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Bane 10-18-2001 10:00 PM

For vBulletin version: 2.3.x
Files added: vbs_counter.php, vbstats.php, vbstats_admin.php, vbstats_set.php
Files to edit: None! (all hacking is optional)
Current Version: 230.b (02.14.03 - 3am CST)

What does it do?
  • Tracks + Displays Visitors Browser
  • Tracks + Displays Visitors OS
  • Tracks Referring Sites
  • Tracks Total Hits
  • Tracks Top Posters
  • Tracks Top Forums
  • Tracks Top Threads
  • Displays a Massive Amount of Stats
  • Link Queue!
  • Install File!
  • Un-Install File
  • Intergration with vBPortal 2.x/3.x
  • Members,Staff,Active,Non-Active,Activity Level,Newest Member,Top Referrer
  • Threads,Posts,PMs,Thread Views,Page Views
  • (vBPortal) News Stories,Comments,Weekly Surveys
  • (vBPortal 3.x) Link Categories, Links
  • More but I'm tired of typing already

Check the samples:
Incoming Referrals
Member Referrals
Top Posters
Top Threads/Forums
Top Visitors Countries

Here's the newest version, it's only been a year and a half since the last update!

Translations have been removed as it just made it easy for people to get the hack even without a license. I am hoping people who make translations will be kind enough to post here.

Special Note: I am about as far as it gets from a PHP guru. This is my first hack or addon or whatchamacallit. If this somehow nukes your system Im quite apologetic, but I know you will all be smart enough to BACK UP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING THIS.. I have faith :) Brad and Chen have both checked this out and given their stamps on it but that doesnt mean it will all Gel for you. Be smart, back it up.

Install: There is a self install file that takes care of the templates and tables, simply unzip the package and upload it (with paths) to your vbulletin directory. Then run the install. Please be sure you add your site (yoursite.com) to the excluded urls in the CP. If you dont your site will get counted as a referrer and that can get messy.

Demo: You can of course see the demo at http://www.talkloud.net/ however if you'd like to see it in use on some other boards check out vbstats page where I will try to keep a list of installs for you to check out. If you do install it please let me know so I can put your site up!

I tested this on my test forum, and on one public forum, and all went well, if there are any problems you notice please report them here as soon as possible.


[230.b] Changed Active Users to fix a small bug.
[230.b] Like, tested it and stuff..
[230.a] The MySQL Row=O error is now customized to say add to the template!!!!
hopefully no more "where did I go wrong?" posts! Muahahaha!
[230.a] Fixed Upgrade Counter (?action=upgrade)
[230.a] Set Excluded URL.. Now lists URLS
[230.a] Updated Istall to be compatible with vB 2.3.0
[230.a] Changed Most Number Results to Have a , format (ie 1,000 instead of 1000)
[230.a] I decided Frosted Flakes really are pretty tasty.
[230.a] Implemented Kurafires Member Referrer Changes, thanks Kura
[230.a] Implemented Kurafires Top Posters rewrite.


Bane 10-19-2001 12:08 PM

This Space Reserved for Already Asked Questions:

In my referrer list my site shows up as a referrer?
In your control panel for vbStats, add your forum name (no www!) to the exclude URLs. If you wish to add other domains you don't want tracked on the referrer list, add these here as well.
eg - www.microsoft.com = microsoft.com

My vbstats shows Division by Zero repeated on the top!
You may want to check to insure you included the vbscounter.php file in your phpinclude template.

Where can I change the colors, settings, etc..?
If you made the admin cp hack then you can change it in your control panel under the new option vbStats Settings.

If not go run the file vbstats_set.php, it should be in your vBulletin admin directory.

I have opted not to modify any VB php files, so how do I add these domains to the exclude list?

Simply point your browser to your vb admin directory address and run the file vbstats_set.php?action=add

What are excluded domains anyhow?

Excluded domains are domains that are not counted as referrers. They wont show up in your referrer list or on the link queue.

What versions does it work with?

Currently working splendid on all 2.x versions to date. Though if you are running anything before 2.0.3 you should make sure you have done the security fix.

Can I display Stats on my main forum page?

Want Stats on forumhome? Click Here for Instructions!!

Dakota 10-19-2001 12:17 PM

Do you know if it will work on vb2.0.1?

btw...very nice hack

Bane 10-19-2001 12:30 PM


Originally posted by Dakota
Do you know if it will work on vb2.0.1?
It should work great on 2.0.1 as well yes :D

MarkB 10-19-2001 12:37 PM

Uploading it as I type... :)

MarkB 10-19-2001 01:03 PM

Looking good... http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/vbstats.php

:) Installation was a breeze! Thanks for such a great add-on!!

amykhar 10-19-2001 01:09 PM

working like a charm :)



BradC 10-19-2001 01:20 PM

Worked great for me to!

Great job Bane! :)

amykhar 10-19-2001 01:21 PM

Ok. Found a minor gripe. I can fix it for mine, but you might want to fix this in the real thing as well.

I don't think hidden forums should be listed on the list of popular threads and forums. I also tweaked it so that categories don't show up in the popular forums list. That's probably just personal preference though. :)

It's a wonderful hack, and I thank you.


CoolaShacka 10-19-2001 01:33 PM

all the links in CP and www.myforum.com/vbstats.php shows me a blank Page.

amykhar 10-19-2001 01:39 PM

Here's a tip for active forums :D

Before I could type in the excluded domains, I got several hits from them. When I excluded them, they still remained in the database, just didn't accrue new hits.

I had to go manually remove them from the database to get them off the list.

Such is the price of popularity :D


Bane 10-19-2001 01:39 PM

amykhar: I will see how the private forums are done and fix that. also the excludes :)

CoolaShacka: Are you actually linking to www.myforum.com/vbstats.php?

floleb7 10-19-2001 01:51 PM

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/latriade/public_html/forum/vbstats.php on line 87
1146: Table 'latriade_ezogroup.vbstats_counter' doesn't exist

why he try to see in db latriade_ezogroup ?
in my config files of vb it's latriade_forum so i don't understand

CoolaShacka 10-19-2001 01:55 PM

just look here: URL edited

Dontom 10-19-2001 01:57 PM

getting a blank page? You are using the translated Version!
be sure to change
PHP Code:


to point to the appropiate languagefile (appears in 3 different files)

Bane 10-19-2001 02:06 PM


Originally posted by floleb7
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/latriade/public_html/forum/vbstats.php on line 87
1146: Table 'latriade_ezogroup.vbstats_counter' doesn't exist

why he try to see in db latriade_ezogroup ?
in my config files of vb it's latriade_forum so i don't understand

Umm.. not sure why it would since it uses the connect from your vbulletin board.

CoolaShacka 10-19-2001 02:07 PM

Thanks Bane... this Hack is great
Danke Dontom... Dein Tip war Gold Wert.

floleb7 10-19-2001 02:11 PM


Originally posted by Bane

Umm.. not sure why it would since it uses the connect from your vbulletin board.

all the table was create but i have this msg and the table are in latriade_forum not in latriade_ezogroup

Bane 10-19-2001 02:13 PM


Originally posted by Dontom
getting a blank page? You are using the translated Version!
Fixed this in the downloads.. Thanks Tom :D How was the translation? ok?

orca 10-19-2001 02:33 PM

Erm where do I change the color3 etc.? :D

Bane 10-19-2001 02:39 PM

If you made the admin cp hack then you can change it in your control panel.

If not go run the file vbstats_set.php, it should be in your vbulletin admin directory.

orca 10-19-2001 02:41 PM

I'm so st...Anyway, the color blues is hardcoded, why?

Well, it's a great hack. It's just the blue which looks a bit ugly...

Bane 10-19-2001 03:03 PM

LOL, sorry about that orca, I will fix that. For now you can change it in the templates. :)

DarkReaper 10-19-2001 03:36 PM

Arrgh...could ya fix the blue? :)

What's the link queue? And it doesn't appear to be counting hits or anything for me. I keep going to pages on the forums but it says 0 for everything.

Bane 10-19-2001 03:42 PM

Where is black hardcoded?

As far as the blue you can change this in the templates for now, I will fix this very soon.

For those who dont like that. Should I just make it a $color3 or give it its own class?

Don ->LKSAB 10-19-2001 03:46 PM

Works great :-)


One small problem!!!
Click on [Countries].
Alot of hits from El Salvador.
But all of thoes hits are from Sweden not from El salvador!!!


BigSjedow 10-19-2001 03:47 PM

7. Be sure to add this line to your phpinclude template:


in what file is that ?? Or were ??

DarkReaper 10-19-2001 04:05 PM

Don't remember seeing that include in the instructions...added it and its working fine :)

What is the link queue?

BigSjedow: You add that line to your phpinclude template.

Bane 10-19-2001 04:14 PM


Originally posted by Don ->LKSAB
But all of thoes hits are from Sweden not from El salvador!!!
Hmm.. Sweden has the code <se> El Salvadors is <se> not sure why they would show up, unless its the same person and he set up his encoding to el salvador?

BigSjedow: In your vB admin panel click on style and in the fonts/colors/etc.. you can find the phpinclude template fairly easily.

DarkReaper: yoursite.com/pathtovbstats/vbstats.php?action=help#LinkQueue

amykhar 10-19-2001 04:17 PM


Originally posted by Bane

Hmm.. Sweden has the code <se> El Salvadors is <se> not sure why they would show up, unless its the same person and he set up his encoding to el salvador?

Uh Bane? Read what you just posted :D se = se

DarkReaper 10-19-2001 04:19 PM

Ah, cool. Would there be any way to make it configurable so the hit numbers won't be shown, as with some other things, but percentages will? Or have a way to make it so admins and super mods can view all the stats, but regular members/guests can only see percentages? I'm not into having the hit counts on my site public knowledge :)

Bane 10-19-2001 04:19 PM

LMAO El Salvador = SV :p Sorry about that.

Don ->LKSAB 10-19-2001 04:19 PM

Its not the same people!!

The most of my users are from sweden.
And all of us show up as El Saldvador.


Bane 10-19-2001 04:31 PM


Originally posted by DarkReaper
Ah, cool. Would there be any way to make it configurable so the hit numbers won't be shown, as with some other things, but percentages will? Or have a way to make it so admins and super mods can view all the stats, but regular members/guests can only see percentages? I'm not into having the hit counts on my site public knowledge :)
I will look at doing this. See how much effort it is :D

Don: I realize they arent the same. Im not sure why they are registering as El Salvador. When you go to my country page (http://www.talkloud.net/forums/vbsta...action=country) is it showing any Sweden hits? Or moving up El Salvador?

Don ->LKSAB 10-19-2001 04:42 PM

Went to your page.
Did some refresh and El Salvador mooved up 5 hits.
No Sweden.


Bane 10-19-2001 04:53 PM

I really have no idea why this is occuring, I know its the encoding but until I have a steady way of checking each I dont know what to do about it. Since I don't have anyone from El Salvador to test this for me I suppose you could change the table in PHPMyAdmin from El Salvador to Sweden.

I know the codes are correct in the script. And the detection process works as well (or seems to) I have a problem with some people coming up with english encoding that shouldnt, but until now the only people that occured with were people that were *using* english encoding.

Don ->LKSAB 10-19-2001 05:15 PM

Can i change the countries in the setup script and run it again??


Bane 10-19-2001 05:19 PM

If you run the uninstall first that will work yes..

jrwap 10-19-2001 05:21 PM

Great Hack.

It was very easy to install and works well. I must agree, the text colors should be configurable.



Don ->LKSAB 10-19-2001 05:32 PM

Did a uninstall changed Sweden/El salvador in the install script.

And then renamed the flag files.

Now it works greate!!!!


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