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TheAdminMarket 07-11-2015 09:00 PM

Media Gallery (Photos, Audio, YouTUBE)
Since 2006 I was serving community members with my Free Mods
But as this site will starts operating by the company,
I'm no willing to support them

** File Removed **

Media Gallery

Photos, Audio, YouTUBE

Compatible with vB4.2.3


I'm offering my hard work for free, without even a single copyright line in footer, expecting that some of you will appreciate the time that I spent for coding it and they will donate something.
Demo: http://www.teriakis.com/vb423/media.php

1.- What's this?

Media Gallery it's a simple Gallery mod supporting Photo and Audio uploads and YouTUBE videos. I was looking for a simple Gallery mod for my own use and as I didn't found something meeting my requirements, I coded this mod. By saying "simple" mostly goes to the easy of use, otherwise it has some great features that you can't even find in big Galleries. It's social share ready especially for Facebook using OpenGraph Meta.

Explore it. You'll love it.

2.- Installation
  1. Download the zip file, and unzip it
  2. Upload the content of upload/ folder to your forum directory
  3. CMOD 777 the directories:
    1. mediagallery/audio
    2. mediagallery/photos
    3. mediagallery/photos/thumbs
  4. From your Admincp import product-mediagallery.xml
  5. If you're using htaccess file for SEO Urls copy the content of htaccess.txt to your .htaccess file
  6. Check and Set Usergroup Permissions
  7. Check and Set General Settings
  8. Add Categories
  9. Moderation is available from ModCP.
PS: For YouTUBE videos the code with tries to fetch the video thumb. Sometimes this action stucks. In this case you can upload your own thumb.

TheAdminMarket 07-12-2015 02:48 PM

..........More Screenshots...........

bosanci28 07-12-2015 03:14 PM

This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures?

My other question was , any registered user can upload pictures and videos?

Thank you!

TheAdminMarket 07-12-2015 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by bosanci28 (Post 2550037)
This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures?

My other question was , any registered user can upload pictures and videos?

Thank you!

1.- It can but I don't have added the code. Tomorrow I'll post it. As code is just 4 lines, but it needs an extra setting for the image name/path.

2.- If you set YES in usergroup permissions, then they can.

madness85 07-12-2015 07:58 PM

Very nice ive been looking for a mod to replace vbtube as the coder still hasn't updated youtube api.

Could it be possible when a new video is added it also create a new thread in a forum of my choice?

Action-N 07-13-2015 03:31 AM

Might just be me, but do the videos on the demo play for anyone else? Thumbnails not being automatic will suck as well.

Christos, did you build this with the new YouTube API? If yours did then it'll fill a void in the market as I also have a junk copy of vbtube I paid $140 on. Plus I love the way you style your addons to fit with the default vbulletin layout.

TheAdminMarket 07-13-2015 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Action-N (Post 2550065)
Might just be me, but do the videos on the demo play for anyone else? Thumbnails not being automatic will suck as well.

Christos, did you build this with the new YouTube API? If yours did then it'll fill a void in the market as I also have a junk copy of vbtube I paid $140 on. Plus I love the way you style your addons to fit with the default vbulletin layout.

Seems that something is missing in the installation package. I'm checking the files now. Sometimes I'm uploading something to my server from another mod and I forget to cope the file to the distribution folder. eg I seen that the icons on mouseover of thumbs does not work.

Manoel J?nior 07-13-2015 06:15 PM

I love this. Great! Thanks Nick

RichieBoy67 07-13-2015 07:05 PM

Hi Nick, I can use this for sure! I have been wanting something up to date for youtube videos mainly so this is much needed! I am happy to help test for you once I have time later this week to install.

Thanks so much!

Manoel J?nior 07-14-2015 12:16 AM

Nick, my site is adult and do not use Youtube but sites like:


How do I do?

BlackxRam 07-14-2015 01:13 AM

This mod needs a feature to create new threads in a specific forum when something has been added to the gallery. That would be a nice addition.

BlackxRam 07-14-2015 01:46 AM

If this mod auto populated info from the youtube API as well, things like optional thumbnails, time, title..ect for when you put in the URL or Filename... I think that would make this mod even more desirable.

BlackxRam 07-14-2015 01:57 AM

Also, I am having trouble editing or even deleting approved submissions from the main interface. As far as I can tell that option is missing somewhere on each submitted item page.

Edit: Ok I found the Edit / Delete options buried in the "My Media" pages. Perhaps if those options could also be located in the main page areas and details area that would be nice as well. :)

BlackxRam 07-14-2015 02:00 AM

There is also a square error image over the thumbnail of youtube videos. This square image also shows on the demo page as well.

BlackxRam 07-14-2015 02:17 AM

When you add a youtube video and the script fails to get the image there is no way to reattempt to get that image? Opting to choose the size of the thumbnails for the main page listing would be nice. The massive size they are right now is a bit distracting.

This addon shows promise, but I think it needs a couple extra things to give it that killer app potential.

TheAdminMarket 07-14-2015 05:34 AM

Media Gallery ver. 1.0.2 released. This version fixes the issue of not displaying the icon on mouseover the thumbs. The fonts directory was missing from the distribution file.

To upgrade:
  1. Dowload version 1.0.2 and unzip it
  2. Upload the folder mediagallery/font/ to mediagallery directory
  3. (Optional) Imprort xml file to update the version number.

TheAdminMarket 07-14-2015 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by BlackxRam (Post 2550162)
This mod needs a feature to create new threads in a specific forum when something has been added to the gallery. That would be a nice addition.

Even if it's not big deal as I've added this feature in other mods, when I coded this mod I had in mind to release something simple. Let's say an advanced Gallery than the one that comes with vBulletin. Maybe in the future. Can't promise anything.

TheAdminMarket 07-14-2015 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by BlackxRam (Post 2550163)
If this mod auto populated info from the youtube API as well, things like optional thumbnails, time, title..ect for when you put in the URL or Filename... I think that would make this mod even more desirable.

As I wrote in my previous reply, this mod is just an advanced Gallery than the one that comes with vBulletin. Nothing more.

TheAdminMarket 07-14-2015 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by BlackxRam (Post 2550165)
There is also a square error image over the thumbnail of youtube videos. This square image also shows on the demo page as well.

Fixed in version 1.0.2. The fonts folder was missing from the distribution package.

TheAdminMarket 07-14-2015 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by BlackxRam (Post 2550166)
When you add a youtube video and the script fails to get the image there is no way to reattempt to get that image? Opting to choose the size of the thumbnails for the main page listing would be nice. The massive size they are right now is a bit distracting.

This addon shows promise, but I think it needs a couple extra things to give it that killer app potential.

You can use bigger thumb size. The design is responsive so the thumb size should be fits to any width.

BlackxRam 07-14-2015 06:05 AM

Then the thumbs don't see to be resizing properly with youtube embeds because even though I have them set at about 320px im getting resizes which seem to be over 450px, or whichever size is default on your test install you have linked.

It's a shame you want to stick with something so simple because there is a place right now for a good Media Gallery because a lot of them are broken because of Youtube's recent API change and the developers are no longer supporting them. This mod could stand on its own and fill the gap that the other media galleries have left.

Perhaps keep this one simple and release a more feature intensive version? Something on par with the Video Directory Remix perhaps.

Just saying is all. Not bashing you at all so please don't take it that way. I just see the potential you have here with this version.

TheAdminMarket 07-14-2015 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by BlackxRam (Post 2550177)
Just saying is all. Not bashing you at all so please don't take it that way. I just see the potential you have here with this version.

No, honestly, I'm not getting it wrong, but I like to make clear some things:
  1. I don't have any free time. I'm working at least 12 hours a day, 365 days of the year. There are no weekend for me, there are no holidays. Since 4 Sep 2004 (so almost 11 years now) the only "day-off" that I had was on 19-26 Oct 2009 when I was hospitalization!!. All other days were working days for me.
  2. I gave up with vBulletin. vBulletin for me is a dead product. The days of Glory for vB coders/designers has been gone.
  3. Instead to keep my mods in my PC I decided to release them for free in the community. I even removed the copyright links. I'm trying to keep the up to date (already released updates for vB 4.2.3), I'm here to fix bugs, but sorry, this is all that I can do.

tommyturnage 07-14-2015 08:10 PM

Quick question. I may have over looked the answer but why dont my thumbs show up for YouTube videos?

Edit: Or how do I add my own thumbnails

iiioroh 07-16-2015 09:08 AM

Great job!

I have slider, likes and comments is not a function

RichieBoy67 07-16-2015 09:15 AM

my only issue right now Nick is that some of the files or at least media.php already exist on my server from the other media app that no longer works in some regards. I would like to keep both. I am sure I can rename the media.php if needed but haven't looked into it yet.

Thanks Nick for your hard work!

madness85 07-16-2015 02:52 PM

just had a quick go on your demo as you said it doesn't add thumbs :( but i cant even find a option to manually add.

great mod and thank you. hopefully when your not so busy auto thumbs will be added :)

TheAdminMarket 07-16-2015 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by madness85 (Post 2550363)
just had a quick go on your demo as you said it doesn't add thumbs :( but i cant even find a option to manually add.

great mod and thank you. hopefully when your not so busy auto thumbs will be added :)

Video thumbs work fine:
Just add a video with title "Testing Thumb".

The reason that you and someone else can't see the thumbs is because (like most users) you're in rush to have everything working just after the upload. If you follow the standard steps valid for all vB mods it should works. And the main step is: SETTINGS.

If you go to the mod settings, the last one is:
Server Path to Uploads
Set there the correct server path to ...../mediagallery/photos and everything should works fine.

concepts 07-16-2015 05:05 PM

Main issue I see with this mod currently is the "like" under a user account. If 'One' Media is liked, it's shows "You already liked this" for all other media, thus not allowing additional likes on additional media.

Additionally, the option to choose what is displayed on the side bar (only showing categories and top media is my preference but no idea how this is done). Most of the other options serves no purpose and I highly doubt users will use it, just adds clutter imo.

Otherwise, this MOD is amazing.

Lastly, Admin Option to delete ANY media

TheAdminMarket 07-16-2015 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by concepts (Post 2550371)
Main issue I see with this mod currently is the "like" under a user account. If 'One' Media is liked, it's shows "You already liked this" for all other media, thus not allowing additional likes on additional media.

Additionally, the option to choose what is displayed on the side bar (only showing categories and top media is my preference but no idea how this is done). Most of the other options serves no purpose and I highly doubt users will use it, just adds clutter imo.

Otherwise, this MOD is amazing.

Lastly, Admin Option to delete ANY media

1.- Confirmed. I'll fix it tomorrow.
2.- In the templates you'll see something like:

                {vb:raw search_block}
                {vb:raw topmedia_block}
                {vb:raw statistics_block}

If for example you don't like the statistics block jus remove: {vb:raw statistics_block}

concepts 07-16-2015 05:26 PM

Thanks for the info! worked perfect. I was able to leave only the category, order by, top media, and stats area. Looks much cleaner. Looking forward to the update. The profile tab looks nice by the way. This mod is beyond great and will suit my needs amazingly!

Preech 07-16-2015 08:01 PM

Looks good. I can stop work on mines. Mines was audio only.

TheAdminMarket 07-17-2015 03:41 AM

Media Gallery 1.0.3 released to fix a bug in Votes. Some members reported as bug that there is no thumb when they're posting a YouTUBE video. This is not a bug but a missing setting. If you go to Media Gallery Settings you'll find at the end an option to set the server path to uploads directory. If you set it correctly then should not be any problem with YouTUBE thumbnails.

To upgrade:
  1. Download and Unzip version 1.0.3
  2. Upload media.php to your installation
  3. (Optional) Import product xml to update the version number.

TheAdminMarket 07-17-2015 05:29 AM

As I can understand from your posts, most of you are interesting in a Video Gallery (not only YouTUBE). If yes, can you give me your feedback for this mod for IPB?


Demo: http://demo.ipsviet.com/

Just click Like to this post, you don't need to post comments here.

RichieBoy67 07-17-2015 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by NickTheGreek (Post 2550401)
Media Gallery 1.0.3 released to fix a bug in Votes. Some members reported as bug that there is no thumb when they're posting a YouTUBE video. This is not a bug but a missing setting. If you go to Media Gallery Settings you'll find at the end an option to set the server path to uploads directory. If you set it correctly then should not be any problem with YouTUBE thumbnails.

To upgrade:
  1. Download and Unzip version 1.0.3
  2. Upload media.php to your installation
  3. (Optional) Import product xml to update the version number.

Nick, how much would be involved in renaming media.php to something else so I do not have to remove my old media library which also uses the file media.php?

TheAdminMarket 07-17-2015 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67 (Post 2550435)
Nick, how much would be involved in renaming media.php to something else so I do not have to remove my old media library which also uses the file media.php?

You need to perform a global search and replace in files:
  • product-mediagallery.xml
  • media.php
  • mediagallery/includes/functions.php
  • Also the file .htaccess if you're using it.

bosanci28 07-17-2015 01:05 PM

"This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures? "(post 3)


Originally Posted by NickTheGreek (Post 2550039)
1.- It can but I don't have added the code. Tomorrow I'll post it. As code is just 4 lines, but it needs an extra setting for the image name/path.


Have you had time to add the code for pictures watermark? I am about to install and try this nice mod.

Thank you,

TheAdminMarket 07-17-2015 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by bosanci28 (Post 2550467)
"This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures? "(post 3)


Have you had time to add the code for pictures watermark? I am about to install and try this nice mod.

Thank you,

hmmm....... sorry......... I forgot it. I'll try to add it now.

concepts 07-17-2015 01:36 PM

Not sure if I upgraded correctly, but now likes do not process. When I click "I like it" , the area goes blank without processing the like. If I refresh the page, the original amount of like show, and it gives me the option to like again.... repeat. Will try from another browser.

edit* works great on IE.. just seeing the issue on Chrome so far.

TheAdminMarket 07-17-2015 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by concepts (Post 2550470)
Not sure if I upgraded correctly, but now likes do not process. When I click "I like it" , the area goes blank without processing the like. If I refresh the page, the original amount of like show, and it gives me the option to like again.... repeat. Will try from another browser.

edit* works great on IE.. just seeing the issue on Chrome so far.

The only that I changed was the query in PHP code so I don't think that this can cause any browser's error. Maybe try to clear your browser's cache.

TheAdminMarket 07-17-2015 02:34 PM

Media Gallery ver. 1.0.4 released adding Watermark to Photos.

To upgrade:
  1. Download and Unzip file MediaGallery_1_0_4.zip
  2. Upload media_usercp.php to your installation
  3. Import product-mediagallery.xml
  4. Goto Admincp-> Media Gallery-> General Options and set the values for the last 4 settings. If you don't want to use watermark left the Watermark Filename empty (default).

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