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TheAdminMarket 01-07-2015 10:00 PM

eCommerce for vB4.2.2+
Since 2006 I was serving community members with my Free Mods
But as this site will starts operating by the company,
I'm no willing to support them

** File Removed **


The complete eCommerce solution for vBulletin 4.2.2+
Supports Downloadable Products, Physical Products, Subscriptions, Services
Fully compatible with EU directive for collecting EU VAT from EU Citizens


I'm offering my hard work for free, without even a single copyright line in footer, expecting that some of you will appreciate the time that I spent for coding it and they will donate something.

Version 2.1.2 is the Commercial version which among other great features it has:
  • No Copyright link
  • Supports Donations
  • Site Reviews
  • Contact Us per product
  • .......and many more features that really I don't remember them.

eCommerce is a fully featured Shopping Cart for vBulletin 4.x, with support for Downloadable & Pysical Products, Subscriptions and Services, without missing any feature even from commercial scripts. Installation is very easy, you just need sometime for the initial configuration. Last but not least eCommerce is currently the only cart available for vB4 which supports EU VAT to fullfill with EU directive for online sales (valid since Jan 1st, 2015). Going one step ahead it auto validates Business EU VAT id to exclude them of paying VAT.


Since version 1.8.4 there is also a PRO version available at my site. Current Commercial version: 2.1.1

DEMO: http://www.teriakis.com/vb423/cart.php
Demo Accounts:
demouser1 / demopass1
demouser2 / demopass2
demouser3 / demopass3
Please note that Taxes and Shipping are not enabled in the demo. You can order the demo product with 0 price to be able to check the Client area.

  1. Report any Bug only on the link above. Reporting Bugs here will be ignored. This thread should be ONLY for questions. Thank you.
  2. eCommerce is an update of microCART, with fixed all bugs that I found, many design issues corrected, and some new features added (the most important is the support for EU VAT). I decided to release a new product with different name as microCART had 2 versions (Lite and Pro) and I wanted to avoid system mess. Please note that I've the rights to release this addon. Actually the original code was mine.
1.- Highlights
  • Supports Downloadable products
  • Supports Physical products too!!
  • Supports Subscriptions (Even Reccuring)
  • Supports Services
  • Ability to upgrade usergroup per product
  • Unlimited depth levels of categories
  • Unlimited Products
  • Supports Renewals
  • Ability to Add Orders manually
  • Accept payments with PayPal, 2CO & ccBill (Credits for ccBill to kastak)
  • Supports AddOns
  • Support Product Option to Increase/Decrease the price
  • Unlimited Screenshoots per product
  • Unlimited Files per product, so the customers can download previous versions
  • Unlimited Agreements
  • Customers (and only those who have bought that product) can rate and review it.
  • Admin can turn On/Off the Reviews per product
  • Uses HTML Editor.
  • Unlimited Tax levels.
  • Shipping Zones with unlimited shipping choices per zone.
  • Supports Delivery locations (unlimited depth, eg Country, State, Area with different setup for Tax and Shipping per category.
  • Collect Customer details at Checkout.
  • Auto Tax calculation.
  • Auto Shipping calculation.
  • Supports PDF Invoice creation.
  • Since version 1.5.0 supports Donations with many featured
  • New in ver.1.6.0: Donation Form Generator for auto include in Forum sidebar or get the code and add it to any HTML page even in different website.
2.- Installation
  • Download and unzip eCommerce.zip file
  • Upload all the files in your site keeping the same structure. eg cart.php must be on the same level as your forum.php
  • CMOD 777 the directories:
    • ecommerce/photos
    • ecommerce/photos/categories
    • ecommerce/photos/medium
    • ecommerce/photos/thumbs
    • ecommerce/photos/tmp
    • ecommerce/pdf
    • ecommerce/pdf/fonts
    • ecommerce/pdf/images
  • Login to your admincp and import product-microcart.xml
3.- Configuration
  • First of all you need to setup eCommerce General Options. The most important option is to set the path to the directory where you'll store the files. For security reasons you must create a directory over the public area. Then write the full path in the options. Don't forget the trailing slash at the end. Example:
    • /home/username/downloads/
  • Setup Usergroup permissions. Available options are:
    • Can access the store
    • Can order
    • Can Moderate (for furthure use)
  • Setup Categories and Subcategories for your store.
  • Setup your Agreements (at least one)
  • Setup Taxes. Please note that since Jan 1st, 2015, you must collect EU VAT from your EU Clients even if your store is locating outside EU. If you follow this directive or not is not my problem.
  • Setup Locations and assign them Tax and Shipping (but offcourse you can let them to None).
  • Start adding products but from AddOns and Services. It will helps you to save time, as when at a later time you add a main product, you can choose the addons.
4.- Product Options (Configurations)

eCommerce supports configurable options. Not just simple text choices, but options that can increase/decrease the total price. That's why you need to pay extra attention on entering these options to avoid pricing mess.

First of all, you can find these options as "Extra Options" on the droplist on the right of each product (AdminCP). By choosing it you'll get a list of all available configurable options for the specific product. You can Edit and Delete it, or you can change the display order. Click "New Extra Option" to add one.

There is no need for explanation of title. Write there anything that you want. Examples of configuration options are: Color, Size, Ram, Hard disk etc. So let's write Size. In the box below you must add all the available options keeping the format:

  • 0|Normal : This option dosen't changes the product's price and it will appears as: Normal
  • 15.30|Large : This option increases the price by 15.30 and it will appears as: Large (+$15.30) ... The currency symbol is the one that you've setup. DON'T NEED TO ENTER CURRENCY SYMBOL HERE
  • -7.50|Mini : This option decreases the price by 7.50 and it will appears as: Mini (-$7.50). ONCE MORE: DONT ADD CURRENCY SYMBOL.
5.- Product Terminology
  • Price: Is the normal price that you're selling a product (eg 49.95)
  • Discount: Is the amount that you're giving as discount. eg if you place 4.95 here the price will appear as $49.95 $45.00
  • AddOns. Are products that someone can order in the same form (eg Installation, Brand Free etc).
6.- Understanding Shipping Zones

To understand Shipping fields (Base weight, Base fare, Extra weight, Extra fare), you must know how the companies (at least the most of them) are working. They're saying: Till 3 kilos the rate is $15. More than 3 kilos you must add $3 per 500gr (1/2 kilos). In this example you must setup:
  1. Base weight 3000 (in grammars) or 3 (in kilos)
  2. Base fare 15.00
  3. Extra weight 500 (in grammars) or 0.5 (in kilos)
  4. Extra fare 3.00
  5. Please note to use the same as the definied in the general option weight unit. Setting in options kgr and here grammars is the best way to mess your shop.
7.- SEO Friendly URLs

eCommerce supports htaccess type SEO friendly URLs. The types are:
  • store/1/my-category/ For Categories
  • product/1/my-product/ For Products
If you want to enable them:
  1. Upload .htaccess file to your forum directory
  2. If you already have a .htaccess file in your installation add the 2 lines belon on it.
  3. Enable SEO URLs in admincp-> eCommerce-> General Options

RewriteRule ^store/([^/]*)/ ./cart.php?do=main&catid=$1 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^product/([^/]*)/ ./cart.php?do=viewproduct&productid=$1 [L,NC]

  • You can change the words store and product with your own but in this case you must change the words in the product options.
  • If you've the default .htaccess file that comes with vBulletin you need to add these 2 lines at the top, just after the line: RewriteEngine on
8.- Friedly notes
  • Please let my copyright link in place. Thank you.
I wish you a huge amount of sales !!

hoangserip 01-08-2015 10:54 AM

Thank You Very Much NickTheGreek

RichieBoy67 01-08-2015 11:08 AM

Nice to see you again! I love this! Great work!

Dave 01-08-2015 11:29 AM

AdminCP file doesn't work because PHP shorttags are used at some places which is not enabled on all servers, all instances of <? need to be replaced by <?php in order to make it work on all servers.

joeychgo 01-08-2015 01:25 PM

re: physical products

Does this support the choice of size / color? ie T-Shirt, Black, XL

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2531227)
re: physical products

Does this support the choice of size / color? ie T-Shirt, Black, XL

Yes it supports any type.

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 2531215)
AdminCP file doesn't work because PHP shorttags are used at some places which is not enabled on all servers, all instances of <? need to be replaced by <?php in order to make it work on all servers.

Have changed them now. Thank you. I'll release the new file with some other changes a bit later today.

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 03:19 PM

A security risk found and reported by DAVE (Thank you Dave) in the assetmanager, plus some other variables in the code that had left unvalidated. All have fixed immediatelly, and the update version 1.1.0 has been released.

To Update:
1.- REMOVE COMPLETELLY the directory ecommerce/editor/assetmanager/
2.- Upload cart.php, cart_gateway.php and clientarea.php to your forum directory
3.- Upload ecommerce_admin.php to your admincp
4.- Import product-ecommerce.xml just to update the version number.

Once again I want to thank DAVE for his help. After 10 years and 50+ addon releases is the first one who contact me to report these issues instead to report them for addon removal.

ozzy47 01-08-2015 03:24 PM

Yeah Dave is a awesome dude, he usually contacts the developer first. I go to him quite often with concerns, and to have him check code for me. :)

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2531254)
Yeah Dave is a awesome dude, he usually contacts the developer first. I go to him quite often with concerns, and to have him check code for me. :)

Yeap. Very Professional approach of his side. Next time before releasing anything I'll send the files to him for checking. Hope that his rates are not like Calorie (the ex-moderator here) who on 2007 she asked me $200 per file. And it was for vbClubs an addon with 44 files !!

ozzy47 01-08-2015 03:34 PM

TBH, I have never seen Dave charge anything. I see him download all new released mods, and checks them on his own.

He will also tell you exactly where the issue lies, and how to correct it if necessary. :)

Dave 01-08-2015 03:38 PM

Oh stop it guys. :o
I enjoy looking for security mistakes in plugins in my free time.

Also this is more of a reason to use this plugin instead of the old outdated MicroCART.

ozzy47 01-08-2015 03:40 PM

Believe me Dave, if half the users here knew what you did, they would appreciate it also. :)

HM666 01-08-2015 04:05 PM

@Nick it looks great! Thanks for the release!

HM666 01-08-2015 04:16 PM

Found a problem in the installation files: you have this:


For the CHMOD'S when its actually this:


Have a problem. :( Cannot change anything past the original options.


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM ecommerce_categories WHERE parentid=0 GROUP BY id, name, displayorder ORDER BY displayorder ASC, name ASC;

MySQL Error  : Table 'lenmkais_vbulletin4.ecommerce_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Thursday, January 8th 2015 @ 06:28:43 PM
Error Date    : Thursday, January 8th 2015 @ 06:28:43 PM
Script        : http://lenmkaiser.com/xxxx/ecommerce_admin.php?do=categories
Referrer      : http://lenmkaiser.com/xxxx/index.php?do=savenavprefs&nojs=0&navprefs=vbulletin_0,vbulletin_1,vbulletin_2,vbulletin_3,vbulletin_4,vbulletin_5,vbulletin_6,vbulletin_7,vbulletin_8,vbulletin_9,vbulletin_10,vbulletin_11,vbulletin_12,vbulletin_13,vbulletin_14,vbulletin_15,vbulletin_16,vbulletin_17,vbulletin_18,vbulletin_19,vbulletin_20,vbulletin_21,vbulletin_22,vbulletin_23,vbulletin_24,vbulletin_25,vbulletin_26,vbulletin_27,vbulletin_28,vbulletin_29,vbulletin_30,vbulletin_31,vbulletin_32,vbulletin_33,vbulletin_34,microsupport_0,ecommerce_0,vbcms_0,reviews_0,vbprojecttools_0,_0,postthanks_0,rbs_0
IP Address    : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Username      : LenKaiser
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.40-cll

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by HM666 (Post 2531279)
Have a problem. :( Cannot change anything past the original options.

[CODE]Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Where did you got this message? Trying to import the product or what?

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 05:18 PM

As I seen is from ecommerce_admin.php file. I have updated my installation and trying the Categories menu and it works fine.

Barbaro 01-08-2015 05:35 PM

also problems


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM ecommerce_categories WHERE parentid=0 GROUP BY id, name, displayorder ORDER BY displayorder ASC, name ASC;

MySQL Error  : Table 'blogerxd_blog.ecommerce_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Thursday, January 8th 2015 @ 08:33:40 PM
Error Date    : Thursday, January 8th 2015 @ 08:33:40 PM
Script        : http://blogerxd.com/admincp/ecommerce_admin.php?do=categories
Referrer      : http://blogerxd.com/admincp/index.php?do=nav
IP Address    : xxxxxxxxx
Username      : xxxxxxxxx
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.40-cll

HM666 01-08-2015 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by NickTheGreek (Post 2531289)
Where did you got this message? Trying to import the product or what?

As I said when I click on the Categories link in the AdminCP. The only links that work in the AdminCP is General Options, Payment Gateways & Email Options & Templates. I've imported the product with no problem. Apparently the script is calling a database table that is not there its the same in every link that does not work. It is putting the wrong prefix in front of the table automatically. I do not have any prefix for my database tables.


Originally Posted by NickTheGreek (Post 2531292)
As I seen is from ecommerce_admin.php file. I have updated my installation and trying the Categories menu and it works fine.

I downloaded the package again and overwrote that file and it still does not work.

Could this be because of the issues that Dave reported earlier? I'm running PHP 5.4.26

Barbaro 01-08-2015 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by HM666 (Post 2531299)
As I said when I click on the Categories link in the AdminCP. The only links that work in the AdminCP is General Options, Payment Gateways & Email Options & Templates. I've imported the product with no problem. Apparently the script is calling a database table that is not there its the same in every link that does not work. It is putting the wrong prefix in front of the table automatically. I do not have any prefix for my database tables.

I downloaded the package again and overwrote that file and it still does not work.

Could this be because of the issues that Dave reported earlier? I'm running PHP 5.4.26

I spend equal

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by HM666 (Post 2531299)
As I said when I click on the Categories link in the AdminCP. The only links that work in the AdminCP is General Options, Payment Gateways & Email Options & Templates. I've imported the product with no problem. Apparently the script is calling a database table that is not there its the same in every link that does not work. It is putting the wrong prefix in front of the table automatically. I do not have any prefix for my database tables.

I downloaded the package again and overwrote that file and it still does not work.

Could this be because of the issues that Dave reported earlier? I'm running PHP 5.4.26

Let me uninstall a testing installation and install it again, because, as for me it works fine.

HM666 01-08-2015 06:00 PM

Okie dokie. If you need a login or something on my site let me know. Oh and also there is a database error when I click on the link in the menu to view the shop on the web page. I've disabled the shop tab for now.

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by HM666 (Post 2531308)
Okie dokie. If you need a login or something on my site let me know. Oh and also there is a database error when I click on the link in the menu to view the shop on the web page. I've disabled the shop tab for now.

Really don't know what can be wrong in your installation. For me works fine. I had a demo installation. It was working. Then I uploaded the files that changed in version 1.1.0. Worked fine. Now I uninstalled the mod and I installed it again. I can move to all menus in admincp without any problem or database error.

If you haven't entered any data, maybe is better to completely uninstall the addon, remove (or rename) the ecommerce folder and start with a fresh installation?

If still have problems PM connection details to your installation but I'll look on them in 10 hours. Now is 22:00pm here, not a good time to connect to sites :)

TheAdminMarket 01-08-2015 06:15 PM


Did you had microCART installed in your sites? Even if I've renamed the important files and database table names, you never know.

HM666 01-08-2015 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by NickTheGreek (Post 2531311)

Did you had microCART installed in your sites? Even if I've renamed the important files and database table names, you never know.

Yeah I did have it installed and it was working ok. I uninstalled it and deleted the files from it.

Dave 01-08-2015 06:31 PM

The problem here is that the installation script in product-ecommerce.xml creates tables like vb4x_ecommerce_agreements, but the files use ecommerce_agreements, without the vb4x_ prefix.

Table names in the installation script needs to be changed.

HM666 01-08-2015 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 2531314)
The problem here is that the installation script in product-ecommerce.xml creates tables like vb4x_ecommerce_agreements, but the files use ecommerce_agreements, without the vb4x_ prefix.

Table names in the installation script needs to be changed.

Ah that makes sense :) I'm sure Nick will fix it after some rest :)

Nirjonadda 01-08-2015 08:09 PM

I hate any mod from Christos Teriakis, Its more then dead projects because he/she like to change username or support website name.

ozzy47 01-08-2015 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Nirjonadda (Post 2531334)
I hate any mod from Christos Teriakis, Its more then dead projects because he/she like to change username or support website name.

Then you have no reason to use it, if you do not like it. :)

Johnny G 01-08-2015 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nirjonadda (Post 2531334)
I hate any mod from Christos Teriakis, Its more then dead projects because he/she like to change username or support website name.

Nick has stepped in, and brought to life a very good, but dead product. He's done a superb job, IMO. If you don't like it, don't download it, don't mark it as installed, and maybe don't comment?

TheLastSuperman 01-08-2015 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Nirjonadda (Post 2531334)
I hate any mod from Christos Teriakis, Its more then dead projects because he/she like to change username or support website name.

Nick is Christos from what I recall, needless to say if you're not happy with a coder and/or his products or services you should not be using them, if you do then the need to comment is no longer your prerogative - you can certainly still comment but we'll all just ignore it, the same as you should their mods due to the iffy'ness they've shown in the past if you feel that way.

TheAdminMarket 01-09-2015 05:19 AM

I need to apologize for my childish mistake which caused problems and waste of time for you. In my effort to make the code more solid and understandable I remove all database version changes and I replaced them with a screendump from phpMyAdmin. At that point I did the mistake as I forgot to change the table prefix. Novice mistake but I did it.

I've released version 1.2.0 which will build the correct tables. To upgrade:

1.- Clicking Edit on the right of the product

2.- Replace the uninstall code with the code below.

        DROP TABLE
        `vb4x_ecommerce_categories`, `vb4x_ecommerce_products`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_product_photos`, `vb4x_ecommerce_product_files`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_product_types`, `vb4x_ecommerce_carts`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_orders`, `vb4x_ecommerce_payments`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_agreements`, `vb4x_ecommerce_domains`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_product_fields`, `vb4x_ecommerce_invoices`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_locations`, `vb4x_ecommerce_taxes`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_zones`, `vb4x_ecommerce_zone_fares`,
        `vb4x_ecommerce_customers`, `vb4x_ecommerce_coupon`,

3.- Unistall the product
4.- Import the new product-ecommerce.xml file.

Once again sorry for troubles,

ozzy47 01-09-2015 09:43 AM

Christos, things like this happen to developers all the time. we rush to get things out, to the members, and mistakes are made. No worries brother. :)

TheAdminMarket 01-09-2015 10:13 AM

No. This time is not a bug fix update :) . Just added some design improvments that I found very useful for myself, hope that you'll also like them even if you'll not finally use them.
  1. As you maybe seen there was a global option to show the cart (options, addons and buynow button) above the tabs or as a seperate tab. This was good but not the best. Now I move this setting per product. So when you add a product you can decide if you want the cart above the tabs or as a seperate tab.
  2. The other improvment is on the view item page. As is now the page looks good if its a complete item with options, addons, links, screenshots, reviews etc. But what about if the item is something simple? eg Installation service... what reviews to show here, or what screenshots etc. That's why I build a new template which has a minimal interface. So, if you want for a specific product to use this minimalist template just select YES to "Use Simple Template?"
  3. This is a correction. I cached some missing template names.
To upgrade:
  1. Upload ecommerce_admin.php to admincp directory
  2. Upload functions.php to ecommerce/ directory
  3. Upload cart.php and clientarea.php to forum directory
  4. Import the product-ecommerce.xml
Thank you

Johnny G 01-09-2015 10:51 AM

Lovely mod, Nick. Downloaded and installed!!

I've an idea for your next iteration of the product. Drop shipped products, where you'd need to have:
forums own item code,
suppliers item code,
suppliers email address which is sent with the order once checkout is done,
forum sale price to customer,
forum cost price from supplier,
any configurable tax per item,
any configurable PayPal surcharge,
any configurable postage per item.

If you can add that, you'll have THE best forum shopping plugin around.

TheAdminMarket 01-09-2015 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny G (Post 2531445)
Lovely mod, Nick. Downloaded and installed!!

I've an idea for your next iteration of the product. Drop shipped products, where you'd need to have:
forums own item code,
suppliers item code,
suppliers email address which is sent with the order once checkout is done,
forum sale price to customer,
forum cost price from supplier,
any configurable tax per item,
any configurable PayPal surcharge,
any configurable postage per item.

If you can add that, you'll have THE best forum shopping plugin around.

....lol... My dear Johnny, this should not be only the best forun shopping plugin but even the best PHP script at all :)

1.- Have forgot to write in details that comparing with micrCART I've added email templates for: New Order (Successful payment), New Order (Declined Payment), Invoice still unpaid (in case of declined payment), Renewal Reminder and Subscription expired. So it's easy to send a copy of them to someone else.

2.- What it means "forum" cost, sale etc?

3.- Tax per item is in my plans, but why shipping per item? Do you plan to ship item by item and not a parcel with all items?

4.- PayPal subcharge can also be add in the meaning: From xx to xxx price a standard amount and then a percentage for the rest. Or in the way that PayPal works, can't remember right now.

Johnny G 01-09-2015 11:20 AM

Haha! Touch?! ;)

1. If you can have each product send a mail to a different address, e.g. if we drop ship tyres and clothing, we'll have different suppliers for the tyres than we could for shirts.
So if we could have a supplier email that sent the following, and had it configurable per product.
Items bought:

That way, the shop would automate a lot of the forum selling activities. I think a lot of forums use drop shipping.

2. Forum cost is the cost to us to buy the part. Example:
A shirt might cost us ?4.50 to buy, but we sell it at ?6.00 if the mail that's sent outputs both, it makes the accounting easier.

3. We have a wide range of product sizes - as mentioned, so shipping costs vary a lot for us.

4. I think PayPal charge 3 or 4%


TheAdminMarket 01-09-2015 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny G (Post 2531454)
Haha! Touch?! ;)

1. If you can have each product send a mail to a different address, e.g. if we drop ship tyres and clothing, we'll have different suppliers for the tyres than we could for shirts.
So if we could have a supplier email that sent the following, and had it configurable per product.
Items bought:

That way, the shop would automate a lot of the forum selling activities. I think a lot of forums use drop shipping.

2. Forum cost is the cost to us to buy the part. Example:
A shirt might cost us ?4.50 to buy, but we sell it at ?6.00 if the mail that's sent outputs both, it makes the accounting easier.

3. We have a wide range of product sizes - as mentioned, so shipping costs vary a lot for us.

4. I think PayPal charge 3 or 4%


I'll see what I can add in the next major release but I'm not promising anything. I don't expect to have more than 15 installations, not because the mod is not good, but because the vBulletin market is so small in nowadays. Even for other very good addons and not so specific in use like this, have no more than 20-25 installations. That said, I'll focus only to add features mainly for my own use, and secondary common for all uses.

joeychgo 01-09-2015 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by NickTheGreek (Post 2531230)
Yes it supports any type.

Any type? So it can process product variables?

TheAdminMarket 01-09-2015 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2531509)
Any type? So it can process product variables?

Can you be a bit more specific to avoid misunderstandings? What options to do you want to add?

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  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete