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-   -   Major Additions - [DBTech] DragonByte Forum Ads v2 (vB4) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=298471)

DragonByte Tech 05-25-2013 10:00 PM

[DBTech] DragonByte Forum Ads v2 (vB4)
1 Attachment(s)
What is DragonByte Forum Ads?
DragonByte Forum Ads is an advanced advertising solution that allows you to easily show visitors you have advertisements available, offer multiple ad campaign options including banners, keywords and more and maximise the revenue potential of your community. Full PayPal integration and automated features such as deactivating expired ad campaigns allows you to make money without expending extra effort.

Fully integrated with vBulletin's "Advertising" page, this mod allows you to make use of vBulletin's powerful advertisement criteria, without having to manually accept payments & manually add the ad code.

DragonByte Forum Ads allows you to offer your ad space on the forums at a price, letting potential advertisers submit their advertisements for consideration before they are asked to pay.


If you like this mod please hit the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2015/08/1.png button to the right ---->

Please remember to click the, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2015/08/2.png button to the right if you installed the mod ---->

What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.

For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

* Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

We appreciate the support!

Other addons available @ www.DragonByte-Tech.com/forum

Major Features

Automatic Campaign Handling
When an advertisement campaign is paid for, it's automatically activated. Once its purchased impressions, clicks or days are used up, it's automatically deactivated.

PayPal integration
Supports PayPal for fast and easy transactions, even from credit card users (without the responsibility of storing & processing credit card data).

Powerful Admin Controls
Administrators have complete control over advertisement campaigns, requiring moderation for all campaigns before they are paid for to ensure you agree with all the content being displayed.

Over A Dozen Banner Locations
Archive - Above Content 1, Above Content 2, Below Content
Forum Home - After Forums, Below "What's Going On"
Forum Display - Below Threadlist
Thread Display - First Post Content, Last Post Content
Global - Header 1, Header 2, Below Navbar, Above Footer
Blog Sidebar - Sidebar 1, Sidebar 2, Sidebar 3
Blog Entry - Before Entry, After Entry
Blog List - First Entry

Powerful Keyword System
You can sell keyword replacements, allowing people to convert certain words into links to their sites. This can be especially useful if you're running a site discussing real products, allowing the product owners to quickly convert discussions into potential sales.

Complete Feature List


Payment Processors
  • Supports PayPal
  • Configure the description to display to your users when they checkout
  • Configure your Merchant ID (such as PayPal email address)
  • "Sandbox" Mode toggleable via vBulletin Options, for testing purposes

Banner Spaces
  • Integrate with one of vBulletin's built-in advertising locations
  • Configure the dimensions of the banner shown within this space
  • Choose how many rotations are available for this banner space
  • Set multiple banner spaces to the same advertising location to show the banners side-by-side
  • Configurable placeholder image
  • Placeholders and sold ads have anti-adblock code

  • Choose price type (keyword or banner space)
  • Choose the price per X impressions, clicks or days
  • Configure multiple price points for the same banner space or for keywords to encourage bigger purchases
  • Choose what banner space the price point belongs to
  • Configurable display order for display in the front-end shop

Sold Keywords
  • Add new keyword advertisement manually - give advertisement space as a gift!
  • Search sold keywords by active/expired, username, sold date (range), or specific keyword
  • Search results display a paginated list of keywords
  • Edit / Update / delete the keywords
  • Quickly view the transaction for the keyword, if any
  • Support for date-expiring ads even if they are also Clicks/Impressions limited

Sold Banners
  • Add new banner advertisement manually - give advertisement space as a gift!
  • Search sold banners by active/expired, username or sold date (range)
  • Search results display a paginated list of banners
  • Edit / Update / delete the banners
  • Quickly view the transaction for the banner, if any
  • Support for date-expiring ads even if they are also Clicks/Impressions limited

  • Search transactions by All, Valid (completed or reversed) Completed, Reversed, Pending or Refunded status, user name, amount spent, date range, ip address
  • Search results display a paginated list of transactions
  • View transaction info including a complete list of information received from the payment processor
  • Quickly view all transactions for the selected user

  • Repair integration with vBulletin advertisements
  • Rebuild keyword database for statistical purposes

  • Group multiple banner space / keyword configurations together in a handy package
  • Set a new price for the combined Package
  • Allows user to configure each package item individually
  • Visually attractive front-end display while buying

Custom Amounts
  • Ability to set a base price for 1 Click or 1 Impression
  • Allows users to choose how many Clicks or Impressions they wish to purchase
  • User configures and purchases like normal
  • Offers great flexibility in buying advertising

Purchase / Configure Pages
  • The Purchase page has been revamped, with a new tabbed interface!
  • Under the Banner Spaces tab there's now a visual indicator for where each banner will be shown
  • Clicking an ad space on the visual indicator shows only pricing options for that banner space
  • Sold out banner spaces display "SOLD OUT" in red
  • Each pricing option for the same banner space is grouped under the same header

  • Clicks & Impressions has a dedicated Statistics page per-banner / per-keyword
  • Summary of clicks or impressions stats above the Search form in the Customer area
  • Displays total clicks or impressions, unique IP addresses, date of first click or impression, date of last click or impression
  • Ability to click a button to receive an email report of the statistics
  • Displays the country of origin for users who clicked / viewed each content type
  • Fully browsable with pagination

  • "Checkmark" image in the Packages / Discounts display
  • Border around the ads & placeholders
  • Padding around the ads & placeholders
  • Background of the ads & placeholders
  • "Please Don't Use An Ad-blocker" image
  • "Your Ad Here" placeholder image

User / Usergroup Options
  • Usergroup permission: automatically approve keywords
  • Usergroup permission: automatically approve banners
  • Usergroup permission: automatically approve bids
  • User flag: automatically approve keywords
  • User flag: automatically approve banners
  • User flag: automatically approve bids


Multiple Currencies
  • Show prices in multiple currencies
  • Set a tax rate for purchases in currencies other than your home currency
  • Configurable exchange rate
  • Choose a "Primary Currency" that your prices will be based on

Price Bidding
  • Ability to make a price point up for bidding
  • Allows users to enter a bid and submit it for acceptance
  • Admin can accept or reject the bid from a link in an email
  • User receives email when their bid has been accepted or rejected
  • Rest of purchase process proceeds as normal

  • Group multiple package / banner space / keyword configurations together and provide a discount
  • Discount can be flat rate or % of the total price
  • Allows user to configure each package item individually
  • Visually attractive front-end display while buying


This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of all pages, which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification

hugh_ 05-26-2013 10:00 AM

Very nice work, any chance of adding ad locations in search results such as forum display, etc? Also nice might be controlling ad views by usergroup...

datoneer 05-26-2013 02:25 PM

Bravo Christos i agree with you, good point! And this mod is great! Thank you

Christos Teriakis 05-26-2013 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by datoneer (Post 2424317)
Bravo Christos i agree with you, good point! And this mod is great! Thank you

To avoid any misunderstandings. This is NOT my mod. I got a disappointed feeling when I read that post and I wrote what I felt at that time.
Actually if it was my own mod, most probably it has to be in Graveyard now:D

Anyway Thank you for the supporting words to the author of this mod. He deserves them. I read the features and I can guarantee that it's a least a month's hard work, offered for free to the community.

datoneer 05-26-2013 03:51 PM

I know i said thanks to dbtech :)

ikymbo 05-26-2013 06:56 PM

I get this error when trying to view the tab Forum Ads

Fatal error: Class 'vB_XML_Parser' not found in /home/username/public_html/dbtech/forumads/actions/purchase.php on line 471

skol 05-27-2013 09:19 AM

What would make me pay for it,is if you could install it to test it..Same error as @ikymbo

Christos Teriakis 05-27-2013 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2424411)
What would make me pay for it,is if you could install it to test it..Same error as @ikymbo

If you want to give a try, upload the attached file at:

I'm not sure if it will fix it or not, but seems that a required file is missing. If it does not fix it then re-upload the original and wait the author to post a fix.

DragonByte Tech 05-27-2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by ikymbo (Post 2424352)
I get this error when trying to view the tab Forum Ads

Fatal error: Class 'vB_XML_Parser' not found in /home/username/public_html/dbtech/forumads/actions/purchase.php on line 471

Uploaded a fixed file in the zip, thanks :)

It doesn't show up for me on my dev board, I guess some other mod I'm running is already including that class.


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2424411)
What would make me pay for it,is if you could install it to test it..Same error as @ikymbo

You managed to receive that error before installing it? That's pretty impressive, I'd think you'd receive a DB error about a missing phrasegroup dbtech_forumads before you ever got to that page if you hadn't installed the mod yet :)


BirdOPrey5 05-27-2013 02:04 PM

Cleaned up a couple of posts in here- this is not the place to discuss general gratitude toward coders. I might give a little more leeway if the actual Coder of this mod was responding but anyone else shouldn't be bringing it up in this thread.


datoneer 05-27-2013 10:27 PM

I have some style issues on my forum is there any way to fix it?


Can you add an option to remove any of these advertising locations?

Archive, Thread, Board, Forum etc. because i'm not offering ad space on all these parts of forum

skol 05-27-2013 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2424432)
Uploaded a fixed file in the zip, thanks :)

You managed to receive that error before installing it? That's pretty impressive, I'd think you'd receive a DB error about a missing phrasegroup dbtech_forumads before you ever got to that page if you hadn't installed the mod yet :)


The previous post was deleted,that comment was pointing to his comments..But if you want to clutch at straws,then yes your correct the install went through with no error..Unfortunately I couldn't test your product after it was installed..Hope that sounds better..:)

DragonByte Tech 05-28-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by datoneer (Post 2424545)
I have some style issues on my forum is there any way to fix it?


Can you add an option to remove any of these advertising locations?

Archive, Thread, Board, Forum etc. because i'm not offering ad space on all these parts of forum

Unfortunately we cannot support skins that are that narrow. Your skin has just over 1000 pixels of usable space, whereas the minimum resolution found in most browsers today is over 1300 pixels (the screens in cheap laptops are 1366x768 I believe, with smartphones and desktops leading the charge by offering 1920x1080).

There's currently no way to hide the images for areas where you don't offer advertising - those are all the native locations vBulletin supports ads.


datoneer 05-28-2013 02:32 PM

Ok thank you

skol 05-29-2013 08:27 PM


DragonByte Forum Ads allows you to offer your ad space on the forums at a price, letting potential advertisers submit their advertisements for consideration before they are asked to pay.
Thanks for the mod,I can see great potential for this...Question? When they upload an ad for consideration were is that file actually saved? How do you point your ad location to that image? Is it automatically done,and are we talking static images or can they upload .swf...I tried a flash file but I couldn't find were it had uploaded to,it wasn't in the banner folder..


lazytown 05-30-2013 04:14 AM

Seems like a great mod so far! I have a few questions.

1) How does it handle sites that also use google adsense? Is it able to use adsense as the alternative if purchased ad-space isn't filled? Is there a threshhold you can set that the ad CPM must reach before they are allowed to replace adsense ads?

2) How does the keyword targeting work? Does it replace every single word that occurs throughout the entire site, or can you specify a percentage of chance a keyword is replaced or # of keyword impressions or specific forum sections? I don't like the idea of replacing every occurrence of a word. It might seem like link spam to google. Does it have the option to use an intermediary link redirect?

3) Is there any way to charge per ad/keyword clicked?

4) Are we able to disable certain ad spots? I don't mind if it shows them all, but I only want to offer certain spots.

5) It would also be awesome if we could offer custom ad spots (with code that could be manually inserted into the templates).. For example, if we wanted small box or skyscraper ads on the right side of the forum. They don't have to have an image, perhaps just a description created by the admin.

Thank You!

lazytown 05-30-2013 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2424634)
Unfortunately we cannot support skins that are that narrow. Your skin has just over 1000 pixels of usable space, whereas the minimum resolution found in most browsers today is over 1300 pixels (the screens in cheap laptops are 1366x768 I believe, with smartphones and desktops leading the charge by offering 1920x1080).

There's currently no way to hide the images for areas where you don't offer advertising - those are all the native locations vBulletin supports ads.


The browser size issue sounds like a problem. According to Google, nearly 50% of browsers still are below 1250. See http://browsersize.googlelabs.com/ . While the largest percentage of users may be at 1366, A) that doesn't mean the actual window size is that large, and B) 49% could still be well below that amount. I would target at least 75% of all users.

DragonByte Tech 06-03-2013 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2424847)
Thanks for the mod,I can see great potential for this...Question? When they upload an ad for consideration were is that file actually saved?



Originally Posted by skol (Post 2424847)
How do you point your ad location to that image? Is it automatically done

It is indeed automatic :)


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2424847)
are we talking static images or can they upload .swf...

Flash files are not supported at this time.


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2424871)
1) How does it handle sites that also use google adsense? Is it able to use adsense as the alternative if purchased ad-space isn't filled? Is there a threshhold you can set that the ad CPM must reach before they are allowed to replace adsense ads?

This mod does not feature adsense integration for placeholders at this time. If you post that @ our site, we'll take it into consideration :)


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2424871)
2) How does the keyword targeting work? Does it replace every single word that occurs throughout the entire site, or can you specify a percentage of chance a keyword is replaced or # of keyword impressions or specific forum sections?

It replaces every instance of a word in a post - that counts as one impression.

It only replaces keywords in posts.


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2424871)
Does it have the option to use an intermediary link redirect?

It does use a redirect, in order to support tracking clicks.


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2424871)
3) Is there any way to charge per ad/keyword clicked?

Not retroactively, but as per the OP you can sell ads that are sold per 1 click/impression/day and advertisers can choose how many of the chosen metric they wish to buy in advance.


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2424871)
4) Are we able to disable certain ad spots? I don't mind if it shows them all, but I only want to offer certain spots.

Don't create banner spaces for those ad spots :p


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2424871)
5) It would also be awesome if we could offer custom ad spots (with code that could be manually inserted into the templates).. For example, if we wanted small box or skyscraper ads on the right side of the forum. They don't have to have an image, perhaps just a description created by the admin.

You can do this by creating a new ad_locations_vissacustomads.xml XML file in /includes/xml.

If you open ad_locations_vbulletin.xml you'll see the format. Once you rebuild vBulletin's ad locations, and run Forum Ads' maintenance task to rebuild ad integration, you will have the option of a new banner space location.

You can then place the {vb:raw ad_location.whateveryounamedit} in a template.


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2424872)
The browser size issue sounds like a problem. According to Google, nearly 50% of browsers still are below 1250. See http://browsersize.googlelabs.com/ . While the largest percentage of users may be at 1366, A) that doesn't mean the actual window size is that large, and B) 49% could still be well below that amount. I would target at least 75% of all users.

That site seems like it's not being updated any more in favour of Google Analytics on a per-site basis.

The statistics from W3Schools seem to counter your claim: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp & http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/br...ion_higher.asp for a breakdown of what "Higher" means.

So by targeting 1366px width, we are actually targeting over 90% of all users :)

We tend to design our products for the majority, and it's clear that the overwhelming majority have a higher screen resolution. Sure, this may not fit every single individual forum, but we can still say it covers the majority :)

A community catering to teaching the elderly about computing and the internet will probably have a higher percentage of IE users running older versions of Windows.
Does that mean we support IE6 on WinXP? Not by any stretch.

A community regarding hardware overclocking will probably have a higher percentage of Chrome or Firefox users running the newest version of Windows. Does that mean we don't support IE? Not by any stretch.

Update: Our Managing Director has informed me that for the future I should make the table of images fluid so that it can shrink to 1 image per line if the window is too narrow (and expand to 3+ images per line if the window is "too wide"), so look for that in a future update :)


lazytown 06-03-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2425576)
.... The statistics from W3Schools seem to counter your claim: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp & http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/br...ion_higher.asp for a breakdown of what "Higher" means.

So by targeting 1366px width, we are actually targeting over 90% of all users :)

We tend to design our products for the majority, and it's clear that the overwhelming majority have a higher screen resolution. Sure, this may not fit every single individual forum, but we can still say it covers the majority :)

A community catering to teaching the elderly about computing and the internet will probably have a higher percentage of IE users running older versions of Windows.
Does that mean we support IE6 on WinXP? Not by any stretch.

A community regarding hardware overclocking will probably have a higher percentage of Chrome or Firefox users running the newest version of Windows. Does that mean we don't support IE? Not by any stretch.

Update: Our Managing Director has informed me that for the future I should make the table of images fluid so that it can shrink to 1 image per line if the window is too narrow (and expand to 3+ images per line if the window is "too wide"), so look for that in a future update :)

Thank you very much for your answers.. Regarding browser size. W3schools site says at the very top


W3Schools.com is for people with an interest for web technologies. This fact indicates that the numbers below might not be 100% true for the average internet users. The average internet-user might have a lower screen resolution.
I do believe W3schools data is very skewed, as they themselves say is possible. I even found a forum discussion on their site stating it is skewed and doesn't include mobile browsers. 90% of browser sizes (which is not the same as screen size) are not over 1300px wide.. Especially considering the massive growth in mobile browsers, which have actually brought in a revival of lots of smaller and strange screen sizes (very tall and narrow).

Here's some useful contrary links regarding regarding browser viewport (again, different from screen size), and why it's bad to design based on reported screen size.
Update: Glad to hear you will be making the design fluid to fit varying widths.. I think it's a good decision.

lazytown 06-03-2013 08:05 PM

Oh, and see the following stats for the past 3 months (US only), which shows the #1 most used size in the US is still 1024x768 as of May 2013.

Desktop Screen Resolution (USA, last 3 months -- does NOT include mobile browsers)
(takes a while to compute stats and load)
For desktops, screen resolution does not equal browsers size. Very large screen widths (like 2000+) are probably dual monitors, and people with very wide screens do not usually open their browser full-screen.

You can probably find totally different stats on other websites.. It all depends on the type of website and the parameters (desktop, mobile, country, etc).

lapiervb 06-14-2013 11:01 PM

Would be great if you could include the forum sidebar as there is a lot of ad space that cannot be used there as it is.

DragonByte Tech 06-15-2013 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by lapiervb (Post 2428180)
Would be great if you could include the forum sidebar as there is a lot of ad space that cannot be used there as it is.

If you re-post this @ our forum in the support forum for this mod we'll be sure to take it into consideration for future versions :)


DragonByte Tech 06-23-2013 07:05 PM


Change: The "Banner Space Locator" image display is now fluid, and supports less or more than 2 images per line depending on forum / browser width


Toorak Times 06-25-2013 04:26 PM

This looks great Fillip, makes life easy. Does it work with the RBS?

DragonByte Tech 06-26-2013 10:24 PM

I have no idea what RBS is, sorry :(


Goatpod 07-31-2013 05:21 PM

Looking to purchase the full version, but unfortunately having problems getting the lite version to play nice with VBadvanced pages (the content isn't displayed on the VBa custom pages when Forum Ads Lite is enabled). Anyone any ideas what could be causing this? :)


DragonByte Tech 07-31-2013 11:28 PM

To be clear: Are you saying that the contents of the vBadvanced pages disappear when this mod is enabled, or are you saying the ads from this mod do not appear on vBadvanced pages?


Goatpod 08-01-2013 06:39 AM

The content of the VBadvanced pages disappear when the mod's enabled.

Cheers, Fillip.

DragonByte Tech 08-07-2013 01:24 PM

Ah, that's probably a variable conflict of some sort. I'll have to install it on a dev board to examine it.


katie hunter 10-08-2013 12:34 AM

Hi Filip, why does many of your mods are very heavy when importing, they locked my table and take so long to get imported. I've never seen anything like this before :/

DragonByte Tech 10-11-2013 09:25 PM


Hotfix: PHP 5.4 Compatibility fixes

This does not guarantee the mod is error free on PHP 5.4, but it will take care of the reported errors. Thank you all for your reports :)


GeorgeB85 12-15-2013 10:03 PM


Since this integrates into the options you have automatically with vbulletin, then that means a potential advertiser can choose all the same spaces, correct?

DragonByte Tech 12-15-2013 10:10 PM

That's correct :)

If you set up banner spaces on all the locations vBulletin offers advertising space, they will be able to choose between them when purchasing ads :)


GeorgeB85 12-15-2013 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2468517)
That's correct :)

If you set up banner spaces on all the locations vBulletin offers advertising space, they will be able to choose between them when purchasing ads :)


Yeah, I was just going through the settings.

It isn't allowing me to add a currency. The other settings pages all show like a default vbulletin settings page. The currency one is showing a white background with all options and text to the left. Is that normal?

If so, would you mind telling me what to input for US currency $?

GeorgeB85 12-15-2013 11:23 PM

Also, I have a question. I realize this may not be able to work with Google Adsense, but if I put the adsense code in the vbulletin ad templates that comes default, and then use this mod for paid advertisers, will the two conflict with one another?

GeorgeB85 12-18-2013 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 2468532)
Yeah, I was just going through the settings.

It isn't allowing me to add a currency. The other settings pages all show like a default vbulletin settings page. The currency one is showing a white background with all options and text to the left. Is that normal?

If so, would you mind telling me what to input for US currency $?

Has anyone experienced this, and if so, can you tell me how you stopped it?

lapiervb 12-18-2013 08:08 PM

I bought it however had to remove it as it was too complex for the advertisers to work with.

DragonByte Tech 12-31-2013 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 2468532)
Yeah, I was just going through the settings.

It isn't allowing me to add a currency. The other settings pages all show like a default vbulletin settings page. The currency one is showing a white background with all options and text to the left. Is that normal?

If so, would you mind telling me what to input for US currency $?

Can you please post a screenshot?


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 2468535)
Also, I have a question. I realize this may not be able to work with Google Adsense, but if I put the adsense code in the vbulletin ad templates that comes default, and then use this mod for paid advertisers, will the two conflict with one another?

There will be no conflicts :) You should integrate your AdSense account with vB, rather than modifying the ad templates manually, that way you can be sure.


GeorgeB85 12-31-2013 05:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2471449)
Can you please post a screenshot?

There will be no conflicts :) You should integrate your AdSense account with vB, rather than modifying the ad templates manually, that way you can be sure.


Screen shot attached.

The managing currencies is what I am having issue with so far.

DragonByte Tech 12-31-2013 02:01 PM

DragonByte Forum Ads v1.0.1 Patch Level 1
Fix: Keywords would sometimes not replace correctly, or would overwrite links if keywords were found inside links


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