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kh99 01-31-2013 11:00 PM

Spambot Stopper - Prevent Spambots from Registering
1 Attachment(s)
What is it?
This mod rejects registrations where the form is filled out in less than a minimum time. You can configure one of the following actions to be taken when an automated registration is detected:

- Show a "No Permissions" page
- Display the "Successful Registration" message but without creating an account
- Redirect the user to any URL you choose
- Reload the registration page with an error message of your choosing

You can also provide a list of email addresses to be notified each time a registration is blocked.

In the future, I'd like to add some simple logging and statistics, and a summary type of email notification (because people seem to quickly get tired of the single emails).

Note: I coded this myself from scratch, but I would like to acknowledge a couple of previous mods that used this same idea, by users Calorie and noppid, and maybe others. In any case, I believe this one adds some features that the others don't have.

Other advantages: no ads or links, no abuse of update notifications, no disappearing features, no threats to delete the mod (it will never be deleted, at least by me). Also, translations are allowed.

1) If you have "Is Bot", "Stop the Registration Bots", "Spammers Suck!", or another mod that works on registration time, note any admincp settings for that mod then uninstall it.

2) Import the product XML file from the Product Manager.

3) Go to Settings > Options > Spambot Stopper Options and configure the desired settings.

4) IMPORTANT: try to register a new user to make sure that there are no problems with humans registering. If you want, you can also temporarily set the minimum time to a higher value (like 60 seconds) and test to see if the spammer rejection is working.

1.0.1 (Feb 1, 2013)
  • Initial Release

kh99 02-01-2013 11:59 AM


gskill tech 03-08-2013 07:32 PM

boo i get this error message:

The following dependencies were not met:

This product is not compatible with version 3.8.3 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 / Incompatible with 5.0.0 and greater)

kh99 03-08-2013 07:46 PM

You're right - I made a mistake when I uploaded 1.0.1, and you're the first one who's tried to install the vb3 version (or at least you're the first one to report the problem).

I'll upload a fix shortly...

kh99 03-08-2013 07:57 PM

OK, this should be the correct file. (I had accidentally attached the vb4 zip file).

gskill tech 03-08-2013 08:04 PM

Thanks! It's my lucky day! :D


kh99 03-08-2013 08:07 PM

I also haven't kept the vb3 version up to date because no one had installed it, so it doesn't have all the features of the vb4 version. But the basic function of it works. I'll update it when I get a chance.

BlackxRam 04-02-2013 03:15 AM

Great Mod, I had alot of anti-spam measures on my forums and just too much stuff in my VB 3.8 forum to move into VB4 just yet. Really nice addition, looking forward to the possible update on features. :)

Terrablade 11-04-2013 01:09 AM

Yes this one seems to be the best one so far. Of course the paid ones are a bit better but NO THANK YOU on buying them when we have this one. An update of this one plus a stats on forum page option would be just wonderful. Hopefully you get motivated and do this for us. Thanks again/

Terrablade 11-04-2013 06:45 PM



Thats on VB3.8.7 PL3 ...

Any Ideas?

kh99 11-04-2013 10:26 PM

I couldn't reproduce that. What were you doing when that happened, just trying to register? If you do nothing but disable this mod does it go away?

Terrablade 11-04-2013 11:26 PM

Bah. My bad... I had another bot script also..

Terrablade 11-04-2013 11:27 PM

Email Working too.. Junkmail was doing its job hence I couldnt see them LOL.

mdawg 11-24-2013 06:14 PM

This is kicking a** on my vb 3.8.7 PL 3 forum! Love it! It's stopping bot registration right and left, and not stopping the legitimate peeps. So far, so good.

mdawg 11-24-2013 06:17 PM

Is there a version of this for vb4?

ozzy47 11-24-2013 06:18 PM

Yes, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=294633

K-fab 01-08-2014 11:15 AM

I'm really impressed with how well this works!

My spamming registrations have gone from 20 a day to 1 in the past two days.


kisanjong 03-05-2014 07:02 AM

Great mod :) , another mod / feature that should come as standard for vbulletin.

sol 04-04-2014 04:16 AM

Simple but very effective hack! Working perfectly on 3.8.7, thanks very much!

RyanC 05-13-2014 02:39 AM

So I have this installed and it's working great on a very large forum.... However about five times a day I get an email from a user complaining of this error on registration attempt:


Warning: include(phpwhois-4.2.2/whois.main.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/register.php(81) : eval()'d code on line 98
See below?

Warning: include(phpwhois-4.2.2/whois.main.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/register.php(81) : eval()'d code on line 98

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'phpwhois-4.2.2/whois.main.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in [path]/register.php(81) : eval()'d code on line 98

Fatal error: Class 'Whois' not found in /home/garagejo/public_html/forum/register.php(81) : eval()'d code on line 99
Any idea what could be causing this?

kh99 05-13-2014 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by RyanC (Post 2497540)
So I have this installed and it's working great on a very large forum.... However about five times a day I get an email from a user complaining of this error on registration attempt:

Any idea what could be causing this?

All I can say is that it doesn't look like anything from this mod. "whois" looks up domain names, so I would guess that maybe it's another mod that checks email domain or maybe the user's ip address. In any case, my mod doesn't include that file.

DamasGate 05-14-2014 12:46 AM


Impressed with the idea

Thank you

Prune Danish 12-18-2014 08:27 AM

I installed it. It's so nonintrusive that there was no reason not to.

It would be nice with a log -- just a simple text-file -- that records at least the IP and time stamps. Not only is such a log necessary if a legitimate user complains that he hasn't received a mail. I'm also unable to vote on your product if I don't know what it's doing. ;)

Another feature I miss -- but this is probably outside your scope -- is when a bot answers our human verification questions. It would be nice to know WHICH question the bot has successfully answered.

kh99 12-18-2014 09:55 AM

I understand. If you read the vb4 thread you saw that logging was mentioned a lot of times, but I never got around to adding it. I actually had a verison where all the data was collected for logging (including the answer to the hv question, if that option was turned on), but I just never got around to completing it. I haven't completely given up on the idea.

Prune Danish 12-19-2014 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2527887)
I understand. If you read the vb4 thread you saw that logging was mentioned a lot of times, but I never got around to adding it.

Thanks for answering.

No, I haven't looked at the vb4 thread. I was just referring to the top of the present page, where you write, "In the future, I'd like to add some simple logging and statistics". I tried registering at my site a few days ago (before installing Spambot Stopper) and for some reason I never got a confirmation mail, even though hundreds of spam accounts were being created at the same time.

If Spambot Stopper had been installed I would of course have blamed it.


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2527887)
(including the answer to the hv question, if that option was turned on)

So it is possible?

That would be nice. We were hit by something like XRumer and several hundreds of accounts were added.

For years we have relied om questions/answers. When we were hit I switched to reCaptcha, which didn't slow them down in the slightest. Then I deleted the easiest questions (but not all) and added some new ones.

That solved the problem for now, but if Spambot Stopper could tell us which questions are being answered correctly -- before rejecting the bots -- we could stay one step ahead of the spammers.

kh99 12-19-2014 12:11 PM

Well, I'm not sure when or if I'll get around to updating this. Now that I think about it I don't think the vb3 version is even up to date with the vb4 version. But in case this helps, a while back I wanted to know the same thing. I was wondering if spammers were registering by making many guesses of the questions or if they somehow knew the answers. So I found the section of code that checked the answer, and I edited the file and put in code to write information to a log file. But I guess you have to be able to do at least basic php programming to do that.

I'm going to think about that. Maybe it's possible to make a simple mod for that that wouldn't require file edits.

Prune Danish 12-19-2014 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2528027)
So I found the section of code that checked the answer, and I edited the file and put in code to write information to a log file. But I guess you have to be able to do at least basic php programming to do that.

Great minds think alike. I did just that.

In the hook named "register_start / Check Elapsed Time" I added the following code after "$email = kh99_sbs_fix_string($vbulletin->GPC['email']);"


          $answer = $_REQUEST['humanverify']['input'];         
          $hash  = $_REQUEST['humanverify']['hash'];

          $questionx = $db->query_first("
                                SELECT answer
                                FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "humanverify
                                WHERE hash = '" . $db->escape_string($hash) . "'");
          $question_num = $questionx['answer'];

          $fd = fopen ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/<some-path>/<some-file>", "a");
          if ($fd) {
                          $ipaddr = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                          fwrite ($fd, date("r")." $ipaddr $username $email \n");
                          fwrite ($fd, "\t\t Question number $question_num: $answer  \n");
                          fclose ($fd);

Just alter "<some-path>" and "<some-file">" to proper names.

Thanks for the inspiration. I gave Spambot Stopper an "Excellent" vote. It's a good product and an excellent inspiration. :D

kh99 12-19-2014 07:53 PM

Thanks, glad you figured it out.

And just to be clear, I didn't mean to imply that you didn't know php programming, but of course not everyone does so I didn't want to assume that you'd be able to do it yourself.

Prune Danish 12-19-2014 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2528027)
I was wondering if spammers were registering by making many guesses of the questions or if they somehow knew the answers.

Wow. Within 10 minutes I have had 5 "visits" :eek: Each made 4 attempts but did not supply an answer.

Prune Danish 12-19-2014 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2528070)
And just to be clear, I didn't mean to imply that you didn't know php programming, but of course not everyone does so I didn't want to assume that you'd be able to do it yourself.

No, that's fine. I've coded some php, but this is the first time I've touched a hook. It did take several tries. :)

interfx 12-22-2014 05:22 PM

I've installed and appears to be working quite well...

However, I keep getting New User email alerts, but does not look like they are actually registered (ie. they do not show up when searching new user registrations within the last 24 hrs?)... Ideas?


There is a new user, foutlempome at xxx

To view their profile, go here:

Email Address : sillinessu@hotmail.com
Birthday :
Referrer: N/A
IP Address:

kh99 12-22-2014 06:50 PM

That message doesn't look like the one sent by this mod. I guess you could have customized the phrase. But IIRC (it's been quite a while since I looked at the code for this), email is sent when a registration is blocked, not when a new user joins. Maybe you have some other mod that's sending that email? In that case I suppose it's possible that the other mods sends he email before this mod rejects the registration.

oldengine 12-28-2014 06:44 PM

Interesting that immediately as soon as I installed this, I received six alerts in a row from bots.

Does this hack override my Human Verification math questions that I have already in place?

It was like raising the red flag to the bull.

Prior to this, I've been getting one or two a day from the ghijklmnop Koreans or Japan.

Mod disabled for now!

ozzy47 12-28-2014 06:47 PM

No, this does not override any settings or mods. :)

oldengine 12-28-2014 06:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It could have been a coincidence, but it got my attention. I'll try it again later.

ozzy47 12-28-2014 07:00 PM

Well right after installing the mod, you had six auto bots try and register. By geting alerted that means the mod is working.

oldengine 12-28-2014 07:02 PM

But now with it disabled, no bots. There was definitely a rat in the woodpile.

ozzy47 12-28-2014 07:13 PM

Right, you are not going to get any alerts that a bot is trying to register with the mod disabled.

Max Taxable 12-28-2014 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by oldengine (Post 2529211)
But now with it disabled, no bots. There was definitely a rat in the woodpile.

Nonsense. They've always been there, you simply weren't aware of them until now.

This mod doesn't "attract bots."

ozzy47 12-28-2014 07:57 PM

Exactly. :)

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