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BirdOPrey5 08-16-2013 10:00 PM

Really Fast Registration by BOP5
1 Attachment(s)
Brought to you by BirdOPrey5 / Qapla.com

Live Demo: http://www.totallycommercials.com/

The purpose of this mod is to get users registered as quickly as possible. Users just enter a username, a valid email address, check a box agreeing to the rules (optional), and hit register, and they are sent an email with a randomly generated password.

The fact they get the password by email confirms they entered a valid email address (if they ever log in, you know it is legit.)


Full Feature List
  • Displays on top of Forum Home (forum.php)
  • Ability to customize script name to reduce chances of Spam
  • Uses built in VB javascript to verify valid username in real time
  • Uses 3rd party javascript to detect user's timezone and set it during registration
  • Fully Phrased for easy customization or translation
  • Full use of Stylevars to control colors/layout options
  • Agree to Forum Rules checked by default option
  • Show randomly generated password after registration option (this could lead to users with invalid emails however, not recommended)
  • Random passwords generated vary in length
  • Choose default usergroup for new registrations
  • Register button not active until valid looking username/email entered into form
  • Apply specific referrer to all users who register via this mod (good for tracking purposes)
  • Compatible with my Rename Regiter.php Mod
  • In unlikely event of error on registration user returned to regular registration script.
  • Option to hide rules completely
  • Option to show RFR Form to Admins at all times
  • Option to put RFR Form on any/all templates manually (RFR Anywhere)
  • Option to show JavaScript confirmation that explains why a valid email is needed and gives user option to update their email address.
  • Compatible with VB 3.8.x
  • Support for Human Verification
  • Added option allowing user to hide the form for a set number of days
  • NEW - Added option to enable the register_addmember_complete hook to increase compatibility with other registration mods
  • NEW - (In Beta) - Added option to use RFR form in "IFRAME" mode for non-VB pages.

I've used this mod for a month or so on my site, I have not had any spammers use it, probably too new for them to take notice.

The mod uses its own email phrases for new registrations so be sure to customize it if you want to.

Some important phrases...

Email Body Text Phrases
bop5rfr_newuser - Email sent to email addresses set to be notified of new users
bop5rfr_welcome - Email sent to new users (contains their password and other info)

Error Message Phrases
bop5rfr_reg_complete - Message shown upon completed Registration
bop5rfr_error_missing_values - Message shown if missing values (only possible if javascript disabled)

Front-End Redirect Messages
bop5rfr_problemredirect - Message shown if error and being redirected to full registration form (unlikely to happen)

GLOBAL Phrases
bop5_rfr_agree_to_rules - Agree to rules text
bop5_rfr_really_fast_reg_join_now - Text in title
bop5rfr_timezone_detect - [Timezone Detetion]
bop5rfr_confirm1 & bop5rfr_confirm2 - JavaScript Confirmation before submitting form

The "External Content" is an option to load the time zone detect javascript remotely, you can load it locally if you prefer.

This mod is compatible with vBulletin 3.8.x and vBulletin 4.x.x


Please "Mark as Installed" if you use this. :)
Donations always appreciated. :up:
Nominate MOTM if you LOVE it! ;)

BirdOPrey5 08-16-2013 10:11 PM


final kaoss 08-16-2013 10:13 PM

Once spammers take note of this, I can just see them making scripts to take advantage of this mod..

smirkley 08-16-2013 10:19 PM

I havent used any human verification since changing my register.php name (tnx bop5), and adding that spam hammer (whatever it is called now(tnx vbresults)). And this just really will streamline the whole process even more.

More registrations are lost simply because guests dont want to go through all that crap and get tired of trying)

Tagged for testing very soon!

Does this show up on all pages? (cms,blogs,groups, etc?)

BirdOPrey5 08-16-2013 10:24 PM

This shows up only on Forum Home.

It is fully compatible with my "Renamed Register.php" Mod- http://www.qapla.com/mods/showthread...terphp-by-BOP5

It also has the built in option of the admin creating a custom name for the really fast registration script, that should help prevent future spam attacks.

You can aslo specify a special usergroup for users who register with this script, so if you want to give them less permission until you trust them, that is possible too.

It's actually pretty powerful with options/choices.

Krusty1231 08-17-2013 06:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Most excellent mod. Installed and rated.

However, two questions sir...

In the left corner - "America/Guatemala" is that supposed to be there?

If I could change the bar color so it matches the rest of my theme - that would be awesome.

Thanks for this.

Krusty1231 08-17-2013 06:32 AM

LOL - silly me - I just noticed the Time Zone thing in my rush to install. Never mind.

DemOnstar 08-17-2013 07:52 AM

Tagged for later use. You create some fine things sir....

BirdOPrey5 08-17-2013 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Krusty1231 (Post 2439286)
Most excellent mod. Installed and rated.

However, two questions sir...

In the left corner - "America/Guatemala" is that supposed to be there?

If I could change the bar color so it matches the rest of my theme - that would be awesome.

Thanks for this.

Style Variables control all colors / fonts / borders, etc. Go to the Style Variable Editor in admin cp, under the BOP5 Group, all stylevars begin with bop5rfr_.

The specific one for the bar is bop5rfr_title_background.

Thangvip9x 08-17-2013 09:58 AM

This product will increase spam for forum, i think shouldn't import this product
But i thank for shared from you

Krusty1231 08-17-2013 06:04 PM

Well, for me it does not increase spam. I have certain countries blocked from registering, and noticed a few today attempting to register. (see the screenshot)

They were not successful.

Furthermore, you can easily set a new usergroup for moderation using this mod which would make spamming a no go.

Personally this mod is exactly what my forum needed.

RedTurtle 08-21-2013 08:37 PM

Very nice work Joe.

Any chance of having the rules section able to be toggled off? So only username and email address show up?


BirdOPrey5 08-21-2013 10:07 PM

It could be done now with a template edit.

In the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb4 template change-


      <td width="25%">
        {vb:rawphrase bop5_rfr_agree_to_rules, {vb:raw session.sessionurl}} &nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name="rfrr" id="bop5_rules_agree" tabindex="1" value="1" <vb:if condition="$vboptions['bop5rfr_rulescheck']">checked="checked"</vb:if> onchange="bop5_rfrcheck_submit();" onmouseout="bop5_rfrcheck_submit();" />



      <input type="hidden" name="rfrr" id="bop5_rules_agree" value="1"  />
I'll look into making it a built in option in the next release.

smirkley 08-23-2013 11:08 PM

I am trying to find a way to have it show up as part of the navbar,... either right above the navbar, or right below the navbar. Mainly because I want to see it on every page.

I have been playing with the hooks, but I cant make it work. :(

BirdOPrey5 08-23-2013 11:21 PM

I'll update it this weekend to add this option.

ForceHSS 08-23-2013 11:22 PM

Does this work with any spam software like these two
And if not can you make it work with them

smirkley 08-23-2013 11:24 PM

retracted....thanks.... i posted right after your reply

BirdOPrey5 08-23-2013 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2440600)
Does this work with any spam software like these two
And if not can you make it work with them

It certainly doesn't work with the 2nd one and never will because the whole point is to register in a single click, so there is nothing to time.

I can assure you no one is using it to spam at this time. It has a built in option to customize the script name to help prevent future spam attempts.

Current spam software was never designed to recieve passwords by email and simply are incompatible with this script. I suspect it will be a long time, if ever, before this mod gets popular enough to warrant rewriting spam bot software.

As for the first mod I'm really not sure, it probably wouldn't block registrations but should catch spam if posted i a thread.

theorigin 08-24-2013 05:51 AM

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it's showing up on forum_home even after I've signed in. What am I missing?

BirdOPrey5 08-24-2013 09:50 AM

I forgot I hard coded it to always show to userid 1 when testing it. Will fix that in this weekends update.

I didn't want to forget it was installed and out-of-sight = out of mind.

ozzy47 08-24-2013 09:57 AM

Ha, that's funny Joe, but it may be a good idea to show it to admins via a option, so if you are tweaking it, you don't have to use two different browsers, you can see any changes you make without being logged out.

BirdOPrey5 08-24-2013 07:06 PM

Updated to Version 1.3.0

Added option to completely hide the rules- if you don't care about them no one has to see them. It will just be Username, Email, and Register button.

Added option to always show RFR Form to Admins. This way you can style the form without having to log in as a guest to see changes. Also it will remind you the mod is installed and working.

Finally added an option- RFR Anywhere - With this enabled you manually put a piece of code in just about any template you want (header, navbar, footer all OK) and you can show the Really Fast Registration form on ALL or any pages you want.

The code to use in any template is: {vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form}

I've tested it at the bottom of the header template, bottom of the navbar template, and in the footer template right after-

<div id="footer" class="floatcontainer footer">
All work fine.

Krusty1231 08-24-2013 07:37 PM

Awesome. Updated and working fine.

Thanks again for this!

addamroy 08-24-2013 11:04 PM

This is great, however I believe that you and others have said, it will be taken advantage of quite quickly. Being somebody who has the tools and know-how to create 'bots' particularly in .NET, the lack of process and shear simplicity of the registration is kind of 'back tracking' for those of us who have taken leaps and bounds to exterminate the annoyance of spam and junk sign-ups.

I would recommend the following 2 upgrades to this thingy (modification tagged, but not comfortable with installing yet)

1 - Ability to retain the email confirmation link sent out during a default registration, rather than sending a password via email. Generally speaking, it is always best to never send a password via email, as that data should never be stored or available anywhere but the website's database. This is why password reset links and such are used more often than simply sending the password upon request.

2 - Somehow retain hooks used in the default registration process, so that we can continue to use our spam prevention mods from here on vb. For example the captcha, secret question, and other spam prevention MODS available here on VB utilized during the registration process.

But to each his own, I personally wouldn't feel comfortable installing this mod, it is simply moving backwards when it comes to dealing with spam.

BirdOPrey5 08-24-2013 11:52 PM

I appreciate your advice addamroy, here is my take on this...

Yes there are some Admins here who fight spam like it is their divine mission to never get spam, and good for them, more power to them.

For me personally however deleting a spam thread here or there does not ruin my day. On my off topic forum especially we have several moderators so someone is almost always online and spam never lasts more than a few minutes. A couple of clicks and it is gone.

It is far more valuable to me to have one or two extra people register even if that means one or two extra spammers register as well.

This mod is for the Admins who put new members OVER spam protection.

Next, as part of a comprehensive strategy there are quite a few options this mod allows for that I didn't mention but could be done by combining the fact this mod can register people to a custom group, and the promotions system.

For passwords in-particular you could register users to a new "RFR Group" rather than Registered Users. The RFR Group would have the same permissions as Registered Users but you can set the max password age to something like 1 or 2 days. This would force most users to change their password to something that wouldn't be in their email. The promotions system can be used to promote users after x days or x posts to registered users group.

I also will likely be releasing an add-on in the future that will delete users who registered via RFR but then never returned... If they haven't posted after X days it is a good bet they aren't coming back or didn't use a legit email to begin with.

If spamming becomes an issue I will certainly look into doing more throwing in a captcha or a random question, but I don't think we're there yet and unless this mod because uber popular, it might not ever be a bridge that needs to be crossed.

addamroy 08-25-2013 12:46 AM

What are the chances of having the emailed password be an option? So we can stick to the confirmed emails route.

This does look like a great mod, but at the very least I have always believed in never emailing a password if the option is there, ie during registration and/or forgot password processes.

smirkley 08-25-2013 02:23 AM

The system wont let me like your post right now, so I will thank you here.

Question,... If you turn off registrations in ACP, will this mod turn off also?
(thinking it shouldnt, but would want to disable the registration function that is standard and just test using this solo)
(maybe that should be an option in settings? keep on or turn off by admin oem registration on/off)

smirkley 08-25-2013 02:32 AM

Also wanted to ask,... is there a way to show the time zone and not a particular area?

I have noticed that it is off several hundred miles in the city when I test, even if in the correct time zone. It just looks funny I guess.

(or Can you suggest a way to change that? or do you think it is accurate enough to just hide it in templates, while it still sets on reg?)

BirdOPrey5 08-25-2013 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by addamroy (Post 2440882)
What are the chances of having the emailed password be an option? So we can stick to the confirmed emails route.

This does look like a great mod, but at the very least I have always believed in never emailing a password if the option is there, ie during registration and/or forgot password processes.

If passwords aren't emailed then you want users to have to enter a password on the form? That s one of the major things I am trying to avoid. Unless you had some other idea I'm not thinking of?


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2440895)
The system wont let me like your post right now, so I will thank you here.

Question,... If you turn off registrations in ACP, will this mod turn off also?
(thinking it shouldnt, but would want to disable the registration function that is standard and just test using this solo)
(maybe that should be an option in settings? keep on or turn off by admin oem registration on/off)

In my testing it still works with registration turned off.


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2440898)
Also wanted to ask,... is there a way to show the time zone and not a particular area?

I have noticed that it is off several hundred miles in the city when I test, even if in the correct time zone. It just looks funny I guess.

(or Can you suggest a way to change that? or do you think it is accurate enough to just hide it in templates, while it still sets on reg?)

The timezone is not supposed to pick the city closest to you, there are standardized timezone names in PHP/JavaScript and they are based off the largest city in the timezone even if that city is thousands of miles away. Even if you're in Florida the official timezone name is America / New York.

I really do not like messing with javascript so I used a library already written, I do not know how to go about editing it and wouldn't suggest you try.

If you want you can hide the timezone completely, hiding it shouldn't hurt anything.



#bop5timediv {display:none;}
to additional.css template to hide it.

addamroy 08-25-2013 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2440937)
If passwords aren't emailed then you want users to have to enter a password on the form? That s one of the major things I am trying to avoid. Unless you had some other idea I'm not thinking of?

I hadn't really thought it out that far to be honest, lol. I've just always had a thing with passwords never being anywhere except locked up in a database. (If anybody were to hack one of our email accounts, they would never find any passwords to other services) Just my opinion that passwords shouldn't be transmitted anywhere except from an input field then to a database.

Maybe your mod can add a second phase to the registration.

Possibly after entering their username and email address, they would be directed to a single page where they would then enter their new desired password, at which time I think it would be great that once the password is submitted, the user then be sent a confirmation link via email just like the standard vb registration.

Honestly I'm digging the simplicity of registration and visual design of this mod, I'm sure it would jump sign up conversions, but I feel it's a little 'too' simple, a lot less secure.

If you decide to work out a solution to the password, retaining email confirmation for members, installation would be strongly considered for me. And of coarse, the ability to add a 'secret question' to the registration form (this one modification has had the most effective results for me and spam prevention), this would make it a no brainer for me.

BirdOPrey5 08-25-2013 04:46 PM

I'm going to think about the password issue, I fully support no passwords in emails when it comes to things like banks or corporate email systems, but web discussion forums barely need passwords to be honest- unless someone is a mod or admin I personally wouldn't lose sleep over a password sent by email.

G_Gekko 08-25-2013 05:40 PM

Would it be possible to make the make the registration box hower in a fixed position on top of the page so that it has a fixed position on the screen if if the users scrolls. I think that might give a much higher registration rate as the quick registration would be right there whenever someone reads something they want to reply to. (especially so when viewing a thread.)

smirkley 08-25-2013 06:46 PM

Thanks BOP, I am going to try it with the regular registration off. Since the reg box will show up on every page in my setup, a registration link or button seems redundant.

I have styled using the stylevars, the registration box to something more suitable to my dark theme. (you can see it in my profile here)

But I noticed the username box is white when on a page, but it goes black when one starts to type in it. Of course the text font stays black, but you cant read it then.

I looked in the xml and stylevars bat cant find where to fix that.

smirkley 08-25-2013 06:51 PM

And I am sorry for so many questions...

But, I am wondering if when the user account is created, if the account settings will follow the admin acp default registration options that are preset?

Morrus 08-25-2013 07:23 PM

Great little mod. If you're taking feature requests, I have an idea. Feel free to ignore.

What if this appeared at the bottom of a thread or article under the reply box? That way, people who wanted to reply to a thread could enter their reply and register quickly at the same time. Presumably the reply would have to remain in the mod queue or something until the person logged in again.

I think that would increase registration and thread participation.

BirdOPrey5 08-25-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by G_Gekko (Post 2441012)
Would it be possible to make the make the registration box hower in a fixed position on top of the page so that it has a fixed position on the screen if if the users scrolls. I think that might give a much higher registration rate as the quick registration would be right there whenever someone reads something they want to reply to. (especially so when viewing a thread.)

That should be possible now with CSS... Making the main DIV and absolute position on the page. I'm not a CSS expert but it should all be doable via additional.css.


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2441025)
But I noticed the username box is white when on a page, but it goes black when one starts to type in it. Of course the text font stays black, but you cant read it then.

I looked in the xml and stylevars bat cant find where to fix that.

Does it work right in your regular registration form? You may need to look in register.css for the code that controls the box after typing has begun.


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2441027)
And I am sorry for so many questions...

But, I am wondering if when the user account is created, if the account settings will follow the admin acp default registration options that are preset?

Yes it should.


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2441033)
Great little mod. If you're taking feature requests, I have an idea. Feel free to ignore.

What if this appeared at the bottom of a thread or article under the reply box? That way, people who wanted to reply to a thread could enter their reply and register quickly at the same time. Presumably the reply would have to remain in the mod queue or something until the person logged in again.

I think that would increase registration and thread participation.

I like the idea of showing it to people who try to reply, but holding a reply until they register would be a pretty major change- wouldn't hod my breath for that but maybe one day. :up:

smirkley 08-26-2013 01:50 AM

Just wanted to say that I have been giving this a nice battery of tests, and I quite like it!

Still monitoring the spam thing, but so far none have used it.

Still havent figured out the username box background change on entry, checked out register.css, but all that has is a few short snippets for the check/x image and popup backgrounds. Nothing in there for the entry field box.
(edit to add: should I add a css entry for setting the background?)
(edit again again: yes, it works properly in the regular registration form. Just tested.)

But I do like how this works and just use a usergroup with limited priv for the new member group.

(edit also to add: I implemented the additional css to hide the time area. Like that and for me it prevents user confusion when it shows just some city, and in the end their time zone is set properly anyway, so they dont notice it missing)

smirkley 08-26-2013 02:27 AM

And finally for now, edit to add:

I think I figured out how the background changes in the username input box....


input.greenbox {
        background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/tick.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;

input.redbox {
        background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/cross.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;

The icon is overwriting the backgrouncd css for the input box. And the transparency of the icon png bleeds into the background.

Let me check my regular registration page to see if that has been happening. Bet it has been happening too, kinda think I didnt test it like I thought.

smirkley 08-26-2013 02:39 AM

OK, I changed the snippet above, with the snippet below,...and it fixed it. :)


input.greenbox {
        background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/tick.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;

input.redbox {
        background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/cross.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;

DemOnstar 08-26-2013 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2441145)
OK, I changed the snippet above, with the snippet below,...and it fixed it. :)

This information should be useful for other people too...

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