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-   -   Whats happened to TAZ (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=311961)

Spangle 06-07-2014 12:54 PM

Whats happened to TAZ
The Admin Zone for some reason decided to migrate to XF, much to a few members disappointment, obviously there were some who also welcomed it.

The migration was supposed to take place last Thursday 5/6/14, and outage time was said to be about 6 hrs.

Now unless they have changed the URL of TAZ and the sister site they were going to merge with, nothing has appeared over 48hrs later.

Can we assume from this that the migration hasn't gone according to plan, or that doing a migration and a merge, has shall we say "cocked things up beyond all recognition".

Does anyone know what is actually happening ?

Perhaps this is a case of " If it aint broke, don't try and fix it"

Paul M 06-07-2014 01:06 PM

I dont visit the site very often as its impossible to have any vBulletin conversation without the usual crowd of vb/ib haters jumping in and derailing it. However, I just checked and it appears to be online to me.

Spangle 06-07-2014 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2501019)
I dont visit the site very often as its impossible to have any vBulletin conversation without the usual crowd of vb/ib haters jumping in and derailing it. However, I just checked and it appears to be online to me.

Hmm just tried again and it's now up for me too, wonder what was causing it not to load for me before.

Now it's broken again, Unexpected error ...error..typical XF, doesn't know what is wrong

nhawk 06-07-2014 01:17 PM

It was up yesterday when I visited.

--------------- Added [DATE]1402151436[/DATE] at [TIME]1402151436[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2501021)
Hmm just tried again and it's now up for me too, wonder what was causing it not to load for me before.

Now it's broken again, Unexpected error ...error..typical XF, doesn't know what is wrong

The error had nothing to do with XF. The entire site was down and it lasted less than a minute.

Even if it was XF, what you see in public is entirely different from the admin side. All errors are logged in detail in the admin control panel.

Paul M 06-07-2014 01:42 PM

Seems very unstable atm.

In the last 10 minutes Ive had unexpected error for 2/3 minutes, and now its dead with 504 Gateway Time-out.

nhawk 06-07-2014 01:42 PM

It would appear to be a problem with Nginx. The entire site is going up and down.

504 Gateway Time-out

BirdOPrey5 06-08-2014 05:12 PM

The main downtime seemed less than day to me.

RichieBoy67 06-12-2014 04:08 PM

I haven't been there in years but I used to be a frequent member and occasional poster. I am less likely to go there now. From what I remember that site was always solid and trouble free in terms of the site itself. I am not sure why they would switch. When it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Paul M 06-13-2014 03:31 PM

I think they wanted to join the bandwagon.

RichieBoy67 06-13-2014 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2501783)
I think they wanted to join the bandwagon.

Last Words--

I wanted to join the bandwagon. :D

User4567 06-19-2014 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2501019)
I dont visit the site very often as its impossible to have any vBulletin conversation without the usual crowd of vb/ib haters jumping in and derailing it.

Yeah it is a rather odd way to run a site that promotes forums only to have a bulk of its members troll and derail discussions/providers of internet forum software!

I am a member but it gets too confusing, promoting multiple sites / accounts etc so i never bothered to post much. (A few of the friends of one of my sites promoted it some but truthfully speaking, it was a total waste of time).

ozzy47 07-14-2014 09:19 AM

There was slot of animosity over the lawsuit.

BirdOPrey5 07-14-2014 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by BigJimTheLug (Post 2506673)
Hey...so what happened with all the hate that vbulletin software developed? How did all the hate originate? Is it related to xenForo being the vbulletin killer?

:rolleyes: XF is hardly "the VB killer."

That said most of the ill-will toward VB on TAZ and other Admin sites are from the same group of vocal admins mostly still angry that VB4 development did not live up to a post the project manager of VB4 posted shortly after its release. It was an ambitious plan that included all great things. Many people took this post as a "promise" despite the fact it was merely a plan and only things actually promised were delivered. Anyway, that project manager moved on and the plans for VB4 changed. Things like a real "Gallery" never came about.

In addition to those still waiting for a VB4 that is never going to happen you have people who have been banned/infracted for disrupting here and vb.com forums, and some (understandbly) upset VB5 users who purchased VB5 early and upgraded site unseen unaware of all the initial bugs.

Then the lawsuit radicalized many of those who were already angry.

Many of the haters want nothing less than the destruction and bankruptcy of VB and IB (the parent company) and do everything in their power - including lie - to see that end.

Max Taxable 07-14-2014 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2506698)

Many of the haters want nothing less than the destruction and bankruptcy of VB and IB (the parent company)

Did IB sell to Godaddy?

cellarius 07-14-2014 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2506698)
:rolleyes: XF is hardly "the VB killer."

Right. IB managed to kill it all by itself, no help needed...


That said most of the ill-will toward VB on TAZ and other Admin sites are from the same group of vocal admins mostly still angry that VB4 development did not live up to a post the project manager of VB4 posted shortly after its release. It was an ambitious plan that included all great things. Many people took this post as a "promise" despite the fact it was merely a plan and only things actually promised were delivered. Anyway, that project manager moved on and the plans for VB4 changed. Things like a real "Gallery" never came about.
This is a very, very short version, and in it's shortness, I'd say it's wrong. What's missing: IB started a presale for vB4.0, and many - still trusting in the former quality - bought into it. What was actually released was decidedly sub-standard, bug-ridden and hardly usable. It took the better part of 2-3 years until they got their act together. During that time, staff came and went like through a revolving door, and every time someone from the project management level went, all they said went with them. The post BoP5 mentioned really is just the most blatant example.
Then, once vB4 became a proper piece of software, they did the same stunt with vB5, releasing a software that was maybe up to alpha standards, but definitely not selling material:


In addition to those still waiting for a VB4 that is never going to happen
Yeah, bad luck, really.

and some (understandbly) upset VB5 users who purchased VB5 early and upgraded site unseen unaware of all the initial bugs.
Now, how in the world would customers expect a software they just coughed up several hundred dollars for to be in a usable state, not breaking their sites and driving away their users? Just look in the vB5 section in this very forum.


Many of the haters want nothing less than the destruction and bankruptcy of VB and IB (the parent company) and do everything in their power - including lie - to see that end.
Now, drama anybody? That's really pathetic.

Ramsesx 07-14-2014 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2506698)
Many of the haters want nothing less than the destruction and bankruptcy of VB and IB (the parent company) and do everything in their power - including lie - to see that end.

Most are just disappointed long year customers and no haters.
And as long as you blame the customers in the first line instead of resolving all the damages created by IB there will be no change for a better.

mokujin 07-14-2014 01:12 PM

Well, last 5 years I did not spend any cent to IB. That's the way they are killing theirself :D
Before that, every year I spend for them $40 :D

Max Taxable 07-14-2014 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by BigJimTheLug (Post 2506738)

Hey guys, I have another concern. So, if vb5 fell short of user expectations and required a lot of bug fixes, shouldn't this be viewed as a good thing as it enables users to contribute to the bug fixing of vb5?

The essential problem with v5 is it is such a radical departure from anything previously related to vBulletin that there are few developers, coders or even graphics people who will work on it or want anything to do with it. No prior version styles or plugins or products will work with it, it doesn't even have a plugin/hooks system.

Zachery 07-14-2014 07:40 PM

The largest issue is the fact we don't have the php hook/plugin system or a proper replacement for it.

Once that is done, I think we'll start to see addon devs start to pickup again.

voting on this, will help increase its priority: http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-10333

Zachery 07-14-2014 07:47 PM

Need to be logged into the vBulletin.com forum.

ozzy47 07-14-2014 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2506774)
The largest issue is the fact we don't have the php hook/plugin system or a proper replacement for it.

Once that is done, I think we'll start to see addon devs start to pickup again.

voting on this, will help increase its priority: http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-10333

Really Zachery? You actually think that a proper hook system will ever be fully implemented like it is in vB4?

There is still a plethora of stuff in Jira for vB4, but we all know it is just as good as fools gold.

TheLastSuperman 07-14-2014 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2506774)
The largest issue is the fact we don't have the php hook/plugin system or a proper replacement for it.

Once that is done, I think we'll start to see addon devs start to pickup again.

voting on this, will help increase its priority: http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-10333

No one should need to vote for this, it should have been included BEFORE it was released period the end.

No argument or rebuttle needed cause you know it's the truth and the "lack there of" in regards to that sure does impact sales, I know this for a fact its simple business but someone waaaaay high up simply dropped the ball and decided to never pick it up again :O :P.

Zachery 07-14-2014 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2506783)
No one should need to vote for this, it should have been included BEFORE it was released period the end.

No argument or rebuttle needed cause you know it's the truth and the "lack there of" in regards to that sure does impact sales, I know this for a fact its simple business but someone waaaaay high up simply dropped the ball and decided to never pick it up again :O :P.

Voting for it shows that its a priority for customers, that is how change what is going on.

TheLastSuperman 07-14-2014 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2506784)
Voting for it shows that its a priority for customers, that is how change what is going on.

Zachery I like you bud but if common sense does not tell you nor management that its a priority then I've lost all hope for you.

ozzy47 07-14-2014 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2506784)
Voting for it shows that its a priority for customers, that is how change what is going on.

No it does not, that has been the issue for about four years now. The first priority is to get the software where it should be, then they look to add the simplest things, or just do a total rewrite like they did with vB5, instead of making people happy.

So we as staff or as developers here on .org have to deal with a lot of dissatisfaction from people an a daily basis.

TheLastSuperman 07-14-2014 08:27 PM

Needless to say this is no longer on topic, seems the discussion has ran off on a tangent from TAZ to the software used and now a discussion about vBulletin 5 for some odd reason.

TheLastSuperman 07-14-2014 08:38 PM

^ It happens, but the discussion at least evolved from the inquiry about TAZ ;).

TheLastSuperman 07-14-2014 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by BigJimTheLug (Post 2506795)
Yeah it did. I am trying to find information regarding the dissatisfaction related to vb5 so that I can try to do some work related to it.

I'll just dig around the forums to see what information I can find.

Thanks! :cool:

Open a new thread on here or vb.com and ask for honest feedback, they will come and comment trust me but remember that honest feedback is also a matter of perspective and opinion. You can also do as you suggest and backtrack to find countless threads on the subject not only here but on the vBulletin.com forums as well.

Max Taxable 07-14-2014 09:09 PM

Did this sale actually go through? Godaddy now owns IB and vB?



(Reuters) - Private equity firm KKR & Co LP said it would buy Internet Brands Inc, which operates CarsDirect and other websites, from private equity firms Hellman & Friedman and JMI Equity.

A source familiar with the matter said the deal was worth about $1.1 billion.

KKR, which owns the popular internet domain registration firm GoDaddy.com LLC, is looking to expand Internet Brands' services while focusing on business categories such as automobiles, health, legal, and home and travel.

Internet Brands, which was taken private for $640 million in 2010, also operates websites such as Lawyers.com and ApartmentRatings.com. The company also provides automobile-related software and services to Toyota Motor Corp, Ford Motor Co and Chrysler Group LLC [CHRY.UL].

Max Taxable 07-14-2014 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by BigJimTheLug (Post 2506799)
Is it really Godaddy or a different company that owns GoDaddy?

I like to say it's godaddy because I know Paul hates godaddy.:D

Paul works for godaddy now!:eek:

tbworld 07-14-2014 09:55 PM

<a href="http://www.kkr.com/partners/portfolio-partners" target="_blank">http://www.kkr.com/partners/portfolio-partners</a>

Paul M 07-14-2014 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2506798)
Did this sale actually go through? Godaddy now owns IB and vB?

Yes, and No.

The sale happened. Godaddy does not own IB [or vB]. In simple terms, the same parent company owns both.

Max Taxable 07-14-2014 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2506814)
Yes, and No.

The sale happened. Godaddy does not own IB [or vB]. In simple terms, the same parent company owns both.

I know. :D

joeychgo 07-15-2014 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2506774)
The largest issue is the fact we don't have the php hook/plugin system or a proper replacement for it.

I disagree. IMO the largest issue is that many of the people that made vb 3 & 4 mods have left and gone to another software platform. I see it all the time, you check when the developers was last on vb.org and its been months or longer.

Mark.B 07-15-2014 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2506910)
I disagree. IMO the largest issue is that many of the people that made vb 3 & 4 mods have left and gone to another software platform. I see it all the time, you check when the developers was last on vb.org and its been months or longer.

And a big part of the reason for that is that there's no plugin system for them to work with.

ozzy47 07-15-2014 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 2506911)
And a big part of the reason for that is that there's no plugin system for them to work with.


Mark.B 07-15-2014 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by BigJimTheLug (Post 2506918)
So plugins are integral to vbulletin functionality and development? It seems so.

Any idea why the plugin system was removed from the software?

No, plugins are deemed important to the modding community. I only know this because the modding community themselves have said so.

I do not know the thinking behind removing them. Technically they weren't removed, they just weren't weren't built into the new vB5 code.

It's possible to write add ons without them but it's harder and it's quite a learning curve.

borbole 07-15-2014 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2506786)
Zachery I like you bud but if common sense does not tell you nor management that its a priority then I've lost all hope for you.

Very well said. Could not agree more.

Mark.B 07-15-2014 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by BigJimTheLug (Post 2506940)
Well, if something integral was not included in a piece of software, and the software was known for this feature by the modders, then a cynical view is that maybe v5 was to make vbulletin a more exclusive product by not allowing your average joe the ability to learn how to create plugins and addons.:down:

The learning curve can't be that bad, but I'm speaking as a person with a CS background that will finish up the CS degree fairly soon. :cool:

Your seeing conspiracy theories where none exist.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the end result, the original intention was to make things better. It always is.

--------------- Added [DATE]1405452488[/DATE] at [TIME]1405452488[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by borbole (Post 2506922)
Very well said. Could not agree more.

Zachery, like myself, is just explaining how best to help drive such change forward.

Neither he, nor I, nor any of the support team, actually make such decisions.

What I will say, is that it's surprising how much change HAS been effected, by doing things via the 'right' channels. Voting is a part of that.

--------------- Added [DATE]1405452547[/DATE] at [TIME]1405452547[/TIME] ---------------

I hate post merging with a vengeance!!!!!

Mark.B 07-15-2014 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by BigJimTheLug (Post 2506951)
It's not a conspiracy theory. I quantified my view as cynical. The view, while not supported, is there. Instead of view, we can call it an interpretation, however, it is not meant to be hostile. It is just discussion, that is all.

Secondly, vb5 was supposed to make things better, but it is evident that it came with sacrifice and change.

Cynical it may be, I'm merely observing that it is also wrong. :)

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