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Enthusify 07-06-2012 10:00 PM

Enthusify Classifieds Mod for vBulletin 3.7.x
As of September 2015, the Panjo marketplace mod for vBulletin has been completely rearchitected.

You can learn more about the latest version of the mod on Panjo's vBulletin partner page.

This mod enables you to launch a peer-to-peer community marketplace that is integrated into your vBulletin forum.

Here is how it works:
1) Install the plugin.
2) Customize the categories you want in your marketplace.
3) Contact Chad at Panjo: chad@panjo.com to activate your marketplace.
4) When a seller goes to a new or old subforum dedicated to buying/selling/trading, and clicks on the "post new thread" button, the mod will load a listing creation form.
5) The seller will create a listing. The listing will appear in the marketplace. A synchronized copy of the listing will appear in the appropriate buy/sell/trade subforum.

Is this plugin free?
Yes, this plugin is free.

Can you make money with this plugin?
Yes, you can optionally use this plugin to generate marketplace transaction revenue.

How is it with mobile?
The marketplace loads with layouts that are optimized for high res desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Porsche Marketplace <syncs with> Porsche classifieds subforum
BMW Marketplace <syncs with> BMW classifieds subforums
Audi Marketplace <syncs with> Audi classifieds subforums
Belly dancing marketplace <syncs with> Belly dancing classifieds subforums

The marketplace home page
A listing detail page
The listing creation form for a seller

Do you have questions about Panjo? Contact the team at Panjo:

Enthusify 07-13-2012 10:08 PM

Updated the installation instructions. Should be easier to digest, and thus quicker to install now.

Enthusify 08-02-2012 05:21 PM

Good news for forums running on servers configured to block the allow_url_fopen php function, today we released an update to the vBulletin classifieds mod that addresses a bug that impacted those forums. Today's release also includes a few performance enhancements.

tehPARADOX 08-15-2012 03:43 AM


Enthusify 08-30-2012 08:22 PM

Awesome new update today. You can now post a widget anywhere on your site to highlight items that are listed for sale in the enthusify-powered classifieds section of your vBulletin forum:

This is just a screen shot, not the actual widget, from NSX Prime, a site for Acura NSX enthusiasts:

Enthusify 09-10-2012 07:27 PM

Marketplace plugin update from Enthusify today.

The latest version of the vBulletin marketplace plugin by Enthusify allows you to optionally create a new thread in a designated subforum every time a seller creates a new listing in the classifieds plugin.

Version 1.4.3 contains this new feature.

Enthusify 09-28-2012 09:55 PM

We released an exciting update to the Enthusify classifieds plugin today.
1) The plugin now includes a new 'gallery view feature'
2) Faster page load times due to new photo handling and compression
3) We fixed a bug in IE that prevented thread creation

Enthusify 10-04-2012 04:19 AM

Enthusify just shipped 10 bug fixes and features. No action is required. All these updates automatically populated to our partners.

Feature: 'Edit listing' button color changed for improved usability.
Feature: Members can now see sold listings. This helps sellers price their items and helps with SEO.
Feature: More clear 'New Listing' steps.

Bug fix: 'Cancel' button in light box now works when composing a message.
Bug fix: 'Learn more' link fixed when editing an existing listing.
Bug fix: Changing the title of a listing no longer breaks a listing's URL.
Bug fix: Editing a listing no longer creates a new thread.
Bug fix: Listings now support a greater range of high bit order characters.
Bug fix: Attribute values are order properly.
Bug fix: Grid/listing view choices persist within a session.

Enthusify 10-05-2012 07:33 PM

Moderation tools released today: Moderators and administrators can now moderate classified listings from within the Enthusify classifieds mod.

Enthusify 10-18-2012 10:32 PM

Great news, we just released a frequently requested feature:
Seller profile pages. These pages highlight all the listings from a seller. These pages will soon contain seller ratings.

In recent days, Enthusify shipped the following new features and fixes:
1) Seller profile pages.
2) The ability for community members to see sold listings
3) A new 'success' message upon the completion of creating a new listing
4) Moderation tools for forum administrators and moderators
5) An increase in the number of items that display in the default view
6) Improved photo compression and handling
7) Improved handling of special characters
8) Improved handling of the threads that the plugin creates in a vBulletin sub forum

We plan to ship the following features in coming days:
a) The ability for a seller to indicate he/she wants to be paid via check
b) The ability for a seller to opt out of the 'buy now' button
c) Tools to facilitate price negotiation (OBO/'haggle' system)
d) The ability for a seller to access 'sold' listings from 'My Listings'
e) Improvements to the photo upload user interface
f) A Facebook share button on listings
g) The ability for an admin to choose to display relevant listings from eBay from within Enthusify

And after that...
i) more fee and access controls around vBulletin user groups

Enthusify 10-25-2012 07:53 PM

Enthusify delivered a great new feature today... now a seller can select how the buyer's payment is transferred to him/her. Sellers can select between PayPay, Check, and Direct Deposit. A seller can also choose to collect payment on his/her own and bypass the plugins embedded payment processing and protection service entirely.

Here is a screen shot of the options a seller sees when he/she is creating a listing:


Enthusify 11-10-2012 07:00 PM

We are excited to announce a massive update:

User group access and fee customization!
  • You can determine whether or not a usergroup can sell an item in the marketplace.
  • You can specify the transaction fee you wish to retain keep from each transaction, per usergroup.
To take advantage of this feature:
  1. Sign into the vBulletin admin control panel -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager
  2. Click ?go? to edit the desired usergroup
  3. The second section, Enthusify, has a toggle that controls whether or not that usergroup can sell.
  4. There is also a field to enter a fee. Type in a number (max of two decimals) that represents the % fee you?d like to collect from each successful sale. Do NOT include the % sign.
  5. Save.
  6. Note: These fields will be applied according to the PRIMARY usergroup that each user belongs to. If a user?s primary usergroup cannot sell an item, but is a member of a usergroup that can sell, the fee from the secondary usergroup will apply.
New Or Best Offer (OBO) system!
  • When creating a listing, a seller can indicate if he/she would like to accept best offers for the item.
  • If a seller is accepting offers, buyers can submit an offer from the item?s info page.
  • Using the messaging system, a seller can send a buyer a link to a unique checkout page that corresponds to a special price for the item.
  • Sellers can cancel offers they?ve sent to buyers.
Usability enhancements!
  • Improved email copy, layout, and design for sellers when their item sells.
  • Improved email copy, layout, and design to notify a member that someone messaged them via the marketplace.
  • Improved the image upload process and user interface for a seller creating a listing.
  • Various improvements to buttons, forms, and backgrounds.
  • Various minor improvements to the messaging system.
  • Various minor bug fixes.
Thread prefixes!
  • vBulletin threads created by Enthusify now work with an existing plugin (made by JamesGunner at vBulletin.org) that allow you to append a prefix to threads posted to a subforum.
  • The necessary files and instructions are included in the latest Enthusify zip package.
  • Be an awesome member of the vBulletin community and click ?MARK AS INSTALLED? here to give JamesGunner credit for his plugin.
Postbit template
  • You can optionally add a link to your member's postbit template that links to the member's items for sale in the marketplace.

Enthusify 11-20-2012 08:58 PM

Enthusify now contains a rating system for when members buy / sell / trade items from each other.

New features:
  • Buyer / Seller feedback system! (see screen shot below)
  • Improved clarity around required fields.
  • Updated various transaction emails to make them more clear.
  • 14 day reminder to a seller that a listing is live. Reminder directs seller to update the listing if it has sold elsewhere.
Bug fixes:
  • FIXED: In list view of search results, images were not centering in big monitors.
  • FIXED: Seller profile pages images were not scaling properly.
  • FIXED: Marketplace link in Seller profile was not linking properly.
  • FIXED: Threads are updating a seller's post count.
  • FIXED: Buy Now button in threads was sometimes breaking.
Coming next:
  • Improvements to the photo uploader to improve usability and to work properly on iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android devices.
  • Big project that will take some time - the ability to create threads in different sub forums depending on the sub category selected by the seller.

Attachment 142407

forumrunt 11-21-2012 11:38 PM

Great idea but having to e-mail someone so that we can use it is a bit annoying, I like to download and install and move on.

Enthusify 11-21-2012 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by forumrunt (Post 2383525)
Great idea but having to e-mail someone so that we can use it is a bit annoying, I like to download and install and move on.

Thanks for the feedback. We will move to self-service checkout at some point. Right now, we are making sure that we can provide superior support for the folks who install. Due to the fact the plugin includes a payment processing component, we also have to make sure that the community commerce is legal. We hope you chose to send us an email to request an activation key. Contact me at: chad@enthusify.com

forumrunt 11-22-2012 12:02 AM

e-mail sent :) thanks for explaining

Enthusify 12-21-2012 10:07 PM

Major upgrade to the Enthusify classifieds plugin for vBulletin coming soon!!! Get ready for version 2.0.0. We keep shipping. The changelog tells the story.

Enthusify 12-28-2012 11:09 PM

As Madeleine Albright stated in her 2007 UNC commencement address, "Real leadership comes from the quiet nudging of an inner voice. It comes from realizing that the time has come to move beyond waiting to doing."

That's right. It is time to install the Enthusify classifieds plugin. Version 2.0.1 is here and it is awesome.

New features include:
  • When an item sells, the plugin updates the thread version of the listing with a 'sold' status.
  • When a seller edits a listing, the plugin updates the thread version of the listing with the new information.
  • A buyer's email receipt from a purchase now includes the seller's email address.
  • There is now a point-and-click way to redirect the 'Post New Thread' button of any subforum to the plugin.
  • The plugin can now route a listing to a designated subform based on the category the seller assigned to the listing.
  • Significant 'under the hood' changes should eliminiate the need to update 'classifieds.php' in the future.
  • An option to reorder categories.
  • And more. Find more details in the changelog.

LifesGreatestGift 02-04-2013 10:13 PM

Can you release a light version that has no payment processing, just local stuff. like craigslist.

Enthusify 02-04-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by LifesGreatestGift (Post 2401933)
Can you release a light version that has no payment processing, just local stuff. like craigslist.

Enthusify allows a seller to opt out of payment processing. If all your sellers want to collect payment on their own, they can. Thus, the "full version" comes with the "light version" :-) Drop me an email if you want a marketplace id.

Enthusify 03-01-2013 11:29 PM

The Enthusify classifieds plugin for vBulletin is better than ever. Check out these 35 new features and fixes that we just implemented. You can easily take the plugin for a test drive on your site. Just email info@enthusify.com to request an activation code.

*) The ?forum username? field can now be used to match purchases with connected user accounts.
Useful for leaving feedback and for the upcoming ?My Orders? page.
*) Fixed a bug where users wouldn?t see any results if they made a search that returned fewer result pages than the amount of pages they had already navigated.
*) Fixed a bug where edits to listings by mods reassigned the owner of the automatically generated thread.
*) Fixed a bug where purchases of offers did not reflect the offer price if the payment was not being processed by Enthusify.
*) Sellers can now collect payment with Enthusify and receive a buyer?s payment on the same day.
To do this, they need to authorize a valid credit card.
This is reflected in all the communication buyers and sellers receive surrounding a listing.
*) If a thread is generated for a new listing, the success page will now link to the newly created thread.
*) If a thread is generated for a new listing, the ?Listing is Live? email also links to the thread.
*) If an admin visits the ?Who?s Online? page, the location column will say ?Enthusify Plugin? for users that are in the marketplace.
*) Made more updates to the listing creation process. (Improved the workflow / clarity)
*) Updated the ?Success? page that sellers see when they successfully create an item.
*) Updated the email the seller receives when his item sells. References where the seller is in the process and what to do next.
*) New users can now set their Enthusify account emails when they connect from the forum.
*) Significantly updated the listing creation process.
Added a ?Step 4? which is exclusively about how payment is collected and transferred.
Sellers can choose between collecting payment via Enthusify or on their own.
Sellers can now edit their PayPal email address.
Sellers can optionally provide us with feedback if they don?t use Enthusify to process payment.
Coming soon: Sellers will be able to opt into immediate payment transfer if they use Enthusify.
*) Sellers can use the ?enter? key in the descriptions to start a new line.
*) Added a toggle to ?My Active/Sold Listings? for moderators to switch between all the items for sale, and just their own.
*) Improved how users can switch between an item?s multiple images
*) Added a ?Report Item? tool below the item description.
When someone clicks this, an Enthusify staff member will receive a notification email.
*) Added ?Advanced Search? to the marketplace.
Users can now filter out listings without images, listings that are sold, and listings that are live.
Users can sort listings by post date, price, and Item title.
*) Buyers can now specify their forum username when placing a purchase.
*) Modified the ?Mark As Sold? feature for improved insight into marketplace behavior.
*) Modified the ?Cancel Listing? feature for improved insight into marketplace behavior.
*) The search filter ?Show listings without images? is now unchecked by default.
*) Improved how the plugin resizes if the window size changes.
*) Admins can now ban users from accessing the marketplace based off of email address.
*) Admins can now ban users from accessing the marketplace based off of I.P Address.
*) Fixed a bug where feedback appears multiple times if a user has connected to more than one marketplace.
*) All the pages that are accessed from the ?My Marketplace Tools? button now open in the same window instead of a new window.
*) Added a paid promotion option that lets users link keywords in the forum to their listing.
*) Added search functionality and pagination to the ?My Listings? page.
*) Added a badge in various parts of the marketplace that lets buyers know if a listing comes with Enthusify?s buyer protection.
*) Added a new search filter that limits results to listings using Enthusify?s buyer protection.
*) Updated the security of the page where sellers create listings.
*) Added a badge that proves we are SSL certified by GoDaddy to our checkout pages and listing creation.
*) Fixed a one-time bug for users that connect the same email to multiple Enthusify marketplaces.
*) Fixed a bug that left a space for the item image on the checkout page, even when the item has no image.

Enthusify 05-10-2013 02:58 PM

New features:
  1. We added a link in the ?Listing Details? to the corresponding thread for that item in the forum.
  2. New users can now hit ?enter? to connect their account once they submit their email. Previously a user had to click the continue button with a mouse click.
  3. We increased account registration security. We eliminated a feature that allowed a member of two forums on the Panjo network to connect his/her account without email verification. The lack of an email verification step could have resulted in a nefarious user finding a way to compromise a seller's listings.
  4. The Postbit link option in the ?Enthusify Settings? has been significantly improved.
  5. The "Items for sale" link in a member's postbit template only displays if a member has an item listed for sale in the marketplace.
  6. Existing sellers will need to cancel, mark as sold, sell an item, or list something new for sale in order for their link to activate.
  7. You can now subscribe to automatic updates for future releases of the Enthusify vBulletin plugin. Today, if Enthusify releases a feature with tight vBulletin integration, it often requires a vBulletin admin to update the plugin. With the auto update feature, you automatically get the latest version of the vBulletin plugin and always benefit from the latest features and bug fixes. With this enhancement, Enthusify can now deploy features you requested to more tightly integrate the marketplace into vBulletin without any administrative overhead on your part.
  8. We added a toggle to the ?Enthusify Settings? to allow you to opt out of Automatic Updates.
Bug fixes:
  1. Fixed a bug that asked some sellers to connect their PayPal account even if the seller was not using Enthusify to collect, verify, and transfer payment.
  2. Fixed a rare rounding error in ?Item Has Sold? emails that sellers receive.
  3. Fixed an issue that was blocking the thread post versions of seller's listings due to title limits, image upload limits, or character limits.
  4. Fixed an issue that was placing the thread post versions of seller's listing in the moderation queue by the built-in vBulletin moderation filters. This fix does not necessarily address moderation filters from third-party plugins.
  5. Fixed a conflict with the plugin ?The Image Resizer? that prevented the ?Buy Now? button in the thread post versions of the listings from connecting a buyer to the checkout page.
  6. Fixed a bug where the ?list view? and ?grid view? buttons sometimes didn?t work
  7. Fixed a bug that impacted the loading location of 'lightboxes' for rare browser/screen resolution situations.

Please keep your input coming. We love delivering the features you request.

Enthusify 10-02-2013 10:53 PM

Panjo just released a major overhaul to its marketplace plugin. Enhancements include:
* Self service set up
* Self service configuration
* Self service reporting
* Improved user interface

Panjo 11-12-2013 06:46 PM

Today, Panjo launched support for the following currencies:

Australian Dollar | AUD
Canadian Dollar | CAD
Czech Koruna | CZK
Danish Krone | DKK
Euro | EUR
Hong Kong Dollar | HKD
Norwegian Krone | NOK
New Zealand Dollar | NZD
Pound Sterling | GBP
Singapore Dollar | SGD
Swedish Krona | SEK
Swiss Franc | CHF
U.S. Dollar | USD

Panjo 12-06-2013 11:17 PM

More updates from Panjo:

1) Panjo released a new marketplace home page design
2) Panjo released a new 'list view' mode in the marketplace home page
3) Panjo reduced the marketplace load time by 45%
4) Panjo started powering the 'location' field with Google maps API. This will enable a forthcoming 'search by location' option.

Learn more about Panjo updates on the Panjo blog.

Panjo 01-20-2014 04:03 PM

Panjo announces 7 new features...
1) Buyers can now set how many listings they want to see at a time.
2) Buyers can now limit search results to a radius from a location.
3) Buyers can now set a min and max price range on search results.
4) Buyers can now limit search results by age.
5) Each listing now has a view counter.
6) Sellers can now more easily opt into and out of PayPal payment processing services.
7) Sellers now have more controls over the display and distribution of their listings, especially on mobile devices.

Enthusify 02-19-2014 10:29 PM

Once again, lots of major updates to the Panjo classifieds plugin for vBulletin. Get all the details on the Panjo marketplace blog.

Enthusify 09-16-2015 08:09 PM

Major Panjo update hits the cloud today. See http://www.panjo.com/partners for all the details.

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