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TheInsaneManiac 06-26-2013 10:00 PM

Proxy Alert
1 Attachment(s)


I've searched high and low for a modification that can detect Tor or proxy users. Personally I've had one too many banned members just create another identity and troll about. Now let proxies and TOR... Give you problems NO MOR! Now when those pesky proxy and Tor users visit your site, you can block them and redirect them to a custom error message!

You can also alert your members that proxies and Tor is not a nice thing to use! You can customize the message and it also allows to be closed.

*You will need to register as I have it set to detect for members only.

Thread Posting on Detection [PRO]
IP Address Whitelist [PRO]
Redirect Proxy Registrations to Blank Page [PRO]
Detect Web Proxies [PRO]
Email on Detect [PRO]
Index Only Option [PRO]
Usergroup Permissions [PRO]
*Search Engine Safe
Block Proxy Registrations (Registration Blocking Only Option Available)
Detect Lan Proxies
PM on Detect
Automatic or Manual Template Edits
Persistent Message Enable/Disable (Uses Cookies)
Redirect if Detected
Custom Messages
Customer Color of Messages
UserID Permissions
Block Registration Even When Proxy Disabled

No Branding Version:
For a premium no-branding version which has additional features, please visit my Products & Services page.

If you look forward to seeing this modification progress, you can help by donating! Donators will be given access to early releases before anyone else, and access to the 3.8 version pro when it's released as well. Upcoming features include:
[S]Option to remove X on alert[/S]
Not allowing Tor users to post
[S]Redirect to another page[/S]
Usergroup Permissions
Set a certain amount of views before blocking
[S]Once closed, don't persist with displaying box[/S]
Possibly a notice type message instead of a popup
BAN Tor users automatically
[S]Enable/Disable feature[/S]

1.) Upload everything in the upload folder to your forum root.
2.) Navigate to AdminCP Add/Import Product
3.) Select product-toralert.xml
4.) Install the modification
5.) Set your options in the AdminCP
6.) Mark Installed :)

1.) Upload everything in the upload folder to your forum root.
2.) Navigate to AdminCP Add/Import Product
3.) Select product-toralert.xml
4.) Check yes to Allow Overwrite
5.) Install the modification
6.) Set your options in the AdminCP

*Not working?
1.) Disable automatic template edits in the AdminCP
2.) Navigate to the navbar template in your style
3.) Add {vb:raw toralert} to the bottom of the template

Fixed issue with broken bracket.

Fix for 4.2.2
AdminCP Manager
Pro Feature Ported to Free (Block Registration Even When Proxy Disabled)

Registration Detection Only
Added Link to Change Registration Detection Message
Fixed Issue w/ Registration Detection
Reduced Queries Further

Fixed "Could not find phrase 'proxy_alert_registration'." Error
Improved Detection
Reduced Queries
Enhanced Code

Thread Posting on Detection [PRO]
Added Member Only Detection
Added Global Enable/Disable
Restructured Code
Optimized Code

User ID Whitelist
Bot detection fix
IP Whitelist [PRO]
Registration blocker works with ip address whitelist [PRO]

Block Proxy Registrations (Screenshots Added)
Redirect Proxy Registrations to Blank Page [PRO]
Block Registration Even When Proxy Disabled [PRO]

Changed IP text to Real IP
Changed pm alerts to be more detailed if it was detected using tor, a lan proxy, or a web proxy.

Fixed conditional issue

PM on detect now posts the ip address, proxy ip address, and the hostname of the user

Fixed multiple PMs being sent

Renamed to Proxy Alert
Detect Tor and Lan Proxies
PM on Detect
Detect Web Proxies [PRO]
Email on Detect [PRO]
Redirect to Blank Page [PRO]

Fixed cache issue
Fixed font issue

Automatic template edits Enable/Disable
Font color of messages
Index only option [PRO]

Fixed cache issue in tor.php
Fixed online location still showing unknown for redirects

Added a persistent option in the AdminCP
Minor bug fixes

Alert message when closed will not pop back up (Stores tor cooking and if exists alert will not pop up any longer, this does not apply to redirection)

Changed the position of the alert to not cause issues with the Adblock Alert product

Block Tor users and redirect them to a custom page with a custom message controlled in the AdminCP

Enable/Disable redirection in AdminCP.

Who's online trigger


davidg 06-27-2013 02:02 PM

alot of people use Tor for hacking forums this addon is very good one if u want more protection

djbaxter 06-27-2013 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by davidg (Post 2430798)
alot of people use Tor for hacking forums this addon is very good one if u want more protection

Perhaps eventually. In its present form, it doesn't protect you at all.

AK47- 06-27-2013 03:06 PM

Can't wait to see this plugin come out of it's beta stages!

davidg 06-27-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2430802)
Perhaps eventually. In its present form, it doesn't protect you at all.

i had this in mind when i posted:

Upcoming features include:
Blocking access completely, make those troublesome users who switch identities, DISAPPEAR!
Not allowing Tor users to post
Redirect to another page
Usergroup Permissions
Set a certain amount of views before blocking
Once closed, don't persist with displaying box
Possibly a notice type message instead of a popup
BAN Tor users automatically
Enable/Disable feature.

djbaxter 06-27-2013 05:49 PM

Yes. I was clarifying it for the other poster. I would like to see a total block for Tor users, personally.

TheInsaneManiac 06-27-2013 10:40 PM


You've posted, and I've read! Tor Alert 0.5.0 has been released and out of beta since I now have the kinks worked out.

You can now block Tor users completely and redirect them to a custom message set in the AdminCP! You can enable/disable this option if you choose to just stick with an alert. Also shows up in the who's online as "Blocked by Tor Detector."

I hope you guys enjoy this modification, and look forward to more features and a premium version soon! Feel free to leave your suggestions and feedback in the topic.

Ramsesx 06-28-2013 03:56 PM

Good job, a 3.8 version would be nice.

davidg 06-28-2013 10:13 PM

any plans on blocking i2p to ? i dont know if this is possible i m just asking :-)

TheInsaneManiac 06-29-2013 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx (Post 2431036)
Good job, a 3.8 version would be nice.

I no longer use 3.8, but I'll see what I can fancy up. Won't be a supported modification though.


Originally Posted by davidg (Post 2431109)
any plans on blocking i2p to ? i dont know if this is possible i m just asking :-)

No plans at the moment, it simply isn't that popular for me to invest time in it. I've not had to ban anyone multiple times that use it. If it becomes more of a problem for me or if request is high enough, then yes the plans can always change.

rhody401 06-29-2013 10:02 AM

What a great idea! Thank you for making this.

TheInsaneManiac 08-15-2013 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by rhody401 (Post 2431162)
What a great idea! Thank you for making this.

You're welcome. :)

0.6.0 has been released to now store a cookie that if detected will no longer alert as to of Tor use. This will not be used in redirection method therefor even if cookie is detected, they will still be redirected.

smirkley 08-15-2013 11:14 AM

I like this idea and cant wait for it to be expanded.


How does this detect TOR? I know they rotate IP's constantly as well as reassign the hostnames. Can this really detect the tunnels or users?

Would love to see a method to prevent tor posting and maybe even temporary moving into usergroups of any tor detected account.

Tagged for future. Tnx

TheInsaneManiac 08-15-2013 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2438995)
I like this idea and cant wait for it to be expanded.


How does this detect TOR? I know they rotate IP's constantly as well as reassign the hostnames. Can this really detect the tunnels or users?

Would love to see a method to prevent tor posting and maybe even temporary moving into usergroups of any tor detected account.

Tagged for future. Tnx

They subnet their address to the IPs. So by reverse looking up their IP address, and finding it registered to ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org the script then precedes to block the user. As of right now the only way to block posting is if you redirect them, I do have plans to bring the feature however into the product within the next couple of days.

smirkley 08-15-2013 01:59 PM

Excellent. Liked.

So ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org is the "external content" listed above?

I havent yet (that I am aware of) had a problem member using tor, but I see this as a good defensive measure worthy of consideration.

davidg 08-15-2013 05:41 PM

0.6 version have a bug


smirkley 08-15-2013 10:57 PM

I thought I would install this and test this out.

How do I turn off the X in the popup?

AURFSCAN 08-16-2013 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by davidg (Post 2439053)
0.6 version have a bug



for a quick fix until new product xml is edited and uploaded by author, edit the Tor_alert template, right at the bottom - remove ');}

its just before the closing script tag

@InsaneMan, you dont need {} there :)

Max Taxable 08-16-2013 01:11 AM

This is REALLY needed for 3.8.X... Still ALOT of those board owners around.

TheInsaneManiac 08-16-2013 01:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2439006)
Excellent. Liked.

So ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org is the "external content" listed above?

I havent yet (that I am aware of) had a problem member using tor, but I see this as a good defensive measure worthy of consideration.

That is correct. You can give it a try by downloading the Tor browser from their website.


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2439091)
I thought I would install this and test this out.

How do I turn off the X in the popup?

This will be in the next version (0.7.0), I will make sure of it.


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2439103)
This is REALLY needed for 3.8.X... Still ALOT of those board owners around.

Acknowledged, I have been working on one since Ramsesx requested it. As I previously stated though, it may not be supported. I will be developing it on my employees 3.8 since I no longer have 3.8 and I won't always have access to it.


Originally Posted by davidg (Post 2439053)


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2439100)

for a quick fix until new product xml is edited and uploaded by author, edit the Tor_alert template, right at the bottom - remove ');}

its just before the closing script tag

@InsaneMan, you dont need {} there :)

Thank you both for pointing that out, however by removing those lines it would break the cookie detection as that is part of the if conditional. Do one of you have a demo of this issue that I could view, or can one of you cntl + u and share the source code so I could look for errors or possibly a modification conflict?

Maybe you could give this a go as well, I am wondering if the vboptions are giving it trouble.

AURFSCAN 08-16-2013 02:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
above xml no go

AURFSCAN 08-16-2013 02:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)


if (document.cookie.indexOf("tor=") < 0) {
document.write('<div id=stickymsg><a id="close" href="#" onClick="this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); SetCookie(\'tor\',\'yes\',\'365\');"></a><b>{vb:raw vboptions.tor_alert_message}</b></div></vb:if>');

to this


if (document.cookie.indexOf("tor=") < 0) 
document.write <div id=stickymsg><a id="close" href="#" onClick="this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); SetCookie(\'tor\',\'yes\',\'365\');"></a><b>{vb:raw vboptions.tor_alert_message}</b></div></vb:if>

smirkley 08-16-2013 04:34 AM

I have successfully installed the detector mod, and tested with the latest TOR browser.

A couple of points,...

I like and prefer the red pop-up in v0.6. it isnt all in the way, but I would like it to always be on every page view. IE-giving the admin the ability to eliminate the X. (already discussed earlier so no biggie)

I noticed that the detector doesnt work on cms pages. Not a problem for me as I dont allow members to create articles, but I think the pop-up should show up there anyway.

I dont know why anyone would use the TOR system, it like slows down my browsing significantly. Maybe I am just not covert and devious enough to need it I guess.

I like it so far. Thanks!

TheInsaneManiac 08-16-2013 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2439112)


if (document.cookie.indexOf("tor=") < 0) {
document.write('<div id=stickymsg><a id="close" href="#" onClick="this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); SetCookie(\'tor\',\'yes\',\'365\');"></a><b>{vb:raw vboptions.tor_alert_message}</b></div></vb:if>');

to this


if (document.cookie.indexOf("tor=") < 0) 
document.write <div id=stickymsg><a id="close" href="#" onClick="this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); SetCookie(\'tor\',\'yes\',\'365\');"></a><b>{vb:raw vboptions.tor_alert_message}</b></div></vb:if>

That is strange, in the standard of coding in javascript you always needed the brackets, it was like <vb:if> and </vb:if>


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2439119)
I have successfully installed the detector mod, and tested with the latest TOR browser.

A couple of points,...

I like and prefer the red pop-up in v0.6. it isnt all in the way, but I would like it to always be on every page view. IE-giving the admin the ability to eliminate the X. (already discussed earlier so no biggie)

I noticed that the detector doesnt work on cms pages. Not a problem for me as I dont allow members to create articles, but I think the pop-up should show up there anyway.

I dont know why anyone would use the TOR system, it like slows down my browsing significantly. Maybe I am just not covert and devious enough to need it I guess.

I like it so far. Thanks!

That will be in the next version to eliminate a few other bugs I found. Should be up shortly.

What do you mean it doesn't work on CMS pages? It's hooked into the headers, which if I recall should be used in CMS as well. Is your style different on the CMS than the forum?

Tor runs fine with me, however I am on 50mbps optic internet so that may be why. Even some users are on a 54k internet connection, they just prefer anonymity over being public. Then you get those that are on a set vendetta to make your life a living hell, rather it be spamming your forum with useless junk, or harassing/flaming your board, getting banned, and using a new ip to do it again, regardless it is why I created it. I will actually be investing a little more time into this modification as I noticed since I started blocking Tor users that this one thorn in my side decided to use a web based proxy, which I plan to detect and stop those as well. Eventually if you make things really difficult for them, they give up haha.

AURFSCAN 08-16-2013 06:53 AM

InsaneMan, ignore my last code as I didnt check with both page and popup, works with one not both.

this code works for both


if (document.cookie.indexOf("tor=") < 0) 
document.write ('<div id=stickymsg><a id="close" href="#" onClick="this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); SetCookie(\'tor\',\'yes\',\'365\');"></a><b>{vb:raw vboptions.tor_alert_message}</b></div>')</vb:if>

TheInsaneManiac 08-16-2013 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2439130)
InsaneMan, ignore my last code as I didnt check with both page and popup, works with one not both.

this code works for both


if (document.cookie.indexOf("tor=") < 0) 
document.write ('<div id=stickymsg><a id="close" href="#" onClick="this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); SetCookie(\'tor\',\'yes\',\'365\');"></a><b>{vb:raw vboptions.tor_alert_message}</b></div>')</vb:if>

Hmm actually upon further investigation into the issue </vb:if> was the issue the whole time haha. I included it in the alert message which closed out the conditional before </script> could be finished. Anyway will patch this with the new version. After updating to the new version you will need to revert your tor_alert template and if using vbOptimise you will need to flush cache.

Edit: 0.6.5 released to include the persistent option and some other minor fixes.

rhody401 08-16-2013 10:52 AM

0.6.5 download link says it is an invalid attachment.

TheInsaneManiac 08-16-2013 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by rhody401 (Post 2439163)
0.6.5 download link says it is an invalid attachment.

Works for me? Try pressing f5 and download it again.

smirkley 08-16-2013 12:45 PM

I just notice that the cms pages, most noticably, my home page, the pop-up didnt show up. I did browse around during tests and it works on all pages, but upon returning to my home page, the popup didnt enable.

I have had several instances where the cms didnt conform to vb css especially in non-oem template changes, and other attributes, but I dont know why the difference, except sometimes when using certain mods or header template changes like my custom login box in header, that cms css had to be changed also as it wouldnt follow vb forum vb css attributes. So maybe the mod is working, but the forum or additional css attributes arent applied directly to cms header changes.

Oh yes, and I use one style for all my pages.

edit to add, I am on a 50mb fibre connection too, although my remote measured thoroughput is more around 36mb. No biggie, I understand the latency involved by going thru tor.

AURFSCAN 08-16-2013 11:35 PM

Works great (0.6.5)


TheInsaneManiac 08-17-2013 04:18 PM

1.0 released along with a Product and Services page being created for the Pro version and those wanting to donate.

Automatic template edits Enable/Disable
Font color of messages
Index only option [PRO]

Fixed cache issue in tor.php
Fixed online location still showing unknown for redirects


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2439175)
I just notice that the cms pages, most noticably, my home page, the pop-up didnt show up. I did browse around during tests and it works on all pages, but upon returning to my home page, the popup didnt enable.

I have had several instances where the cms didnt conform to vb css especially in non-oem template changes, and other attributes, but I dont know why the difference, except sometimes when using certain mods or header template changes like my custom login box in header, that cms css had to be changed also as it wouldnt follow vb forum vb css attributes. So maybe the mod is working, but the forum or additional css attributes arent applied directly to cms header changes.

Oh yes, and I use one style for all my pages.

edit to add, I am on a 50mb fibre connection too, although my remote measured thoroughput is more around 36mb. No biggie, I understand the latency involved by going thru tor.

I will investigate this further and implement a fix for when I release the 3.8 version. I've had a lot of requests for 3.8 so I'm trying to patch some bugs and have someone testing it out, once confirmed everything works I will patch the CMS issue.

That's strange that it loads fast for me, maybe I am closer to the provider which may give me a better ping?


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2439265)
Works great (0.6.5)


Thanks man!

rhody401 08-20-2013 06:15 PM

With version 1.0, I am experiencing some odd behavior. I have temporary disabled it, until you can evaluate the cause. The issue is directly tied in with this mod, and I can duplicate it enabling/disabling the mod.


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/accountname/public_html/includes/functions_online.php(1244) : eval()'d code on line 13
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/accountname/public_html/includes/functions_online.php(1244) : eval()'d code on line 13

Guest 02:45 PM Viewing Error Message /showthread.php/image.php?u=4&amp;dateline=1328806152 Unknown Location

Guest 02:45 PM Viewing Error Message /showthread.php/image.php?u=4&amp;dateline=1328806152 Unknown Location
With one person viewing that broken link, I get the error once. With three sessions viewing it (even if one of them is me, a real account), I will see it three times across the top of the forum. This happens only in the whos online screen, btw.

I hope this is helpful, to help diagnose the cause.
Thanks again

PS: I also have vb bad behavior going, if that could somehow be in conflict. (I guess theyre somewhat similar) I am using ADVANCED FRIENDLY URL's, with paths changed somewhat in the htaccess, if that could be another factor.

TheInsaneManiac 08-20-2013 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by rhody401 (Post 2439964)
With version 1.0, I am experiencing some odd behavior. I have temporary disabled it, until you can evaluate the cause. The issue is directly tied in with this mod, and I can duplicate it enabling/disabling the mod.

With one person viewing that broken link, I get the error once. With three sessions viewing it (even if one of them is me, a real account), I will see it three times across the top of the forum. This happens only in the whos online screen, btw.

I hope this is helpful, to help diagnose the cause.
Thanks again

PS: I also have vb bad behavior going, if that could somehow be in conflict. (I guess theyre somewhat similar) I am using ADVANCED FRIENDLY URL's, with paths changed somewhat in the htaccess, if that could be another factor.

This issue has been resolved in v1.1. Please uninstall the previous version and install the new version.

rhody401 08-20-2013 10:07 PM

Great. Thanks for such a speedy reply! I'll do this right now.

rhody401 08-20-2013 10:23 PM

I'm not sure that the email feature works, but everything else seems in order!

Thanks again

Set3sh 08-21-2013 04:37 AM

Bought the pro edition. :D
My question is: what happens when my number of file downloads is exceeded and there is an update?

TheInsaneManiac 08-21-2013 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by rhody401 (Post 2440006)
I'm not sure that the email feature works, but everything else seems in order!

Thanks again

Sorry the email is a pro feature. As I build up the pro I will look into having some options come to the free version, with the next update I believe I will be bringing the index only feature to the free version.


Originally Posted by Set3sh (Post 2440055)
Bought the pro edition. :D
My question is: what happens when my number of file downloads is exceeded and there is an update?

Thank you. Anytime an update is released I send out an email through the website as I would through vBulletin. When this happens the downloads are reset back to 5.

Set3sh 08-21-2013 07:17 AM

Great :D

rhody401 08-21-2013 09:48 AM

Pro version it is then.

Emails work now.

Suggestion: Do you think maybe more could be included in the emails for a future version, such as the IP/hostmask they used, or maybe even the detectable fields that identify the browser, operating system, etc?


Disco_Dave 08-21-2013 10:13 AM

does this mod work with PaulM's mod? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231873

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