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Christos Teriakis 05-15-2013 10:00 PM

[Chris] Reviews
by Christos Teriakis (aka ChrisTERiS)

Please note that from
11 Aug 2013
you can get support only in my site

Demo: http://www.christeris.net/dev42/reviews.php
Demo Accounts:
demouser1 / demopass1
demouser2 / demopass2
demouser3 / demopass3

1.- What's this mod?

Is better to say what is NOT :). For sure is not that mod requested for years now at this thread. But is a good Reviews system for those who want to review one type of items (eg Games, Books, Autos etc) and one group of rating questions is ok for them. With the help of extra fields and a bit works from your side to configure it, you can have a very good reviews section in your site.
  • Supports unlimited categories
  • You can set the word that will be use in the pages to identify the type of your reviews (eg Game - Games, Book - Books etc)
  • Supports Extra fields (but not searchable)
  • Supports one group of rating questions (but unlimited questions)
  • Supports users' reviews and overall rating
  • Supports Headline, review text, positive points, negative points
  • Supports Product photos or YouTube video if exists
  • Has PM templates for:
    • PM user when admin approves his Review
    • PM user when admin rejects Review
  • Revier can temporary hide the review and a later time he can activate it again.
  • There are listings for:
    • Category Reviews
    • Timeframe (What's New) Reviews
    • User Reviews
    • Search Results
  • In view Review page the visitor can see also:
    • Editor Rating
    • Community Rating
    • Lowest Rating
    • Highest Rating
    • Editor other reviews on sidebar
  • In all pages there are available the follow blocks having the appearance of widgets:
    • Category Menu
    • Search Form
    • Statistics
    • Top Editor Products (Games, Books, etc)
    • Top Community Products
    • New Reviews
    • New Community Ratings
  • RSS Feeds for latest 10 reviews
  • Facebook Like Advanced (Shows users who liked a review)
  • ver.1.1.0 Added a setting to allow or not Audio files (in case that you want to review music). Default is OFF. If you turn on then the users can hear the audio file with the included (simple) audio player.
2.- Installation
  1. Download and unzip the file Reviews_XXXX.zip
  2. Upload the content of upload folder to the directory where your vB installation is. As a check: reviews.php must be on the same directoru as global.php, forum.php etc. SL Reviews are not working out of vB installation directory.
  3. CMOD 777 the directories:
    1. christeris/reviews/photos
    2. christeris/reviews/photos/thumbs
    3. christeris/reviews/photos/tmp
  4. Goto Admincp and import product-reviews.xml. Double check before if you have another product with the same name.
  5. Set the various settings in Reviews->General settings
  6. Set usergroup permissions
  7. Check and modify if you want PM templates.
  8. Set categories
  9. Set Extra fields (in case that you want them).
  10. Set Rating Questions
  11. *** ATTENTION *** Double check that rating questins are ok before starting adding reviews. After the first review you CAN'T Add/Edit/Delete questions.
3.- SEO URLs
  • If you're using vbSeo open the file Reviews_vBSEO_Custom_Rewrite_Rules.txt and add them to your vbSeo installation.
  • If you're using .htaccasse file copy the contents of htaccess.txt and add it to your current .htaccess files. If you don't have such file and your server is compatible with such files, upload htaccess.txt to your vB directory and rename it to: .htaccess
4.- CMS Widget / Forum Sidebar block for Latest Reviews
  1. Pre-Installation:
    1. Shows latest 5 Reviews. If you want to change the number to another value change at 1st line: $maxreviews = 5;
  2. Installation as CMS Widget
    1. Goto Admincp-> vBulletin CMS-> Widgets
    2. Click "Create New Widget" at the list bottom
    3. Set Widget Type: PHP Direct Execution
    4. Give a Title which appears at the widget. eg Last Reviews, or.. Last 5 Reviews etc
    5. Click SAVE
    6. Find in the list the new widget and click configure at the right side
    7. Replace the example code, with the code from Widget_Block_Latest_Reviews.txt
    8. Click Save
    9. Goto Layout and add it in any section you want
    10. Click Save (Layout)
  3. Installation as Forum sidebar Block
    1. Goto Admincp-> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Block Manager
    2. Click Add Block
    3. In the next screen "Select block type: Custom HTML/PHP"
    4. Click Continue
    5. Title: Latest Reviews
    6. Content Type: PHP
    7. Content: Copy & Paste the code from Widget_Block_Latest_Reviews.txt
    8. Click Save. The block will be now visible to your forum sidebar
5.- Copyright link

Since the time that DBTech released their Copyright Manager, I've removed my own copyrights. I found their action insulting me to maximum. Their wording "Site is powered by vBulletin AddOns and Modules by Dragonbyte Tech" (and not "Some parts of this site"), means that everything there is their own work, ignoring on the worst way the fact that there are 100's of other coders and designers who are supporting this community for years. So, I'm letting the glory to them. No copyrights from my side.

Enjoy it
Christos Teriakis
aka ChrisTERiS

ForceHSS 05-16-2013 05:11 PM

Looks good will give it ago

CharlieDelta 05-16-2013 05:31 PM

Excellent! Thanks for releasing this Chris. I have been anxiously waiting.

John Lester 05-16-2013 05:36 PM

So I gave it a test drive (posted a half assed BF2 review) and like the user interface. It's not complicated and each option is explained well enough.

Now I'll have to download it and fiddle around on the admin side on my test site :D

VonDoom 05-16-2013 06:33 PM

Tagged.. Looks promising..

Preech 05-16-2013 08:45 PM

I think I will use this. Is it safe to say I can use some type of flash players for the purpose I need like discussed in your other mod release.

Spangle 05-16-2013 08:53 PM

This looks like a great MOD, I 'm just trying to think of a way to use it on my football (soccer) forum !

Spangle 05-17-2013 06:46 AM

Navbar tab not showing on 4.2.1

Tested on Localhost

Muhammad Rahman 05-17-2013 06:49 AM

I tried to register and provide a review, but why the "positive and negative" review blank .. even though I've filled it.
see picture ..


John Lester 05-17-2013 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422560)
This looks like a great MOD, I 'm just trying to think of a way to use it on my football (soccer) forum !

If your members actually play you can use it for soccer equipment. I've been out of the game for too long to be current on brands, but I know there are a few that make soccer balls, not to mention the various uniform manufactures ;)

Or you could have it set to review actual soccer teams in different leagues, that might be interesting actually :D

Spangle 05-17-2013 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by John Lester (Post 2422625)
If your members actually play you can use it for soccer equipment. I've been out of the game for too long to be current on brands, but I know there are a few that make soccer balls, not to mention the various uniform manufactures ;)

Or you could have it set to review actual soccer teams in different leagues, that might be interesting actually :D

Funny you should say that, we are looking at using it for match reviews, if I can get the navbar tab to show !

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422626)
Funny you should say that, we are looking at using it for match reviews, if I can get the navbar tab to show !

99% (if not 100%) you haven't setup usergroup permissions. Navtab and each submenu are visible only to member who have permissions for them.


GamerPerfection 05-17-2013 07:12 AM

Looks promising, tagged for later trial.

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422626)
Funny you should say that, we are looking at using it for match reviews

I do agree... Match reviews is a very good idea. Dont forget to add a rating question "Referee Objectivity" :D

GamerPerfection 05-17-2013 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422626)
Funny you should say that, we are looking at using it for match reviews, if I can get the navbar tab to show !

It's simple, just add a tab in navigation manager linking to reviews.php.

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 07:50 AM

Reviews 1.0.1 bug fix release fixing a bug that didn't show the Good/Bad point in community ratings/reviews.

To upgrade download the Reviews_1_0_1.zip and upload reviews.php at your installation directory. Finally import product-reviews.xml (don't forget to check overwrite).

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2422623)
I tried to register and provide a review, but why the "positive and negative" review blank .. even though I've filled it.
see picture ..

Fixed in version 1.0.1 Follow the instructions in the update message.

Muhammad Rahman 05-17-2013 08:13 AM

positive and negative not update showing .. :)
see picture ...


Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2422637)
positive and negative not update showing .. :)
see picture ...

Maybe you didn't god the meaning. The positive/negative of the top post are those found by the Editor. The other posts below are from community members where everyone can finds different positive/negative points. That's the beauty of the review. Everybody writes his own experiance. In no way means that every positive/negative point of user postings will be add at the Editor's main review.

Spangle 05-17-2013 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2422627)
99% (if not 100%) you haven't setup usergroup permissions. Navtab and each submenu are visible only to member who have permissions for them.


Fixed that, I now have the tab and breadcrumbs, when I click on "post Review" I get this :


Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_messagelist' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 146

Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_newpm' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 151

Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_trackpm' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 152

Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_editfolders' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 153

Warning: Illegal string offset 'substhreads_editfolders' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 169

Warning: Illegal string offset 'profile' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 180

Warning: Illegal string offset 'profilepic' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 183

Warning: Illegal string offset 'avatar' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 190

Warning: Illegal string offset 'signature' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 197

Warning: Illegal string offset 'privacy' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 204

Warning: Illegal string offset 'password' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 216

Warning: Illegal string offset 'options' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 217

Warning: Illegal string offset 'ignorelist' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 232

Warning: Illegal string offset 'buddylist' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'event_reminders' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 252

Warning: Illegal string offset 'attachments' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 262

Warning: Illegal string offset 'deleteditems' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 276

Warning: Illegal string offset 'moderateditems' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 314

Warning: Illegal string offset 'newitems' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 367

Plus see attachment !

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422644)
Fixed that, I now have the tab and breadcrumbs, when I click on "post Review" I get this :


Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_messagelist' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 146

Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_newpm' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 151

Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_trackpm' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 152

Warning: Illegal string offset 'pm_editfolders' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 153

Warning: Illegal string offset 'substhreads_editfolders' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 169

Warning: Illegal string offset 'profile' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 180

Warning: Illegal string offset 'profilepic' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 183

Warning: Illegal string offset 'avatar' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 190

Warning: Illegal string offset 'signature' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 197

Warning: Illegal string offset 'privacy' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 204

Warning: Illegal string offset 'password' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 216

Warning: Illegal string offset 'options' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 217

Warning: Illegal string offset 'ignorelist' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 232

Warning: Illegal string offset 'buddylist' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 247

Warning: Illegal string offset 'event_reminders' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 252

Warning: Illegal string offset 'attachments' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 262

Warning: Illegal string offset 'deleteditems' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 276

Warning: Illegal string offset 'moderateditems' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 314

Warning: Illegal string offset 'newitems' in [path]\includes\class_core.php(4716) : eval()'d code on line 367

Plus see attachment !

The screen is messed because you had those warnings before, so it's not an issue. As for the warning I can't say anything as I never got such errors. Let's wait to see if someone else will reports something similar, even if my advice is to uninstall it and start with a fresh installation.
How many addons are you using in your site?

Spangle 05-17-2013 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2422652)
The screen is messed because you had those warnings before, so it's not an issue. As for the warning I can't say anything as I never got such errors. Let's wait to see if someone else will reports something similar, even if my advice is to uninstall it and start with a fresh installation.
How many addons are you using in your site?

The only other add on I have is VB experience.

I'll try to un-install and re-install

Uninstalled v 1.0.0
Installed v 1.01, same problem, plus there was a problem flashed up when I uploaded the xml file, too quick to actually see what it was.

I'm using VB4.2.1 in the default skin

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422654)
The only other add on I have is VB experience.

I'll try to un-install and re-install

Uninstalled v 1.0.0
Installed v 1.01, same problem, plus there was a problem flashed up when I uploaded the xml file, too quick to actually see what it was.

I'm using VB4.2.1 in the default skin

I'll wait feedback from other users. Checked all warning. None of them is relevant to my code. Please try something. Click on "My Reviews" or "My Ratings". Even if you don't have one, they'll show a page with an empty list. Does the same issue exists?

Spangle 05-17-2013 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2422656)
I'll wait feedback from other users. Checked all warning. None of them is relevant to my code. Please try something. Click on "My Reviews" or "My Ratings". Even if you don't have one, they'll show a page with an empty list. Does the same issue exists?

Yep the issue is there whichever breadcrumb I click on.

I'll disable VB experience to see if thats causing the problem


Same problem with VB experience disabled.
Error on all pages

GamerPerfection 05-17-2013 12:37 PM

I've just installed this: http://www.gamerperfection.com/forum.php

It is working perfectly, I have no errors. All I need to do now is change the look and feel of it then I can open it up for business. :)

Spangle 05-17-2013 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by GamerPerfection (Post 2422672)
I've just installed this: http://www.gamerperfection.com/forum.php

It is working perfectly, I have no errors. All I need to do now is change the look and feel of it then I can open it up for business. :)

Is that on a live forum ?

Preech 05-17-2013 01:00 PM

Chris, so I noticed in your screen shot that you have a youtube video, is that pretty much where a mp3 flash player would show up. I'm guessing the best way to achieve that would be through the use of a BB Code.

GamerPerfection 05-17-2013 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422673)
Is that on a live forum ?

Yes it is.

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422658)
Yep the issue is there whichever breadcrumb I click on.

I'll disable VB experience to see if thats causing the problem


Same problem with VB experience disabled.
Error on all pages

Can you clear the system cache from admincp. Also do the same with your browser's cache and if possible see it with another browser. Last post your URL here to see what I can do.

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2422678)
Chris, so I noticed in your screen shot that you have a youtube video, is that pretty much where a mp3 flash player would show up. I'm guessing the best way to achieve that would be through the use of a BB Code.

Maybe in an upcoming verion. Currently can't promise anything.

Spangle 05-17-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by GamerPerfection (Post 2422681)
Yes it is.

Which version of VB are you using?

Spangle 05-17-2013 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2422686)
Can you clear the system cache from admincp. Also do the same with your browser's cache and if possible see it with another browser. Last post your URL here to see what I can do.

Nothing to do with the browser, I only get these errors when I use the Reviews Tab or breadcrumbs, It goes when I use the other tabs.

Using on a localhost so I cannot provide URL

GamerPerfection 05-17-2013 05:17 PM

I'm using vB 4.2.1

GamerPerfection 05-17-2013 05:19 PM

Is it possible to have a save as draft option added to it?

Christos Teriakis 05-17-2013 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2422725)
Nothing to do with the browser, I only get these errors when I use the Reviews Tab or breadcrumbs, It goes when I use the other tabs.

Using on a localhost so I cannot provide URL

I never used localhost in my life even when the internet was very expensive here. I'm always working online so I don't know if this causes any problem or not.
As for the browse I don't think that you're right as I've read that vB editor has some problems with IE10. Even if it works in your forums, vbEditor acts very strange when works out of vbengine (I'm not using the forum engine in my mods).
But as I read before someone else is using this mod with 4.2.1 without problem.

Spangle 05-17-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2422736)
I never used localhost in my life even when the internet was very expensive here. I'm always working online so I don't know if this causes any problem or not.
As for the browse I don't think that you're right as I've read that vB editor has some problems with IE10. Even if it works in your forums, vbEditor acts very strange when works out of vbengine (I'm not using the forum engine in my mods).
But as I read before someone else is using this mod with 4.2.1 without problem.

I'm using Firefox 15, never touch IE !!

Spangle 05-17-2013 06:14 PM

Really weird, working fine on a live board !

Note to users this MOD does not like working on localhost !!!

Spangle 05-17-2013 06:39 PM

I need to edit some of the review fields :

Publisher Field I would like to change to "Venue"

and alter the description to "Enter ground played at".

"Item URL" I need to delete completely as this is irrelevant for my use

And I realise that English isn't your first language but this :

Help users who are searching reviews to locate easier your post by entering important keywords here. Seperate them by comma, no spaces

to something like :
Assist users to find reviews by entering keyword here, separate each word with a comma.



I'm going to give this one 5 stars great MOD, !!

CharlieDelta 05-17-2013 06:44 PM

Those are all editable phrases. You may have to search for them. I edited them all to suit my needs and correct some spelling and grammar errors.

GamerPerfection 05-17-2013 06:50 PM

Yes I did some amendments in the phrases too, it's easy to do in the Search in Phrases bit.

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