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-   -   Mobile Responsive theme ? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=314379)

kartik786 09-18-2014 09:10 AM

Mobile Responsive theme ?

I haven't been following vbulletin developments for quite sometime now and I am completely lost with the new possibilities.

I'm using vb 3.8.3 and wanted to know if there is already a mobile responsive theme available for it.

I did bump into something called as MAPI - mobile API but all links point to dead resources as vbulletin isn't supporting the older versions.

I use wordpress for most of my new projects so if I had to make an analogy of what i'm looking for, its the jetpack mobile theme for wordpress. Do we have some way of accomplishing it with vbulletin too?

--------------- Added [DATE]1411117226[/DATE] at [TIME]1411117226[/TIME] ---------------

Any help appreciated :)

fanyap 09-23-2014 10:15 PM

The best vBulletin 3 mobile skin I have seen is over at http://vbmobile.com

Max Taxable 09-23-2014 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by kartik786 (Post 2515596)
I'm using vb 3.8.3 and wanted to know if there is already a mobile responsive theme available for it.

There are a couple of decent free mobile themes in the 3.8 styles section. One of those coupled with the "detect and assign mobile browser style" hack should help you alot. You can customize the mobile styles to your tastes but the real reason to have them is, they are extremely light in kb load.

ShawneyJ 09-24-2014 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by fanyap (Post 2516310)
The best vBulletin 3 mobile skin I have seen is over at http://vbmobile.com

what the heck, seriously vBulletin 3 Mobile Skin $500.00. :eek:

what Max Taxable said above, i'd go with. just sayin.

kartik786 09-30-2014 01:47 PM

I'm okay with paying 500 $ .. any contact id of the developer? I need to first test it on my board and be sure it will work fine before making the payment since our board is heavily customized.

kartik786 10-02-2014 02:11 PM

I installed vbulletin mobile api and now I came to realize that it is only for mobile apps. It does not have a mobile style to go with it ( no mobile web interface while surfing in your default browser) :(

Max Taxable 10-02-2014 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by kartik786 (Post 2517403)
I installed vbulletin mobile api and now I came to realize that it is only for mobile apps. It does not have a mobile style to go with it ( no mobile web interface while surfing in your default browser) :(


kartik786 10-09-2014 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2517441)

Thanks done it :)

Check www.managementparadise.com/forums from your mobile ! :up:

kingbrend 04-21-2015 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by fanyap (Post 2516310)
The best vBulletin 3 mobile skin I have seen is over at http://vbmobile.com

Seems their email doesn't work.. grr.

SaN-DeeP 04-21-2015 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by kartik786 (Post 2518214)
Thanks done it :)

Check www.managementparadise.com/forums from your mobile ! :up:

Upgrade to 4.x, everything is responsive including the CMS..
I bet what can be done on wordpress (except some extensive plugins).. those can also be acheived on vbulletin CMS..
I have many sites running vbulletin CMS to extreme..

ShawneyJ 04-22-2015 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by SaN-DeeP (Post 2543732)
Upgrade to 4.x, everything is responsive including the CMS..
I bet what can be done on wordpress (except some extensive plugins).. those can also be acheived on vbulletin CMS..
I have many sites running vbulletin CMS to extreme..

why would he/she need to upgrade to vb4, his/her forums passes the Google Mobile Friendly Test. just sayin ;)


Originally Posted by kingbrend (Post 2543730)
Seems their email doesn't work.. grr.

i wouldn't trust that place tbh. both demo's, 1 is vb4 and other xenforo.
anyone using this mod on vb3 to confirm it works and passes google's mobile test?

fanyap 04-23-2015 12:54 PM

Yes vBMobile.com works perfect on vB3 & passes Google's mobile test. Their email is hello[@]vBMobile.com

socialvisionsbcn 04-23-2015 01:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
We bought that style and I wouldn't recommend it, unfortunately.

It just covered in our case forumdisplay & showthread pages. It did not for all the rest of pages, including registering, User Control Panel and many other relevant locations. We paid aditional 250$ for further customization, and the work on the bulk template was quite poor. Due to delays on the delivery and email answers, we desisted on ask for improvements, but we expected much more for the stated price.

You can test full customized mobile templates by >> r e l i v o << at:

You can test our final mobile template, with still many pages to be developed at: http://www.bomberspelcanvi.com

Most common pages (showthread, forumdisplay, index, edit) captured here:

fanyap 04-23-2015 02:49 PM

Yes, if you have a highly customized version with custom pages, thread bits, etc it might not be the best option for you unless you're willing to spend time or money on customizations. It's a very lightweight mobile theme that is flexible enough to build on top of. A lot of the features have been ripped out to focus on the core functionality of vBulletin. There are many free options other than vBMobile, but most don't work and are outdated.

vBMobile demo: http://vbmobile.com/forum/

crazymook 04-28-2015 01:16 PM

We just went through with vbmobile on our site and finally got it implemented over the weekend. Its been a HUGE success. A lot of my members (myself included) use tapatalk and quite a few people are sick of the backwards changes and bugs, etc. Everyone who has tried it thus far loves it. Its fast, simple and streamlined. It strips away a lot of the fluff and just focuses on the forum experience. And as said above, it does allow you to build on top of it.

I would strongly recommend this if youre looking for a true mobile solution.

You can see it in action on my site via - http://www.thechicagogarage.com/forum/?styleid=25

MariahMan 04-30-2015 06:08 PM

Thanks for posting your feedback on vbmobile. I too am a little concerned with the $500 price tag, but if it's easy to implement and does everything i want, then i'll go with it.

I looked at your site and was wondering, is there a setting to make this style apply automatically when you go to the site on a phone or tablet? I'm assuming that's part of what Google is looking for, right? Or is it smart enough to see that a mobile style is available, but not necessarily applied?

ShawneyJ 05-01-2015 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by crazymook (Post 2544370)
We just went through with vbmobile on our site and finally got it implemented over the weekend. Its been a HUGE success. A lot of my members (myself included) use tapatalk and quite a few people are sick of the backwards changes and bugs, etc. Everyone who has tried it thus far loves it. Its fast, simple and streamlined. It strips away a lot of the fluff and just focuses on the forum experience. And as said above, it does allow you to build on top of it.

I would strongly recommend this if youre looking for a true mobile solution.

You can see it in action on my site via - http://www.thechicagogarage.com/forum/?styleid=25

its a great review i guess. but, when testing your threads in Google's Mobile-Friendly Test using your "true mobile solution style"...it fails!
when using your desktop style, and then adding your forum index through Google test, that fails to.
Google should be able to pick up Mobile friendly just by visiting your forum. Surely Googles not going to look through your style choices are they?

also, who ever posted androidforums.com, its xenforo which is responsive by default.
and i dont want to see VB4 forum link demo's, they Pass to. i am wanting to see VB3 live sites running this $500 Mobile theme verses the free version here at vb org which passes Google's Test: http://www.managementparadise.com/forums/

and this demo http://vbmobile.com/forum/ does not have a desktop style version demo to test it, like the above link, the free version, that forum passes without having to test the Mobile theme its self.

fanyap 05-02-2015 11:40 AM

The vBMobile skin passes all of Google's mobile tests if you have mobile detection setup to detect the mobile device and assign a default style.


ShawneyJ 05-03-2015 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by fanyap (Post 2544669)
The vBMobile skin passes all of Google's mobile tests if you have mobile detection setup to detect the mobile device and assign a default style.

Then vBMobile should set up there Demo to prove the detection from a default theme. :rolleyes:

bridge2heyday 05-06-2015 11:18 AM

One of My clients got vBMobile skin expecting a 500$ product should be very good . but unfortunately the style was unprofessional and full of bugs/problems ..

ajmboy 05-10-2015 12:19 PM

I use: Lightweight Style for VB3.8.7 iPhone/Mobile/Cell/PDA


Passes the google mobile test without issues and color customizations are all in 1 file.

mykkal 05-21-2015 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by socialvisionsbcn (Post 2543966)
We bought that style and I wouldn't recommend it, unfortunately.

It just covered in our case forumdisplay & showthread pages. It did not for all the rest of pages, including registering, User Control Panel and many other relevant locations. We paid aditional 250$ for further customization, and the work on the bulk template was quite poor. Due to delays on the delivery and email answers, we desisted on ask for improvements, but we expected much more for the stated price.[/url]

Good lord they are charging more for the new style that vBulletin actually costs itself. But your styles do look awesome. I mean...really awesome. I don't have the time to develop a mobile skin and I shutter to think that we may be forced to buy this...

There is definitely a market for mobile skins with this product right now. If none are developed I see Xenforo winning more vB customers.

--------------- Added [DATE]1432255829[/DATE] at [TIME]1432255829[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by crazymook (Post 2544370)
We just went through with vbmobile on our site and finally got it implemented over the weekend. Its been a HUGE success. A lot of my members (myself included) use tapatalk and quite a few people are sick of the backwards changes and bugs, etc. Everyone who has tried it thus far loves it. Its fast, simple and streamlined. It strips away a lot of the fluff and just focuses on the forum experience. And as said above, it does allow you to build on top of it.

I would strongly recommend this if youre looking for a true mobile solution.

You can see it in action on my site via - http://www.thechicagogarage.com/forum/?styleid=25

So in your opinion this style is worth $500?

TheAdminMarket 05-22-2015 02:44 PM

Just curiosity.

1.- Don't you use any 3nd party addon that is not using the vB thread engine? All those addons can't work with any mobile style as they need to have their own mobile templates.

2.- As I read there are people already paid $500 for this style, even if it does not covers all vB templates. Have read something about user profile etc. Some paid even more for customization. So the question is: Do you think that a style based on latest Bootstrap (mobile first version), having all templates responsive, at a price of $250 should be good deal?

Replicant 05-22-2015 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by NickTheGreek (Post 2546197)
Just curiosity.

1.- Don't you use any 3nd party addon that is not using the vB thread engine? All those addons can't work with any mobile style as they need to have their own mobile templates.

2.- As I read there are people already paid $500 for this style, even if it does not covers all vB templates. Have read something about user profile etc. Some paid even more for customization. So the question is: Do you think that a style based on latest Bootstrap (mobile first version), having all templates responsive, at a price of $250 should be good deal?

If I had a successful stable forum based on VB3.x that generates revenue and there was a quality mobile responsive theme, I would definitely pay $250 for it vs paying for the upgrade to a newer VB. This $500 style IMO is not worth it since some parts of the threadview like quotes and videos are not responsive. For that kind of money, I would expect a complete product.

TheAdminMarket 05-22-2015 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Replicant (Post 2546203)
.... some parts of the threadview like quotes and videos are not responsive. For that kind of money, I would expect a complete product.

This is because the template has just been changed to responsive as it. This can't work. Except changing the html to responsive you also need to redesign some parts of the template. Here some imagination is needing. eg the forumdisplay has 4 columns if I remember well. You must find a way to show only the most important elements, or all, but in different way. Don't forget that a mobile has needs less resources to be fast.

As a first "mind plan" it can be done. Just don't remember how the uploader works in vB3. I've a special uploader working fine in mobiles, but don't think that I can use it.

napy8gen 06-11-2015 02:28 AM

I am hoping you guys can see my vb3 responsive style, link in footer, no fancy modding, just styling in place.

mykkal 06-11-2015 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by napy8gen (Post 2547571)
I am hoping you guys can see my vb3 responsive style, link in footer, no fancy modding, just styling in place.

A few questions:
1. you are able to use plugins with this?
2. can you do the same for vb 4.2.3?
3. Can we access the user control panel?
4. Can we access private messaging?

I'm in desperate need of a mobile style for vB 4.2.X. The mobile application is full of bugs. driving me absolutely nuts.

--------------- Added [DATE]1434000894[/DATE] at [TIME]1434000894[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by Replicant (Post 2546203)
If I had a successful stable forum based on VB3.x that generates revenue and there was a quality mobile responsive theme, I would definitely pay $250 for it vs paying for the upgrade to a newer VB. This $500 style IMO is not worth it since some parts of the threadview like quotes and videos are not responsive. For that kind of money, I would expect a complete product.

When you say the videos are not responsive... you mean they push they don't adjust to the size of the screen?

napy8gen 06-11-2015 03:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am sorry I have no plan to do it for vb4 since people can use vb4 default mobile style. I know that vb4 mobile style is limited in feature.

My vb3 responsive theme is based on the original vb3 templates and layout, so you can access normal user cp - attached screen - and no problem of using add on - but maybe later add on need to re-style. Youtube video also responsive.

mykkal 06-11-2015 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by napy8gen (Post 2547574)
I am sorry I have no plan to do it for vb4 since people can use vb4 default mobile style. I know that vb4 mobile style is limited in feature.

My vb3 responsive theme is based on the original vb3 templates and layout, so you can access normal user cp - attached screen - and no problem of using add on - but maybe later add on need to re-style. Youtube video also responsive.

Think about it this way cause you're a bit short sighted. Nobody wants to use the vb mobile style. Users can't upload avatars or check private messages. They can't change their bio graphic data or location. There's no BB code so they can't easily embed images or create web links. They can't do a lot of things.

to make matters worse 75% of web traffic is mobile so most people visiting and registering have no idea that they SHOULD be able to do these things. I have so many users without avatars its ridiculous. People are frustrated they can't figure out how to add images. Not only that but Google will penalize sites without a mobile view...


Did I change your mind?

Replicant 06-11-2015 03:29 PM

Wow, He's not short sighted....I'd say more like enlightened. Nobody wants to pay for anything, they want everything for free. Time isn't free.

Google thinks the vb4 mobile style is acceptable. It works fine for reading the forums which is what it is intended to do. If users want to do more on the forums, they will need to hit a bigger screen. VB5 is mobile responsive and still yet you cannot do everything on mobile or tablet that you can on a full desktop. Mobile viewing is not intended to replace a desktop. If you want this type of functionality, then you will either have to code it yourself or pay a developer to do it for you.

mykkal 06-11-2015 04:59 PM

It is short sighted and you assume too much. None of his modifications are free. Now as for his vision..it does not take into account numerous years of complaints and requests by members of this community. It doesn't even note the information in this thread. I was willing to pay him and the reality of it is he doesn't need your defense because he wasn't insulted. The viewpoint is hardly enlightened in front of the facts and it needs pointing out.

Regardless of what the style was intended to do it falls far short. IT IS NOT ADEQUATE for a supported release in this day and age. Only a technocrat thinks its functional and "good to go". The majority of forum users are laymen...They don't know markup or BB code. They don't even know that BB Code exists so that makes replying to threads a frustrating experience. They want basic functionality such as updating their profiles and reading private messaging. Also a wise technician does not say what users should do. A wise technician does what users want... This is the main reason that xenforo and other forum softwares has risen and loads of customers, including cpanel and digital point, have left vbulletin. There is a arrogance in the way things are run and built. The majority are mobile users and will remain so. End of story.

A wise business gives people what they want. Its called supply and demand. There is high demand but no supply.

Replicant 06-11-2015 08:17 PM

No defense intended. Just making a point that most developers know when a platform has run its coarse and know when to stop development on said platform.

mykkal 06-11-2015 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Replicant (Post 2547633)
No defense intended. Just making a point that most developers know when a platform has run its course and know when to stop development on said platform.

I agree and I personally bought a vb5 license and i'd love to use it. Except vb5 doesn't allow many of the popular plugin function we use on 4.2.X to be implemented on the new version.

There are lots of legacy users out there. More on vb4 than on vb3.X and vb4 is still supported officially... A responsive mobile skin for vb4 would be profitable (with no competition) and it would extend the life of vBulletin. People are jumping ship to other brands...

That's a sad thing.

cellarius 06-12-2015 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by mykkal (Post 2547576)
you're a bit short sighted.

If you want to change someone's mind, patronizing him is not a good start...

mykkal 06-12-2015 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 2547651)
If you want to change someone's mind, patronizing him is not a good start...

So you're saying not to do business with him cause i clearly said it wasn't an insult. btw, You seem to have a thing for me...engaging me as often as possible.


patronize [pey-truh-nahyz, pa‐] - verb patronized, patronizing.
1. to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.

cellarius 06-12-2015 05:55 AM

You know, I can quote dictionaries, too, if you need help with context (note: this is just an example for patronizing speech). Merriam-Webster, in this case.

patronize: to talk to (someone) in a way that shows that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people

mykkal 06-12-2015 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 2547659)
You know, I can quote dictionaries, too, if you need help with context (note: this is just an example for patronizing speech). Merriam-Webster, in this case.

No mam... absolutely not. Your definition is entirely incorrect. It wasn't condescending...it was a registration of facts.

cellarius 06-12-2015 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by mykkal (Post 2547666)
No mam... absolutely not. Your definition is entirely incorrect.

Oh, come on. Even the page you copied your definition from gives you this:

2: to behave in an offensively condescending manner toward:

And of course your posts are condescending, and as you can see in this thread, I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Anyway, you may just play games with yourself, now. :D

keyla31 08-20-2015 12:00 PM

this wont work on 4.2.2 ?

kpmedia 09-22-2015 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by napy8gen (Post 2547574)
I am sorry I have no plan to do it for vb4 since people can use vb4 default mobile style. I know that vb4 mobile style is limited in feature.
My vb3 responsive theme is based on the original vb3 templates and layout, so you can access normal user cp - attached screen - and no problem of using add on - but maybe later add on need to re-style. Youtube video also responsive.

Some of us really appreciate your efforts for the vB3.x community. :up:

And unlike the $500 no-name site (linked in one of the earlier posts), you're somebody that many of us already know. We respect and enjoy working with you. You've always done excellent work for reasonable rates. I was relieved to find this post just now, as we now have a theme option from a quality coder. Too many "responsive vBulletin themes" have been outright coding abortions.

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