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-   -   Will vB.org upgrade to vB5? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=288406)

nezr 09-28-2012 02:15 AM

Will vB.org upgrade to vB5?
Just curious :)

vijayninel 09-28-2012 04:13 AM

Ah .. I was wondering when the first thread about this would come up. :)

Before the thread gets locked - I think its too soon to even think about upgrading vb.org. However there are chances that vb.com could upgrade to vB5 before December end.

Ramsesx 09-28-2012 07:38 AM

Maybe in 2 or 3 years.

socialteenz 09-28-2012 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx (Post 2369167)
Maybe in 2 or 3 years.

By the time 5.x series would have reached EOL!!


RSNF 09-28-2012 11:44 AM

Highly doubtful they will upgrade to vb5 as VB5 is going to be what puts them out of business lol!!

New Joe 09-28-2012 12:27 PM

As it looks now with this version 3.6.12, this is how it will always be, vb org will never upgrade.

Paul M 09-28-2012 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 2369200)
As it looks now with this version 3.6.12, this is how it will always be, vb org will never upgrade.

I doubt thats true, but its not high on any priority list atm.

Lynne 09-28-2012 03:29 PM

Does this site have the functionality that we need to share modifications and ask for help right now? I'd say it does and so, as Paul stated, it isn't high on any priority list right now to upgrade.

JacquiiDesigns 09-28-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2369232)
Does this site have the functionality that we need to share modifications and ask for help right now? I'd say it does...

Absolutely it does. And this speaks boldly on both the quality of the vB 3.x script and the MAJOR failure of the vB 4.x and current 5.x beta demo scripts...


vbenhancer 09-28-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2369202)
I doubt thats true, but its not high on any priority list atm.

i think Paul resume pretty well what is supposed to be on the priority list of every admin right now...

if your site is on production, if it works, keep it that way... if your site is not up now and you make plans, evaluate the changes with 5.0 .... if you dream of the best solution, unplug your computer and go in the park to chat with your neighbours, this is the best solution!

BSMedia 09-28-2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by nezr (Post 2369128)
Just curious :)

No need for it to. I doubt vB5 offers anything useful for sharing modifications. Everything would have to be rewritten here, and honestly they should devote any spare time to making vB5 better faster.

Regs 09-29-2012 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns (Post 2369250)
Absolutely it does. And this speaks boldly on both the quality of the vB 3.x script and the MAJOR failure of the vB 4.x and current 5.x beta demo scripts...


No it doesn't.

Big Al 09-29-2012 02:03 AM


vBulletin 5 Connect makes significant advances in the capabilities of online community websites, and is clearly the premier platform on which to build such sites.
Of course vb.org it will be upgraded soon, as has been said, v5 is clearly the premier platform.

However I personally may just wait a year or two.

Paul M 09-29-2012 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns (Post 2369250)
Absolutely it does. And this speaks boldly on both the quality of the vB 3.x script and the MAJOR failure of the vB 4.x and current 5.x beta demo scripts...

Nonsense, the site would run perfectly well on vB4.

The only reason it isnt is exactly the same reason its not even on 3.7 or 3.8 - the amount of time it would take to update all the plugins, templates & customisations.

Its quite invloved just to do it for 3.8, its a huge amount of work for 4.2.

Simon Lloyd 09-29-2012 12:26 PM

As i said in a previous thread with exactly the same title only citing vb4, it works perfect for the type of community/niche, upgrading would not add any value or function that is needed here - it's not broke so don't try and fix it!

JacquiiDesigns 09-29-2012 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2369459)
Nonsense, the site would run perfectly well on vB4.

The only reason it isnt is exactly the same reason its not even on 3.7 or 3.8 - the amount of time it would take to update all the plugins, templates & customisations.

Its quite invloved just to do it for 3.8, its a huge amount of work for 4.2.

No offense, but rubbish! "We're running 3.7 because the community doesn't need to upgrade to a POS. Besides, the site is running just fine as-is. If it ain't broke. Don't fix it!" AN EXCUSE for shoddy software.

An official website of vBulletin should be running the latest, greatest version of its product, if only to show prospective customers how sweet the script is. The failure to do so -- even on the humungous bulk of IB-owned forums -- is telling. This is my opinion anyway...

And not that I care mind you. I'm a fan of the vB 3.8.x series and would love to see vB.org upgraded to it. From the sounds of it - vB 7-8 would have been released and vB.org still on 3.7 because "the site is just fine as-is" ((sigh...))

Lynne 09-29-2012 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns (Post 2369530)
An official website of vBulletin should be running the latest, greatest version of its product, if only to show prospective customers how sweet the script is.

That is what vbulletin.com will do. I am sure that when vB5 is ready to go Gold, they will upgrade vbulletin.com. There is no need to upgrade vbulletin.org to vB5 also.

JacquiiDesigns 09-29-2012 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2369535)
There is no need to upgrade vbulletin.org to vB5 also.

God I certainly hope not LOL
I am shocked at the vB 5 Connect demo thus far... Hopefully it gets better.

vbenhancer 09-29-2012 05:46 PM

logic so far would be respected if vb.org run on vB 6.0∫ ... isn't it a development site anyway ?! ;)

... i've seen that when working at IPB... :)

Paul M 09-29-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns (Post 2369530)
An official website of vBulletin should be running the latest, greatest version of its product


There is absolutely no reason for this, its just a "rule" that people make up when trying to knock IB or vB. It has no validity in the real world.

Shazz 09-30-2012 07:22 PM

I had a dream last that vB.org upgraded to vB5 and I had no idea how browse around or do things. NIGHTMARE!!!

JacquiiDesigns 09-30-2012 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2369615)

There is absolutely no reason for this, its just a "rule" that people make up when trying to knock IB or vB. It has no validity in the real world.

Well- it's certainly nice knowing others have similar opinion. I was totally starting to think that I'm all alone in my insane mode of thought :eek: LOL --- anyway we can agree to disagree, but honestly - I'd love to see at least the style of vB.org be upgraded. It'll be interesting to see when an upgrade does finally happen...if ever.

--------------- Added [DATE]1349043138[/DATE] at [TIME]1349043138[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 2369825)
I had a dream last that vB.org upgraded to vB5 and I had no idea how browse around or do things. NIGHTMARE!!!


Khent334 10-02-2012 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns (Post 2369530)
An official website of vBulletin should be running the latest, greatest version of its product, if only to show prospective customers how sweet the script is. The failure to do so -- even on the humungous bulk of IB-owned forums -- is telling. This is my opinion anyway...

Seems like common sense. vB.org isn't upgrading because it's too complicated to upgrade? Seriously?

That appears horribly ironic to me.

Big Al 10-02-2012 03:41 AM

Any updated version is supposed to be BETTER!

I have checked around and seen the comments by those Clients who have input on this matter, They have NOT been impressive to say the least.
I have been amused to see those who in some way work for Vb, posting in support of V5, like a dying man clutching at straws. (not necessary if the product is a good one)

Vb expects people to purchase their products and "improvements" and this is right, but it is also an obligation of VB to offer a FINISHED product that works.

One main question= Why release a product that is NOT ready for the market to use, What is the reason for the haste to get an unworkable product out before it is suitable for VB clients to use?

I can understand the hard work that has gone in o v5 and the hopes that are riding on it, Therefore it would make sense to release it in a stable form.

I recently upgraded from v3 to v4 as it was a workable product and I did not mind paying for a version that works.

But I have grave doubts about the wisdom of expecting clients to pay for V5 until it is at the very least a viable proposition.

vijayninel 10-02-2012 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns (Post 2369848)

The IMG BB code is deprecated in vB5 ... :mad:

JacquiiDesigns 10-02-2012 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Big Al (Post 2370111)
One main question= Why release a product that is NOT ready for the market to use, What is the reason for the haste to get an unworkable product out before it is suitable for VB clients to use?

And it's really shameless. Horrid and shameless!


Originally Posted by vijayninel (Post 2370112)
The IMG BB code is deprecated in vB5 ... :mad:

And one of the oddest things EVER!:mad:

BirdOPrey5 10-03-2012 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Big Al (Post 2370111)
One main question= Why release a product that is NOT ready for the market to use, What is the reason for the haste to get an unworkable product out before it is suitable for VB clients to use?

This is a valid enough question and there are those who think VB5 should have been kept under lock and key until it was super-awesome and show everyone the finished product only, whenever that may be.

HOWEVER there were an equal number of people on the other side who wanted to see VB5 as soon as possible so they will have some clue what the future holds and so mod developers can begin working so they have a chance of having popular mods ported by the time VB5 goes gold.

There were also many people who said they would not buy a VB4 license because they "knew" VB5 was around the corner. Now that we sell VB5 licenses they people can buy a VB5 license and will always be able to upgrade to VB5 for free, and they can still run the 4.x suite in the mean time, and for less money then it would have cost them last month.

So while I understand your logic and your opinion, please understand there are good points raised on both sides of the argument.

As for [IMG] BBCode it works just fine for me on the demo board. :confused:

vijayninel 10-03-2012 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2370381)
As for [IMG] BBCode it works just fine for me on the demo board. :confused:

BirdOPrey5, I did not say that the IMG bb code does not work on vB5. I said that IMG BB code is deprecated in vB5 along with all other BB codes.

I understand that vBulletin Solutions are trying to make vB5 like a social-networking/forum hybrid. Because of this the use of all BB codes, particular those which dont look good in the "Latest activity" stream is being discouraged.

- You can still manually type the IMG bb codes but there is no 'Insert Image' button to easily insert them. Most general forum users use the button and dont manually type the [IMG] BB code. The reason for this buttons removal I believe is because images dont look good in the Latest Activity stream and people are being encouraged to use the lightbox which generates thumbnails and looks nice in the Latest Activity stream.

The code will still work but they dont want you to use it because it will spoil the showpiece 'Latest Activity' stream. While this may be ok in a demo forum, I think in a real forum the effect of this is that the number of images being posted will go down dramatically. Over time this will affect the quality of conversation as well.

- Along with that automatic parsing of links in text has been removed. Now you cant just post URL links, you have to do it via the insert link button so that the thumbnail makes it look nice in the Latest Activity stream.

- Switch Editor button to work in BB code view has been removed.

- Video BB code has been removed and the size of the video is greatly reduced so that it fits in the Latest activity stream.

- There is no indication or guide of any BB codes on vB5. The new people should never find out what this BB code thing is all about so over times use of BB codes will die out.

The BB codes are only things seem to have been dumbed down. There are numerous such regressions all over. I think this is being done because they want vB5 to be more like a social networking site and less like a traditional forum.

BSMedia 10-03-2012 02:43 PM

It is what it is.

I dont want to see this place upgrade to vB5, it really won't offer anything thats not already here. Why do all that work, just to say it's on the latest version?

BirdOPrey5 10-03-2012 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by vijayninel (Post 2370402)
BirdOPrey5, I did not say that the IMG bb code does not work on vB5. I said that IMG BB code is deprecated in vB5 along with all other BB codes.

I don't know that much of what you mentioned as legitimate issues are due to anything more than being an early beta version. For example the insert image button is due to come back in future beta, I hope it all will: http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-1958

vijayninel 10-03-2012 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2370538)
I don't know that much of what you mentioned as legitimate issues are due to anything more than being an early beta version. For example the insert image button is due to come back in future beta, I hope it all will: http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-1958

I sure hope so .. but if you see this report by Zachery http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-1596


Originally Posted by Zachery
There is no way to invoke the standard editing tools, or change from wysiwyg to standard (no fancy js) editor that I can see.

Often times for programming languages, or posts where text formatting is importing, the wysiwyg is less than optimal.

Other things that users do often:

Unable to link an image
Unable to post an attachment with a thread
Unable to stylize post

Shockingly Allen Lin has said replied that these are "Design decision by Product, to be revisited after gathering user feedback." I think the decision makers dont understand how much we value these tools and features on our forums. These regressions seem to be considered steps to de-emphasise the forum component and emphasise the social-networking components of vB5.

As even the feature set on vB5 seems incomplete and I personally consider this to be Alpha and not beta. What is upsetting some people is that vBulletin are projecting and selling vB5 in its current state as their flagship product. How can you have a flagship product in this stage of its development? It is seeming to some that the product is being pushed out to meet artificial deadlines and that quality has taken a backseat.

Anyway, I hope that these features are reintroduced and the later versions are of better quality than the current demo.

JacquiiDesigns 10-03-2012 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by vijayninel (Post 2370552)
What is upsetting some people is that vBulletin are projecting and selling vB5 in its current state as their flagship product. How can you have a flagship product in this stage of its development? It is seeming to some that the product is being pushed out to meet artificial deadlines and that quality has taken a backseat.

This +1

Paul M 10-03-2012 11:38 PM

This has gone way off topic now, closing.
If you wish to discuss vB5 there are threads and forums for that, this is the site feedback forum.

There are no plans to upgrade vb.org atm.

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