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BirdOPrey5 05-13-2015 04:10 PM

Is Cloudflare promoting terrorism?
Was looking through open petitions today on whitehouse.gov and found this: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pet...ting-terrorism


File Criminal Charges Against Cloudflare for promoting terrorism

Cloudflare Inc is in violation of US CODE 2339A.

Cloudflare Inc. is hosting over 50 ISIS related propaganda websites. The evidence is right in front of them. Yet the group refuses to act and instead takes money from criminals in return for hacking and server protection for the ISIS websites. Please act now, and file criminal charges on the orginization for supporting terrorism.

I know Cloudflare like to think they can absolve themselves of responsibility of what they "host" but they shouldn't get a pass any more than any other host.

Dave 05-13-2015 08:14 PM

They also "host" a bunch of booters (DDoS services), blackhat forums and other fishy sites/forums.
Here's a blog post of Cloudflare regarding stuff like this: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-and-free-speech/

blind-eddie 05-13-2015 08:53 PM

And our government requires a petition to be signed by 10000 citizens before it will take action?

BirdOPrey5 05-13-2015 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by blind-eddie (Post 2545475)
And our government requires a petition to be signed by 10000 citizens before it will take action?

100,000 and action isn't guaranteed... in fact it almost never happens, but someone in the white house will make an official comment at least.

blind-eddie 05-13-2015 11:46 PM

I missed a zero...We live in the most corrupt country in the world. Sad...

TheLastSuperman 05-14-2015 08:42 PM

You all act as if this should shock most?! Money makes the world go round' as they say and no matter how cloudflare goes about it you all compromise in some form or another everyday.

Eat Chick-fil-a? What about their stance on Gay Marriage? Either you're for or against it, either way if you make a purchase you just swallowed your pride no matter which side you stand on.
Purchase at Hobby Lobby? What about their stance on abortion? Same thing here, for or against it... if hobby lobby has what you need and you can't get it elsewhere and you purchase... well then what say you now?

No one likes to swallow their pride unless they feel comfortable doing so. Don't hate "cloudflare" but certainly continue to hate Isis as that's YOUR prerogative to do so.

My point is, justifying something makes it so others can live with it, everyone is different and everyone has a right to their own beliefs. I seriously doubt anyone at cloudflare has a secret room with a red phone using a dedicated line to the Batcave to promote terrorism - IF thats what anyone else was wondering, the answer is no and more than likely the only person in the world with a real working red phone would be Adam West :p.

BirdOPrey5 05-14-2015 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2545515)
You all act as if this should shock most?! Money makes the world go round' as they say and no matter how cloudflare goes about it you all compromise in some form or another everyday.

Eat Chick-fil-a? What about their stance on Gay Marriage? Either you're for or against it, either way if you make a purchase you just swallowed your pride no matter which side you stand on.
Purchase at Hobby Lobby? What about their stance on abortion? Same thing here, for or against it... if hobby lobby has what you need and you can't get it elsewhere and you purchase... well then what say you now?

No one likes to swallow their pride unless they feel comfortable doing so. Don't hate "cloudflare" but certainly continue to hate Isis as that's YOUR prerogative to do so.

My point is, justifying something makes it so others can live with it, everyone is different and everyone has a right to their own beliefs. I seriously doubt anyone at cloudflare has a secret room with a red phone using a dedicated line to the Batcave to promote terrorism - IF thats what anyone else was wondering, the answer is no and more than likely the only person in the world with a real working red phone would be Adam West :p.

Reasonable people can have different opinions on abortions, gay marriage, and all the political issues of the day. I'm not one to call for a boycott every time a company makes a decision that doesn't agree with my politics.

But terrorism is different. I would eat Pizza at a Pizza Place that is own by a gay couple. I would eat Pizza at a Pizza Place owned by a Christian against gay marriage. I would not buy Pizza at a Pizza Place actively support ISIS or Al Qaeda.

Making their websites easier to access and more secure IS actively supporting those organizations.

Cloudflare takes a stance that is easy and cheap for them to take. I don't believe for a second they are as dedicated to free speech as they claim- it's just easy for them to do nothing about anything and try to say it's their philosophy. BS. If it was cheaper for them to shut down terror related sites, they would.

ozzy47 05-14-2015 09:09 PM

I agree Joe, there comes a point where money is not the issue, your morals should take over.

final kaoss 05-14-2015 10:15 PM

At the least they could follow DMCA takedown requests so that such sites aren't using their cdn anymore. Much like google had to do with takedown requests regarding torrent sites they indexed.

SaN-DeeP 05-15-2015 06:05 PM

Sorry.. but I made a comment.reply and was removed
got failed to add here.. Will add again in case.

Kindly remove this message if my response failed to get added.

BirdOPrey5 05-15-2015 07:44 PM

No replies have been removed from this thread. If you don't see a reply it didn't go through for whatever reason. (Maybe because we're not using Cloudflare!) (joking...)

TheLastSuperman 05-15-2015 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2545517)
But terrorism is different. I would eat Pizza at a Pizza Place that is own by a gay couple. I would eat Pizza at a Pizza Place owned by a Christian against gay marriage. I would not buy Pizza at a Pizza Place actively support ISIS or Al Qaeda.

Making their websites easier to access and more secure IS actively supporting those organizations.

Cloudflare takes a stance that is easy and cheap for them to take. I don't believe for a second they are as dedicated to free speech as they claim- it's just easy for them to do nothing about anything and try to say it's their philosophy. BS. If it was cheaper for them to shut down terror related sites, they would.

Not entirely, to actively support something you must be involved in it directly, cloudflare just sells a service. If we go about it in a strict manner such as this then shoot we might as well not use ANY host and close our sites down because we promote copyright infringement by paying a host who has clients that rip people off even though it might be 1% of their client base - point being its a fine line and ftards exist everywhere, using the same services and such you're privileged to use as well - terrorist are on trains, planes, buses and more - lets boycott it all! I'm against terrorism but to say just because someone sells a service that they support or side with those purchasing said service is not my line of thinking but to each their own, why I love folks we're all different and sometimes you all open my eyes to different ways of thinking, always appreciate that ;).

Paul M 05-15-2015 11:09 PM

How are they "promoting" it ?
Are their some banners somewhere ? or are they doing some kind of publicity about it ?

There is a difference between a business simply doing what its supposed to do (sell its services) and them actively promoting somethng.

The only issue here seems to be whether they are breaking the law, if so, then they need to act.

BirdOPrey5 05-16-2015 01:08 PM

Lending your services to an organization that is a front for ISIS is supporting terrorism. The purpose of those websites is to promote ISIS, their views and their organization. The goal is to get westerners to come fight for ISIS.

Even if Cloudflare only makes it easier for someone to get to their content, they are helping promote terrorism.

Without Cloudflare the poor servers ISIS would otherwise have access to would be offline and/or overloaded more easily.

With Cloudflare they are able to get their message out to more people without downtime.

How are they not promoting terrorism?

SaN-DeeP 05-16-2015 06:20 PM


Lending your services to an organization that is a front for ISIS is supporting terrorism.
Even if Cloudflare only makes it easier for someone to get to their content, they are helping promote terrorism.
Just +1 this, my original comment probably did not get posted meant same...

final kaoss 05-17-2015 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2545628)
Lending your services to an organization that is a front for ISIS is supporting terrorism. The purpose of those websites is to promote ISIS, their views and their organization. The goal is to get westerners to come fight for ISIS.

Even if Cloudflare only makes it easier for someone to get to their content, they are helping promote terrorism.

Without Cloudflare the poor servers ISIS would otherwise have access to would be offline and/or overloaded more easily.

With Cloudflare they are able to get their message out to more people without downtime.

How are they not promoting terrorism?

They're hosting the sites content, cloudflare themselves are not encouraging people to make or follow these sites. That's the terrorism sites themselves that do that part. That is how they aren't promoting terrorism. Hell dude don't act like your so damn blind as to what is really going on, just for the sake of continuing an argument.

I think that what you should be asking instead is why is their host provider not taking down their sites? You know the people that actually host the site on a vps and provide them with ftp, shell access etc. Yeah I think you should be looking at them instead. In reality, they are what allows the site to stay online, with or without a CDN.

BirdOPrey5 05-17-2015 03:27 PM

The hosts themselves can be in ISIS controlled territory. We're not policing the internet itself- I think that is far more radical to be honest.

Cloudflare is a western company doing business in the United States and other "Western" nations. They are aiding an abetting an enemy that would behead their employees, their families, and their children given the chance.

TheLastSuperman 05-17-2015 05:29 PM

We will all be just fine, from what I've read Isis already pissed off Anonymous so here soon enough one radical group will take out the other lol.

Zachery 05-18-2015 12:23 PM

Sometimes you have to wonder if a company is not doing something because its working with law enforcement.

RichieBoy67 05-18-2015 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2545748)
Sometimes you have to wonder if a company is not doing something because its working with law enforcement.

I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps there is a reason these sites have not been taken down by the goverment.

thetechgenius 05-19-2015 01:26 PM

Honestly, its not cloudflares fault, the government should go after the Web Hosting provider, or the terrorist ISP that hosts the websites.

Digital Jedi 05-19-2015 07:17 PM

Keep your friends close. And your enemies on a separate feed.

Zachery 05-19-2015 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by thetechgenius (Post 2545856)
Honestly, its not cloudflares fault, the government should go after the Web Hosting provider, or the terrorist ISP that hosts the websites.

CloudFlare is effectively acting like a hosting provider, but playing dumb like they're not.

Wakey 06-16-2015 07:26 AM

If they start withdrawing their service from ISIS sites where does it stop though? Should Cloudflare really be expected to act as the moral compass of the Internet and whose morals are they supposed to be taking?

There are plenty of countries that people consider to be terrorist states including Isreal, Palistine, the U.S.A a& Russia and which every site operating in one of these are funding terrorism with their taxes so should Cloudflare stop providing their service to sites in those countries?

And there are plenty of sites that promote what myself and others consider hate speech and hate groups. The U.S Republicain party for example who's stance on homosexuality, gay rights and abortion are to me bigoted but anyone supporting and agreeing with those views are allowed to have those views. Should Cloudflare decided any such sites that openly support the Republicain party or just one or all their views in general shouldn't be allowed to use the service. The same with Christian groups.

No company should be expected to be our moral compass. As long as the site isn't activily doing something illegal then which the examples of ISIS sites I've seen on the news they seem careful not to cross that line then It shouldn't be Cloudflares duty

BirdOPrey5 06-16-2015 08:38 AM

They can stop at sites that don't promote the beheading of innocent people. That can be the line. If you only kidnap people for profit, and only rape people, and don't behead them, then they can host your sites. Beheading the innocent is the line if they need one.

Wakey 06-18-2015 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2547930)
They can stop at sites that don't promote the beheading of innocent people. That can be the line. If you only kidnap people for profit, and only rape people, and don't behead them, then they can host your sites. Beheading the innocent is the line if they need one.

Have you gone and checked out all these 'ISIS' sites protected by Cloudflare? How many of them are promoting the beheading of innocent people? As many of the media reports on Anonymous war on the ISIS sites makes mention of very few of the sites on their list of those being hosted/protected by western companies are actually even activily promoting the ISIS cause on the sites but rather are deemed guilty by association (There is a Twitter account that's uses the same name as the site which is more hardline, they may include a link so where on the site to a more hardline ISIS site and the likes). The sites doing things like preaching the most radical elements or posting the beheading videos largely aren't the ones being hosted/protected by western companies.

XiTCLUB 06-18-2015 10:54 AM

I Don't see any problem using CloudFlare, it just boosted my forum's speed and performance. This conversation will remain in this forum only nothing gonna happen and stop wasting time here. if you don't like the than don't use theme :)

final kaoss 06-19-2015 11:30 PM

We know what cloudflare's services does but you seem to be completely missing the topic of this thread.

RichieBoy67 06-20-2015 06:22 AM

These things happen with freedom and just because they do not monitor or moderate sites does not mean they are promoting anything.

Plus I say let them host those sites so we can track. The usa has already killed many isis leaders and others due to tracking their movements through the internet. Let them keep putting up their websites.

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