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-   -   Private Messages Enhancements - Advanced Private Messaging System (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=284846)

Shadow 06-22-2012 10:00 PM

Advanced Private Messaging System
1 Attachment(s)
This hack adds various new features to the Private Messaging System such as Post Count Requirement and Excluding Usergroups from using the PM System all together. On top of this, it also adds features such as PM Previews and a Delete PM After Sending option. There are much more too, which you'll be able to see from the screenshots and I am also open for suggestions on more features. Check the 'To Do List' to see if a feature you'd like is there.

Development of this mod has been halted while I work on modifications for future iterations of vBulletin.

  • Exclude Usergroups from Using PMs
  • Exclude Users from Using PMs
  • Post count requirement before using the Private Messaging System
  • Authorised Banner for Staff Members. Can be adjusted to suit your needs
  • Automatically quote PMs in Quick Reply for supported vBulletin versions
  • Show percentage quota used
  • Delete PM after sending
  • PM Block List
  • PM Previews - Inline and Tooltips

Installation Instructions:
1) Download the archive and extract it somewhere using a program like WinRAR or 7zip.
2) Upload the contents of the upload folder to your forum directory.
3) Import the product xml that is also located in the archive.
4) Configure your options by going to AdminCP -> vBulletin Settings -> Advanced PM System Options
5) If you are going to use the PM Block List feature, then follow these steps:

Create a new Multi-Line Custom User Profile Field.
- Go to Admin CP -> Add New User Profile Field
- Multi-Line Text Box
- Title: PM Block List
- Description: Users on this list will not be able to PM you. Enter 1 username per line. Mods and Admins will always be able to PM you regardless of this setting.
- Max length of allowed user input: At least 1000
- Field Required: No
- Field Editable by User: Yes
- Private Field: No
- Field Searchable on Members List: No
- Which page displays this option? Options: Log In / Privacy
- Keep all other settings default or customize to your needs.
- Save the Profile Field
- Record the field# given to the field in the Profile Field Manager. You want the field#. The display order may be different than the field #.
6) Enter the Field# in to the correct settings field in AdminCP -> vBulletin Settings -> Advanced PM System Options

25/06/2012 - Version 1.20:
- Users can now be excluded from PMs.
- Removed redundant code.
24/06/2012 - Version 1.10:
- Users that are excluded from PMs can now read PMs but not reply.
- Quick Reply is hidden from Excluded Groups when they are reading received PMs.
- Removed redundant code.
- Fixed an issue where some of the toggles in vBulletin Settings were not working.
23/06/2012 - Version 1.00:
- Initial release.

To Do List:
  • Add two different ways of displaying percentage quota. (Amount Used and Amount Left)
  • Add Reply to All functionality
  • Auto Reply/Out of Office Reply

BirdOPrey5 for sharing his PM Previews and PM Block List modifications.
ForumMods for some useful code.
mawby for the code for the Authorised Banner.

I'm always looking to improve my work for the people that enjoy using it. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve this hack then please leave a comment and I'll see what I'm able to do. Don't forget to 'Mark As Installed' if you've got it installed!

Trek 06-23-2012 07:53 PM

Looks good! I was going to request the "Reply to All" feature, but I see you have that in the TO DO. I also like your OOO idea as well, that'll work great on some accounts I have that I'd like to auto respond to when people PM them.

Nice work though, I'll give it an install later when I have a little more time. =)

dmm2020 06-23-2012 08:03 PM

I would consider this IF every member can still PM a moderator or admin. That exception almost has to be there to do business on my site. I am also interested in seeing advanced PMs to include images and attachments, both based on permissions.

Shadow 06-23-2012 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Trek (Post 2342393)
Looks good! I was going to request the "Reply to All" feature, but I see you have that in the TO DO. I also like your OOO idea as well, that'll work great on some accounts I have that I'd like to auto respond to when people PM them.

Nice work though, I'll give it an install later when I have a little more time. =)

Reply to All and the Out Of Office part will most likely be apart of the next version. Just gotta polish up the Out Of Office bit. Thanks for the positive comments! Much appreciated!


Originally Posted by dmm2020 (Post 2342398)
I would consider this IF every member can still PM a moderator or admin. That exception almost has to be there to do business on my site. I am also interested in seeing advanced PMs to include images and attachments, both based on permissions.

Ah yes, that is also a good suggestion. Didn't think of that when developing the add-on. I'll get working on that too! Thanks for the suggestion.

New Joe 06-24-2012 01:16 AM

BE great if you could add the function to attach attachments for PMs, could you add that?

Shadow 06-24-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 2342431)
BE great if you could add the function to attach attachments for PMs, could you add that?

I'll give it a shot soon. Thank you for the suggestion.

New Joe 06-24-2012 11:42 AM

It's what is missing on the PM system for vb4, you can't add an attachment.
Like I said be good if that was part of this one

kh99 06-24-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 2342492)
It's what is missing on the PM system for vb4, you can't add an attachment.
Like I said be good if that was part of this one

This was released not too long ago: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=284138

New Joe 06-24-2012 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2342493)
This was released not too long ago: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=284138

Too many problems with that one

kh99 06-24-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 2342505)
Too many problems with that one

Fair enough - I haven't tried it myself.

Shadow 06-24-2012 02:43 PM

New version released - Version 1.10:
- Users that are excluded from PMs can now read PMs but not reply.
- Quick Reply is hidden from Excluded Groups when they are reading received PMs.
- Removed redundant code.
- Fixed an issue where some of the toggles in vBulletin Settings were not working.

dreamygirl 06-25-2012 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Shadow786 (Post 2342547)
- Users that are excluded from PMs can now read PMs but not reply.

I would like users to be able to reply if it's from a moderator or admin.

Shadow 06-25-2012 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by dreamygirl (Post 2342809)
I would like users to be able to reply if it's from a moderator or admin.

Working on getting that one finished. Won't be long now :D

Shadow 06-25-2012 06:33 PM

New version released - Version 1.20:
- Users can now be excluded from PMs.
- Removed redundant code.

bzcomputers 07-07-2012 08:23 PM

Request: Ability to hide "Private Messages" link on navbar from excluded groups.

woffie 07-10-2012 06:29 PM

I am wondering if this will conflict with "advanced permissions based on post count" modification.


Shadow 07-10-2012 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by woffie (Post 2346751)
I am wondering if this will conflict with "advanced permissions based on post count" modification.


Most likely, it will not seeing as that modification if you don't enable the Private Messaging part of that modification. Or you could disable the Post Count Requirement feature in my modification and use the other features while using the Post Count Requirement from Valter's modification.

So, all clear from me but it'd be safe to test it on a test board before applying it to a live board. Always better safe than sorry :D

New Joe 07-16-2012 02:17 PM

Any update on adding attachments to PMs yet?

Shadow 07-16-2012 02:19 PM

Sorry it's been a while but right now (like literally), I'm re-coding this modification to add a bunch of new features, clean up the code and add a deeper level of customization for users. I'll finish as quick as I can but I want to polish it up to the best of my ability. As for attachments, a couple bugs need to be ironed out and then it should be good to go.

tourajabbasi 07-30-2012 09:06 AM


I've installed Advanced Private Message System from this link:

and after i uninstalled it....

My private messages inbox are became like this :


even check all is not works properly:

I even installed new skin ... same problem.

can I do ?

Shadow 07-30-2012 10:39 AM


Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I have tried to re-produce the problem you had and on my test site, I could not re-produce the problem you are having on your site. Could their possibly be any other modifications that you have installed that may be conflicting with the Private Messaging system?

tourajabbasi 07-30-2012 11:20 AM


Thanks for your reply.... I fixed it like that :
I overwrite all the vbulletin files and i upgraded it again ...

I didnt have any mods for PM system ...

Thanks for ur quick reply.

New Joe 07-30-2012 01:19 PM

@ Shadow, any idea when your next version will be out? With the ability to add attachments.

Shadow 07-30-2012 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by tourajabbasi (Post 2352709)

Thanks for your reply.... I fixed it like that :
I overwrite all the vbulletin files and i upgraded it again ...

I didnt have any mods for PM system ...

Thanks for ur quick reply.

Glad you got it sorted buddy.


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 2352731)
@ Shadow, any idea when your next version will be out? With the ability to add attachments.

It's got a few bugs in it as of yet, need to get hold of some testers to help. If you're willing to help, shoot me a PM.

thunderclap82 08-02-2012 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by dreamygirl (Post 2342809)
I would like users to be able to reply if it's from a moderator or admin.

I see you're working on this, but would it also be possible to add an option to allow users that don't have the required post count to PM staff (i.e. admin, mods, etc.)?

thunderclap82 08-02-2012 03:51 AM

One other addition I'd like to recommend: allowing users to read PM's from staff. We have a welcome PM go out to new members, but if they don't meet the minimum post count they can't even read that. It would be a really good feature to allow what groups people can send and receive PM's to and from.

Shadow 08-02-2012 05:10 PM

I'm working on that. That's the only thing that needs to be finished and version 2 will be out. Unfortunately PM Attachments wont be in it and will come as a separate product if I can fix it.

Brew 08-02-2012 11:23 PM


Can you explain what the PM Block List is/does?



Never mind....I figured it out as I installed it.

Great mod btw!!!

ksmedia 08-08-2012 07:58 PM

Hi Shadow,

thanks for the great hack. Is it possible to implement a feature of restricting sending of PM based on specific UserField, for example:


if sender?s UserField5= "5" and recipient UserField5 = "6" = "Deny PM Sending"
..and vice-versa

Thanks in advance

Shadow 08-09-2012 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by ksmedia (Post 2355642)
Hi Shadow,

thanks for the great hack. Is it possible to implement a feature of restricting sending of PM based on specific UserField, for example:


if sender?s UserField5= "5" and recipient UserField5 = "6" = "Deny PM Sending"
..and vice-versa

Thanks in advance

I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean, for the user to be able to deny PM messages if the User Profile Field is true?

ksmedia 08-10-2012 07:45 PM


Sorry, i´ll try to explain what I mean through the following example. It is merely conditioned by a specific User Profile Field.

An example:

As User Profile Field in vBulletin, we have:
- Biografy (field1)
- Location (field2)
- Interests (field3)
- Activities (field4)
- Privacy (field5)

Now, the field5 (Privacy) has 2 options:
1. Yes
2. No

So, the option I meant is that, the users that have "Yes" defined in field5 cannot send/recieve PM´s to users whith "No" defined in field5 and vice-versa.


Shadow 08-10-2012 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by ksmedia (Post 2356065)

Sorry, i?ll try to explain what I mean through the following example. It is merely conditioned by a specific User Profile Field.

An example:

As User Profile Field in vBulletin, we have:
- Biografy (field1)
- Location (field2)
- Interests (field3)
- Activities (field4)
- Privacy (field5)

Now, the field5 (Privacy) has 2 options:
1. Yes
2. No

So, the option I meant is that, the users that have "Yes" defined in field5 cannot send/recieve PM?s to users whith "No" defined in field5 and vice-versa.


Nice suggestion, I'll definitely give it a shot when I get some free time. Haven't had the time to work on this modification as much as I'd like but I'll give it a try soon.


ksmedia 08-10-2012 09:15 PM

Thanks Shadow,

I think this would be very useful in many ways, i.e.: Adult<->Children, Male<->Female, Newbee<->Senior, etc.

Anyway, looking forward for it, and thanks in advance!

p.s. Just as a "hint", it may be useful to exclude Admins/Mods from the restriction.

GMan55 10-19-2012 06:15 PM

Does this work for 4.2.0?


bzcomputers 10-19-2012 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by GMan55 (Post 2374321)
Does this work for 4.2.0?



GMan55 10-20-2012 12:32 AM

Also, does it have usergroup exceptions for sending PMs?

For example, I want a usergroup to be unable to send PMs to certain usergroups until they reach a post count, but regardless of post count, they should be able to send PMs to all staff and certain other usergroups. Is that possible?

bzcomputers 10-20-2012 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by GMan55 (Post 2374403)
Also, does it have usergroup exceptions for sending PMs?

For example, I want a usergroup to be unable to send PMs to certain usergroups until they reach a post count, but regardless of post count, they should be able to send PMs to all staff and certain other usergroups. Is that possible?

No, but it is currently the closest mod you will find to getting that.

Nirjonadda 10-20-2012 09:53 AM

Please Try to add option PM inbox full Notifications for 4.1.10 !

DannyV 11-05-2012 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nirjonadda (Post 2374471)
Please Try to add option PM inbox full Notifications for 4.1.10 !

That you can do with the defaul notices in vb.
Got to your admin cp and check "Notices".

jluerken 11-10-2012 09:10 AM

I would really like to see an option that allows people with a specific infraction level to only write PM's to name groups like the staff groups.
Problem is that the infraction system does not really move people in the usergroup and just only applies the usergroup rights to them.
Not easy to code I guess but I would really like to see an addon that does this ^^

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