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ChiNa 09-03-2012 10:00 PM

[CM] Fancy Popup Notice (Fading Effect)
1 Attachment(s)
This was brought to you by ChiNa-Man

First of all I am a free soul, So if one of you guys decided to post this on another forum or a website, I would be appreciated if you give some CREDITs to the Developer simply typing his name: Credits to: ChiNa-Man, and do not CHANGE or DELETE the ORIGINAL CONTENT! Thank you!


Soon Also Available for vBulletin 3.8

Inspired by
from Mybbextras.net
Extra Credits: RubberDuck
as Supporter (A Good Friend and Colleague)

Finally I got the Coder Rank, and I finally got this one finished for vBulletin 4.x! And soon I will try to make it available for vB3.8 too! This addon has a very beautiful JQuery FADE-IN and FADE-OUT effect! This is more like a sexy popup notice than fancy! It was very hard to add the Usergroups Permission because I am totally new making ADDONS. The process of making this addon took me 1 week to finish, since I am very in coding in XML!

Comes with 7 Different Colors & Notices, All the Text, Color and Size can be Edited! Fully customizable!

Red, Purple, Black, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green

Popup-Notice in Black


Popup-Notice in Red

The Fancy Popup Notice Usegroups permissions is already set so all the Moderators, Super Moderators and Admins are allowed to see all the Notices. And you cant change these 3 permissions what so ever.! Beside that you decide who should see the NOTICE and who should not! There are 7 Different colors to choose between, and its totally custom. There are 7 XML PRODUCTS files and each have a color-name at the end. Example product-popup_notice_PURPLE! The colors are only for the MAIN-TEXT, but the rest can be edited from you ADMINCP, SETTINGS and FANCY POPUP NOTICE!

Lets Start:
After the Tutorial I will explain with details about how to change the text color and the text! And Each XML FILE is called after a color, and your main-text color will show up as the color you choose!

Step 1: First download the Upload+Products.zip file from the attachments! There are 2 folders inside, 1 is called "Upload" wich you should upload to your forum root! and the other folder is called "XML-Products" which contains all 7 different products and colors to be installed from your ADMICP "Products Manager" !

Notice: Do not upload any of the files in the XML-Products to your forum ROOT/FTP

Step 2: Inside the upload folder there is another folder called "popup", UPLOAD the popup folder to forum ROOT directory. (YOUR FTP ROOT)!

Example: WWW.YOURFORUM.COM/popup.

After you have uploaded the popup folder to your forum root, then choose one of the XML-Product files from the XML-Products folder! There are 7 Different colors to choose between!

Step 3: Pick one and go to your ADMINCP, and scroll down and look for Plugin & Products on your left! Open it and click on Manage Products. Now you should see the Products already installed! Scroll down and find Add/Import Product, Click again and now on top of the page there is a Browse button!

Click on it and look for the XML PRODUCT file that you choosed befor! Locate it and click on the XML file, and when its loaded click on IMPORT!

Thats it, It should be installed, and we are done!

Make sure to click on Installed for further updates and support! For later support and help! Thank you

Important Notice: If you wanted to install another COLOR, then need keep in mind that you have to UNINSTALL first the one you already use, and then INSTALL/IMPORT the new one! Else its not going show the right color!

Tutorial (How to Change Text and Color)

If you dont know much about HTML then please follow up on my explanation below. Its very important! This tells you how to change the TEXT for your popup notice and the color! First of all remember that there are 7 colors to choose between!

As they say a picture is worth a thousand words! Take a look on the image below !

3 Boxes and Numbers


As you can see, there are 3 boxes with 3 NUMBERs on the side. You can edit the TEXT and COLOR from ADMINCP and then SETTINGS! Look for Fancy Popup
But if you take a closer look BOX2 and BOX1 have the color options, and also option to change the text! While BOX 3 is our MAIN TEXT and only the TEXT can be changed in BOX3. Not the color!

If you needed another color for your MAIN TEXT, then this is why you have 7 different XML files to choose between, and each xml file has a color-name at the end which stands for your MAIN-TEXT color! Nothing else!

TheShanka 09-04-2012 07:07 PM

Hm, looks good, may check it out!

TheShanka 09-04-2012 07:09 PM

The XML zip file has been removed.. :S

ChiNa 09-04-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by TheShanka (Post 2362665)
The XML zip file has been removed.. :S

Try refresh buddy, Its not removed, it just got updated, thats why! Now all XML the files are available for download inside the 7-XML-Products.zip.. Upload it from the Attachments! And dont forget click on Installed!

A Short Notice: I will take the opportunity to tell those who downloaded my IP-2-COUNTRY Flag addon, its now updated! There were 500 files for upload, which we uploaded in our own server! But the members requested the files to be in their own servers, so now its updated an can be uploaded to your own servers! And this is also why many of you dont have the new update. because some didnt click on Installed, which does that you dont get the new updates! This is simply automatic, and vBulletin.org sends you new updates when an ADDON is udpated.

Rich 09-04-2012 07:43 PM

Why are the flags on your site to begin with? That isn't very bright. If your site ever goes offline then every person who is linked to those images will have issues. The entire mod and images should be hosted locally and not pulling from your site.

ChiNa 09-04-2012 07:47 PM

Mr Rich:

Yeah, that was why we had to update it. Now its already been updated, 4 hours after the release so now people can upload the files locally. Anyways thanks for the notice..

faisaly.com 09-05-2012 12:57 AM

Ugly as hell but thanks anyways....

thecore762 09-05-2012 01:35 AM

Thanks for sharing sir!

ChiNa 09-05-2012 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by thecore762 (Post 2362761)
Thanks for sharing sir!

You are welcome I appreciate those who knows how hard a person works for his passion! And this is my passion, and sure I say thanks to all of you who have supported me!

ChiNa 09-05-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by faisaly.com (Post 2362745)
Ugly as hell but thanks anyways....

Do you know what is funny, you say its UGLY AS HELL and then you go a head and DOWNLOAD and INSTALL it! It does not make any sence...

Here is Image that you have it Installed:


If you didnt knew, as the developers we can see who did install who didnt..

Dude, why cant you just be a honorable member and say it simple if its not the proper addon for you,, instead of saying what you said... And I really wish you knew how hard people work for this....

RSNF 09-05-2012 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by ChiNa-Man (Post 2362830)
Do you know what is funny, you say its UGLY AS HELL and then you go a head and DOWNLOAD and INSTALL it! It does not make any sence...

Here is Image that you have it Installed:


If you didnt knew, as the developers we can see who did install who didnt..

Dude, why cant you just be a honorable member and say it simple if its not the proper addon for you,, instead of saying what you said... And I really wish you knew how hard people work for this....

You really need top lighten up and learn how to take constructive criticism. He is entitled to his opinion here on this site and he is an honorable member......and we are all well aware that you "coders" can see who clicked installed or not.

faisaly.com 09-05-2012 01:24 PM

Thanks RSNF I was just giving an honest opinion, I thought developers would like to see what other members think about it... I was just commenting... I didn't think it would hurt your feelings I will try not do it again... I marked installed because I was giving credit to you for developing this for others... my opinions sometimes makes a person stronger...

Disco_Stu 09-05-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by RSNF (Post 2362845)
You really need top lighten up and learn how to take constructive criticism. He is entitled to his opinion here on this site and he is an honorable member.....

That's still no reason for him to ridicule someone's efforts. I also have been the target of some nasty comments on this site by people who seem to enjoy insulting others.

Some people need to grow up and learn how to act. The developers on this site are offering mods FOR FREE and you can either use them or not but telling people their work is "ugly as hell" is certainly not what I would call constructive criticism. It's just being mean.

faisaly.com 09-05-2012 01:27 PM

Free, I don't think so, how much did you pay for your license?

Disco_Stu 09-05-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by faisaly.com (Post 2362877)
Free, I don't think so, how much did you pay for your license?

I said MODs ..... not the forum software. The mods that developers offer here are free (unless you buy the brand free if it is offered)

faisaly.com 09-05-2012 01:31 PM

In order to download theses mods you need to purchase a license, they are not free! Anyways it's not worth keep going any further...I apologize and leave it at that...

Disco_Stu 09-05-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by faisaly.com (Post 2362881)
In order to download theses mods you need to purchase a license, they are not free! Anyways it's not worth keep going any further...I apologize and leave it at that...

That's like saying if I offer you a free decal for a car you bought from someone else it's not really free because you had to pay someone else for the car. Stop and think about what you're saying.

TEMPESTADE 09-05-2012 02:06 PM

thank you very much I appreciated

ChiNa 09-05-2012 02:36 PM


ChiNa 09-05-2012 02:36 PM


ChiNa 09-05-2012 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by RSNF (Post 2362845)
You really need top lighten up and learn how to take constructive criticism. He is entitled to his opinion here on this site and he is an honorable member......and we are all well aware that you "coders" can see who clicked installed or not.

RESPECT and a thanks is all what is neeeded from people to be nice.. and there is no honor in calling others peoples work for UGLY AS HELL! And I especially do not accept it when try to live of this work which is my passion too! So even if you were my dad, I would tell you as it is, and as I feel!


Originally Posted by TEMPESTADE (Post 2362889)
thank you very much I appreciated

You are welcome Mate... I hope everyone was like you on here, saying a nice thank you and appreciate others work!


Originally Posted by faisaly.com (Post 2362881)
In order to download theses mods you need to purchase a license, they are not free! Anyways it's not worth keep going any further...I apologize and leave it at that...

True.. no harm happend... Just that we all should agree on it! I do not want anyone to feel disrespected in anyway... else I hope everyone is good,

Scanu 09-05-2012 05:16 PM

Nice mod ChiNa-Man :), just a little suggestion: instead of making one product for each color (as i see in some mods) why don't you make an option in the admincp where you can choose the color from a dropdown list?

ChiNa 09-06-2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Scanu (Post 2362952)
Nice mod ChiNa-Man :), just a little suggestion: instead of making one product for each color (as i see in some mods) why don't you make an option in the admincp where you can choose the color from a dropdown list?

Hi Scanu, Thank you for your great advice. Sounds fair.. Well the CSS was a bit hard and gave me lots of problems, I had to add a nother CSS and change the html also! But this is version 1.0.. And as you see the code is in 2 parts.. The css is hidden while the html options is open for the members to edit.. So in my next version I will try hard to use your suggestion and add the options in the ADMINCP SETTINGS..

Thanks mate, You rock

Krusty1231 09-08-2012 12:27 PM

Most excellent. Thank you for this. It will save me time reminding members to make their NFL picks each week.

Going to install it right now!

ChiNa 09-08-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Krusty1231 (Post 2363653)
Most excellent. Thank you for this. It will save me time reminding members to make their NFL picks each week.

Going to install it right now!

You have always some cool and nice comments on my mods... God bless and enjoy

CoffeeLovesYou 09-14-2012 02:45 PM

Do you know when this will be coming out for vB3.8? Can't wait, nicely done! The fade is very pretty :)

NTT 09-15-2012 01:41 PM

Hàng China kìa bà con, chả ra sao cả, mod nhảm

cjh1471 09-15-2012 02:49 PM

Installed! Pretty nice, thanks. :p

DeadlyDuckling 09-15-2012 04:24 PM

could you make one that automatically pops up when you visit the site, but but only can appear once every 24 hrs?

Jedimeister 09-16-2012 01:48 PM

How do I get over the MGC Chatbox?

Sorry translated using Google


ChiNa 09-16-2012 03:21 PM

Here are my answers to those who been asking a few questions:


Originally Posted by CoffeeLovesYou (Post 2365398)
Do you know when this will be coming out for vB3.8? Can't wait, nicely done! The fade is very pretty :)

Answerin back to CoffeeLovesYou:

Very soon...Well I was about to make one for vB3.8, but then I had trouble with usergroup permissions! I am not good at vB3.8 codings and variables! But I will let you know


Originally Posted by DeadlyDuckling (Post 2365683)
could you make one that automatically pops up when you visit the site, but but only can appear once every 24 hrs?

Answerin back to DeadlyDuckling:

Sure I can, but it wont make much sence, because if it was for everyone then it was ok, now when we have usergroup permission, it will be hard people to notice it every hour or so... This is a NOTICE were you decide when you it should show, and who should see it! If you want it to appear every hour, then you can simply turn it off, and turn it on again when its needed! Beacause you dont know if the person is sitting in in front of his pc, if you sing the automatic-turn on and off! And many would miss it! So I dont think thats a good idea! But thanks for your suggestion, I could maybe use it later on..


Originally Posted by Jedimeister (Post 2365903)
How do I get over the MGC Chatbox?

Sorry translated using Google


Answerin back to Jedimeister:

You cant right now! Its only set to bee seen on top of your forums! Then I should make another product, which I dont have much time for now!

DeadlyDuckling 09-16-2012 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by ChiNa-Man (Post 2365925)
Sure I can, but then it wont make much sense!

This is a NOTICE were you decide when you it should show, and who should see it! If you want it to appear every hour, then you can simply turn it off, and turn it on again when its needed! Beacause you dont know if the person is sitting in in front of his pc, if you sing the automatic-turn on and off! And many would miss it! So I dont think thats a good idea!

But thanks for your suggestion, I could maybe use it later on..

You cant! Its for your forums-TOP! Then I should make another product, which I dont have much time for now!

no i basically want something just lie this except it comes up on its own like once per session

ChiNa 09-19-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by DeadlyDuckling (Post 2365932)
no i basically want something just lie this except it comes up on its own like once per session

Ahh I see, Now I understand,, ONCE PER SESSION! I have right now no Idea about how to make a product like that! But If you found someone who could do it, I will give him my full permision to RE*USE my Product! Let me know if you found someone,, and Good luck

Skivey 10-17-2012 06:37 PM

is there a way to make this pop up automatically

mat8861 10-18-2012 01:09 PM

Would also be nice to add some conditions, example:
1. Show pop-up to user with less/more then x post
2. Show pop-up if in the post title there is the word "xxxxx"
That's what I mean for conditions, if I can think more I will add, waiting for this to install it ;)

Skivey 10-19-2012 07:18 AM

mat8861 > you 'could' implement that yourself by making users change usergroups after "x post" then you could change the pop up so that it shows to that usergroup in the settings.

2. i dont understand

mat8861 10-19-2012 01:44 PM

1. Don't like to move users to another group.....

2. If in thread or post there is a word...the pop-up shows up
i.e. " I was walking on the street and I put my foot on a dog shit!" > show pop-up "Please no bad words in this forum, edit your post".
I know I can block words, but I just want the user to pay attention to what they write. Kind of advice pop up

AK47- 10-19-2012 03:11 PM

Is there not a way to have multiple notices showing at the same time? There doesn't seem to be any options to do this through AdminCP?

ChiNa 10-20-2012 02:13 AM

Guys first of all i am very sorry I have been so busy, and Its very hard for me to know when someone replies ! I guess I have to subscribe my threads for next time!
Big apoloize from my side......

Guys I think if you contact Scanu and ask him to help you guys to put some extra options, I am very new and I must admit I had very hard making this to a vBulletin mod! Its a MYBB Mod by my friends!

@Ak47 - You cant add many boxes with the XML product, What you can do is to add the CODE from the HTML where you want in your template! And there you have an extra!

PHP Code:

<br /><div class="green"><a href="#" class="big-link" data-reveal-id="myModal">Daily Notice</a></div>    
div id="myModal" class="reveal-modal">
center><i><b><font size="3" color="black">Welcome Message</font></b></i></center><br />
p>This is just a notice!</p>
div><br /> 

Good Luck, And sorry for Late Reply

goarack 11-22-2012 05:37 AM

im looking for something very simluar to this i love the popup but id like my notices to come up with out having to click a link
is this something possible ?

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