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DragonByte Tech 01-20-2014 11:00 PM

[DBTech] DragonByte Classifieds v1 (vB4)
1 Attachment(s)
DragonByte Classifieds: What is it?
DragonByte Classifieds allows items to be sold in a variety of ways by your users including Auctions and stock controlled Buy-it-Now listings. It works on vB versions 4.1.x and 4.2.x

Allowing your users to sell items has never been easier with a feature rich Classifieds system that allows for Auctions as well as stock controlled Buy-it-Now listings.

Integrated into vBulletin, DragonByte Classifieds also allows users to see current listings, create their own postage and address options for use with their own listings and upload pictures to be displayed along with the listings.

With a permissions system, automated bidding on auctions, customizable feedback system, fees and fully customizable categories and specifications, and featured and digital items, DragonByte Classifieds caters for a wide range of requirements.


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What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.

For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

* Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

We appreciate the support!

Priority support & Product Demos available at: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/

Translations may be available @ Page Not Found - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons
Support for translations handled by the translator in its respective threads only.

Major Features

Multiple Listing Types: Auction, Buy-it-Now (with stock support) and Wanted Items Listings Types to allow your users to sell and barter for items in a variety of ways.

AJAX Integration: We used AJAX wherever we could to help reduce the page reloads, including bidding, checking for new bids as well as other areas.

Automatic Image Resizing: All images added to the classifieds system will be resized and have a thumbnails generated. This will help reduce the page load time but not having to dowload the full image when you just need the thumbnail.

Stock Control: Buy-it-Now listings have a complete stock control that can be adjusted and allows for multiple purchases by different users.

Postage and Address: Mulitple postage options can be added per user as well as a variety of addresses letting users choose where they want items delivered to and at whatever price they prefer.

Feedback System: Allow users to leave feedback about transactions including comments and a customizable ranking.

Watch Items, Save Searches and Users: Users can save items to their watch list and choose to store searches for easy reuse at a later time. Sellers and Buyers can also be added to lists so that their latest items can be found easily.

Categories and Specifications System: An unlimited amount of categories can be created, allowing for subcategories and specifications creating a huge range of options that can help users specify exactly what they are selling.

Payment Processors: Integrated payment processors, including PayPal, to allow users to pay for their items and their fees.

Featured Listings: Allow users to feature their items for an optional fee as well as allowing control over how many items they can feature.

Full Feature List
Payment Processors
  • Payment Types
    • PayPal
    • Cash on Collection
    • Check/Cheque
    • Bank Transfer (manual transfers)
  • Configure the description to display to your users when they checkout
  • Configure your Merchant ID (such as PayPal email address)
  • "Sandbox" Mode toggleable via vBulletin Options, for testing purposes

Listing Types
  • Auction
    • AJAX Bidding
    • AJAX countdown timers
  • Buy-it-Now
    • Adjustable Stock Control
  • Wanted Items

Email and PM Notifications
  • Users receive emails and PMs when items end, are sold, or are on their watch list
  • Translatale phrases and email content

Categories and Specifications
  • Categories can be added and assigned as subcategories
  • Specifications can be added per category and used in multiple categories
  • Options can be added to each specification and used in multiple specifications

Featured Listings
  • Mark a listing as Featured to gain a higher position in the list
  • Optionally add fees per usergroup to use the featured system
  • Optionally add a limit on how many listings a user can feature via their usergroup permissions

  • In depth searching of:
    • Titles
    • Descriptions
    • Categories
    • Users
  • Many Options to narrow down the search

  • Custom Fees can be created
  • Global or restricted to specific usergroups
  • Charge for reserve prices, items initial listing and an items final price as well as for featuring items
  • Choose from flatrate or percentage based values

Multiple Currencies
  • Show prices in multiple currencies
  • Set a tax rate for purchases in currencies other than your home currency
  • Configurable exchange rate
  • Choose a "Primary Currency" that your prices will be based on
  • Automatical daily update of exchange rates via a Scheduled Task

  • Set the conditions of items

  • Set the returns options

Country and State Codes
  • Control the countries and states/counties that are available to be added to addresses

  • Allow users to add multiple address
  • Define default address for when selling or buying items

Postage Options
  • Create unique postage options
  • Can be done per user
  • Currencies can be defined
  • The countries that the postage is available for can be defined
  • Create user specific or generally available postage options from within the Admin Control Panel

  • Upload images to the vBulletin Attachment Manager
  • Thumbnails created and used on upload
  • Mulitple images per listing

Digital Listings
  • Mark a listing as digital to help users understand they aren't bidding for physical items
  • Send links to users on completion of the listing

Feedback System
  • Allow users to submit feedback about transactions
  • Users can submit comments along with their feedback

Listing Control
  • Archive listings that have expired or are completed
  • Relist items

  • Buyers and sellers have access to invoices of of completed transactions

Advert Boxes
  • Advert and listings boxes to display current, featured or watched listings
  • Various locations
    • Forum Index/Home
    • Forum Display
    • Search Pages
    • Classifieds Home Page
    • View Listing Page

Contact Seller
  • Link to contacts seller when viewing a listing

Form Control
  • Customizable Form Controls
  • Default settings

  • Approve or unapprove listings
  • Usergroup settings to automatically place new listings in moderation queue
  • Moderation queue for moderators and administrators

Pro Only

Feedback System
  • Customizable feedback ranks to mark reliability

Advert Boxes
  • Various locations
    • Showthread Pages

Link Control System
  • Create unique links at the foot of Classifieds pages to whatever URL you need

Notes System
  • Users can submit notes on their listings

Resolution Centre
  • Create and respond to issues in listings either as the seller or the buyer.
  • Change the issue's status
  • View how many issues are active on a listing

Contact Seller
  • PM Created with translatable title

Form Control
  • Simple Form in Forum Sideblock for quick listing submitting

  • Number of items in moderation queue displayed
This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of all pages which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification

DragonByte Tech 01-21-2014 06:35 AM

Just fixed a PHP error and patched the files. Simply redownload the package and upload only the files. No need to reimport the XML. :)


mad4social 01-21-2014 09:37 AM

Good. Are there also subcategory? And also, is it integrated with your dbcredit plug-in?

HotLink 01-21-2014 12:35 PM

Looks interesting. By the way, the "Buy Now" link goes automatically to paypal or the payment is done/can be done 'outside' the forum?

Mr_Running 01-21-2014 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by mad4social (Post 2475753)
Good. Are there also subcategory? And also, is it integrated with your dbcredit plug-in?

Categories can be added and assigned as subcategories

CharlieDelta 01-21-2014 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by HotLink (Post 2475773)
Looks interesting. By the way, the "Buy Now" link goes automatically to paypal or the payment is done/can be done 'outside' the forum?

It is listed in the first post. :)

Full Feature List
Payment Processors
  • Payment Types
  • PayPal
  • Cash on Collection
  • Check/Cheque
  • Bank Transfer (manual transfers)
  • Configure the description to display to your users when they checkout
  • Configure your Merchant ID (such as PayPal email address)
  • "Sandbox" Mode toggleable via vBulletin Options, for testing purposes

blind-eddie 01-21-2014 03:46 PM

Nice... Will this be made for 3.8?

Muhammad Rahman 01-21-2014 03:53 PM

nice mod,, but it support mobile style?

migratoria 01-21-2014 05:16 PM

BUG: With the credentials of an administrator or moderator in 'ad posted by a user is missing "Contact Seller"
BUG2: / profile.php? do = EditProfile
When I edit a user's profile get a swap of non-standard fields


xony 01-21-2014 10:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi, great mod, I've been looking for something like months, I hope to meet the expectations and we can do business to buy a full version.

I'm testing the Lite version to see if they are all that I need and I see a problem database error.

When I click on any State Code Manager gives database error, any solution please.

btedition 01-22-2014 05:08 AM

DBTech, all works good I guess. How can I remove "State" field from postage? It is required and I live in United Arab Emirates where "State" field isn't required...

btedition 01-22-2014 05:46 AM

Also, for "Fees" they have to be more noticed and visible for users who choose the option.

I've created a Fee for "Feature List" for example, and I didn't know that the item has any Fees until I scrolled to the bottom of the Item View.

Is there anyway users could be notified prior to making the post/ad ?

DragonByte Tech 01-22-2014 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by blind-eddie (Post 2475800)
Nice... Will this be made for 3.8?

That's yet to be decided. :)


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2475802)
nice mod,, but it support mobile style?

At the moment is only uses the main styles, but we intend to look at improving mobile style support in future updates.


Originally Posted by xony (Post 2475861)
Hi, great mod, I've been looking for something like months, I hope to meet the expectations and we can do business to buy a full version.

I'm testing the Lite version to see if they are all that I need and I see a problem database error.

When I click on any State Code Manager gives database error, any solution please.

I'll have a look at the database error for you. Can you PM me the contents of that MySQL error? Thanks for the bug report. :)


Originally Posted by btedition (Post 2475914)
DBTech, all works good I guess. How can I remove "State" field from postage? It is required and I live in United Arab Emirates where "State" field isn't required...

We use as 'States' the ISO 3166_2 standards as detailed on this page:

I will take a look at how we might be able to remove the States option in a future update. In the mean time you might want to just use a 'catch all' option such as a repetition of the country (i.e. United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates) or leave it blank. The system should drop from any printed postage in the invoice any blank/empty fields.


Originally Posted by btedition (Post 2475916)
Also, for "Fees" they have to be more noticed and visible for users who choose the option.

I've created a Fee for "Feature List" for example, and I didn't know that the item has any Fees until I scrolled to the bottom of the Item View.

Is there anyway users could be notified prior to making the post/ad ?

User's should have the cost of the featured listing fee when they create a listing using the main submit listing form. It's build into the description of the 'Featured Item' section. I'll look at making it more visible.


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2475821)
BUG: With the credentials of an administrator or moderator in 'ad posted by a user is missing "Contact Seller"
BUG2: / profile.php? do = EditProfile
When I edit a user's profile get a swap of non-standard fields


Can you provide me some images of what you mean? I can then take a look at the issues and get some fixes for them. :)


btedition 01-22-2014 07:40 AM

DBTech, thanks for your reply

- State issue: This is what I'm getting, I'm not sure if I'm following your instructions properly but this is what I'm getting when selecting UAE.

- Fee Issue: I'd like the cost to be listed BEFORE posting the actual item, what if users don't accept the fee and don't want to get charged for it?

Thanks in advance

xony 01-22-2014 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2475927)
I'll have a look at the database error for you. Can you PM me the contents of that MySQL error? Thanks for the bug report. :)

Hi, thanks for replying, is already sent, I think it has something to do with Panjo, see if you can see the problem, thanks.

ost 01-22-2014 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2475927)
That's yet to be decided. :)

it would be interesting to see this mods for 3.8 :)

klaush 01-22-2014 08:47 AM

We will support a 3.8 Version as well!


Originally Posted by blind-eddie (Post 2475800)
Nice... Will this be made for 3.8?

HotLink 01-22-2014 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2475790)
It is listed in the first post. :)

:) the thing is that i've left the bank transfer option only (disabling all other), yet it says it needs a paypal acc on clicking the Buy Now button. I might miss a setting somewhere

DragonByte Tech 01-22-2014 08:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by btedition (Post 2475929)
DBTech, thanks for your reply

- State issue: This is what I'm getting, I'm not sure if I'm following your instructions properly but this is what I'm getting when selecting UAE.

Thanks for the report. I'll look into what's causing that error. :) You should be able to leave the state blank. Will sort that for the next update.


Originally Posted by btedition (Post 2475929)
- Fee Issue: I'd like the cost to be listed BEFORE posting the actual item, what if users don't accept the fee and don't want to get charged for it?

Thanks in advance

If you have a relevant fee for a usergroup and for that listing type for featuring, it should appear something like this:

Attachment 147937

If you are an admin with no restrictions and no applicable fees (for your usergroup and/or the listing type, i.e. auction, buy-it-now) it won't show for you.


Originally Posted by xony (Post 2475930)
Hi, thanks for replying, is already sent, I think it has something to do with Panjo, see if you can see the problem, thanks.

Can you try disabling Panjo and seeing if you get that error. It looks like Panjo hasn't properly installed somehow, which may be the issue. :)


Originally Posted by HotLink (Post 2476005)
:) the thing is that i've left the bank transfer option only (disabling all other), yet it says it needs a paypal acc on clicking the Buy Now button. I might miss a setting somewhere

Have you disabled the options in the Admin Control Panel, or on the submit listing page? :)

PS, thanks to everyone for the feedback and the bug reports. :)


btedition 01-23-2014 02:27 AM

Dear Matt, your quick reply timing is actually what makes you a respectful coder/designer. Thanks once more.

- Fee Issue: These are my settings, and what I can see when listing. The item is "Buy-it-now" to match the settings, unfortunately nothing happens.


- Page Not Found Issue: When clicking "Feature Fee (Red Circle)" I get "Page Not Found" but if I click the "Manage (Go) (Green Circle)" then the page opens to the desired location.


Thanks in advance,

DragonByte Tech 01-23-2014 06:37 AM

Thanks for the info BT. I'll check the page not found issue. Regarding the fees, do you have any other Featured Fees already created? Do any of them match the usergroup you are testing with? The system will always find the lowest cost fee for the user and their usergroups they are in.

One thing that might be worth trying is unchecking all the usergroups and seeing if that makes the fee properly appear (when non are checked Classifieds assumes all usergroups are valid for the fee).

The only other thing to try that might be behind it is repairing the cache.

I should get some more time tomorrow to do some in depth checking, so any info you can provide will help me trace the bugs. :)

Thanks again for the input. :)


migratoria 01-23-2014 04:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by migratoria View Post

BUG: With the credentials of an administrator or moderator in 'ad posted by a user is missing "Contact Seller"
BUG2: / profile.php? do = EditProfile
When I edit a user's profile get a swap of non-standard fields

Can you provide me some images of what you mean? I can then take a look at the issues and get some fixes for them.

Screen Capture

DragonByte Tech 01-23-2014 05:07 PM

Ooh. Interesting. Thanks for the feedback. I'll get some fixes for them. :)

Thanks for the bug reports. :)


xony 01-23-2014 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2476050)
Can you try disabling Panjo and seeing if you get that error. It looks like Panjo hasn't properly installed somehow, which may be the issue. :)

Hello, the first thing I did, because the error appoints Panjo, but the same error persists and I removed Panjo and files ... thanks:up:

DragonByte Tech 01-24-2014 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by xony (Post 2476347)
Hello, the first thing I did, because the error appoints Panjo, but the same error persists and I removed Panjo and files ... thanks:up:

If you can send me some details to check out your site (via PM) I can take a look at the causes. It might be rogue plugin conflicting somehow. :)


DragonByte Tech 01-24-2014 09:33 AM

Fixed the incorrect page in the Fees section of the Admin Control Panel, the misaligned options in the User Control Panel and the missing contact seller link for admins and moderators, as well as making it possible for states to be skipped completely if there are no states for a particular country.

All will be included in the next update. :)


btedition 01-24-2014 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2476202)
Thanks for the info BT. I'll check the page not found issue. Regarding the fees, do you have any other Featured Fees already created? Do any of them match the usergroup you are testing with? The system will always find the lowest cost fee for the user and their usergroups they are in.

One thing that might be worth trying is unchecking all the usergroups and seeing if that makes the fee properly appear (when non are checked Classifieds assumes all usergroups are valid for the fee).

The only other thing to try that might be behind it is repairing the cache.

I should get some more time tomorrow to do some in depth checking, so any info you can provide will help me trace the bugs. :)

Thanks again for the input. :)


Dear Matt,

Answering your first question, yes I do have different fees set on different options.


I did what you asked for, if I select none of the usergroups to have fees then the fee appears!!


However, if I select the usergroup "Administrators" to have fees then the fee disappears :\


I started to get confused :S How can I repair the Cache btw?

Thanks! :)

DragonByte Tech 01-24-2014 01:09 PM

That's great input. I should be able to find the problem. :)

You should have a menu option in the Admin Control Panel for Repair Cache under the DBTech - Classifieds section. :)

btedition 01-24-2014 01:18 PM

I cleared the Cache, selected usergroups and didn't select "Administrators" but the fee is still not showing although I am an administrator. Bug right?


Thanks :)

migratoria 01-24-2014 06:22 PM


Fixed the incorrect page in the Fees section of the Admin Control Panel, the misaligned options in the User Control Panel and the missing contact seller link for admins and moderators, as well as making it possible for states to be skipped completely if there are no states for a particular country.

All will be included in the next update

Nelson58 01-24-2014 07:22 PM


I like your products, but you are trying to do too much here in my opinion.
A more simple classifieds program like Ozzmods is plenty..


TheLastSuperman 01-25-2014 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Nelson58 (Post 2476674)

I like your products, but you are trying to do too much here in my opinion.
A more simple classifieds program like Ozzmods is plenty..


At first I thought the same but upon having a closer look it seems as if this is a Classifieds Mod and something similar to iTrader both in one. So you have both a classifieds section with multiple options AND a ratings system for those trades... not too shabby imo.

Some may want more features, if not then go with Ozzy's release. Remember all, some mods are overkill for your forum and others are just the right fit, experimenting and realizing this for yourselves is just part of the "admin" job ;).

ozzy47 01-25-2014 12:22 AM

Yeah this mod is awesome, it is feature packed. I actually own the pro version, not sure if I will ever have a use for it, but I might at some point.

TBH I like this more than my version, Christos did a good job on it, but it is in need of alot of missing things. But that being said, I don't know if or what I may add to the mod, as there are more powerful alternatives such as this and Panjo.

And just a FYI, it was not Fillip that wrote this mod, it was Matt, another one of their developers. :)

Mr_Running 01-25-2014 12:43 AM

:up: TheLastSuperman


You must 'Like' someone else's post before liking any more by TheLastSuperman :)

DragonByte Tech 01-25-2014 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by btedition (Post 2476593)
I cleared the Cache, selected usergroups and didn't select "Administrators" but the fee is still not showing although I am an administrator. Bug right?

Looks like it. Will get that sorted. :)

migratoria 01-27-2014 08:03 AM

It's possible add to the rules of writing custom URL mod for .htaccess or Vbseo?
The standard market links are not indexed on google

DragonByte Tech 01-27-2014 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2477157)
It's possible add to the rules of writing custom URL mod for .htaccess or Vbseo?
The standard market links are not indexed on google

Thanks for the feedback. I'm not familiar with vBSeo so I don't know how things are setup within their system, and much of the DragonByte SEO integration came via Fillip/Belazor so I'll get some input on the matter from him for you.

When you say the standard market links, do you mean the links that appear when viewing the listings page? If you can provide any links or images to show what you mean that would help. :)


migratoria 01-27-2014 11:20 AM


When you say the standard market links, do you mean the links that appear when viewing the listings page?
Yes the url of announcements
Example Url Dbtech: http://www.mywebsite/forum/dbtclassi...ng&listingid=5

Example correct url for Seo friendly:http://www.mywebsite/forum/categoriesxx/productxx.html

DragonByte Tech 01-27-2014 05:11 PM

Thanks for the input migratoria. To use the htaccess to grab the listing ID might be possible, but to grab the categories and titles would require that you run a plugin of some sort to query the database. vBSEO probably can do it and we have tied in the integration already with the DragonByte SEO system.


DragonByte Tech 01-27-2014 11:46 PM

Hi everyone,

This week brings bugfix update for DragonByte Classifieds (v1.0.1) mainly focusing on bugs that have been identified in the Lite version during the past week. We're also introducing a change that will allow the State part of addresses to be partially optional in that if a country doesn't have a state listed to it then the user will be able to save the address.

The feedback we've got over the past week has been fantastic helping trace one or two key issues. The full list of changes can be found below.

Remember, we have installed the latest Beta of Classifieds here DBTech. We have created some 'fake' items and have left PayPal in Sandbox mode so that no real money changes hands allowing anyone to test how the system works. We look forward to your feedback. Go here for the latest listings: View Listings - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons.

To create a PayPal Sandbox account you need to head over to this page: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps...tions/accounts. Once you login with your regular PayPal account you can then create a sandbox testing account to use to 'purchase' the items on our Classifieds.

You can purchase DragonByte Classifieds here.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Empty lines when displaying addresses if no state selected for that address
Fixed: Incorrect Page when trying to edit a fee by clicking on the fee title in the Admin Control Panel
Fixed: Issue with misaligned options on the User Control Panel on the settings page
Fixed: Missing contact seller link for admins and moderators (and those who can edit another person's listing)
Fixed: Attachment permissions when editing another user's listing
Fixed: Verification of permissions for editing an attachment
Fixed: Case Mismatch errors in the Conditions Manager
Fixed: Blank Postage pages for Lite users

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: No longer necessary to have a state to save an address

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