile that has been reported...this way it can be marked as resolved. This is neat and simple.

Ah, as I see I did not explain well. Users with 0 post or 1-2 post they will be able to report a profile. Is there a way for users not to be able to report if they don't have (lets say 5 post) :D

Thanks :)

akz645 12-27-2015 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2561197)
Personally, I prefer having a separate thread for each profile that has been reported...this way it can be marked as resolved. This is neat and simple.

Yeah I like that too, but not for all users/ usergroups. This is an additional (optional) option, it in no way affects the current system if the admin doesn't deem it necessary.

Some very sensitive users/usergroups I don't want to ban them from reporting altogether.
I don't mind banning trolls/trouble making users from reporting (clear/intentional abuse), but some are just overly sensitive.
There is no current way to deal with those users.
I still want them to be able to report, but avoid having them crowding up the report forum- hence have all their reports be placed into a single thread (low priority- less likely to be taken seriously).
It sends a bad message if I just straight up ban them from reporting. As users shouldn't be afraid to use the report function.

Small forums get very few reports monthly. Larger forums can get several reports daily/weekly.
Hence my suggestion would help out larger forums/forums where the report function is used a lot to get a moderators attention.

MarkFL 12-29-2015 03:48 AM

Update: version 1.4.5
  • Added the option to set a minimum post count before users may report profiles.

Stratis 12-29-2015 05:33 AM

Thanks Mark, that's it :up:
Waiting for phrases when ever you find some spare time :D

Phrases are very helpful to non English forums.


MarkFL 01-31-2016 07:51 PM

Update: version 1.4.6
  • Fixed minor error for online location reporting.

MarkFL 02-02-2016 12:02 PM

Update: version 1.5
  • Removed some CSS for colors so the StyleVars can take effect.

MarkFL 02-03-2016 05:32 AM

Update: version 1.6
  • Fixed bug where null thread was created when a report is posted to an existing thread.

MarkFL 07-26-2016 06:05 PM

Update - Version 2.0
  • Fully phrased.
  • Added option to allow users to report profiles from within the postbits.
  • Link on profile done via custom template hook rather than javascript.
  • Borders on form styled with form border stylevar.
  • Settings check more efficient.

Note: Unlike in previous versions, where you selected the pre-defined reasons your users can choose from on the report form (and could add additional reasons), in version 2.0 you simply edit the product's phrase which contains a comma-delimited list of reasons. This allows you to completely customize as well as translate your reasons list.

Stratis 07-27-2016 04:27 PM

A little help please :p

1) I do not see
Allow Profile Reporting From Postbits? (is Yes)
Tested in all skins, default vbskin is not modified at all, (i do not see it there to)

2) When a report is made, and reasons are checked i do not see the reasons in the auto thread made.. I only see this
Victors profile has been reported for the following reason(s):
Here supposed to show what ever i have checked in the report (check boxes)

Additional Comments:

test for report profile..........

Link To Reported Profile:



3) Some phrases that canot be found:
"Other" (this is an option check box)
"Reported Profile" (main title, there is another one that was found)
"profile has been reported for the following reason(s):"
"Link To Reported Profile:"

4) image /buttons/reported-40b.png needed to import to all skins to show up
(this is not a problem, just info)

As i said a little help. when ever you have spare time...

vb4.2.0 pl4
Browsers: IE11, FireFox, Edge, Chrome

Thank you :)

MarkFL 07-30-2016 03:11 AM

Update - Version 2.1:
  • Phrased all text in generated report.
  • Fixed issue where checked reasons weren't shown in the report.
  • Fixed issue with postbit icon not displaying.

Note: A special thanks goes to Stratis for reporting these issues. :up:

Stratis 07-31-2016 09:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well very nice of you Mark to make all these time-consuming fixes. Tested and works fine.
Only, I cannot find where to change this phrase.
"Report Profile"
Attachment 155273

And something personal.
What is the code that i can manually
add this
Attachment 155274

to this point, its under every post in the horizontal bar.
Attachment 155275


MarkFL 07-31-2016 01:57 PM

Update - Version 2.2:
  • Phrased page title.
  • Added setting choice of icon location.

Stratis 07-31-2016 02:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Situations like this, words are unnecessary Attachment 155279

Thanks Attachment 155278

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