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naveed.lodhi 07-18-2013 08:33 AM

How to Create VB4 Responsive Theme
1. Can anyone please guide me how to create a vb4 responsive theme. Bootstrap is very well known for being responsive how can I use it?
2. Is there any mod or plugin?
3. How do I get started to make the default theme responsive.

tbworld 07-18-2013 11:39 AM

This can be done, but it is a huge undertaking. On the board I oversee we have re-written most of the templates, and a good part of the core to be responsive -- especially for various tablets. Our users can use it for mobile, but it is still a bit impractical.

With vb5 coming along, within a year or two, it will be all done for you.

Unfortunately, even if you had the skills, the amount of time it would take you is unfeasible. Remember, every 'Mod' you load that deals with the templates -- you will also have to modify. No more auto-templating.

Responsive themes will not solve all the problems of mobile: I just wrote about this in another post last night. For example uploading pictures from mobile phones will require an APP, there is no mechanism in mobile phones to upload to the web (exception: the new Iphone6 is rumored to be able to).

My suggestion is to use forumrunner or tapatalk and enjoy your board.

TerryMason 08-06-2013 02:20 PM

Here you go:

They've got a vbulletin 4 responsive theme.

hellboundblogge 10-01-2013 08:49 PM

Is there anyone who is interested in making custom changes?

Skype: TheFriendism

tbworld 10-01-2013 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by hellboundblogge (Post 2449369)
Is there anyone who is interested in making custom changes?

Skype: TheFriendism

Please post requests in the paid/unpaid forum areas. Thank You!

webmastersun 09-06-2014 02:26 AM

@TerryMason, I didn't know this theme before, it's a good responsive theme for vb4 :)

TerryMason 09-07-2014 11:52 PM

It's a good start, but there are tons of bugs, and the developer is nowhere to be found.

I'm actually trying to pay someone (anyone) to fix some of them. If you do get this theme, let me know if you ever get this sorted out:


netr0n 10-04-2016 11:39 PM


Promotion of commercial modifications is not allowed.
Commercial modification authors are not permitted to create threads regarding their own products or promote their products in any way, shape or form, or to encourage another user to do so.

webmastersun 10-27-2016 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by TerryMason (Post 2514167)
It's a good start, but there are tons of bugs, and the developer is nowhere to be found.

I'm actually trying to pay someone (anyone) to fix some of them. If you do get this theme, let me know if you ever get this sorted out:


Thanks for letting me know that but to be honest, I could create responsive theme for my vb4 forum 3 years ago. Just doing some edits and we can have a good responsive theme from vB default theme. :)

muffel 11-15-2016 08:09 AM

What edits did you make on the default theme to get it responsive?
Or is there another source at the moment to get a full responsive theme for vb4 anywhere?

Thank you! :)

Dave 11-15-2016 12:24 PM

I haven't really seen any true fully responsive theme yet anywhere.

tbellik 11-24-2016 04:52 AM

here is the full responsive vbulletin 4 theme.


for installation ;

1- Send adapt.min.js to root.

Import the xml file admincp/stil and themes/theme upload/download.

If you are using VSA advanced Statistic addon, change this codes.

Open the VSA/topstats_newpost, delete all and paste these codes.


<tr style="vertical-align:top;">        <td style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;width:1%;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;"><vb:if condition="$get_new_posts[newpost]">{vb:raw vsacb_prefixnew}<vb:else />{vb:raw vsacb_prefixold}</vb:if></td>        <td style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;text-align:{vb:stylevar left};width:50%;white-space:nowrap;" title="{vb:raw get_new_posts.fullthreadtitle}"><vb:if condition="$vsastats_tprefix">{vb:raw vsastats_tprefix} </vb:if><a href="{vb:raw vsatopstats_titlelink}">{vb:raw get_new_posts.titletrimmed}</a></td>        <vb:if condition="$vboptions[vsatopstats_lastpost_vrcount]">            <td id="vsa_gizle" style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;text-align:{vb:stylevar right};width:1%;" title="{vb:rawphrase views}/{vb:rawphrase replies}"><span class="shade">&nbsp;{vb:raw get_new_posts.views}</span></td>            <td id="vsa_gizle" style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;text-align:{vb:stylevar left};width:1%;" title="{vb:rawphrase views}/{vb:rawphrase replies}"><span class="shade">{vb:raw get_new_posts.replycount}&nbsp;</span></td>        </vb:if>        <td id="vsa_gizle" style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;text-align:{vb:stylevar right};white-space:nowrap;"><vb:if condition="!$get_new_posts[musername]"><span style="cursor:pointer;">{vb:rawphrase n_a}</span><vb:else /><a href="member.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}u={vb:raw get_new_posts.userid}" title="{vb:rawphrase posted_by} <vb:if condition="!$get_new_posts[musername]">{vb:rawphrase guest}<vb:else />{vb:raw get_new_posts.fullusername}</vb:if>">{vb:raw get_new_posts.musername}</a></vb:if>&nbsp;&nbsp;{vb:raw vsatopstats_arrowlink}</td>        <vb:if condition="$vboptions[vsatopstats_lastpost_dateline]">        <td id="vsa_gizle" style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;" title="{vb:rawphrase date}/{vb:rawphrase time}"><vb:if condition="$get_new_posts[newpost]">{vb:raw get_new_postdate}, {vb:raw get_new_posttime}<vb:else /><span class="shade">{vb:raw get_new_postdate}, {vb:raw get_new_posttime}</span></vb:if></td>        </vb:if>        <vb:if condition="$vboptions[vsatopstats_lastpost_forums]">        <td id="vsa_gizle" style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;text-align:{vb:stylevar right};white-space:nowrap;" title="{vb:raw get_new_posts.fullforumtitle}"><a href="forumdisplay.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}f={vb:raw get_new_posts.forumid}">{vb:raw get_new_posts.forumtitle}</a>&nbsp;</td>        </vb:if>    </tr>

Then open vsa_topstats_stats_singlerow delete all and paste


<tr style="vertical-align:top;">            <vb:if condition="($vsastats_latestposts_pos==1)">            <td class="blocksubhead" style="width:50%;text-align:{vb:stylevar left};">{vb:rawphrase vsa_latest_posts}</td>            </vb:if>            <td class="blocksubhead" id="vsa_gizle" style="width:25%;text-align:{vb:stylevar left};white-space:nowrap;">                {vb:raw vsastats_menu2}            </td>            <vb:if condition="$vsatopstats_blocksec_enabled">            <td class="blocksubhead" id="vsa_gizle" style="width:25%;text-align:{vb:stylevar left};white-space:nowrap;">                {vb:raw vsastats_menu1}            </td>            </vb:if>            <vb:if condition="($vsastats_latestposts_pos==2)">            <td class="blocksubhead" style="width:50%;text-align:{vb:stylevar left};">{vb:rawphrase vsa_latest_posts}</td>            </vb:if>        </tr>        <tr style="vertical-align:top;">            <vb:if condition="($vsastats_latestposts_pos==1)">            <td id="vsastats_lpdiv" style="width:50%;padding:0px;margin:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:0px;border-{vb:stylevar left}:0px;border-{vb:stylevar right}:1px;border-color:{vb:stylevar shade_color};border-style:dashed;"><span>{vb:rawphrase vsastats_loading}</span></td>            </vb:if>            <td id="vsastats_fdiv" class="vsa_gizle" style="width:25%;padding:0px;margin:0px;">            {vb:raw vsatopstats_temptable}            </td>            <vb:if condition="$vsatopstats_blocksec_enabled">            <td id="vsastats_udiv" class="vsa_gizle" style="width:25%;padding:0px;margin:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:0px;border-{vb:stylevar left}:1px;border-{vb:stylevar right}:0px;border-color:{vb:stylevar shade_color};border-style:dashed;">            {vb:raw vsatopstats_temptable}            </td>            </vb:if>            <vb:if condition="($vsastats_latestposts_pos==2)">            <td id="vsastats_lpdiv" style="width:50%;padding:0px;margin:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:0px;border-{vb:stylevar left}:1px;border-{vb:stylevar right}:0px;border-color:{vb:stylevar shade_color};border-style:dashed;"><span>{vb:rawphrase vsastats_loading}</span></td>            </vb:if>        </tr>

Will be full responsive

Brandon Sheley 11-24-2016 02:27 PM

If only the vbulletin style out of the box was responsive.. wishful thinking I know ;)

Mark.B 11-24-2016 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley (Post 2578642)
If only the vbulletin style out of the box was responsive.. wishful thinking I know ;)

It is, in the latest product in the range. :)

Brandon Sheley 11-24-2016 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 2578645)
It is, in the latest product in the range. :)

Only 18 months after google requested it and over 2 years since mobile use exceeded desktop use.

Great progress..lol :up: :rolleyes:

TheAdminMarket 02-11-2017 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by TerryMason (Post 2437516)
Here you go:

They've got a vbulletin 4 responsive theme.

Their site is down at least last 3 days. Have talked with them on the early days of December and they told me that they're working on a new responsive style for vB. Now what?

TheLastSuperman 02-11-2017 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheAdminMarket (Post 2582212)
Their site is down at least last 3 days. Have talked with them on the early days of December and they told me that they're working on a new responsive style for vB. Now what?

Napy8gen from vb.com has a responsive style, I'd speak with him ;).

TheAdminMarket 02-11-2017 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2582217)
Napy8gen from vb.com has a responsive style, I'd speak with him ;).

Hi Michael,

Do you've any demo link?

TheLastSuperman 02-11-2017 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by TheAdminMarket (Post 2582219)
Hi Michael,

Do you've any demo link?

It's listed on his site - https://www.sultantheme.com/

I can link to that because he offers so many free styles (check here on the org, you will see he is the one offering tons of free themes for vB4 and 5 :D) but I can't link specifically to the responsive one as it's paid and you know the rules about that so from here on out mums the word from me :cool:.

Edit: Here is a modified example we did for the NFLUK - http://forum.nfluk.com/?styleid=16

TheAdminMarket 02-12-2017 06:58 AM

Thank you for your prompt attention to help me Michael. Really appreicated.

I know Sultantheme.com for a long time now, just didn't knew that his username here is Napy8gen. What I didn't liked in the other themes was that they were full of graphics. Not flat ones for sites other than gamers.

At least the new responsive style is simple and nice looking. But is over priced. $89 for a theme, is something that I met only for WHMCS themes. Never seen any theme for any forum software so over priced. Normally forum themes are between $30-$40. Having a higher price as it is responsive (even all other themes for other forums are responsive), is acceptable. eg themecrate's style was $49. But $89 is an amount that I'll never pay even if I had the money.

Also don't know if 3nd party addons using standard vBulletin stylevars should be compatible with it. Have seen some strange stylevars in the page's code.


napy8gen 04-10-2017 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by TheAdminMarket (Post 2582228)
Thank you for your prompt attention to help me Michael. Really appreicated.

I know Sultantheme.com for a long time now, just didn't knew that his username here is Napy8gen. What I didn't liked in the other themes was that they were full of graphics. Not flat ones for sites other than gamers.

At least the new responsive style is simple and nice looking. But is over priced. $89 for a theme, is something that I met only for WHMCS themes. Never seen any theme for any forum software so over priced. Normally forum themes are between $30-$40. Having a higher price as it is responsive (even all other themes for other forums are responsive), is acceptable. eg themecrate's style was $49. But $89 is an amount that I'll never pay even if I had the money.


I appreciate your personal opinion.
But my work has it's own standing and I am pretty sure there are fans of my vb4 responsive. It is not an easy work and it is styled all the vbulletin's part.I gave 3 flat colors, 3 gradient colors and 2 black colors to start with. It is more modern looking in desktop and mobile compare to themecrate's screenshots in other site and themecrate's sidebar was default. With my style there is no way you can see default icons. All icons and statusicons are unique to the vb4 responsive style and never been used in my previous non responsive vb4 styles that are now free.

By the way. I cannot access themecrate. I don't know how you compare to one that is dead.

You know that is not a business that I can get rich and I am not rich, and sales every month are low but I am not dead yet, still here to stay and supporting my vb4 responsive style. Last update was in February. Last December I restyled some part for better looking like threadbit.

It is now 69.90

p/s: I will edit the wording if it's against vb.org rules. Because the price mentioned above. I have to tell.

- Hanafi

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