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ozzy47 11-23-2014 10:00 PM

[OzzModz] Advanced Footer
Another mod brought to you by,

This is a pretty cool mod that completely redesigns your forums footer. It adds everything into a block, and has four columns to display different info in them.
Inspiration came from Advanced Footer Rework coded by The Rocketeer and Awesome footer with Social Icons coded by socialteenz. Problem with those two mods that I had is it was all template editing, and I really don't like template edit mods on sites, I prefer it is all done automatically.

Another feature of this mod, is there is settings for the mod, that you can enter any custom code that any other mods have told you to add to the beginning or end of your footer. Again, this is designed so you do not have to do template editing. :)

It is a simple installation, upload the contents of the UPLOAD folder then import the product XML, ozzmodz_advanced_footer

You can edit the options under the settings, [OzzModz] Advanced Footer Settings
There is three ACP interface pages to add/edit the recommended links, quick links and the social media links.

Below is what the mod looks like running on the site.


Major Features

No Additional Queries: The awesome part of this mod is it uses the datastore, so it adds no additional queries to the site.

Disable On Styles: You can disable this mod on any style, in case it breaks the style.

Interactive Main ACP Pages: When viewing the links you added, you can set the display order, toggle the active status, toggle the _nofollow and toggle if the site opens in a new tab or same tab, all without editing each entry individually.

Unlimited Links: You can have as many links in each column as you want, there is no limits..

Usergroup Permissions: When adding or editing a link, you can select which usergroups can see the link.

Complete Feature List

General Settings
  • Option to disable the mod completely.
  • Option to disable the mod on certain styles, in case it breaks the style.
  • Option set which way you want the About column to show the text from.
  • Setting to enter the text for the About column, if you don't want to use the meta description.
  • Setting to enter any code another mod may have told you to add in the beginning of your footer.
  • Setting to enter any code another mod may have told you to add in the end of your footer.
  • Setting to enter any additional links you want displayed in the footer links area ( where the contact us admin mod etc. links are ).
  • Setting to set the image width of the social media images.
  • Setting to set the image height of the social media images.
  • Option to enable/disable the About column.
  • Option to enable/disable the Recommended Links column.
  • Option to enable/disable the Quick Access Links column.
  • Option to enable/disable the Social Media Links column.
  • Option to enable/disable the Archive Links.
  • Option to set which usergroups can view the Archive Links.
  • Option to enable/disable the RSS Links.
  • Option to set which usergroups can view the RSS Links.

    Adding/Editing Recommended Links
  • Setting to enter the links title.
  • Setting to enter the link URL.
  • Setting to enter the link description.
  • Setting to enter the display order for the link in the column.
  • Option to set if the link is active or not.
  • Option to set if the link is a _nofollow link.
  • Option to choose if the link should open in a new tab or not.
  • Setting to choose which usergroups can see the link in the column.

    Adding/Editing Quick Links
  • Setting to enter the links title.
  • Setting to enter the link URL.
  • Setting to enter the link description.
  • Setting to enter the display order for the link in the column.
  • Option to set if the link is active or not.
  • Option to set if the link is a _nofollow link.
  • Option to choose if the link should open in a new tab or not.
  • Setting to choose which usergroups can see the link in the column.

    Adding/Editing Social Media Links Settings
  • Setting to enter the links title.
  • Setting to enter the link URL.
  • Setting to enter the social media's image name.
  • Setting to enter the link description.
  • Setting to enter the display order for the link in the column.
  • Option to set if the link is active or not.
  • Option to set if the link is a _nofollow link.
  • Option to choose if the link should open in a new tab or not.
  • Setting to choose which usergroups can see the link in the column.

There is 31 social media icons in the images folder for you to use, or you can upload your own.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q. Why do I need such a thing, you ask?

A. Maybe you are like me and are tired of the same old footer layout.

Q. I want the text aligned to the left, not centered, how do I change it?

A. Edit the stylevar, ozzmodz_advanced_footer_alignment, found under the group OzzModz.

I would like to thank, kh99, nerbert and Scandal, for giving me some help solving some issues I was having while developing this mod. :)

Members that donated towards this mod.
Max Taxable


If you like this mod please hit the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2015/08/1.png button to the right ---->

Please remember to click the, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2015/08/2.png button to the right if you installed the mod ---->

What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified whenever new updates are available.

* For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

* Marking a modification as installed also helps me know how many people are using my work, giving me extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

I appreciate the support!

* History (Changelog) *
v1.0.0 (November 24, 2014)
- Initial public release.

ozzy47 11-24-2014 07:41 PM


ku-med 11-24-2014 08:40 PM

Nice efforts .. I was waiting for such thing for a long time! Installed & nominated. Thanks for the great mod! :)

ozzy47 11-24-2014 08:42 PM

Glad you like it, and thanks for marking as installed. :)

jjohns12 11-24-2014 11:08 PM

WOW! what a great mod love it! Works like a charm. :) I had a custom footer in place and left the modified templates in place and no issues at all. I have this mod working on 2 of my 4 styles by on purpose I may add.

Thanks for this one!

ozzy47 11-24-2014 11:34 PM

Excellent, glad you like the mod, and thanks for marking as installed. :)

Max Taxable 11-25-2014 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by jjohns12 (Post 2524020)
WOW! what a great mod love it! Works like a charm. :) I had a custom footer in place and left the modified templates in place and no issues at all. I have this mod working on 2 of my 4 styles by on purpose I may add.

Thanks for this one!

It inherits the properties of all styles smoothly, from what I've seen.

gsmlover4u 11-25-2014 12:25 AM

sir chris will you please upload flipboard logo

ozzy47 11-25-2014 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2524024)
It inherits the properties of all styles smoothly, from what I've seen.

Yeah it will inherit the style, but it may break some custom styles that don't use the traditional footer coding. :)

Max Taxable 11-25-2014 12:34 AM

For upgrade, just upload the new XML and set to overwrite?

ozzy47 11-25-2014 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by gsmlover4u (Post 2524025)
sir chris will you please upload flipboard logo

Sure, I attached it to this post.

ozzy47 11-25-2014 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2524027)
For upgrade, just upload the new XML and set to overwrite?

As well as revert any changes you made to the templates. :)

Max Taxable 11-25-2014 12:35 AM

No need for uploading any of the files?

ozzy47 11-25-2014 12:39 AM

I don't believe there were any changes in the files from beta 4 to now, but it don't hurt to upload them. :)

gsmlover4u 11-25-2014 12:43 AM

when i click on sicial Quick links,media links,Recomended links its give me page not found

ozzy47 11-25-2014 12:49 AM

Then you did not load the files to the proper place. :)

gsmlover4u 11-25-2014 12:50 AM

yese you right sir sorry

ozzy47 11-25-2014 12:51 AM

Not a problem, it happens to all of us. :)

gsmlover4u 11-25-2014 01:16 AM

sir chris there is no option to open ASR Search Engine in new tab

ozzy47 11-25-2014 01:21 AM

Where did you add that link?

TheLastSuperman 11-25-2014 02:07 AM

I dideth tryeth!


You must 'Like' someone else's post before liking any more by ozzy47.

ozzy47 11-25-2014 02:09 AM

Yeah Mike, I get that quite often. :)

TheLastSuperman 11-25-2014 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2524045)
Yeah Mike, I get that quite often. :)

I don't always say so, therefor its way more often than you think :p.

Toorak Times 11-25-2014 02:29 AM

Just uploaded this Mod, working great thanks. In the other footer I was using I was able to put my logo in the footer also. Is this possible with this Mod?

ozzy47 11-25-2014 02:42 AM

Not at this time, but perhaps in a future update. Glad you like it and thanks for marking as installed. :)

Max Taxable 11-25-2014 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Toorak Times (Post 2524050)
Just uploaded this Mod, working great thanks. In the other footer I was using I was able to put my logo in the footer also. Is this possible with this Mod?

You should be able to put in a background image. I originally thought I would do that, but decided it was all good like it was.

Here's mine:


Toorak Times 11-25-2014 02:54 AM

Thanks for the quick replies, But it appears this mod conflicts with the vBSocial Ultimate Notifications header, so I am going to have to disable for the moment...any quick fix?

ozzy47 11-25-2014 03:01 AM

Link to the mod, and I can look into it tomorrow.

Toorak Times 11-25-2014 03:24 AM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266972&highlight=Notifications" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...=Notifications</a>

I am using the pro version,


Toorak Times 11-25-2014 07:05 AM

Hi Ozzy,

I spoke to Dave from vBSocial and he is aware of the problem and recommends me moving the notifications variable out of the footer and into the header.

This mod has an area for other mods code, should I put it there mate?

ozzy47 11-25-2014 09:04 AM

Is it code he has you add to the footer, or is this through a plugin that does this automatically?

If it is code he has you add, yes add it either in the beginning code or end code setting in this mod. :)

Nirjonadda 11-25-2014 03:14 PM

Installed and Nominated ! How to Disable the Text Show "Click for more copyright info" ?

Feature Requests, Please can you add Donation Buttons ?

gsmlover4u 11-25-2014 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by gsmlover4u (Post 2524038)
sir chris there is no option to open ASR Search Engine in new tab


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2524040)
Where did you add that link?

sir i put on default place where you sugest in the mod

Max Taxable 11-25-2014 04:38 PM

Text aligned right looks spiffy on mine:


Phillip 11-25-2014 07:10 PM

Awesome mod. ozzy47. I might install this in a second or in a bit.

ozzy47 11-25-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Nirjonadda (Post 2524099)
Installed and Nominated ! How to Disable the Text Show "Click for more copyright info" ?

Feature Requests, Please can you add Donation Buttons ?

It would be to much to add a space for a donation button, but you can do this. In the Genera settings, set the option About Column to No then in the setting About Text add what you want to say in that column.

Then you would add something like this.

HTML Code:

<br /><br /><a id="donate" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" alt="donate" title="donate" href="https://payal.com">
<img id="donate" alt="donate" title="donate" src="ozzmodz_mods/advanced_footer/images/paypal1.png">

Set the href="https://payal.com" to your paypal link, and set the image, ozzmodz_mods/advanced_footer/images/paypal1.png

ozzy47 11-25-2014 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by gsmlover4u (Post 2524105)
sir i put on default place where you sugest in the mod

Then you would want it something like this.

HTML Code:

<li><a href="http://www.activesearchresults.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">ASR Search Engine</a></li>

ozzy47 11-25-2014 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by GhostX (Post 2524117)
Awesome mod. ozzy47. I might install this in a second or in a bit.

Ok cool, don't forget to mark as installed if you do decide to use it. :)

gsmlover4u 11-26-2014 12:45 AM

sir in my other forum Search Engine Friendly Archives not showing in the footer
plz see the link

Toorak Times 11-26-2014 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2524078)
Is it code he has you add to the footer, or is this through a plugin that does this automatically?

If it is code he has you add, yes add it either in the beginning code or end code setting in this mod. :)


I added it to both and it just added the code to the screen. I took it out of the footer and placed it in the box required in the admincp.

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