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DemOnstar 06-26-2015 01:50 AM

Install Guide
Is there a guide to be read on the install of this all new vB 5?

Would the root path below be sufficient to run?


I have tried install on WAMP, didn't work. I am trying install live, didn't work.

There is something basic I am doing wrong I guess.
config.php files have been renamed and core config.php has been edited.


d1jsp 07-08-2015 01:57 PM

5.1.7 is broke in terms of installing from scratch. I'm struggling myself and have done everything right and done all the suggestions from the vb team.

TheLastSuperman 07-08-2015 06:19 PM

Be sure to read the install documentation in the manual and remember sometimes over-editing will result in an failed install attempt. I remember having issues when vB5 first came out but they did clear up some confusion so be sure to check for similar threads on vbulletin.com, your one little oversight/mistake in editing file(s) could have been done by someone else long ago and by reading a few threads where they had a similar issue as yourself, you may end up finding the one little spot where you went wrong ;).

DemOnstar 07-09-2015 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by d1jsp (Post 2549665)
5.1.7 is broke in terms of installing from scratch. I'm struggling myself and have done everything right and done all the suggestions from the vb team.

Me too. Same here.
Can't get the install to start.


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2549708)
Be sure to read the install documentation in the manual and remember sometimes over-editing will result in an failed install attempt. I remember having issues when vB5 first came out but they did clear up some confusion so be sure to check for similar threads on vbulletin.com, your one little oversight/mistake in editing file(s) could have been done by someone else long ago and by reading a few threads where they had a similar issue as yourself, you may end up finding the one little spot where you went wrong ;).

Done it a couple of times. I thought I was used to the installation.:confused:
I was fairly easy with 4. Just browse to the install and click.
I tried with WAMP also but same result.
I'd given up until this thread came back to life.

Cheers the pair of you.

DemOnstar 07-11-2015 05:16 PM

However, taking in the lack of response, I would like to pursue the original question.
Is there or isn't there an install guide?

A link might prove conclusive? I will let you know.

Mark.B 07-15-2015 10:17 PM

5.1.7 is absolutely NOT broken, I'm unsure why people like to put nonsense like this in as if it were fact - it does nothing but confuse and misinform people who are trying to get help.

The official installation guide is here:

I have written my own basic instructions:

1. Download the newest vB5 release from the members' area. https://members.vbulletin.com

2. Unzip the files and go to the "upload" folder.

3. You need to rename this file:




Then, you need to rename this file:




Then, in that file, you need to complete the following fields:

$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'forum';
Change forum to whatever your database name is.

$config['Database']['technicalemail'] = 'dbmaster@example.com';
Change the email address to your own.

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'root';
Change root to the database username

$config['MasterServer']['password'] = '';
Enter the database password inside the '' marks.

All other fields should be left as default, unless your database is on a separate server, in which case this will need changing:

$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost';

4. Upload all files to your server/webspace/whatever and browse to yourforumpath.com/core/install/install.php.

DemOnstar 07-16-2015 01:35 AM

Done all of that several times, still nothing. Not sure what I am doing wrong as I have done it before with 4.
Not to worry, I will take it to someone that has a clearer head than I do.
Got me beat!

Thanks anyway.

Lynne 07-16-2015 03:12 AM

What is the problem? Have you put in a ticket - we usually help with installations even if you don't have ticket support.

DemOnstar 07-16-2015 04:36 AM

I have not put a ticket in yet. I will see my friend thinks of it.
The main problem is I cannot browse to the folder.

Not sure what is going on. Perhaps I have just forgotten the procedure since I haven't played for a while.


I tried the above using WAMP.
I even pulled down the existing website, uploaded all the files, changed both config files and same result. Looking at the ht access file now. Maybe it is that?


Mark.B 07-16-2015 05:59 AM

You need to use the default htaccess file, without any changes.

What error do you get when you try to browse to the install file?

DemOnstar 07-16-2015 06:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello there. . .


Thanks again.

PS: I notice in the config.php the port number is different 3600 I think.

Zachery 07-16-2015 11:33 PM

You probably have one of two things:

1. apache doesn't have .htaccess files allowed, or its rules.
2. mod_rewrite isn't turned on.

AllowOverride All can be added for your localhost, but this is a configuration issue. Not a vBulletin one.

DemOnstar 07-16-2015 11:57 PM

Okay, so this is what my .htaccess looks like. It is default apart from the red highlight that was suggested.


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On
        AllowOverride All

        #In some cases where you have other mod_rewrite rules, you may need to comment out the following line
        #and change it to match your folder name. This resets the other mod_rewrite rules for just this directory
        #If your site was www.example.com/forum, the setting would be /forum/
        #RewriteBase /

        # Send css calls directly to the correct file VBV-7807
        RewriteRule ^css.php$ core/css.php [NC,L]

        # Redirect old install path to core.
        RewriteRule ^install/ core/install/ [NC,L]

        # Main Redirect
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css)$
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?routestring=$1 [L,QSA]

        # Because admincp is an actual directory.
        RewriteRule ^(admincp/)$ index.php?routestring=$1 [L,QSA]


<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/atom+xml \
                          text/javascript \
                          application/x-javascript \
                          application/javascript \
                          application/json \
                          application/rss+xml \
                          application/vnd.ms-fontobject \
                          application/x-font-ttf \
                          application/xhtml+xml \
                          application/xml \
                          font/opentype \
                          image/svg+xml \
                          image/x-icon \
                          text/css \
                          text/html \
                          text/plain \
                          text/x-component \

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
        ExpiresActive On
        ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A1209600
        ExpiresByType text/javascript A1209600
        ExpiresByType application/javascript A1209600
        ExpiresByType text/css A31536000
        ExpiresByType image/x-icon A2592000
        ExpiresByType image/icon A2592000
        ExpiresByType application/x-ico A2592000
        ExpiresByType application/ico A2592000
        ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000
        ExpiresByType image/jpeg A1209600
        ExpiresByType image/jpg A1209600
        ExpiresByType image/png A1209600
        ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash A1209600
        ExpiresByType font/ttf A2592000
        ExpiresByType font/otf A2592000
        ExpiresByType font/x-woff A2592000
        ExpiresByType image/svg+xml A2592000
        ExpiresByType font/truetype A2592000
        ExpiresByType font/opentype A2592000
        ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff A2592000
        ExpiresByType application/vnd.ms-fontobject A2592000

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Connection keep-alive
        <filesmatch "\.(ico|flv|gif|swf|eot|woff|otf|ttf|svg)$">
                Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000, public"
        <filesmatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$">
                Header set Cache-Control "max-age=1209600, public"
        <filesmatch "\.(eot|woff|otf|ttf|svg)$">
                Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000, public"
        # css and js should use private for proxy caching https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/best-practices/caching#LeverageProxyCaching
        <filesmatch "\.(css)$">
                Header set Cache-Control "max-age=31536000, private"
        <filesmatch "\.(js)$">
                Header set Cache-Control "max-age=1209600, private"

I have added AllowOverride All and still the same result.
Maybe I have added it in the wrong place?
Apache module is set to rewrite_module.

Zachery 07-17-2015 09:39 AM

Sorry, the AllowOverride needs to be set in the apache config or the vhost, and then apache needs to be restarted.

DemOnstar 07-17-2015 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2550432)
Sorry, the AllowOverride needs to be set in the apache config or the vhost, and then apache needs to be restarted.

Is that a service or a module in Apache?

I don't know where this is going or how to get there. :D

Giving up. :confused:

Thanks anyway.........

Tired of it now. . . .

Zachery 07-17-2015 08:39 PM

That would be in the actual apache httpd.conf or your vhost conf file.

DemOnstar 07-18-2015 12:17 AM

Thanks, I found that whilst I was looking around.
I will try it now.

DemOnstar 07-18-2015 12:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I found it but have no idea. I see Allowoveride occurs twice in the attached file.

Could you spend a minute please. Thanks.

Zachery 07-18-2015 12:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Give this a try.

DemOnstar 07-19-2015 10:35 PM

Nope. Nothing going with that one either.
Tell you what. If I give you the creds for my host, would you be willing to take down my old site and replace it with the new vb 5?
I have made a copy of all the files on the site and db and uploaded the necessary files so no worries, the whole lot can come down, I don't care that much, I just want to test it out.

DemOnstar 07-28-2015 05:53 AM

I guess that will be a no then.

Zachery 07-28-2015 10:02 AM

Sorry, I don't mind helping doing basic stuff, but upgrades and server transfers are not something I can really do for free.

DemOnstar 07-30-2015 12:19 PM

Okay, I will leave it at that.
Thanks anyhow.
I am not disappointed, just perplexed.
The older versions were a piece of pee to install compared to the latest user friendly effort.
I gave up weeks ago. :eek:

DemOnstar 08-03-2015 12:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Story so far.

I found my clear headed PHP chap, bought him a drink and watched him for 30 minutes.

He browsed localhost/vb/core/install/install.php and go the same result I did.


He then renamed the .htaccess and made another attempt.
The result found the install folder but stopped here.


Not sure why in the picture vB doesn't know what the Mysql version is.

Anyway, with the new query, he opened the .htaccess file to this bit.


<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/atom+xml \
                          text/javascript \
                          application/x-javascript \
                        application/javascript \
                          application/json \
                          application/rss+xml \
                          application/vnd.ms-fontobject \
                          application/x-font-ttf \
                          application/xhtml+xml \
                          application/xml \
                          font/opentype \
                          image/svg+xml \
                          image/x-icon \
                          text/css \
                          text/html \
                          text/plain \
                          text/x-component \

He commented some stuff and checked the apache error log.


He concluded by asking me to go to apache modules and enable filter_module.

I then had vB5 installed and bought another round of drinks.

awana 08-05-2015 09:01 PM

When I want to install, I got this error:
mysite/public_html/includes/vb5/frontend/routing.php on line 197

WHat is this???

Gamelobby 12-14-2015 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 2550311)
5.1.7 is absolutely NOT broken, I'm unsure why people like to put nonsense like this in as if it were fact - it does nothing but confuse and misinform people who are trying to get help.

The official installation guide is here:

I have written my own basic instructions:

1. Download the newest vB5 release from the members' area. https://members.vbulletin.com

2. Unzip the files and go to the "upload" folder.

3. You need to rename this file:




Then, you need to rename this file:




Then, in that file, you need to complete the following fields:

$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'forum';
Change forum to whatever your database name is.

$config['Database']['technicalemail'] = 'dbmaster@example.com';
Change the email address to your own.

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'root';
Change root to the database username

$config['MasterServer']['password'] = '';
Enter the database password inside the '' marks.

All other fields should be left as default, unless your database is on a separate server, in which case this will need changing:

$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost';

4. Upload all files to your server/webspace/whatever and browse to yourforumpath.com/core/install/install.php.

1. The two config files (in RED) do they end up in the same folder.?

2. And in step 5 of the read me, it says..
Important: If you are upgrading from vBulletin 3 or 4, backup your existing files and delete the files off your server before proceeding. vBulletin 5 needs to be installed in an empty directory. Do not delete your attachments, customavatar, customprofilepic, or signaturepics folders.

So do i delete off of the server (completely off server), like it says, or does it mean vB5 just needs a fresh folder.?


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