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-   -   Forum Home Enhancements - [DBTech] InfoPanels v2 (vB5) [AJAX] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=287913)

DragonByte Tech 09-16-2012 10:00 PM

[DBTech] InfoPanels v2 (vB5) [AJAX]
1 Attachment(s)
DragonByte Technologies are proud to present InfoPanels v2: The most feature-packed Welcome Panel system for vBulletin, and the first Welcome Panel system for vBulletin 5!

Why InfoPanels?

Info Panels is another product from DragonByte Technologies, creators of vBActivity and vBShout. Info Panels allows you to display useful and interesting information in a much more user friendly way, allowing your members to access important areas of the forum, and important information, without having to go through different menu screens.

The Welcome Panel displays all the information your users may want to see instantly when they log on, without having to go searching for it. A handy Module format means you don't have to fiddle with complex code in order to drop it on ANY page, you simply use the Site Manager natively in vBulletin 5!

The Top X Stats portion of the software allows your users to keep track of whats going on in the forum almost in real time - perfect for boards with many forums which are hard to keep track of!


Complete Feature List

Welcome Panel
  • The user's picture with link to the profile where they can edit their User Picture
  • New posts and threads since the user's last visit
  • Time and date
  • # unread PMs (# total PMs)
  • Forum Stats: Total Members / Total Threads / Total Posts
  • Top Poster with link to their profile, showing number of posts and threads they have
  • Own Posts / Threads
  • # Posts Per Day (# Posts Today)
  • % of forum's total posts
  • What forum the user is most active in (# posts and # threads)
  • Latest News ticker with fade between news items (settable in vBulletin Options)
  • Link to User Settings page

Top X Stats
  • Choose "X"
  • Disable each individual block
  • Set various options per block
  • Create new blocks with different options based on each Block Type
  • User Stats
    • Newest Members
    • Top Posters
    • Top Thread Starters
  • Forum Statistics
    • Newest Replies
    • Most Viewed Threads

  • Fully integrated with vBulletin 5's new Cache functionality using the "Standard" cache type
  • Settable Time-To-Live in vBulletin options to balance stale content with resource savings
  • "Global" stats such as the Forum Stats in the above list are cached user-agnostic
  • Per-user stats like # Posts Per Day are cached per-user

Easy Setup
  • A hassle-free Module setup lets you drop the Welcome Panel on literally any page via vBulletin 5's Site Builder!
  • Configurable Module title lets you rename the "Welcome Panel" header should you choose
  • Fully integrated with the Site Builder under the "Display" grouping


This mod displays a copyright notification on all pages which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification

DragonByte Tech 09-17-2012 01:38 AM

A Pro-only vBOption (Disabled Statistics) was accidentally left in the .zip file - it would most likely produce a bitfield error.


Hornstar 09-17-2012 06:20 PM

Was just curious about how the install and uninstall works for vb5 and this mod?

DragonByte Tech 09-17-2012 06:21 PM

Exactly the same as on vB3 and vB4 - except we support loading the XML file from the server as opposed to having to upload it from your computer :)

We don't use the AutoInstall functionality because it's currently unknown to us how it handles mods that print messages during install / how it handles redirects post-install.


alfanexus 09-19-2012 12:58 PM

Is this only working with forum or is blogs and groups also supported?

DragonByte Tech 09-19-2012 02:24 PM

I'm not 100% sure what you're asking...

You can drop the module anywhere, blogs or forums or custom pages.

There's currently no blocks that pull Blog content available.


alfanexus 09-19-2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2366681)
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking...

You can drop the module anywhere, blogs or forums or custom pages.

There's currently no blocks that pull Blog content available.


I was thinking about if :

New posts and threads since the user's last visit - if they include blog posts and group posts?

Forum Stats: Total Members / Total Threads / Total Posts - if they include blog posts and group posts?

Top Poster with link to their profile, showing number of posts and threads they have
Own Posts / Threads - if they include blog posts and group posts?

Its a great way of giving users a quick overview of whats going on, but since I also very much use blogs and groups, it would be nice if they counted the sameway as forum posts

DragonByte Tech 09-19-2012 03:21 PM

Ah, no they do not.

There will be separate blocks for those things, but they are Pro-only :)


abdobasha2004 09-19-2012 10:47 PM

am very happy to see vb5 mods comming in :)

nhawk 09-21-2012 02:04 PM

I'm getting a ton of errors if I upload the product prior to being in the ACP and before site builder is turned on. I have to remove dbtechinfopanels from the packages directory to regain access.

I'd rather not post the errors here since they reveal my complete setup information.

DragonByte, if your IP hasn't changed you already have access to my dev server to reproduce the problem. The only change is it ends with vb5b10 now.

DragonByte Tech 09-22-2012 11:24 AM

Fixed in Beta 2 and fixed on your dev board, thanks :)

If it hadn't been for your sig I woulda thought you were a crazy person as I didn't recognise your username :D


nhawk 09-22-2012 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2367591)
Fixed in Beta 2 and fixed on your dev board, thanks :)

If it hadn't been for your sig I woulda thought you were a crazy person as I didn't recognise your username :D


Well I am a crazy person, but that's beside the point. LOL!

One day I'll get all of the names synced together. ;)

DragonByte Tech 09-22-2012 11:42 AM

Not surprised, coding does take its toll... One has to be either crazy, or just have an extensive supply of energy drinks ;)


eva2000 09-25-2012 01:50 AM

anyone else not seeing any top x stats in their panel ??

looks like updating to beta2 wiped the modules for db tech welcome and top x stats page from all my saved page templates ?

TheSupportForum 09-25-2012 09:00 AM

@ DragonByte Tech

for beta 10 here are a few errors shown in admincp

Block Management
editing a block


Warning: Illegal offset type in [path]/packages/dbtechinfopanels/actions/admin/block.php on line 111

DragonByte Tech 09-25-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by eva2000 (Post 2368306)
anyone else not seeing any top x stats in their panel ??

looks like updating to beta2 wiped the modules for db tech welcome and top x stats page from all my saved page templates ?

This happens on every version upgrade, it's a bug in vB's upgrade process that I seem to have forgotten to report in Jira. I'll create a ticket just now :)


Originally Posted by simonhind (Post 2368355)
@ DragonByte Tech

for beta 10 here are a few errors shown in admincp

Block Management
editing a block


Warning: Illegal offset type in [path]/packages/dbtechinfopanels/actions/admin/block.php on line 111

Confirmed, will upload a fix shortly :)


TheSupportForum 09-26-2012 10:53 AM

@ DragonByte Tech

recently upgraded to Beta 11

i have noticed an phrase issue with


<!-- ##phrase_1_minute_ago_0## -->

ernestdefoe 09-26-2012 08:22 PM

Yeah I got that same issue as well simonhind.

TheSupportForum 09-29-2012 08:34 AM


DragonByte Tech 09-29-2012 11:42 AM

Fixes will come when they are available. There's no reason to shout :)


mnicholet 09-29-2012 02:38 PM

Like your mods and I am glad you are developing for vb5. When do you think the downloads mod will be ported to vb5? Thank you.

TheSupportForum 09-29-2012 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2368415)
This happens on every version upgrade, it's a bug in vB's upgrade process that I seem to have forgotten to report in Jira. I'll create a ticket just now :)

Confirmed, will upload a fix shortly :)


sorry but just wondering how long your shortly is

DragonByte Tech 09-30-2012 01:43 PM

Beta 3
Fix: Phrase issue with Last Visit
Change: Streamlined some code for various blocks, reduced unneeded function calls when only user ID is needed for that block.


TheSupportForum 09-30-2012 06:14 PM

i have noticed this for both online and offline users

for offline users
1) time always says 23:00 for offline users
2) "last visit at 1 minute ago 23:00:00"

for online users ( first visit ) - same user
1) "last visit at 1 minute ago 23:00:00"

for online users ( 2nd visit ) - same user
1) "last visit at 1 minute ago 23:00:00"

DragonByte Tech 09-30-2012 06:21 PM

Please update to the latest version of vBulletin 5, this has already been fixed by Internet Brands.


TheSupportForum 09-30-2012 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2369806)
Please update to the latest version of vBulletin 5, this has already been fixed by Internet Brands.


vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 11 is the version i am using, thye have not released a newer one yet since you updated your product

TheSupportForum 10-02-2012 08:32 AM

@DragonByte Tech

any suggestions please

i am using vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 11 and downloaded your latest product
i am still getting the same issue with 23:00 still showing

TheSupportForum 10-03-2012 06:46 AM

@DragonByte Tech

i am still awaiting for your support, as you said vb5 connect beta 11 fixed a bug that stopped that error

proof of beta 11 install



also why does it say (PRO) when it should be a beta lite product

v2.0.6b2 xml product screenshot

v2.0.6b3 xml product screenshot

have you actually made a mistake and provided us with a pro version or just provided us with the wrong xml product which may be causing the issue

TheSupportForum 10-03-2012 08:26 AM

@DragonByte Tech

Part 2

the product.xml file you provided in this download for b3 is wrong is pro for some reason and found that


Line 420 {vb:date {vb:raw user['lastvisit']}},
Line 421 {vb:time {vb:raw user['lastvisit']}}

is the correct raw
2.0.6B3 Pro - provided in this post for download ( confused )

Line 420 {vb:date user.lastvisit},
Line 421 {vb:time user.lastvisit}

line 1147 <settinggroup name="dbtech_infopanels_welcomepanel" displayorder="749">
line 1148 <setting varname="dbtech_infopanels_latestnews" displayorder="30">

2.0.6B3 pro
line 1147 <settinggroup name="dbtech_infopanels_welcomepanel" displayorder="749">
line 1148 <setting varname="dbtech_infopanels_disabledstats" displayorder="20">
line 1149 <datatype>bitfield</datatype>
line 1150 <optioncode>bitfield:nocache|dbtech_infopanels_wel comepanel_content</optioncode>
line 1151 <setting varname="dbtech_infopanels_latestnews" displayorder="30">

DragonByte Tech 10-03-2012 01:32 PM

Okay there's no way I'm reading through quadruple post >.<

Look, I can't help with B11 issues. I'm developing on B13 and it works fine for me. I'm waiting for anyone else to confirm that they have issues with it too.

Furthermore, it's considered by mod authors to be extremely rude to send PMs asking them to read a post in one of their mod threads
To a lesser degree it's also considered rude to bump a thread going "can I have some support".

Whenever I receive an email about a reply to one of my vb.org threads, I'll look at the post in the preview before deciding to reply straight away or not.

If it's someone saying their site broke, then yeah I'll drop everything in my hands to reply to it ASAP.

If it's someone reporting a visual issue in a beta mod for a beta version of vBulletin that nobody is running on a live site, thus affecting exactly nobody, then I won't take a break from coding (I'm very much in a "zone" when I'm coding and distractions make it hard to resume).

If it's someone reporting an issue that I've addressed in the post above theirs, that's answered in the feature list, that's bumping the thread for support, etc...
Those kind of posts make my blood boil, and so I deliberately choose to avoid responding to them right away because I know I would be unable to maintain a professional attitude when responding. That's very much a character flaw in me, and the way I deal with it for the moment is to just take a step back and put it off until the next day or whenever, then come back to it with a fresh mind.

As a result, I tend to answer most of my vBulletin.org support threads in batches.

In short: Please do not bump threads for support, especially please do not PM us to bump threads for support, and please be patient :)

Thank you for your understanding :)


TheSupportForum 10-03-2012 01:43 PM

@DragonByte Tech

to wait 3 days for a response, knowing that you have been online :(

1) i pointed out there was still an issue for B3
2) i would of thought you checked the zip file before uploading knowing that the xml wasnt b3
3) i had to look all though the xml product file to notice a difference and that wasnt easy

sorry that i bumped 2 threads but a response to know that you was looking into it would of been better so that i didnt have to wait 3 days

ernestdefoe 10-03-2012 06:42 PM

Honestly I wouldn't expect alot of responses or development on a beta version of software that as DBT has said shouldn't even be used on a live site anyways. I am sure that once vB5 goes gold then all the mods will start rolling in and support will get alot more priority. I happen to know the owners of DBT (not personally but through the net) and I know they work hard to create the best mods for vB there is. I'm sure it's hard to keep up with 20+ products on vB3 & vB4 plus now doing a mod for vB5 give the guys some slack. It's not that big of a deal because as stated it's beta and shouldn't be used on a live site. Just be thankful someone has created a few mods for vB5.

ozzy47 10-03-2012 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by simonhind (Post 2370485)
@DragonByte Tech

to wait 3 days for a response, knowing that you have been online :(

Just a quick note on that, there is at least eight people who log in under the screen name DragonByte Tech, so while you may see the name as being online, it may not be the developer of the mod you are asking support in.

It is standard practice at DBTech for each developer to handle their own mods support issues, as developer A may not know how to handle a situation in developers B mod.

I hope that makes sense to you, not trying to be rude or anything just trying to give ya some incite. :)

TheSupportForum 10-03-2012 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2370579)
Just a quick note on that, there is at least eight people who log in under the screen name DragonByte Tech, so while you may see the name as being online, it may not be the developer of the mod you are asking support in.

It is standard practice at DBTech for each developer to handle their own mods support issues, as developer A may not know how to handle a situation in developers B mod.

I hope that makes sense to you, not trying to be rude or anything just trying to give ya some incite. :)

isn't that breathing terms and conditions giving out your username to 8 other people
why not give them access, putting each of their email addresses in the members area that way that wouldn't need to happen

DragonByte Tech 10-04-2012 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by simonhind (Post 2370591)
isn't that breathing terms and conditions giving out your username to 8 other people
why not give them access, putting each of their email addresses in the members area that way that wouldn't need to happen

This is a company account for the company license with only company employees or subcontractors having access. Everyone who can access the account also has personal licenses on top of that.

Having separate usernames would mean in the event a coder left the company we would not be able to continue to update their mods (since it would be under their username) and various issues like that.

As far as I know it's not an issue, but if one of the vb.org staff told us there was an issue we would of course look into alternatives.


TheSupportForum 10-04-2012 06:30 AM

@DragonByte Tech

Suggestions :
this is in regards to all products / template edits
( as mentioned you are a company allowing multiple customers access your account and each have their own individual licence )

1) put the Supporters / CoAuthors name for each of the mods products / templates created

as some would be unsure of who the creator of the product is

DragonByte Tech 10-04-2012 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by simonhind (Post 2370658)
@DragonByte Tech

Suggestions :
this is in regards to all products / template edits
( as mentioned you are a company allowing multiple customers access your account and each have their own individual licence )

1) put the Supporters / CoAuthors name for each of the mods products / templates created

as some would be unsure of who the creator of the product is

Interesting idea, I will make sure to bring it up at the next team meeting, thanks :)


Paul M 10-06-2012 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2370617)
As far as I know it's not an issue, but if one of the vb.org staff told us there was an issue we would of course look into alternatives.

It is not an issue, nor is it relevant to a modification support thread.

Also, some people really need to learn a bit of patience, three days is nothing when the modification and support are free. ;)

So, lets now get this thread back to support of the mod. :)

DragonByte Tech 10-19-2012 09:09 PM

Because of the constant state of flux this mod is in during development, I've re-branded it to Alpha, however I'm keeping the version number, so this version is Alpha 4.

InfoPanels (vB5) v2.0.6 Alpha 4
Fix: URLs would show replacement string text on AJAX refresh
Fix: Newest Replies block would return invalid data if the thread had no replies
Fix: Fixed an issue that could prevent the Top X Stats from loading on certain systems
Change: Compatible with Beta 14 and newer only!
Change: The copyright notice has moved to the new footer_copyright template hook
Change: Changed the way user info is fetched to be compatible with 3rd party addons
Change: Replaced calls to $vbphrase (legacy code) with the new vB_Phrase class


Brandon Sheley 10-20-2012 01:12 AM

is there any way to remove some of the copyright, I don't mind the link but I could do with all the text :)


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