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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - [DBTech] Advanced Registration v2 (vB4) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=286522)

DragonByte Tech 08-10-2012 10:00 PM

[DBTech] Advanced Registration v2 (vB4)
1 Attachment(s)
Advanced Registration is a registration overhaul to vBulletin which aims to improve the registration process by adding essential features, such as guest redirects, and improving on the original system.


It supports an invite system, verify email before registration, all of which are compatible with open or closed registration, a registration page overhaul - allowing you to completely change the order and display of all fields.

Advanced Registration allows for heavily tracking all registration related data - from errors to successful registrations.


If you like this mod please hit the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2015/08/1.png button to the right ---->

Please remember to click the, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2015/08/2.png button to the right if you installed the mod ---->

What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.

For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

* Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

We appreciate the support!

Priority support & Product Demos available at: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com


Translations available @ our forum
Support for translations handled by the translator in its respective threads only.

Major Features:

Customizable Registration Page: Customize your registration page's exact field and section display order. The default page only allows profile field ordering - our page allows complete ordering of every field into multiple sections. You can even hide fields and sections from being displayed.

Registration Page Instances: Taking the customisable registration page concept further, v2 lets you set up different instances of the registration page, with each instance having its own configuration of fields. For instance, you can make certain fields only show to users who have not been invited.

Invite System: Users with proper permissions can send invites to emails for registration! This can work in conjunction with either open or closed registrations allow for exclusive registrations based on invites! Includes integration with vBActivity!

Verify Email Before Registration: Ability to verify an email before registration! This can work in conjunction with either open or closed registrations allow for exclusive registrations based on invites!

Guest Redirects (Pro): Set up redirect instances which allow for redirects based on page views, time on site, thread views, and have options for persistent redirects or one time only.

Registration Process Tracking: In-depth tracking of guests throughout the registration process; including: error pages reached, ip address (only shown to users with is manager permissions), redirects, email address (if available), time stamp, if email was invited or pre-verified, and many more!

(Pro) Post-Registration Actions: You can now auto-announce when someone has registered, or automatically move users that register to a separate usergroup entirely. All actions are configurable per-instance, so it's possible to only announce pre-invited members, for instance.

The full feature list is below:

  • register_form_complete hook directly before template rendering for the custom page.
  • Fields:
    • Easier customizing of display order of profilefields.
    • Customize display order of non-profilefields, such as username, password, email, etc.
    • Display order of 0 removes field from display.
  • Sections:
    • Customize display order of sections.
    • Easier profilefields grouping into sections.
    • Ability to group non-profilefields, such as username, password, email, etc., into sections.
    • Display order of 0 removes section from display.
  • Instances:
    • Each instance can be prioritised in case multiple instance criterias match
    • Each instance has its own order of fields or even fields to be displayed
    • Powerful criteria system to determine what instance users should receive
  • Criteria:
    • Location - IP based. Requires geopip module to be installed to work.
    • Code - Admin can create a custom code which users can use in links. Users can find these codes in the Advanced Registration portion of their usercp.
    • Invited - If the user has been invited.
    • Proxy - If the user is using a proxy.
    • Verified - If the user has had their email verified before registering.
  • Verify Email Before Registering
    • Send confirmation email with a secure hash to ensure the user has validated their email.
    • Follows vB settings such as email banning, and disabled multiple emails.
  • Invitation System
    • All invitations are sent by email and use a secure hash to ensure the right person accepts the invite.
    • Follows vB settings such as email banning, and disabled multiple emails.
    • Users can see all the invitations they sent and whether each one has verified their email, registered and, if so, what their account is.
    • vBActivity Integration gives points for invites that result in a registration.
  • Statistics & Tracking
    • Top Inviters.
    • Tracks Registrations.
      • Logs IP Address, email, timestamp, and the username, allowing for easy tracing of the guest
        prior to registration.
    • Tracks Every Invites.
      • Logs who invited whom and whether the invited has verified their email and/or registered.
    • Tracks Errors During Registration.
      • Logs IP Address, specific error, timestamp, and, if applicable, email address.
    • Tracks Verified Emails.
      • Logs IP Address, email address, timestamp.
    • IP Address Privacy, completely hides IP Addresses from regular users while still allowing for uniquely identifying different guests.
    • Email Privacy, hides email addresses from regular users.
    • Ability to sort statistics according to specific IP addresses (respects IP address privacy).
  • Options
    • Don't use custom register page (use native vB page).
    • Enable Verify Email Before Registering.
      • Allow even if registrations are closed.
    • Enable Invite System.
      • Disable new invites.
      • Searchable invites in the AdminCP.
      • Allow sending of PM on registered invites to the user who invited them.
      • Username of the PM sender.
      • Enable invite statistics.
  • Usergroup Permissions
    • Is Manager
    • Can View Statistics
    • Can Invite
    • Amount of Invites
    • Can View Emails

  • Actions:
    • Usergroup - Allows the admin to set which usergroup the user should be moved to upon completing registration.
    • Displaygroup - Allows the admin to set which displaygroup the user should be moved to upon completing registration.
    • New thread - Allows the admin to define forum(s) for which a new thread (completely phraseable title and message for each) is to be created with options to:
      • define which username posts the thread
      • whether to display the user's signature
      • display smilies
      • stick/unstick thread
      • open/close thread
    • New post - Allows the admin to define thread for which a new post (completely phraseable title and message for each) is to be created with options to:
      • define which username posts the post
      • whether to display the user's signature
      • display smilies
      • stick/unstick thread
      • open/close thread.
  • Redirects to Register Page
    • Instances of redirects.
    • Per-redirect ability to specify whitelisted IP's (IP's matched here will not be redirected)
    • Option to exclude bots from redirect.
    • Option to exclude IP's that belong to existing users of your forum.
    • Types of redirects.
      • After x page views.
      • After x thread views.
      • After x amount of time on site.
    • Persistent option. Forces user to either login or register before being allowed to further browse the site.
  • Statistics & Tracking
    • Top Inviters.
    • Tracks Redirects.
      • Logs in full detail the precise config of the specific redirect.
      • Logs timestamp of redirect and the IP address of the guest.
  • Options
    • Invite System.
      • Delete invites
      • Allow even if registrations are closed.
This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of all pages generated by this mod which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification

Brew 08-11-2012 12:32 AM

I'm a bit confused on what you mean by "redirects"

Such as "Types of redirects", "guest redirects", etc

Can you please explain?


Brew 08-11-2012 12:35 AM


Does it have an option to send an email on new registration

and to create a welcoming thread on certain forum for new registrations?

DragonByte Tech 08-11-2012 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Brew (Post 2356112)
I'm a bit confused on what you mean by "redirects"

Such as "Types of redirects", "guest redirects", etc

Can you please explain?


Redirects will redirect any guest, who meets the redirects criteria, to the registration page. For example, if you set-up a redirect "Page views" and put in "5". It will redirect the guest to the registration page after they have accumulated 5 page views.


Originally Posted by Brew (Post 2356113)

Does it have an option to send an email on new registration

and to create a welcoming thread on certain forum for new registrations?

That is not a feature but I'll gladly keep it in mind. It would be kind if you could make a feature request over at our support forum to ensure this feature request does not get forgotten.

- Jon

Hornstar 08-11-2012 08:56 PM

Another quality release. A+++++ well done guys.

Trek 08-12-2012 04:55 AM

Using the Pro version of this myself, it rocks. =)

Guru Samrat 08-12-2012 07:01 AM

not working this 4.0.3

DragonByte Tech 08-12-2012 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Guru Samrat (Post 2356353)
not working this 4.0.3

If you could elaborate the problem and provide us with details I may be able to patch the version for you which will allow me to support this version.

- Jon

Leica.Robbiani 08-12-2012 06:37 PM

Hi there,

on 4.0.6:


Updating Version Number To: 1.1.0
adding child to non-existent node!
Best regards


Black Snow 08-12-2012 07:21 PM

No screenshots?

DragonByte Tech 08-13-2012 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Leica.Robbiani (Post 2356488)
Hi there,

on 4.0.6:

Best regards


I will be uploading a bugfix release this Friday. I am not sure if this will fix this problem but please let me know if it does.


Originally Posted by Black Snow (Post 2356497)
No screenshots?

I will add some along with the next release this Friday.

- Jon

DragonByte Tech 08-15-2012 07:07 PM

This product has been updated to v1.1.2. This is a bugfix release and fixes the following bugs:

Fix: (Lite Only) Template error in details page would cause PHP syntax error.
Fix: Custom profile fields not showing in right section or duplicating.
Fix: Missing phrase in invites settings page.
Fix: Incorrect link in copyright.
Fix: Register link not showing if registrations are closed but a method of overriding was enabled.
Fix: Coppa and captcha issue would not allow registration.

Screenshots have also been added.

- Jon

carntheroos4eva 08-16-2012 12:25 AM

Seems to be missing the install part of it.
Just tried to add the product xml of it now and things seem to be missing out of it.

joeychgo 08-19-2012 06:18 AM

Couldnt get it to work on 4.2... No matter what I did it only would say invites werent being accepted... Uninstalled

DragonByte Tech 08-19-2012 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by carntheroos4eva (Post 2357274)
Seems to be missing the install part of it.
Just tried to add the product xml of it now and things seem to be missing out of it.

Please clarify what you mean by "things seem to be missing out of it".


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2358091)
Couldnt get it to work on 4.2... No matter what I did it only would say invites werent being accepted... Uninstalled

Where did it say this? The ability to allow for invites only is a pro-only feature if that's what you were meaning to do. Couldn't quite tell with that vague post.

- Jon

DragonByte Tech 08-25-2012 07:48 AM

I'm pleased to announce v1.1.3 has been released.
  • Fix: Disabled "Can View Forum" permissions wouldn't allow for new registrations despite any overrides being used.
  • Fix: Unlimited invites are now phrased (Unlimited) in the usercp invites left parenthesis count.
  • Fix: Additional checks on whether or not product is active.
  • Fix: HTML errors in template dbtech_registration_verify_email
  • Change: Updated productid.
  • Change: Discrepancies in the settings group names.
Any issues, problems, or questions please let me know!

- Jon

tanzeelniazi 09-26-2012 04:38 PM

How i reset Invites i want to reset Invition
This time i ll test 1 Email working Perfect but i need to Reset

tanzeelniazi 09-26-2012 04:49 PM

Navebar Problem can you fix this any soloution?
See piC:

TheSupportForum 09-26-2012 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by tanzeelniazi (Post 2368766)
Navebar Problem can you fix this any soloution?
See piC:

please indicate which version of vbulletin you are using

different versions use different navbar code variables

tanzeelniazi 09-29-2012 09:07 PM

VB 4.2.0

please indicate which version of vbulletin you are using

different versions use different navbar code variables

DragonByte Tech 10-06-2012 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by tanzeelniazi (Post 2368763)
How i reset Invites i want to reset Invition
This time i ll test 1 Email working Perfect but i need to Reset

You can uninstall and reinstall the product which will effectively "reset" all data. :)


Originally Posted by tanzeelniazi (Post 2369627)
VB 4.2.0

Unfortunately, that looks like a bug on vB's part. The only way to "fix" this would be shortening the text of that phrase to something a bit less lengthy.

- Jon

DragonByte Tech 10-13-2012 01:33 AM

Advanced Registration v1.2.0
  • Feature: Invites search page viewer in the ACP.
  • Feature: register_form_complete hook has been added just before template rendering for the custom page.
  • Change: Usercp Navigation Link now disappears when invite system is disabled.
  • Change: Clicking the verification link inside of the verification email will now redirect you to the register page in addition to notifying you that the email has already been verified. A "notify the administrator" contact link has also been added.

- Jon

DragonByte Tech 10-13-2012 11:21 PM


The v1.2.0 version of this product adds support for NoSpam! Image Enhancement by BirdOPrey5.

- Jon

l0l4s0 11-06-2012 01:05 AM

What to do for older users when they access the file register.php continues to put out the email box, any solution?
and redirection to after to put email in box, redirect to forum.php. other forum no have forum.php and have index.php is probably check this too.

Pandemikk 11-07-2012 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by l0l4s0 (Post 2378740)
What to do for older users when they access the file register.php continues to put out the email box, any solution?
and redirection to after to put email in box, redirect to forum.php. other forum no have forum.php and have index.php is probably check this too.


Users already registered on your site should be able to log-in just fine without registering.

If they are hitting the email box page that means you have set up the options to allow only for verified emails and/or invited emails to register.

The redirect after submitting your email does not take you to forum.php or index.php. Any and all redirects are according to your forum root page as defined in your vBulletin options.

If I have misunderstood any of your questions I apologize, and feel free to tell me if I have.

- Jon

dog-tag 01-03-2013 01:44 PM

Can this control the page where users go after they press submit.

At the moment people go to register.php?do=addmember

Just wondering if your mod alters this? By the way, I love your collection of mods! I never knew about this one until today.

DragonByte Tech 02-01-2013 11:49 PM

Advanced Registration v2.0.0

Registration Page Instances
  • Each instance can be prioritised in case multiple instance criterias match
  • Each instance has its own order of fields or even fields to be displayed
  • Powerful criteria system to determine what instance users should receive

  • Location - IP based. Requires geopip module to be installed to work.
  • Code - Admin can create a custom code which users can use in links. Users can find these codes in the Advanced Registration portion of their usercp.
  • Invited - If the user has been invited.
  • Proxy - If the user is using a proxy.
  • Verified - If the user has had their email verified before registering.

Actions (Pro)
  • Usergroup - Allows the admin to set which usergroup the user should be moved to upon completing registration.
  • Displaygroup - Allows the admin to set which displaygroup the user should be moved to upon completing registration.
  • New thread - Allows the admin to define forum(s) for which a new thread (completely phraseable title and message for each) is to be created with options to:
    • define which username posts the thread
    • whether to display the user's signature
    • display smilies
    • stick/unstick thread
    • open/close thread
  • New post - Allows the admin to define thread for which a new post (completely phraseable title and message for each) is to be created with options to:
    • define which username posts the post
    • whether to display the user's signature
    • display smilies
    • stick/unstick thread
    • open/close thread.


DragonByte Tech 02-07-2013 03:06 PM

Advanced Registration v2.0.1
Fix: Instances with no Criteria would produce a "No Permissions" error for guests attempting to register
Fix: Sections with no visible Fields no longer produces a section header
Fix: Fields will no longer be duplicated to other sections


sweetpotato 02-20-2013 02:36 PM

I like the way this mod work, however after trying it I have some problem:

- When using vb register page it seems to work fine but when use custom register page, custom profile fields on register page do not show include reCapcha;
- the facebook connect button missing though the phrase show

I also have a suggestiong that when verified email is on, the mod should skip verify for facebook users who already signed in facebook.

also, does the pro version can replace the work of force user to read this thread mod?
Thank you,

DragonByte Tech 02-25-2013 07:24 PM

Advanced Registration v2.0.2

Fix: In certain scenarios, having a valid Invitation link could still produce an error message
Fix: Attempting to click the Invitation link a second time would not correctly redirect to the registration page
Fix: It was not possible to save Actions on PHP 5.2 or lower
Fix: Missing phrases in the front-end
Fix: In certain scenarios it would be impossible to register if the Verify Email Before Registration and Invite systems were shut off
Fix: If the product was disabled via vBulletin Options, certain plugins would still execute, preventing registration
Fix: Certain profile fields would not show up on the registration page
Fix: Non-required profile fields could not be added to a registration instance


DragonByte Tech 03-08-2013 11:08 PM

Advanced Registration v2.0.3
Change: Invite system should now be accessible even if Can View is No
Change: Deleting an invite now also removes the email from the system
Fix: Usergroups with 0 (Infinite) invites in the Usergroup Permissions can now send invites
Fix: Filter Results drop-down on the Statistics page should now correctly display phrases
Fix: Fixed an issue with the logging system that could lead to invalid entries being logged


Dogma21cw 03-28-2013 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2372811)

The v1.2.0 version of this product adds support for NoSpam! Image Enhancement by BirdOPrey5.

- Jon

How do I implement this in the Lite version? We would like to have both this plugin & reCapthca working together on our page. Is this possible?

DragonByte Tech 04-01-2013 12:45 AM

Have you tried adding a new Field?


DragonByte Tech 04-02-2013 08:18 PM

Advanced Registration v2.0.4
Feature: Improved logging details for Control Panel actions
Fix: Fixed logging issues for upgrade installs from v1.x
Fix: Fixed logging issues that could lead to an incomplete list of registration stats
Fix: It was not possible to view other registration stats than the default chosen value
Change: Changed the Branding display method to inject itself into the copyright footer (underneath vBulletin copyright) instead of the page footer.
Change: Changed the Branding Free Key to a more secure key.


Pandemikk 04-02-2013 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dogma21cw (Post 2412785)
How do I implement this in the Lite version? We would like to have both this plugin & reCapthca working together on our page. Is this possible?

As far as I know, vBulletin only allows one Human Verification type at a time. I don't believe you can have both at a time, although BOP would be the person to ask.

In short: If it is possible without this modification to have both, then it will be possible with this modification to have both.

DragonByte Tech 04-26-2013 02:16 PM

Advanced Registration v2.0.5
Fix: Deleting the default instance would in some circumstances not select the correct replacement instance
Fix: Fixed an issue with invite counters not updating properly when users verify their emails
Fix: The "Details" for Invited events in the registration stats would not be showing certain data correctly
Fix: Non-moderators / non-admins would be asked to verify their email while changing their email address from the UserCP
Fix: Very rarely a database error could occur if multiple pages were opened in quick succession and the server was lagging


AshenTemper 05-02-2013 02:07 AM

Is there a known issue (conflict) with this mod and Stop the Registration Bots and/or vbStopForumSpam?

When I installed this last night, it worked fine until someone follows the verification link. You can fill in the required fields but when you submit, it tells you that you are missing a field (to fill out). When I disable Adv Reg, the issue goes away.

My guess would be the hidden fields from Stop the Registration Bots. This would be for my site (http://www.seandahlberg.com/).

DragonByte Tech 05-06-2013 04:13 PM

I do believe there is a conflict, yeah. I'll have to install one of them on my test boards and see if I can get it working.


mertiliuss 05-20-2013 08:42 PM

Sorry for my English use a translator

¿By registering I can choose, for example: "male" or "female"?

where male or female is a usergroup?

mertiliuss 05-21-2013 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by mertiliuss (Post 2423244)
Sorry for my English use a translator

?By registering I can choose, for example: "male" or "female"?

where male or female is a usergroup?


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