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-   -   Members can see how many are subscribed to their thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=288031)

dutchbb 09-19-2012 03:08 PM

Members can see how many are subscribed to their thread
Does this mod exist? If not, someone interested in creating it?

dutchbb 09-29-2012 12:40 AM


kh99 09-29-2012 12:13 PM

You can do something like this: create a plugin using hook showthread_complete and this code:


if ($thread['postuserid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
    $res = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread WHERE threadid = $thread[threadid]");
    $subscribed_count = $res['count'];

Then edit the SHOWTHREAD template and use $subscribed_count where you want the count to appear, maybe like:


<if condition="$thread[postuserid] == $bbuserinfo[userid]">
$subscribed_count subscribed to this thread

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 02:07 PM

@ kh99 - How would you do this for vb4?

kh99 09-29-2012 02:12 PM

lol, I originally posted it for vb4 then noticed the request was posted in the vb3 section. Anyway, here it is for vb4:


if ($thread['postuserid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
    $res = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread WHERE threadid = $thread[threadid]");
    vB_Template::preRegister('SHOWTHREAD', array('subscribed_count' => $res['count']));


<vb:if condition="$thread[postuserid] == $bbuserinfo[userid]">
{vb:raw subscribed_count} subscribed to this thread

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 02:14 PM

lol ! Thank you so much kh99, I "did' notice the (Last edited by kh99 : Today at 06:30. Reason: changed for vb3 ) , let me try this out...brb..

--------------- Added [DATE]1348932066[/DATE] at [TIME]1348932066[/TIME] ---------------

Ok, I got the following:

The following error occurred when attempting to evaluate this template:
Invalid Tag Nesting
This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement. It is highly recommended that you fix this error before continuing, but you may continue as-is if you wish.

I am trying to add it right below the (Thread Information Block) and the code for that looks like this:

<div id="thread_info" class="thread_info block">
<vb:if condition="$show['activeusers']">
<h4 class="threadinfohead blockhead">{vb:rawphrase thread_information}</h4>
<div id="thread_onlineusers" class="thread_info_block blockbody formcontrols">
<div class="inner_block">
<h5>{vb:rawphrase users_browsing_this_thread}</h5>
<p>{vb:rawphrase users_currently_browsing_x_y_z, {vb:raw totalonline}, {vb:raw numberregistered}, {vb:raw numberguest}}</p>
<ol class="commalist">
<vb:each from="activeusers" value="row">
<li><a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}">{vb:raw row.musername}</a>{vb:raw row.invisiblemark}{vb:raw row.buddymark}{vb:raw row.comma}</li>

Something missing here?

--------------- Added [DATE]1348932537[/DATE] at [TIME]1348932537[/TIME] ---------------

Ok, I got the code in but nothing will display. I did make sure someone is subscribed to the thread and nothing.

kh99 09-29-2012 02:30 PM

It seems to work for me, like if I add it here (showing only the end of the above code):


<vb:if condition="$thread[postuserid] == $bbuserinfo[userid]">
{vb:raw subscribed_count} subscribed to this thread

If you're trying to put it somewhere else you'll have to show us exactly what you're doing.

kh99 09-29-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2369491)
Ok, I got the code in but nothing will display. I did make sure someone is subscribed to the thread and nothing.

Is it your thread? The <vb:if> makes it so it only displays if you started the thread.

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 02:33 PM

No, it's not my thread.

So what's the code so it shows on any thread?

--------------- Added [DATE]1348932961[/DATE] at [TIME]1348932961[/TIME] ---------------

Ok, I am trying to add it here......Marked in red....

<!-- / next / previous links -->
<div id="thread_info" class="thread_info block">
<vb:if condition="$show['activeusers']">
<h4 class="threadinfohead blockhead">{vb:rawphrase thread_information}</h4>
<div id="thread_onlineusers" class="thread_info_block blockbody formcontrols">
<div class="inner_block">
<h5>{vb:rawphrase users_browsing_this_thread}</h5>
<p>{vb:rawphrase users_currently_browsing_x_y_z, {vb:raw totalonline}, {vb:raw numberregistered}, {vb:raw numberguest}}</p>
<ol class="commalist">
<vb:each from="activeusers" value="row">
<li><a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}">{vb:raw row.musername}</a>{vb:raw row.invisiblemark}{vb:raw row.buddymark}{vb:raw row.comma}</li>
{vb:raw subscribed_count} subscribed to this thread
{vb:raw similarthreads}
{vb:raw template_hook.showthread_after_activeusers}
<vb:if condition="$show['tag_box']">
<h4 class="threadinfohead blockhead">{vb:rawphrase tags_for_this_thread}</h4>
<div id="thread_tags_list" class="thread_info_block blockbody formcontrols">
<div class="inner_block">
<vb:if condition="$show['manage_tag']">
<a id="tag_edit_link" href="threadtag.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}t={vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="textcontrol" style="float:{vb:stylevar right}; font-size:11px; margin:10px;">{vb:rawphrase edit_tags}</a>
<div id='tag_list_cell'>
{vb:raw tag_list}
<a href="tags.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase view_tag_cloud}</a>

--------------- Added [DATE]1348933145[/DATE] at [TIME]1348933145[/TIME] ---------------

This is what I get:


kh99 09-29-2012 02:39 PM

That should work, but I forgot that you'd also need to remove the if from the plugin code, like:


$res = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread WHERE threadid = $thread[threadid]");
vB_Template::preRegister('SHOWTHREAD', array('subscribed_count' => $res['count']));

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 02:44 PM

HA! yes it works now.

I am going to bug you with one more question if you don't mind. How would you do it to show exactly who is subscribed to the thread just like who is currently browsing the thread?

kh99 09-29-2012 03:31 PM

You can try this:


$res = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT subscribethread.userid, username, usergroupid, infractiongroupid, displaygroupid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread AS subscribethread
                                        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(subscribethread.userid = user.userid)
                                        WHERE threadid = $thread[threadid]");
$subscribed_count = 0;                                       
$subscribers = array();
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res))
    $row['is_last'] = ($subscribed_count == $db->num_rows($res));
    $subscribers[] = $row;
vB_Template::preRegister('SHOWTHREAD', array('subscribed_count' => $subscribed_count, 'subscribers' => $subscribers));

and in the SHOWTHREAD template:

</BR>{vb:raw subscribed_count} subscribed to this thread</BR>
<vb:each from="subscribers" value="subscriber">
<a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw subscriber}}">{vb:raw subscriber.musername}</a><vb:if condition="!$subscriber[is_last]">, </vb:if>

And I know it doesn't give you colored user names or show you which ones are logged in or are friends. If you really want any of that I'll have to work on it a little later.

Edit: Well, now it does color the username, which turned out to be pretty easy. I think that matches what's in the other lists in the info, so I probably won't add anything else unless someone really wants it.

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 03:45 PM

Nice! Ok let me try it....brb...

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 03:50 PM

Yeep! that works perfect, thanks a lot kh99!

When ever you get to it if you can add the colored names or show you which ones are logged in or are friends, but this is fine.

Once again thanks a lot!

kh99 09-29-2012 03:53 PM

I updated the above so it will display the colored usernames. (There's only one small change to the template code, where subscriber.username is changed to subscriber.musername, so you don't have to copy over the entire template code block if you've made other changes to it).

As I mentioned, I don't think I'll add the other things unless someone really has a strong desire for them (I don't think the other lists in that section have Invisible/logged in/friend marks, do they?)

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 04:03 PM

Ok, I added the m to subscriber.username and that didn't show any usernames at all just the comman.

The following does have the Invisible/logged in/friend marks

<li><a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}">{vb:raw row.musername}</a>{vb:raw row.invisiblemark}{vb:raw row.buddymark}{vb:raw row.comma}</li>

kh99 09-29-2012 04:06 PM

Did you also copy the new plugin code? I did change the plugin code as well, I just wanted to point out the minor change in the template code in case you were making other chnages, so you wouldn't have to start from scratch.

Is that code from one of the other lists? Then I can probably go steal the code for that, but this time it really will be later. :)

CAG CheechDogg 09-29-2012 04:08 PM

Yes I also did the plugin code as well and just the comma shows up.

Yeah no problem man , you have done more than enough! Once again thanks!

I will recheck the the plugin code though just to make sure

--------------- Added [DATE]1348938873[/DATE] at [TIME]1348938873[/TIME] ---------------

Disregard that kh99 it works now...once again thanks!

kh99 09-29-2012 04:14 PM

Edit: OK, cool.

Jonm 10-01-2012 05:51 PM

this is what I need... but I'm lost... idiots guide please ?

CAG CheechDogg 10-01-2012 07:16 PM

Johm I am sorry bro, I assumed you would know what to do.

Go and make a new plugin in by going to your vb admin panel and click on Plugins & Products > Add New Plugin

Once in there you will find the fields to complete:

1. Product = vBulletin
2. Hooks Location = showthread_complete
3. Title = Members subscribed to thread (or any tittle you want to give it)
4. Execution Order = leave as is
5. Plugin PHP Code = enter the code here
6. Plugin is Active = yes

Once you do that go to your SHOWTHREAD template and look for the following:


<li><a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}">{vb:raw row.musername}</a>{vb:raw row.invisiblemark}{vb:raw row.buddymark}{vb:raw row.comma}</li>

Below that add this:


</BR>{vb:raw subscribed_count} subscribed to this thread</BR>
<vb:each from="subscribers" value="subscriber">
<a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw subscriber}}">{vb:raw subscriber.musername}</a><vb:if condition="!$subscriber[is_last]">, </vb:if>

And that is all buddy.

Jonm 10-01-2012 09:29 PM

You sir are a hero.....

everything works :D

--------------- Added [DATE]1349177858[/DATE] at [TIME]1349177858[/TIME] ---------------

One question.....

Is there a way to make this visible to more than one user group?

CAG CheechDogg 10-02-2012 07:55 PM

Only one usergroup is able to view it? If that is true I did not know that.

--------------- Added [DATE]1349211391[/DATE] at [TIME]1349211391[/TIME] ---------------

I am viewing it as admin and as just a guest and you can see it. Let me know what you see buddy.

Bob_R 03-15-2013 12:15 AM

Where do you see who is subscribed to what threads? I've installed this but see no lists.

dutchbb 03-15-2013 12:30 AM

Can someone post the whole thing for vb3 again, because this is al very confusing. Thanks.

Dwarden 03-15-2013 07:32 PM

would be possible to edit this to show only "counter of subscribers" at forumdisplay (list of threads) ?
for version 4.2.x
e.g. just like Replies / Views counters

Bob_R 03-16-2013 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bob_R (Post 2410050)
Where do you see who is subscribed to what threads? I've installed this but see no lists.

Is there an answer in our future?

kh99 03-16-2013 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bob_R (Post 2410050)
Where do you see who is subscribed to what threads? I've installed this but see no lists.

You need to create a new plugin using the posted code, and also edit the SHOWTHREAD template and insert the code where you want the list to appear. If you've done both of those and still aren't seeing anything, first of course make sure you're looking at a thread that you know people have subscribed to, then double check that the plug and template edit are correct.

Bob_R 03-16-2013 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2410457)
You need to create a new plugin using the posted code, and also edit the SHOWTHREAD template and insert the code where you want the list to appear. If you've done both of those and still aren't seeing anything, first of course make sure you're looking at a thread that you know people have subscribed to, then double check that the plug and template edit are correct.

I put the code in the SHOWTHREAD as per post #21.

Here's my plugin code

PHP Code:

$res $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT subscribethread.userid, username, usergroupid, infractiongroupid, displaygroupid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "subscribethread AS subscribethread 
                                         LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON(subscribethread.userid = user.userid)
                                         WHERE threadid = 
$subscribed_count 0;                                         
$subscribers = array();
while (
$row $db->fetch_array($res))
$row['is_last'] = ($subscribed_count == $db->num_rows($res));
$subscribers[] = $row;
vB_Template::preRegister('SHOWTHREAD', array('subscribed_count' => $subscribed_count'subscribers' => $subscribers)); 

GOT IT!!!!

Thanks!! For your help

Dwarden 03-17-2013 10:09 PM

bob wanna share screen of the result ?

BlackxRam 04-01-2013 02:20 AM

How can the "Show Users Who Have Subscribed" instead of just the number of subscribers be added to the VB3 plugin? Will it not work for VB3?

BlackxRam 04-06-2013 09:52 AM

Anyone know how to make it work and make it public for every one to see?

dutchbb 07-04-2013 05:44 PM

bump would still like official release

TTayfun 07-22-2018 02:21 PM

Hello guys, how can i this at forumdisplay page?

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