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-   -   August & September 2012 Board of the Month Nominations (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=286179)

BirdOPrey5 08-01-2012 09:27 AM

August & September 2012 Board of the Month Nominations
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Months of August & September 2012!*

*Extended an extra moth for more nominations

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

The rules for this thread:
  • Only post nominations or seconds, no chatter.
  • All seconds are to be placed in 1 post, with a max of 3.
  • All seconds should include the word "second" or "+1".
  • All posts must be in English.
Please abide by these rules or your post will be removed.

Nominations will be accepted until the last day of September 2012 (Close to midnight- maybe a few hours earlier, maybe a few hours later. There is no exact time.)

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: http://www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable and a real URL (One link only.)
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.
DO NOT STRAY FROM THE ABOVE FORMAT. Save your creativity for your FORUM- this is not the place for it.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

You MUST enter the URL to your forum in the "URL:" line. DO NOT put a link with your site's name. Your entry will be rejected. Only 1 link is allowed.

You MUST put all your seconds in ONE post. If that means editing your original post to add more seconds, then DO it. We throw out seconds that are made in multiple posts.

Please post only nominations or seconds, NO "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be DELETED.

IMPORTANT inqueries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Roms, BirdOPrey5, or an Administrator.

hollyboy 08-01-2012 08:01 PM

Site Name: Interfans.org
URL: http://www.interfans.org

Description: community of FC INTER MILAN supporters

Reason for Nomination:

- Custom style and graphics
- Community with good and organized content
- Friendly staff and members
- Easy to navigate
- Huge community: about 100.000 members
- Spam free
- And much more

BlueCheri 08-02-2012 07:00 AM

Site Name: Offwalk - The Off topic forums

URL: http://www.offwalk.com

Description: International general chat and discussion forum. A place to meet and make new friends. Relaxing and refreshing platform for online community.

Reason for Nomination:

- Spam free community
- Community with good contents
- Friendly staff and members
- Simple and easy to browse
- Growing community
- Offering many interesting special features


vBseo.it 08-02-2012 09:05 AM

Site Name: ItalianHack.org - MMORPG & FPS
URL: http://www.italianhack.org
Description: The first community with 50,000 gamers
Reason for Nomination: Excelent style and graphics. 50,000 Users Registered, and lot more..!

DaNis 08-04-2012 11:21 PM

Site Name: iPhoneDestekBoard

URL: http://www.iphonedestek.org

Description: Professional support for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad General problems

Reason for Nomination:

- Support for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
- Current information about Appel
- Professional support team with live chat
- Multilanguage support (English, German and Turkish)
- Spam-free environment for members
- Friendly exchange of information
- Emergency aid for problems
- Supports over Cydiasource

socialteenz 08-06-2012 06:01 PM

Site Name: Eminemtalk.com

URL: http://eminemtalk.com

Description: Eminem Talk is an Forum Devoted To Eminem Fans from all over the world. Let's Have A Chat About the greatest rap legend of all time now and forever. Come and JOIN our forum and make new friends as well as have fun!

Reason for Nomination:

1) Custom Skin
2) No Ad/spam
3) Devoted to Eminem Fans round the globe.
4) Ours look better than the official Eminem forum, may be they should consider us ;)
Of-course i am the ADMIN

RSNF 08-06-2012 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by socialteenz (Post 2355022)
Site Name: Eminemtalk.com

URL: http://eminemtalk.com

Description: Eminem Talk is an Forum Devoted To Eminem Fans from all over the world. Let's Have A Chat About the greatest rap legend of all time now and forever. Come and JOIN our forum and make new friends as well as have fun!

Reason for Nomination:

1) Custom Skin
2) No Ad/spam
3) Devoted to Eminem Fans round the globe.
4) Ours look better than the official Eminem forum, may be they should consider us ;)
Of-course i am the ADMIN

:up: +1 Very nicely Done!! Besides I am a big Eminem fan :D

thecore762 08-10-2012 05:05 AM

Site Name: The 47 Ronin
URL: http://www.47r-squad.com

Description: Gaming Oriented gaming community

Reason for Nomination:

- Custom template from the ground up
- Customized vBAdvanced navigation, also custom thread tooltip preview.
- Customized postbits
- Discussion about games and game servers
- Gaming Reviews
- Integrated gameMe stats in the website! (See gameMe Tab)
- We provide many forums sections for all type of users that join our forums
- Multiple plugins, customized to perfection
- Up and coming gaming community
- Minimum Ads & only using Google AdSense.
- Fresh look compared to other vBulletin styles.

christon26 08-14-2012 07:09 AM

Site Name: Digiscrap Forum
URL: http://www.digiscrapforum.com/
Description: Forum for Digital Scrapbookers
Reason for Nomination: Custom style, heavily modded, felt like nominating it :P

BF777 08-17-2012 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by christon26 (Post 2356827)
Site Name: Digiscrap Forum
URL: http://www.digiscrapforum.com/
Description: Forum for Digital Scrapbookers
Reason for Nomination: Custom style, heavily modded, felt like nominating it :P

:up: +1 Well done! :)

saini1987 08-21-2012 09:24 AM

Site Name: WHangOut Webmaster Forum
URL: http://www.whangout.com/
Description: Forum for webmasters. SEO, internet marketing, webhosting.
Reason for Nomination:
Custom theme
Spam free

tanerokutan 08-22-2012 06:31 AM

URL: http://www.gsfans.org

Site Name: GSfans.org

Description: Galatasaray fans, supporters zone.

Reason for Nomination:

- Always active
- Latest news
- Warm conversations
- We love Galatasaray & our forum

ged 08-22-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by tanerokutan (Post 2358932)
URL: http://www.gsfans.org

Site Name: GSfans.org

Description: Galatasaray fans, supporters zone.

Reason for Nomination:

- Always active
- Latest news
- Warm conversations
- We love Galatasaray & our forum

:up: +1 nicely done. A smooth style. :)

bingocaller 08-22-2012 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by socialteenz (Post 2355022)
Site Name: Eminemtalk.com

URL: http://eminemtalk.com

Description: Eminem Talk is an Forum Devoted To Eminem Fans from all over the world. Let's Have A Chat About the greatest rap legend of all time now and forever. Come and JOIN our forum and make new friends as well as have fun!

Reason for Nomination:

1) Custom Skin
2) No Ad/spam
3) Devoted to Eminem Fans round the globe.
4) Ours look better than the official Eminem forum, may be they should consider us ;)
Of-course i am the ADMIN

:up:+1 very impressive in deed !

Kavada 08-24-2012 12:00 AM

Site Name: Car-Builds.com
URL: http://www.car-builds.com
Description: Forum for car enthusiast
Reason for Nomination:
- Newly opened site
- Very simple and easy browsing
- Awesome car related conversations
( still growing a community, just opened site about 2 weeks ago )

twolegit 08-28-2012 01:56 AM

Site Name: 2legitmods.net
URL: http://www.2legitmods.net
Description: forum for modding video games
Reason for Nomination:
1) clean look and feel
2) active community
3) fast growing 600 members since Jan
4) latest gaming news
5) lots of mods for our members to enjoy for free
6) my first site ever and I'm a admin :) (just like soicalteenz said)

wii 08-29-2012 12:02 PM

Site Name: Lene's Slankeklub med Lene Hansson
URL: http://www.lenehansson.net
Description: Health Forum in Danish
Reason for Nomination:
  1. Clean customized design
  2. Easy navigation
  3. Over 6000 Members
  4. Good content
  5. Spam free

liamwli 08-29-2012 01:34 PM

Site Name: MeHost Community
URL: http://community.mehost.co.uk
Description: Webmaster forum & chief helpplace for mehost customers.
1. New site that has grown dramatically since we moved to vBul.
2. Highly active, with loads of forums.
3. NO ads.
4. Friendly atmosphere, even to non-customers.
5. We have to deal with LOADS of spam.
6. Admins & members help out.
7. I'm an admin ;)

DigitalDark 08-31-2012 05:15 PM

Site Name: Emudigital
URL: http://www.emudigital.net
Description: Website about videogames, freetime, manga, etc...


A very nice design (in my opinion) which took 3 months to be completed.
Forum style mixed and integrated 100% with wordpress portal.
Lots of visitors each day, and active members in the forum.

BirdOPrey5 09-01-2012 02:03 PM

Contest extended until September 30th since only 2 forums received seconds this month.

Maxtor00 09-02-2012 04:52 PM

Site Name: Arachnea.org - De aranea omnes scimus
URL: http://www.arachnea.org
URL 2: http://www.arachnea.pl
Description: The largest professional website for the tarantulas in Poland.

Reason for Nomination:

1) Unique styling and graphics.
2) An interesting theme
3) No ads/spam
4) Very easy to navigate
5) More than 18,000 users
6) More than 40 people support this board.
7) As Administrator everybody loves me ;P
... and much more.

BMR 09-02-2012 09:40 PM

Site Name: Wrestling Smarks
URL: www.wrestlingsmarks.com
Description: Pro Wrestling And MMA Forum

1. Brand new designs since VB 4.2 Upgrade
2. Active Forum With close to a 100 members a day
3. Tons Of User Customization Features
4. Clean Section Layout
5. Plenty of off topic sections to cover non wrestling fans

Cubik4 09-03-2012 04:56 PM

Site Name: MultiPlayerGameHacking
URL: www.mpgh.it
Description: Site for FPS MODDING

1. Custom Style
2. Friendly Staffers
3. Free Spam

Masked Crusader 09-04-2012 10:19 PM

Site Name: Twink Info

URL: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums

Description: TwinkInfo.com (Twink Info) is a World of Warcraft WoW twink community. There are thousands of posts about the different twink battleground brackets, twink guild recruitment threads, guides on how to twink your characters, and so much more! Twink Info also has an World of Warcraft account sales forum and another forum for people to sell World of Warcraft twink items.

Reason for Nomination:

- EXTREMELY active community -- 400+ people active at any time of the day and 50+ registrations a day!
- MVP (Most Valuable Poster) Nomination System -- Requires two nominations which will create a thread and the staff will vote on whether the user should become an MVP!
- 100% Custom skin.
-- Completely revised 'Who's Online Section', Navbits, etc.
- Custom welcome header.
- Unique logo design.
- Custom forum icons.
- Veteran Rank for users that have been around at least 3 years. Shares same benefit as Donator rank. Automatically places user in usergroup after 3 years of registration.

twolegit 09-08-2012 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Masked Crusader (Post 2362715)
Site Name: Twink Info

URL: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums

Description: TwinkInfo.com (Twink Info) is a World of Warcraft WoW twink community. There are thousands of posts about the different twink battleground brackets, twink guild recruitment threads, guides on how to twink your characters, and so much more! Twink Info also has an World of Warcraft account sales forum and another forum for people to sell World of Warcraft twink items.

Reason for Nomination:

- EXTREMELY active community -- 400+ people active at any time of the day and 50+ registrations a day!
- MVP (Most Valuable Poster) Nomination System -- Requires two nominations which will create a thread and the staff will vote on whether the user should become an MVP!
- 100% Custom skin.
-- Completely revised 'Who's Online Section', Navbits, etc.
- Custom welcome header.
- Unique logo design.
- Custom forum icons.
- Veteran Rank for users that have been around at least 3 years. Shares same benefit as Donator rank. Automatically places user in usergroup after 3 years of registration.


hollyboy 09-09-2012 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 2361077)
Site Name: Nihonomaru Network
URL: http://forum.nihonomaru.com
Description: A Social Network Site aiming for pure entertainment with a focus on Anime, and Manga.

  1. Very unique design.
  2. Unique customizations.
  3. Highly engaging and active.
  4. Very diverse and friendly community. Takes after the Nihonomaru's slogan "Friendly yet Wild"
  5. Quality content, with more to come when the homepage goes beta in September 2012.
  6. Never cease to improve :0)

I'll second this

cooljeba 09-10-2012 05:44 AM

Site Name: Windows Tablet Board
URL: http://www.windowstabletboard.com
Description: A friendly community focused on upcoming Windows 8 tablets and Windows 8 Operating System.

  • Unique Windows 8 "Metro/Modern" based Custom Design.
  • Unique Sections for Articles, Reviews, Tips & Tricks, Support
  • Custom Forum icon
  • Office Assistants Inviting the Guest to Register :)
  • No Ads
  • Clean Section layout
  • Spam Free
  • Good overall coverage of the Niche
  • A month old

fattony69 09-10-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by cooljeba (Post 2364181)
Site Name: Windows Tablet Board
URL: http://www.windowstabletboard.com
Description: A friendly community focused on upcoming Windows 8 tablets and Windows 8 Operating System.

  • Unique Windows 8 "Metro/Modern" based Custom Design.
  • Unique Sections for Articles, Reviews, Tips & Tricks, Support
  • Custom Forum icon
  • Office Assistants Inviting the Guest to Register :)
  • No Ads
  • Clean Section layout
  • Spam Free
  • Good overall coverage of the Niche
  • A month old

I thoroughly enjoy this site. I second this.

letsjoy 09-12-2012 11:17 AM

Site Name: DD Desi Forum
URL: http://forum.chatdd.com
Description: Oldest Desi community for sub-Continent users and focused on regional languages and family Environment

Unique Sections for Languages & Literature
Avatar & gfx collection
FB Inviting the Guest to Register
No Ads
Premium layout
Spam Free
Most Active Desi Forum
8 years old

saqib_jutt 09-12-2012 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by letsjoy (Post 2364769)
Site Name: DD Desi Forum
URL: http://forum.chatdd.com
Description: Oldest Desi community for sub-Continent users and focused on regional languages and family Environment

Unique Sections for Languages & Literature
Avatar & gfx collection
FB Inviting the Guest to Register
No Ads
Premium layout
Spam Free
Most Active Desi Forum
8 years old

+1 :)

ChiNa 09-17-2012 10:53 AM

Site Name: China-Cheats (No Hacking - No Cracking)
URL: http://www.china-cheats.com
Description: International forum for Software and Web Developers
Reason for Nomination:

  1. We are helping everyone, from people with no computers to people who never used a computer befor
  2. 1 Year & 2 Month old and A TOTALLY FREE SOURCE FORUM
  3. Provides support for Balool which is an ADDON for worlds biggest voice chat software Paltalk Messengers
  4. Making our own Installer for Balool, Balool is built and made by Im-Integrations.com
  5. Only 1 year and China-Cheats is the most visited forum today, with very less members and very less content
  6. We have the best reputation for providing the best help online for Balool & Paltalk Stuff *24 Hours online*
  7. Growing amazingly fast last 3 month
  8. Top Paid by GOOGLE ADSENSE (Between 1.25 to 2.00 USD DAILY)
  9. ANTI HACKING forum - Forum Title and Motto (No Hacking - No Cracking)
  10. Totally Spam Free forum (Maybe ones a year)
  11. Online team which is 24 hours online, available with 20 different languages..
  12. 70 new forums plus 400 premium threads added last month
  13. China-Cheats has a WILL and MOTIVATION to keep going everyday, and even after we were hacked 8 month ago
  • - 8 month ago China-Cheats was hacked! They ruined all our hard work, and thank god we were on a free-hosting company, but it really took us down! And all this because of our motto (No Hacking - No Gaming). Were still using the old vB3.8.6 version without the Level Patch 1, and the FAQ page was how they got us! They got our Database Info and then we found out about the "Patch Level 1".. We kinda lost our will and lots of content! But carried on because of the support we had from our members. And finally we secured our forum, and then we decided to use our motto as our forum TITLE, even it gave us problems, bu only to show we do not give up that easy! It has been a hard year but we have made it!
  • - China-Cheats have really worked hard to get a position among the best forums who provides support for worlds biggest voice-chat Paltalk Messenger, and an online team with more than 24 different languages online..
And we do all this FOR FREE!

Thank you very much...

jimsflies 09-26-2012 01:46 PM

Site Name: CaptiveReefs.com
URL: http://www.captivereefs.com
Description: Reef Aquarium Community
Reason for Nomination: Yet to receive a 2nd after months of self-nominations, I will once again throw my site into the mix. CaptiveReefs is an active forum bustling with great information to help with setting up and maintaining reef aquariums. CaptiveReefs design has been customized to encourage member activity and visitor retention. In short, I don't believe there is another forum like CaptiveReefs on the www.

Ian Cunningham 09-27-2012 02:14 PM

Site Name: Laptop Forums
URL: http://www.laptop-forums.com
Description: Laptop, netbook and tablet PC discussion forums
Reason for Nomination:
  • Used PHPBB until very recently, then converted to vBulletin a few months ago on this new domain. It's a fresh relaunch on VB :D.
  • We're a friendly forum and a welcoming bunch!
  • Lots of customisation to get sidebars and templates to be even more helpful to members.
  • We nominated our forums so that we can hopefully come in with a chance of getting some exposure for the newly upgraded forums - moving to a new domain and starting afresh on VB hit our traffic, but we're growing again slowly :D.

BirdOPrey5 10-01-2012 09:45 AM

Nominations closed.

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:14 PM.

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