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-   -   Close This forum to unlicensed Member ? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=31869)

renaud_ 10-30-2001 09:46 PM

I know that this hot discussion had ever been discuted :p, but i just wanna had the member's opinion ...

Just explain waht you choose one of thoses 2 ways ...

-> I vote definitively YES !
> because i'm a licensed member and i really don't like to see all newbies using vB as a freeware for warez all the time !

floleb7 10-30-2001 09:49 PM

yes too
we need to have better protection against piracy and don't allow people without license to see this forum is a good step

dirgotronix 10-30-2001 09:52 PM

A resounding YES!

Closing it totally for unliscenced members would make hack distribution FAR easier, if we could distribute and download full source. Like, someone could hack the crap out of a board and release it as a specialty version, etc.

That would make our lives far easier...

DarkReaper 10-30-2001 10:00 PM

Piracy is for insecure people. 'nuff said.

Scott MacVicar 10-30-2001 10:03 PM

yes, i'm all for allowing us to post whole files, the only problem is that in one of the files the liscence number is contained so you couldn't post all files. I won't mention the file as i got into trouble last time for mentioning exactly where it is.

renaud_ 10-30-2001 10:17 PM

hum ...

I can see that there are alreaddy 2 'No' ...

> But 0 replies to explain ...
> I think that's unregistred memebers that don't want to be discovered ...

DarkReaper 10-30-2001 10:18 PM

Or maybe its people who have a license and provide the gateway between Jelsoft and the warez underworld...GRR. :mad:

renaud_ 10-30-2001 10:21 PM


Originally posted by DarkReaper
Or maybe its people who have a license and provide the gateway between Jelsoft and the warez underworld...GRR. :mad:
> i think i'll beat those sort of people before the full unlicensed members !

Bane 10-31-2001 02:37 AM

I will give a reason for a no :)

This is a community software, and as such needs to put forth the image that it is a community. FireFly has rigged the system here so that you cannot download if you are an unlicenced member. Im not sure what else can be done.

Just a quick fact. The final deciding factor in my choice to purchase vbulletin was seeing the cool things rangersfan (freddie) was hacking into vB. Seeing the things that could be done to change the base software to make it fit my needs, and that there were people working towards this end constantly.

floleb7 10-31-2001 02:47 AM

in fact people who use illegal vB don't see all forum but only (IMO) bugs and hacks.
However the most things that i hate it's see that you cannot known in all members of vB forum wich one has a license and wich one uses warez.
Maybe your vbstats hack is used in several warez board and maybe you help in hacks forum the WM of a warez board. But why these people have the right to have the same possibility than customers ?

Bane 10-31-2001 02:57 AM

I know for a fact that my vbstats hack is used in some warez forums. Its unfortunate, but there is nothing I can do to stop it. :( I don't however see the point of closing off the forum any more than it is. :) This is of course just a alternate opinion, I will support whatever decision is made by John and James, just wanted to point out the hacks forum is what ultimately made me decide to make mine VB.

afterlab 10-31-2001 03:00 AM

With out a doubt.. Yes! I payed for mine and worked hard on it.. That shouldn't mean someone can come up here and get vb for free and make it as good as the best forum here. It would seem unfair.

tubedogg 10-31-2001 03:08 AM

These changes were less about stopping piracy (although that's always a goal) but more about stopping the support of piracy. It's one thing for someone to use a pirated board; it's another for that person to come to the support forums and use a Support Team member's time helping with a product they did not legitimately obtain, when the Support person could be spending time on people who actually paid for the product.

MrLister 10-31-2001 03:16 AM

i vote no.. eighter way they can't dl the attachments but the excitment and the amount of good hacks on the board will kill them not being able to dl.

pgam?r? 10-31-2001 06:56 AM

yes: i hate warez
no: befour i got win98 i download it from a warez sit to see i i should buy it i still do this due to paying £50 for crap i would not do if i do not buy it i take it off my pc in a week or so

Bender 10-31-2001 07:57 AM

hmm, posts like the above make me consider voting 'Yes', though I'd usually vote for 'No' ;)

Palmer ofShinra 10-31-2001 08:19 AM

Talk about brass balls...

I just hope the staff are on the case with an IP check and followup to his ISP...

renaud_ 10-31-2001 08:49 AM

hum ...

i believe that Jelsoft didn't care on piracy before because they want vBulletin to expand on the web, like Microsoft done for Windows ...

it's a think ....

maybe i'ts real, maybe not ...

WEBDosser 10-31-2001 09:25 AM

I say yes to protecting the hacks.. BUT. Pirates allways seem to find a way to get what they want and i don't see anyone or anything ever stopping that.

Just my opinion.. sorry.

Bender 10-31-2001 10:39 AM


Originally posted by renaud_
i believe that Jelsoft didn't care on piracy before because they want vBulletin to expand on the web, like Microsoft done for Windows ...

I always knew - Jelsoft is by run by the Illuminati ... maybe even backed up Majestic 12!! :D :D :stoned:

Renat 10-31-2001 02:12 PM

No, nO, no.

Its stupid. :p

If i made a hack, and i want give it to peoples, why anybody may take it away for It own closed site? Where i can submit my work for FREE to everyone? :frus: :frus: Stupid

renaud_ 10-31-2001 03:12 PM

then you think that jelsoft must do the same ?

SaintDog 11-06-2001 08:24 PM

I say yes for sure, there is no reason to allow other non-licensed members to download hacks. The amount of warez compies of vBulletin, UBB, and all the other "pay forums" is rediculous. I see no reason why anyone that is not licensed would need to create or have the hacks that are made specifically for vBulletin.

I mean really.....if you don't have a licensed vBulletin, but are downloading hacks, what does that tell everyone about you? Also if you are making hacks for vBulletin, but are not registered in anyway, what does that again say about you (how can you make hacks for something you "supposedly" don't have :))? This only shows your are operating a pirated copy of vBulletin.

I like how the forums are now, I had a little trouble at first with saving my username in the form within the vB members area but all seems to be working now :). I am glad someone is taking a stance against Bulletin Board Pirates. I ran a copy of the "lite" version of vB and have recently been able to have a licensed full version and I don't like people ruining a good thing.

Look at what happened to UBB - So many people pirated it they have been cracking down like crazy on pirates and have installed call home features to find them (which is not illegal - it only shows who should and should not have a bulletin board running). Not only have they increased security, but the pricing has gone up as well.

We don't want vBulletin to go up anymore do we? The current price of $160 is a fair price considering all the things is it capable of, I don't think anyone wants to see vBulletin raise to the price of UBB.

Anyway, I have made my point, I am for the way it is now, keep it to where only licensed members can download.

antua 11-06-2001 08:38 PM

I am with Bane.

in my own example. I am evaluating which bulletin board to buy
wwwthreads or vbulletin. and one important thing to consider is what kind of plugins could be gotten to improve a bulletin community with specific software. If I see some of this hacks could help me to increase the users loyalty well it will a deciding factor


Originally posted by Bane
I will give a reason for a no :)

This is a community software, and as such needs to put forth the image that it is a community. FireFly has rigged the system here so that you cannot download if you are an unlicenced member. Im not sure what else can be done.

Just a quick fact. The final deciding factor in my choice to purchase vbulletin was seeing the cool things rangersfan (freddie) was hacking into vB. Seeing the things that could be done to change the base software to make it fit my needs, and that there were people working towards this end constantly.

Mark Hensler 11-06-2001 09:42 PM

Hacks are a selling point. You don't buy a computer without first investigating how far you can upgrade it down the road, do you?

Allow unliscenced people to read.

apfeifer 11-06-2001 11:02 PM

Like Mark just said, people need to see what is capable with this software, closing this forum would limit people from seeing that type of information, therefore costing Jelsoft business.

My 2 cents...

SaintDog 11-07-2001 12:19 AM

I don't mean close the forum in general, I mean close the downloads off to anyone that is not licensed. Make it to where they can view images (previews of the hacks), just not be able to download any of them unless they are licensed.

antua 11-07-2001 11:08 PM

yes mark good point it is exactly I think


Originally posted by Mark Hensler
Hacks are a selling point. You don't buy a computer without first investigating how far you can upgrade it down the road, do you?

Allow unliscenced people to read.

antua 11-07-2001 11:13 PM

ok download is one thing but we are unable to see the screenshots or demos that some people post and that is bad for vbulletin since we can't see how do they look. sometimes love born with sight

if i see something that i like it, i buy it


Originally posted by SaintDog
I don't mean close the forum in general, I mean close the downloads off to anyone that is not licensed. Make it to where they can view images (previews of the hacks), just not be able to download any of them unless they are licensed.

SaintDog 11-07-2001 11:18 PM

Well I don't think allowing people to view images can hurt anything :) - let them view them, just stop from downloading.

Reeve of shinra 11-08-2001 01:13 AM


Originally posted by Bane

Just a quick fact. The final deciding factor in my choice to purchase vbulletin was seeing the cool things rangersfan (freddie) was hacking into vB. Seeing the things that could be done to change the base software to make it fit my needs, and that there were people working towards this end constantly.

I AGREE 100% .... The descion for us to go with vB was mostly if not entirely due to the hacking community. In fact, this impressed our main admin enough that we went with vB despite not having a karma hack at that time - the karma hack was a critical part of our forum -- so you can understand how this was wieghed.

Justice 11-08-2001 03:59 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
These changes were less about stopping piracy (although that's always a goal) but more about stopping the support of piracy. It's one thing for someone to use a pirated board; it's another for that person to come to the support forums and use a Support Team member's time helping with a product they did not legitimately obtain, when the Support person could be spending time on people who actually paid for the product.

GrAfiX 11-30-2001 04:19 PM

I vote no for one reason only... the fact I just paid 160 bucks for some software that I will never need support for but yet only get a year then I'm cut off from all life unless I pay more money ... but what if I still want to hack my VB after that time... Then I'm basically screwed cuase these forums and downloads will be cut off from me unless I shell out MORE money... I have done a lot of hacking to my boards myself but I love to get Ideas and put them into my own page... Like I got lots of Ideas for my Welcome page looks almost like the one here but I only used a few snipets of code from here to make it all... (Avatar and Posts since last visit that's all)... But if it wasn't for having access to these forums I never would have done that...

Now maybe if you work out something to where anyone that has paid for version 2.0+ has access to those sections and when 3 comes out give them only access to 3 or something like that but please don't cut off people that paid a lot of money for a product then cut them off from hacks that other end users made that No VB developer put time into....

Not to support warez but I bet a lot of hacks come from these type of people and were just missing out on those hacks great hacks I've seen some most likely illegal boards that had a tons of hacks other than ones found here...

Oh well just my two cents...

Mike(aka GrAfiX)

Edited this post cause I just read the last few... Closing downloads to unregged is fine to a point... I paid for Vbulletin 2.xxx whatever I think I should have access to those hacks nothing more nothing less... But Closing the whole forums down thats a different story... Let people see what they are missing they will come around to buying it..

Scott MacVicar 11-30-2001 04:30 PM

If your liscence is owned and not leased, you should always have access to these forums and support forums. To get new versions you would simply have to renew members area access.

If your liscence is leased you should automatically remove vBulletin from your servers when the time is up, and therefore should not need any hacks from here.

GrAfiX 11-30-2001 04:38 PM

That makes sense then... I don't expect product updates after a year but would still like to be able to get the ideas to hack the board after my year if I so choose.... Thanks for clearing that up PPN


Dark Blaze 11-30-2001 07:20 PM

I think that it was wise to enable downloading abilities only to licensed users. As for the forums, I think it's ok as it is currently...

Dolamite 12-09-2001 10:42 AM

i voted no, because i have yet to buy my license, which is coming my way this christmas, thanks to my generous mother ;)

So, I would not have seen all the cool stuff you have to offer....

Although, I suppose that once I become a License owner, my views would change .... and I probably would despise people that hadn't paid the 160 bucks that I (mom ;)) had to pay.....

which is well worth the cost if you ask me.... vbulletin is really an awesome bulletin board system.... and worth every penny :)


derfelix 12-09-2001 11:55 AM


Originally posted by PPN
If your liscence is owned and not leased, you should always have access to these forums and support forums. To get new versions you would simply have to renew members area access.

I agree (mine is owned too... since april)
you say should and not WILL !!! Because it is not you alone taking the decision....

Thats why i vote NO!!

C-B 12-14-2001 08:06 PM

no...because, just because there is warez about don't mean they carn't come to a site, they carn't dload anyway so don't shut it of, thats like me saying if you r black you cannot come to my site. but i don't most of my friends r black. so let them come to the site. :stupid:

nafae 12-14-2001 08:57 PM

I dont think it has anything to do with racial issues, and honestly it isnt anything like a racial issue even in comparision. African-Americans aren't illegal, pirating vb is. :mad: :rolleyes:

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